AS14 - Phoenix vs. James Baker

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Funny how time flies, three months ago Second Coming had just lost the Tag Team Championship while James Baker returned and won the Mayhem Championship, now in the present day, Baker holds the gold that Phoenix himself once held while Phoenix suffered a loss to his former partner Garth Black. Given their current status and history in WZCW, both men won't be looking to slip on either front as Baker will look to keep the Ghetto Stars looking strong while Phoenix will be looking to show his lost to Black was just a fluke.

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
The scene opens up inside of the WZCW Locker Room where we see James Baker and Malik Jones sitting down on a couple of chairs, talking to each other while they're drinking on some bottles of water.

Malik Jones: "So how's this partnership with Baller working out?"

James: "He may have improved dramatically ever since I beat the dog shit out of him to retain the Mayhem Title, but he's still a cocky little shit."

Malik Jones: "You have to shrug off those words."

James: "How would you feel if he said that he was the one who carries the team?"

Malik Jones: "Well, we all know that is a completely false statement. I mean, it was you that won the tag team titles and it has been you who has gotten all of those victories. Am I right?"

James: "Of course you're right. Maybe i'm just strugglin' on how I gotta deal with that cocky attitude."

Malik Jones: "Well if I recall, in your first stint in WZCW, you were one cocky and evil man."

James: "You always have to bring that up, don't you?"

Malik Jones: "Well, you asked for it."

James: "But seriously dog, do you like this beautiful tag team title that I now have in my possession?

Malik Jones: "Oh yeah, it's top notch. I remember when you first went for those belts with that guy as your partner."

James: "I try to not remember that. It set my career back a whole lot and i'm still not happy about what went down durin' that stint as well."

Malik Jones: "Well anyways, Becky Serra going to be here in a bit to interview."

James: "What the hell should I do then?"

Malik Jones: "Act casual."

James: "That's real easy for you to say pal."

Malik Jones: "Just do it because she's gonna be here any minute."

James: "Okay, okay. Damn!"

Becky Serra then walks into the room with a microphone in her hand and the camera crew in tow behind her. She then takes her place in the middle of James and Malik before she gives the countdown for the camera to start rolling.

Becky Serra: "Hello everybody! I am Becky Serra and i'm standing by with one half of the new WZCW World Tag Team Champions, 'Da Xtreme Gangsta' James Baker."

James: "That's right Becky. I finally have the title that has eluded me for over a whole year."

Becky Serra: "How does it feel to get the monkey off your back, so to speak?"

James: "It feels absolutely wonderful. I mean, it's no secret that i've come up just short in past matches for those prestigious titles, but at Redemption, it finally happened as The Ghetto Stars emerged as the new WZCW World Tag Team Champions and it feels great to finally be able to say that."

James then raises his WZCW World Tag Team Title in the air with pride.

Becky Serra: "Where do you think The Ghetto Stars will go from here, now that you two are the champions?"

James: "Simple! We will do whatever we have to do to retain the belts. We plan on bein' the champs for a very long time and we also plan on bein' the greatest set of tag team champions that this company has ever had."

Becky Serra: "Speaking of that, this upcoming episode of Ascension, you will face a former tag team champion and one of your biggest rivals to date in Phoenix."

James: "I'm facin' Phoenix? The same man who helped put me on the shelf for two months?"

Becky Serra: "That would be correct. Is there anything that you want to say."

James: "You god damn right there's somethin' I wanna say. May I have the microphone please?"

Becky Serra: "Sure no problem."

Becky then hands James the microphone and he wastes no time in speaking his mind.

James: "It's been a while, hasn't it Phoenix. I mean, you were one of the worthless pieces of shits who nearly costed me my career as my ankle was shattered to pieces. Don't think for one god damn second that I have forgotten about that moment, because every day that I wake up, every day that I go to sleep and every day that I look at my right ankle, I am reminded of the severe damage that you and Garth Black did to me and it makes my blood boil to the point of beatin' somebody senseless for no reason."

"It's like the old sayin' goes, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

"And that applies in this match because I get my opportunity to get my revenge, well somewhat because your old butt buddy Garth Black isn't here to get his ass kicked as well, but that's totally fine with me though, I can take you out just like that and once i'm done, i'll take your buddy out as well because i'm just that pissed off and it would satisfy me to the fullest, actually scratch that for just a sec, it would pleasure me to the fullest if you get hauled out of the arena on a stretcher, just because you deserve that to happen to you."

"There is somethin' that you need to know and that is that the James Baker that you're facin' off against, is a completely different person than what you took out on the first episode of Ascension. I mean, today i'm a champion, actually scratch that, i'm a multiple time champion in this company, while before, an inept jackass named Kyle Christiansen purposely prevented me from having any type of success and what's gonna be so great about this, is that i'll continue to have great success, while you will prove that you're just all talk."

"Phoenix, you better prepare to get your ass beaten to shreds, because if I have it my way, I will make sure that you don't ever walk again and for what you've done to me, you will pay dearly and for your sake, you better have a plan against me because i'm comin' at full force and I will cause complete and total brutality in our match and that's that and nothin' more, believe that bitch."

Fade to black.
The scene opens in a locker room the night of Ascension. Sitting by himself, watching a TV with his back to the camera is Phoenix. He is watching the promo from James Baker on this week’s match between the two men. The TV fades to black and Phoenix turns toward the camera laughing.

You think you scare me, James? Do you really think these threats have any effect on me? I’ve beaten men that were a lot more dangerous and capable than you are. So what if you are a tag team champ. I’ve been there and done that. You beat a borderline incompetent tag team champ and his replacement partner who has managed to make the team worse somehow. Then you want to brag about being Mayhem Champion? I’m 5 times more sadistic than anyone you faced to become the champion and/or defended it against. As far as I’m concerned, you have accomplished absolutely nothing in this company. My beating you will be proof that the tag team division is much worse off without me competing in it.

I think what I find hardest to believe is that you would still talk like this to me after what I did to you months ago and what I did to Garth Black at Redemption. Your ankle was shattered. Let me repeat that: YOUR ANKLE WAS SHATTERED, JAMES. I put you on the shelf for months. Garth Black needed to be attended to by EMTs after our match last week. I don’t know what else it will take for me to prove that I am the most dangerous man in WZCW. I will be more than happy to put you on the shelf again, even happier if your stay is much longer than last time.

And as for Garth. Garth, Garth, Garth. You should have just stayed down. I had you in the camel clutch, I felt your back tearing in ways it shouldn’t. I dropped you on your head with the Immortal Driver. I hit you with a Phoenix Drop and a fisherman’s suplex. I tried to let you off easy, but you wouldn’t stay down. That’s why I had to take you out after the match. Sure, you won the match, but really, who was the winner at the end of the night, Garth? Was it the man who walked out on his own power and destroyed his opponent or was it the man who rolled-up his opponent and was helped out by EMTs? So Garth, I know you are a smart guy, so do yourself a favor and re-watch what I did to you at Redemption and watch what I do to James Baker tonight. Then, maybe you will learn your lesson for the next time I take you out, and don’t worry: it will happen. Just stay down.

Phoenix starts laughing again and the camera cuts to black.
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