AS14 - Chris Beckford vs. Frankie Smith

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Chris Beckford and Frankie Smith have been going through interesting periods here in WZCW, but neither man will want that to change as they will be looking to get themselves back in contention for the Elite X gold. Will the former champion triumph or will Beckford get the message clear that his pursuit is far from over?

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
*The scene opens in the parking lot of the arena. The car park is considerably empty, as the camera pans round to see Becky Serra waiting patiently with a camera crew. As she is waiting a Blue BMW M3 pulls up the camera zooms in to see Chris Beckford behind the wheel. He is wearing black sunglasses, a grey T-shirt and jeans. He gets out of the car and brushes past Serra without acknowledging her.*

Chris....Chris can I have a word?

Make it quick Becky.

Serra: I just wanted to get your thoughts on the match at Redemption and your match up on Ascension.

(Continuing his pace): Redemption, ha-ha (Beckford stops and pulls up his T-Shirt to show Becky his bandaged ribs.) Solitary Confinement. Redemption was unfortunate... extremely unfortunate. But just like most things I do in WZCW I came up short. (He starts to walk again)

Serra: How are your preparations going for Frankie Smith tonight?

Beckford: They're going well, I know what I need to do.

Becky seems a little shocked at the abrupt answer from Beckford.

Serra: Where are you rushing to Chris?

Beckford (stops in his tracks): I'm off to go see Bateman. You see Becky at Redemption I was a split second away from becoming Elite X champion, this week I have to go up against Frankie Smith who wasn't even at Redemption while Austin Reynolds gets another shot at Karnage. Why does Austin get the shot? Now I have no problem facing Frankie Smith. He is a former Elite X Champion and should not be taken lightly. But my goal is to be Elite X Champion and whoever wins out of Karnage and Reynolds better not get comfortable with that belt, because I'll be coming for it very soon.

Beckford walks away from Becky and down the hallway towards Batemans office. As he is walking down the hallway he walks past the Ghetto Stars with their newly won WZCW tag team belts.

Beckford (Walking past): Congratulations on the belts guys.

Beckford continues walking, and eventually gets to Batemans office. As he gets to the door we see Leon Kensworth leaving the office.

Kensworth: Oh Hi Chris, You looking for Mr Bateman, he’s not in his office.

Beckford: (Sigh) What a shock, that guys never around when I need him.

You did great at Redemption, you came so close. I’m guessing you wanted to see him about a rematch?

Beckford: You know Leon, it was a great match and I have to give credit to Reynolds and Karnage, we put on a hell of a show for the fans. But yeah I feel I deserve another opportunity at the belt. It looks like I need to show Bateman that I deserve it which is bad news for Frankie Smith. It’s going to be tough, like I said to Becky he is a former Elite X Champion and has had a pretty good career in WZCW so far, I can’t underestimate him. I need to get out of this niche of being so close but so far. I haven’t been a champion yet in WZCW but I can feel that it’s not far off from becoming a reality. Looks like I’ll have to come back to see Bateman a little later on. Seeya soon Leon

(With that Beckford walks away from Leon and down the corridor as the scene fades to black)

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