AS14 - Karnage vs. Austin Reynolds - Elite X Title

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Austin Reynolds came close to winning the Elite X title, only for Karnage to muster out a victory by pinning Chris Beckford. Vance Bateman was heavily impressed and granted a rematch to Reynolds as he wasn't pinned in this encounter. Will the third time be a charm for Reynolds' attempt to claim the Elite X belt or will Karnage continue to place dominance over the division?

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
We see Austin appear excitedly through the door of his Chicago apartment. He is on the phone and talking excitedly.

“It’s happening Dom.....No I’m not going to tell you over the phone.....I’ll see you in a bit.”

Austin’s fiancée Hayley bustles in with a pair of shopping bags in each hand. He immediately rushes over and hugs her.

“I’ve got the best news!”

“Err...yeah me too. But you first.” She places her bags down and goes to sit down with him.

“Well you know I had that title shot at Redemption, the triple threat? The match of the night? Where I didn’t get pinned?

“Baby I was there. I don’t think I’ve seen do better. I was gutted that you didn’t go over.”

“I know. As if it wasn’t enough that I made Beckford look incredible, Karnage came out looking like a star and maybe, just maybe, looked like a credible champion.”

“Baby.” Austin is talking so excitedly that Hayley has to remind him to get to the point.

“Yes darling.”

“What’s your news?”

Dominic walks in, just as Austin is talking.

“Oh yeah! I got a title shot against Karnage next week, one on one.”

“Aww that’s brilliant. You totally deserve that.”

“Bitch! You couldn’t tell me that over the phone?”

“Dominic!” “Dude!” Austin and Hayley are both taken aback and their enthusiasm is cancelled out by Dom’s cutting sarcasm.

“Look, I’m excited. This is a huge match. I’ve been screwed out of a shot like this since Kingdom Come, even before when Blade intervened in my debut.”

“You say intervened, I say interfere in a match that he had nothing to do with. That right there cost you a match that you were going to win. And then there was the fact that he dodged you in the Elite X league. Karnage has had Austin Reynolds after him for weeks and finally, finally, it is happening.”

What seemed to be a damning comment from Dominic is tempered by clear support for his best mate. The three friends sit back on the comfy chairs that are in the open plan space in Austin and Hayley’s apartment.

“Yeah it’s been coming and it’s not the only thing. The Elite X title has been repeatedly taken away from me and surprise, surprise, last night was no exception. It’s pissed me off to no end, so Karnage is going to have to figure out how to take me out one on one. No potential allies to help him, no other challengers to hinder me.”

Austin is calm and measured and is not talking about the encounter as hurriedly as he normally does.

“The Elite X title is my destiny. When I found my way to WZCW, the Elite X title was there, placed in front of me as a teaser, a mere taste of what is to come. That was no misfortune.”

“Karnage needed a second chance to become champion, as if having a one on one title shot at the biggest stage isn’t enough. Frankie Smith only had the belt until Kingdom Come because of Blade. I will not need a second chance to beat you one on one.”

“I have been waiting for weeks for this one on one shot. Karnage is going to realise that he and his reign is simply a fluke, transitional to put the belt onto someone who will give the belt the exposure that it deserves. And he won’t be able to dodge me any longer.”

It certainly seems like Austin’s experiences since joining WZCW have tempered his attitude without affecting his confidence.

“A reprobate like him doesn’t deserve to hold that belt and the fact that he is giving an old cellmate the time of day is shocking to me. It disgusts me that he has even been near the belt.”

It is clear that Austin is more confident than ever.

“The champion needs to be in the highest rated segments and the most talked about matches. I promise to not only deliver that, but surpass the level that the whole Elite X division has been held back at for the last year.”

Dominic sits forward slightly.

“Austin. You know that guy who showed up with Karnage.”


“Yeah. The guy with the weird top lip.”

“Yeah he looks like he is trying to fold it over his nose. Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to tell you.”

Dominic hands his friend an A4 brown envelope. Austin pulls out a series of photos.

“I did some digging and this guy is a bit unusual to say the least.”



“It turns out this schmuck Marty, turns his hand to alternative activities.”


“Karnage’s best friend is a cross-dressing dancer who prances about to Flashdance?”


“That’s beyond classic.” By this point Hayley has gotten hold of the pictures and is giggling too.

“I bet that jail cell got all sorts of hot and bothered at night.”

“Maybe that’s why he has been in a bad mood. He missed his nightly shag. I mean, being Elite X champ isn’t going to make for losing the love of his life.”

Austin hands the photos back, barely able to hold back his laughter.

“I know Karnage is going to be pissed but damn, the sooner I beat him and pin his fat ass, the sooner I can relieve his burden and let him go on holiday with his boy toy.”

Hayley leans in and hugs him tightly.

“And forgetting everything else, Redemption, Beckford...the Elite X title is going to look a million times better around that sexy waist of yours.”

“Yeah, I know!”

“Oh and one more bit of good news before your match.” She leans in and whispers into his ear. Austin’s eye light up and he has a joyous smile on his face.

“Really?” She nods and hugs him tighter again.

“Oh this week’s going to get better and better.”
Vance Bateman and Marty sit across a sleek, brown, wooden desk as words begin to fly at each other.

Marty: You listen here, Bateman! I know Karnage and he needs better competition! You put him in the ring against scrubs consistently and I am telling you that it is all over.

Bateman: Sir, I have no idea who you are…

No idea who I am! No idea… You, Sir, are a moron. I am Marty Fisher! I am Karnage’s advisor and I am the man who, here and now, is calling out your decision making skills. PPV after PPV, you put him against nobodies that try and take him off of his throne and it is not on any more! You should thank your lucky stars that he is too nice to call you out himself.

Bateman: This is the first time that I have heard of this. Has Karnage told you that he is unhappy here?

Marty: That’s not important. What is important is that we get what we want!

Bateman: And what is that?

Marty: Well, if you are not going to give us the matches that we want, I am afraid that I will need more money.

Bateman: He has a match with Austin Reynolds to get through.

Marty: Reynolds! Reynolds!? You’ve got to be kidding me, Bateman! Karnage went through Reynolds at Redemption and that was alongside Beckford! This is just an illustration of what I have been saying. He beats both of these men and then you put him in an easier match with the title on the line. You, Mr. Bateman, you are a swindler and a crook!

Bateman: What!?

Marty: You heard me! Karnage needs better competition. You have Blade against the world Champion and you have Karnage against that nuisance Austin Reynolds. I am forced to ask you, Mr Bateman, are you out of your fucking mind!? Excuse my French. We need better competition or I will need more money…

Bateman: You will need?

Marty: I mean, we will need!

A bustling noise comes from outside the room and after a few seconds, Karnage comes in quietly.

Marty: Ah, Karnage! We were just talking about you. Now you're for it, Bateman!

Karnage: Quiet, Marty! Mr. Bateman. Please consider this conversation my resignation. After my match at Ascension, I am out of here. I don’t know when I will be back… If I ever will. Thank you for the opportunity.

Karnage turns around and leaves the room, leaving the door open behind him.

Bateman and Marty sit at the table with their jaws hanging wide open in shock.

Marty gets to his feet and runs after Karnage…

Marty: Karnage! This is our last shot! This is it for me! Come back!
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