AS16: Blade & ??? vs. Big Dave & Austin Reynolds

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite Blade naming Big Dave as his opponent for Apocalypse, Austin Reynolds showed that he's not to be underestimated! Now Blade had the hard challenge of taking on both the Elite X and EurAsian Champion, to make matters worse, he doesn't know who his partner will be until Hammond and Beckford decide their differences on Meltdown the night before, will Blade make the most of the situation or this challenge too much to conquer for The Prodical Son?

Note: Hammond and Beckford's RPs from their Meltdown match will be used for this match pending on the victor.

Deadline is Tuesday 8th June 2010, 23:59EST
Backstage at the arena of where the latest WZCW event is being held, Blade is swiftly through the halls. He ignores his peers and the crew, keeping his eyes forward, focused on one spot. Finally, he comes to a stop outside a grey door. He takes a deep breath, and knocks on the door. There’s an answer from within in a gruff London accent.

Voice: Come in.

Blade opens the door and steps into the room to find Scott Hammond alone doing push ups, sweat running down his face. Blade gives him a nod of greeting, which is returned by Hammond as he stands up and wipes his face off with a towel. Blade sits down on the small couch against the wall.

Hammond: Come to give me a few words about my match with Beckford?

Blade: Yes, actually. But what I have to say is probably going to surprise you.

Blade pulls out his pack of cigarettes.

Blade: Mind if I.....?

Hammond: Go ahead.

Blade lights the cigarette and inhales deeply, closing his eyes in pleasure before speaking again.

Blade: Ok, listen up.

Blade exhales slowly.

Blade: I’m going to be totally honest with you right now. I want you to beat Beckford. I need you to beat him. I know you feel the same too, because a shot at the Elite X title is on the line. And maybe the tag match against Reynolds and Big Dave isn’t your priority right now. But listen, as good as being number one contender for the Elite X title would be for you career, holding a victory over Reynolds and Big Dave would be even better.

Hammond takes a long drink from a bottle of water and then sits down across from Blade.

Hammond: But.... Why?

Blade: Why? I have to explain to you how a win over both the Elite X champion and EurAsian champion would be good for you!?

Hammond: No, not that. Why do you want me to be your partner?

Blade’s looks thoughtful for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully. He takes another drag of his cigarette and nods his head.

Blade: See, Beckford is a decent competitor. But it seems like his career is a case of one step forward, two steps back. He just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere right now, while you are rocketing to the top. While the likes of you and me are improving, Beckford is the same as he was a few months ago, back when we were all in the EurAsian league. Back then, Beckford beat me. But now, he barely lasted 12 minutes with me.

Blade takes another drag before looking Hammond directly in the eye.

Blade: But that’s not even the main reason I don’t want him as a partner. See, Beckford is going nowhere lately but.... He doesn’t even realise it. Y’see, I went to have a talk with him earlier, but I overheard him talking to an interviewer. It sounds like it was off the record, but he seemed to the think that you.... Were a nobody.

Hammond’s expression changes, a hint of anger starts to appear on his face.

Hammond: What do you mean...?

Blade: He said you were just a Mayhem guy, that you weren’t good enough to be in the ring with us. He said you were at the bottom of the food chain, and that when you came out to help us when we were getting beaten down by Reynolds and Big Dave, you were sticking your nose where it didn’t belong.

Hammond is now looking furious. He stands up quickly and throws his water bottle against the wall in anger.

Hammond: That ungrateful little prick! I saved his ass. He’s just embarrassed that he needed someone else to get Reynolds off him.

Blade: I know man. They would’ve destroyed us if it wasn’t for you. I don’t know why he can’t see that.

Hammond: Right... Well, I’m gonna kick the ever living shit out of him!

Blade: Good! I want you to give him what he deserves! But if you’re gonna get revenge for what he said, do it properly. Do it in the ring, not backstage. At least that way, you beat him, get your Elite X title shot and prove to the world that you do belong.

Hammond is breathing heavily, pacing in the room.

Hammond: Well.... Thanks for telling me this mate.

Blade gets up and shakes his hand.

Blade: No problem. I’ll see you at Ascension.

