AS14 - Corey Payne vs. Everest

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Last night Corey Payne escaped Redemption with KFAD Contract still in his hands while Everest left with nothing but bumps and bruises in the World Title Unification Match. Now both men will step up a gear as Everest will be wanting to get his chance for gold while Payne can use this as a chance to build up ground on the World Champion Titus who will be keeping this match in mind, knowing that Payne could rise up and challenge him any time now...

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
The scene opens up quite simply as we the audience quickly recognize the surroundings as the backstage area of Meltdown. Several workers can be seen putting the finishing touches on the backstage interview area. The WZCW logo stands large in the background on a metal scaffolding, two burgundy red curtains hang on either side. The camera is focused in on WZCW’s World class interviewer Becky Serra who is getting the finishing touches applied from the WZCW makeup crew. After a few seconds she signals the camera man that she is ready to start and the workers scurry off out of camera view. Becky grabs the microphone and stares into the camera at the audience.

BECKY: Welcome to’s special web cast. Today my guest is a former World Heavyweight Champion, one of WZCW’s longest tenured superstars and a master veteran of the WZCW ring. Please welcome EVEREST:

With that Everest simply and unenthusiastically makes his way into the frame. He’s decked out in as if he just came from a workout, in designer workout pants and his Everest muscle shirt. He is sporting nothing overly expensive, no gold chain, no watch and no World Title. He stares coldly at Becky and does not look very happy to be at this interview at all.

EVEREST: So Becky, is that how you see your old pal Everest? As a washed up has been who used to be a star?

BECKY: I don’t recall saying that.

EVEREST: Oh my dear you couldn’t have forgotten I know the hair is blonde but even you can’t forget what you said two minutes ago. But lest you forget, please allow me to remind you. Now I’m paraphrasing here but I believe your words were “Former” Heavyweight Champion, “Longest tenured” superstars and I think you finished your senior citizen rant with master “Veteran”!

BECKY: Wha.. Well, I uh…

EVEREST: Yeah Becky you’re right it might be best if you just shut the hell up. You see don’t think I haven’t noticed that the sentiment in the locker room these last few weeks hasn’t mimicked your own recent comments.

I hear the announcers and the talk show hosts stammering on about Everest finally fallen off the mountain. I hear them talking about the loss to Titus. I hear them bring up the fact that I was pinned by USA and I’ve heard the very loud and very vocal contingent of fans who are on my case about being the first man eliminated at Redemption in our triple threat match.

First of all the fact is at Redemption those two knew the only way they would ever walk out of there with that title was to make sure that I wasn’t around. Bottom line is I can’t fault them for that, quite honestly it was good strategy. Carmen and Titus figured if they get me out of the way the only real threat would be gone and they could bore the crowd to death until someone keeled over from sheer exhaustion.

BECKY: Well technically Red Mask won the World…….

EVEREST: Once again Becky you prove my old adage that you should be seen and not heard. We all know that Justice League reject is nothing more than a sad two bit attempt to get the fans on his side after all that back stabbing Titus did in his previous “life.”

BECKY: Well Mr. Everest, in the interest of “Being Heard” I’d like to enlighten you to the fact that on the upcoming Ascension……

EVEREST: What? Did you say Ascension? Damn it I’m sick and tired of getting shoved to that show to help boost ratings. I’m not doing it. Screw that, I’m not getting regulated to some hack second rate program.

BECKY: Well I’m pretty sure that the WZCW wouldn’t think very highly of one of their top stars trying to call his own shots.

EVEREST: Trust me I’ll be happy to tell those big stuffed shirts where they can shove their little second rate parody of a show. Did they happen to mention who the hell I’ll be headlining this thing with?

BECKY: Well all I can say is you will be fighting Corey Payne.

EVEREST: Oh honey, don’t kid yourself, it’ll be the Main Event. Corey Payne you say? Isn’t he the guy who won that match that gives him a shot at the Title whenever he wants?

BECKY: If you are referring to the King for a Day Match, then yes he is the one and the same.

EVEREST: So Mr. Payne has a shot, any time anywhere? Yet before he invokes his shot he’s got to get into the ring with the Pinnacle of Perfection. Interesting. Funny how things can go in multiple ways.

BECKY: I’m not sure I know where you are going with this?

EVEREST: I didn’t expect that you would Becky. But think about it, look at the possibilities. Payne gets into the ring with me, I do what I do best and put him down just like I’ve done over and over again, in essence giving Titus a wounded challenger, making it easier for Titus to navigate yet another challenge. Or, and you are going to love this one Becky, or how about this, ole Titus is seen laying in a pool of his own blood in the backstage area early on at Ascension….

Everest stops mid sentence and contemplates for a moment, a sly evil smile comes across his face as he continues talking

Oh yeah this is good, as Titus lays there unconscious, Corey Payne sees his opportunity, drags the prone champ to the ring, pins him and becomes the World Champion, leaving Titus to exit the building title less and on a stretcher.

BECKY: So you’d prefer to see Payne as Champion?

EVEREST: You really, don’t get it do you? All this happens before he’s got to fulfill his contracted match at Ascension -- Against Me! Three seconds later and who walks out as the WZCW World Champion? The one and only man who should BE World Champion -- EVEREST.

BECKY: Well once again I’m guessing WZCW’s higher ups aren’t going to be happy to hear about…….

EVEREST: Sorry dear, I’ve got some, ah, some calls to make. If you would excuse me.

With that Everest, quickly turns and disappears off camera as Becky stands there with that look of wonder and disbelief on her face as the screen fades to the WZCW Logo.
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