Blade puts out the cigarette then walks out of the room. He closes the grey door behind him, then leans backwards against it. He then starts to walk back down the halls. After a few moments a smirk appears on his face and he lets out a loud laugh. Rebecca Serra is standing nearby, talking to a camera man but she hears Blade laughing. She walks towards him as he approaches.

Rebecca: Blade, what in the world....?

Blade: Haha! Becky, the shit is on!

He continues to walk, going straight passed her and leaving her with a bemused expression on her face.


It’s two hours later and Blade walks into the WZCW eating area, where catering has just started feeding the wrestlers. Half the WZCW roster is there and Blade walks over to the food. He grabs himself and loads it up with a few chicken legs. He spots Beckford at the back of the room, sitting at a table with Showtime and Titus and eating a large piece of steak. Blade makes his way over. Titus sees Blade and quickly stands up. Showtime and Beckford look at Titus for a moment, before realising Blade is there.

Blade: Hey, listen, I don’t want any trouble. I’m sorry for what happened a few weeks ago but I just came over to talk to Beckford. Can you guys please give us a minute?

Showtime: Sure thing. Coming, Titus?

Titus picks up his plate and starts to follow Showtime, keeping his eyes on Blade with a look of slight disgust on his face. Blade sits down with Beckford.

Beckford: What can I do for you, Blade?

Blade picks up a chicken leg and rips out a large chunk of it and starts eating. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and starts talking.

Blade: Just came to have a chat about the whole situation with you, me, Hammond and the tag match.

Beckford: Well, no offense, Blade. But I’m more focused on getting another shot at the Elite X title.

Blade nods his head while chewing another mouthful of chicken as Beckford finishes off his steak.

Blade: Of course, that’s understandable. But here’s the thing, I need your help. I don’t trust Hammond to have my back.

Beckford swallows his last mouthful of steak as he shakes his head.

Beckford: And why should I care if you’re feeling paranoid?

Blade: You shouldn’t. But you should care about what Hammond was saying earlier.

Beckford: And what would that be?

Blade bites the last piece of meat off of his last chicken leg and moves his plate to the side.

Blade: He was talking shit about you. He’s telling everyone that he’s changed now, but he’s clearly still the same Hammond we’ve always know. See, I went to talk to him earlier, just wanting to know how he was feeling about his match with you. And he dropped a little bombshell on me. He said you were going nowhere, he called you a career midcarder who should get out of the way while people like him make their way to the top.

Beckford takes a drink of water, an expression of both confusion and frustration on his face.

Beckford: Are you serious?

Blade: Man, he thinks you can’t beat him. He said you’re actually worse now than you were a few months ago and that he was the Mayhem champion for 3 months but you haven’t done anything here.

Beckford: What the hell?! I was in an Elite X match at Redemption. Or has he lost his short term memory from too many chair shots to his head?

Blade: I know, man. He thinks that because he was Mayhem champion, he’s somehow better than you. But listen, I know you can beat him. So do it for me and do it for you. Get the shot at the Elite X title that you deserve and shut Hammond up while doing it.

Beckford: Yeah.... That sounds like a pretty damn good plan. Thanks Blade.

Blade gets up and gives Beckford a nod before walking away. As he leaves, a smirk once again spreads across his face.


Blade is backstage with Rebecca Serra, looking happy with himself. She talks as he takes out a cigarette.

Rebecca: Blade, it’s looking to be an interesting week for you in WZCW. Scott Hammond and Chris Beckford will face off and the winner will not only be number one contender for Austin Reynolds’ Elite X title, but they will also be your tag team partner against the team of Reynolds and your opponent at Apocalypse, Big Dave. What are your thoughts?

Blade takes out his lighter, but talks before using it.

Blade: Wrestling is a tricky profession to be in. When you have a big tag team match coming up, you not only need to get inside the mind of your opponents, you have to get inside the mind of your partner to. Earlier today, I had a chat with both Hammond and Beckford and I...

He clicks on his lighter.

Blade: Lit a fire underneath them both, ensuring that both men will be extra motivated at Meltdown and I will get the best man as my partner on Ascension.

He lights the cigarette and takes a drag.

Blade: Dave, I know you’re going to try scare me with some words of your own over the next few weeks, and I look forward to it. But this week is going to change everything between you and I. See, as I’ve said, I’ve made sure that you and Reynolds will be losing on Ascension. You may talk about how I’m not as good as you, how I won’t win the EurAsian title, how I’m weaker than I think I am... But this week, I’m going to be in your head after our match, simply because I gave both my potential partners a rousing speech... If I can get into your head by doing something you weren’t even involved in, how are you any better?

Blade lets out a laugh and walks away.
We see Hayley and Dominic sitting in his office, based in a Chicago skyscraper. She is clearly concerned.

“I don’t know what’s up with him. He seems so normal and content at home but when he is at work -”

“He’s becoming a f**kin liability!”

“But he is under a lot of stress.”

“I’ve had Bateman and Myles on the phone, both blame him for the trouble with Big Dave, Blade, Hammond and Beckford. And I can’t say I blame them!”

“I think it’s just pressure. I mean he has had a lot to take in recently”

“That belt has turned him into Dr freakin’ Hyde!”

Austin walks in. Dominic was not quiet and he heard every word of that last sentence.

“That belt is the best thing that has happened to me since forever.”

Hayley begins to pout and protest but Austin cuts her off. “You know what I mean babe. I am being treated like a second class citizen because I am the champion and they can’t stand it. The fact that I am making a bigger splash than the world champ is driving the management insane. My impact on ratings is bigger than any debut or world title win in the history of the company.”

“They think that by threatening me with Blade’s title shot and having Beckford and Hammond lurking in the depths of their mediocrity, that I am going to crack. That I am going to buckle. No, that just isn’t going to happen. I’m going to deliver ratings and stellar performance time after time, but I’m going to do it as myself, the bringer of ratings and still the Elite X champ.”

“I’m the biggest star here and I’ll be the biggest star in the match this week. I am going to whatever stupid American hick town the show is in this week and outshine everyone else, because I do not know how to be dull. My victory will be the perfect set up for the incredible event that will be my championship defence at Apocalypse.”

Hayley and Dom look at each other hesitantly. They know what is coming next. Austin has been sulking about his undecided pay-per-view opponent since the call was made.

“Except that the management don’t want to give me the even playing field. Everyone else of relative importance knows who they are facing this week and who they are facing. But I am not afforded that basic luxury, that basic right of preparation.”

“Baby, it’s Ok.”

“Exactly dude. We will sort your training out so you will be covered on all fronts. Beckford and Hammond aren’t good enough to cause you to lose sleep.”

“That’s not the point. I mean how am I supposed to give the five star performance that my millions of fans expect when I don’t know which chump is joining Blade.”

Hayley begins to give Austin a neck rub. Realising he should calm down, he does.

“It’s not like I am sweating on Blade and I doubt Dave is either. He is the biggest failure in the company. I’ve been here only weeks and look at me. I’m like a piece of the furniture and I’m creating my own bit of history in WZCW. I look out from my place in the elite and see Blade as nothing more than an underachieving stain. He should be grateful that he is getting ring time with two true stars like myself and Dave.”

Hayley and Dom give each other a wary look. Austin cricks his neck as Hayley digs her fingers in.

“But I think it is only fair that I forfeit the opportunity to participate in this match because I need to focus on Apocalypse. It’s bad enough that I’m getting less time than what is normal and fair.”

A small beep emerges from Dom’s Blackberry, signalling receipt of an email. He picks it up and shows it to Austin, with a smile on his face.

“You should pay me more.”

“Huh? What’s this? Meltdown.....commentary!”

“I knew that you would not be impressed so I booked you on a scouting mission of sorts. You will be a matter of feet away and have the best view in the house. So Beckford can fly all he likes and Hammond can wrestle a clinic like he so often claims he can, but you will be able to see it. We can then prep for Apocalypse as much as you want.”

“Yeah, you know what. That is going to work a treat. I can.....”

Austin is cut off by his own mobile phone, which is ringing with an unknown number.

“Hello? Yeah of course.....I will see you there.”

He shuts his phone and gets up to leave

“Baby, we need to leave if we are going to Meltdown. Something’s just come up and I need to get there as early as possible.”

“Don’t tell me you have business that your agent doesn’t know about.”

“Not bloody likely but it will make sense on TV this week, I promise.”

Austin and Hayley say their amicable goodbyes and leave Dom’s office. They make their way to the airport and board a flight out of Chicago.

Five hours and a pleasant first class flight later, Austin has made his way to the arena that hosts Meltdown. Hayley is resting in their hotel room and Austin left her because of some business he had to take care of.

The phone call he received in Chicago was from Big Dave. And while Austin hated tag teaming with anyone, he was not going to resist Dave’s request to meet to talk over some things before Meltdown. He was after a champion, like him and they both knew that going into their match cold and unprepared, would only end badly.

So having parked his rental car in the car park, Austin made his way to the gorilla area. From this point, just behind the curtain, he could feel the buzz that would be bustling around here in a couple of hours when Meltdown is live. But for now, it is eerily quiet except for the ring crew who were building the set in the main body of the arena. He popped his head around and noticed a lone figure, addressing a camera crew.

This is who Austin came to see. Even from this distance, the EurAsian title made it very clear who it was. Austin stepped through the curtain and waited just beneath the Titantron.

A couple of moments later and Dave was approaching Austin. It is clear by the hesitant way they approach each other that there may be some trust issues that may interfere with how they deal with their common goal at Ascension.

“We need to talk.”

“Yes. But let’s get out of here.”

They make their way backstage silently. Both seem unsure as to how they should break the quiet.

“This may not be an ideal situation.”

“Hardly but we are champions. And we will be expected to deal with it as such.”

“Exactly, which is why I was happy to meet. You see, you know how to deal with Blade. And I know what to expect from Beckford or Hammond.”

“Yes, I dislike how Bateman and Myles are trying to compromise our positions ahead of Apocalypse. But Ascension should be our focus.”

Austin nods. Only now is he appreciating Dave’s experience.

“Blade will look to punish and hurt us without prejudice. His lack of titles is not by lack of trying and he really doesn’t care about it. We will only be obstacles to him, to run through and demolish at his choosing. These belts are targets to him.”

“He is a bull no doubt but we are quicker and smarter than him. Of that I have no doubt.”

“Indeed, and that will be the key to victory.”

Austin grimaces. Blade will pose a similar challenge to Karnage. Fiercely determined and single minded. His own aerial ability and quickness were going to be key.

“Now I know we will not know our partner until tonight but Beckford and Hammond seem too close to separate to me.”

“Beckford is quick but he will crash and burn; it is inevitable. He takes gambles like it is going out of fashion and that has been his downfall. I am quicker than him and you are stronger than he is.”

“And if Hammond was the technical great that he claimed to be then he would have been champion for more than five seconds in the Mayhem division. I can and will run rings around him, just like I did last week.”

“He has a concussion?”

“Correct. And I don’t know how he is cleared to work. He must have a smaller brain than I thought.”

“You perceive these two to be a minimal threat?”


“And that is your flaw Austin. You need to appreciate that, just like you did, people will raise their game against you. Ratings aren’t everything. You need to ensure your killer instinct is primed. Ratings and win will follow you if you are in top form”

As much as he would like to dismiss it, Austin recognises two things; the clear fact that Dave didn’t like or trust him. There was also the underlying feeling that Dave may have a point. Hammond had frustrated him last week and the belt shot was just cause. Technically he had lost but technically, Austin rang Hammond’s bell like it was Big Ben.

And while Beckford had been out of Austin’s radar for some time now, he relished the opportunity to ground his ambitions. It would be a great pleasure to remind him that he was the victor, the one who emerged with all the success. Beckford was just another guy. Another name for Austin to reel off as a failure, who Austin stepped over on the way to bigger and better.

And it was then while talking detailed strategy with Big Dave, that Austin realised something. Apocalypse was going to be his time – ratings would be through the roof and it would be all about his successful title defence. In the meantime, Ascension was set up to be a fantastic demonstration of why Austin had so much faith in his ability.
The technical crew are hard at work setting up the stage for the Meltdown arena as seats are being places and the titantron is being rigged. Out through the curtain steps a casually dressed EurAsian Champion Big Dave, the gold shining from around his waist in the light. He observes the crew at work and notices the ring is empty aside from the men fixing up the announce table, he gets inside the ring and stands in the centre stage, soaking up the atmosphere, taking a deep breath and letting it sink in before he slowly shakes his head and opens his eyes. He sits down in one of the corners with his knees up high as he sits in deep thought.

Ever since that call was made, I’ve been trying to find out what makes him tick.

While my focus should be on another, I need to understand how he works.

He looks up and surveys the scene from where he sits.

I’ve beaten him and the man most like him is my rival, yet I can never understand what makes them so attracted to this scene.

I distinctly told him before that if you take all this away and to listen carefully, you get nothing but silence. Yet I find myself more curious about this choice of lifestyle he made.

I’ve been use to working out how my opponent works, yet I find trying to work him out a lot harder. His determination seems to be heightened by the desire for gold and actually having it. Does it complete him? Will it destroy him? All these questions are left unanswered and only time will tell when the outcome will be revealed.

Yet the questions I find myself asking about him is why was that choice made? What makes him lesser than I am aside from the obvious? Yet with so little time between now and Apocalypse, I find myself possibly thinking that he’s more dangerous than I anticipated, that this man could be my downfall at this time and it may play a role in the rest of my career.

But do I allow him to be this arrogant and let him go with the flow or show him the reality of the situation? I did once before not so long ago and his greatest glory came from defeating a man that was my partner in setting the truths right in this company.

Dave stands up from the corner and paces slowly inside the ring before choosing to sit up on top of another turnbuckle.

Every night I compete in this company, everyone is just another victim on the path and this week will be no different. A huge defence is coming and I even thought for a second that it could be easy in comparison to what I saw in Showtime. Yet this week, the feeling is different, a fork in the road, a difference maker. This is what has been clouding my mind since the events of Meltdown and that Blade would be my next opponent, my next challenger, my next victim. Yet the situation doesn’t feel right, is it because it took so long for him to decide that now is the time to face me? Or is it because of how things went after that decision was made?

Yet I find myself sitting here in this ring and thinking about someone more threatening to the situation that outweighs Blade. It’s not the element of who will be partnering him, it’s who is partnering with me.

Dave climbs down from the turnbuckle and leans on the ropes facing towards the ramp as the tech crew continue to fix up the titantron and lights.

Austin Reynolds is a man that is so blinded by the idea that he pleases people because of the things he does, yet he continues to not impress me. He took to heart that he wasn’t good enough to be chosen as Blade’s opponent and tried to make a statement as Blade stood in my face.

This man is my partner this week…I say partner but then that’s a place reserved for one man that I have the most respect…Austin is my associate for this week and he’s more a threat to me than anyone else right now. This week on Ascension, while it may seem like another tag match, it’s something more for him. He has a point to prove and it’s that element that could cost me the match. When I lost my life long tag partner, I knew I was unstoppable because I didn’t have a weakness, yet Austin’s situation is placed upon me and I know he will be reckless if given the chance.

But do I just slug it out? Keep him at base point and prove that I can defeat Blade and his partner without making this personal, or let him take the action out of my hands which could cost me more than anything. Since becoming the champion, he’s been fighting an internal battle with himself, believing that the belt completes him, yet he’s overconfident and is not thinking about the victory being the important element, just proving a point. There are moments for those times and that comes the moment the referee’s hand is slapped down for the third time or your opponent is tapping in agony.

Dave looks down for a moment before looking up and seeing Austin Reynolds standing underneath the titantron. Dave slowly climbs down the ring and drops to the floor outside.

The choice has to come now…

Dave slowly walks up the ramp

…do I keep things in my hands…

Drawing nearing to Austin

…or let this unstable element ruin everything…

He reaches the top of the ramp, as Austin paces hesitantly near

…my decision is…

“We need to talk”

“Yes. But let’s get out of here.”
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