AS13 - Titus vs. Everest - Special Referee: Carmen Bratchny

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

A preview to the Unification Match at Redemption will happen on Ascension as Titus and Everest have a non-title rematch from Kingdom Come with their third opposition Carmen Bratchny officiating the match. All three men have been sending messages to each other, but who will make the last call before they face off with the gold at stake?

Deadline is Tuesday 6th April 23:59 EST
*The scene opens inside the manager’s office of Silvers Gym. Karen is shown doing quietly doing paperwork; the radio can be heard in the background while the calendar on the wall shows the date to be the day after Meltdown. Suddenly a dull thud can be heard from outside the building, the thud sounds like the baseline from a car stereo… suddenly screeching tyres are head as the thud stops. Karen gets up from her desk, opens her office door but before a word can be said she witnesses Carmen Bratchny storm in to the Gym and destroy everything on the reception desk with one foul swoop of his hand.

Carmen then lets out a loud roar as the Gym quickly empty’s. Karen crosses her arms and waits for Carmen to calm down*

Carmen: I can not believe what happened last night!? How can I… ME! The WZCW Champion lose cleanly to Ty?! How the hell did that happen?

Karen: I see you haven’t taken my advice about a day off today

Carmen: How can I have a day off… why would I deserve a day off after what happened last night

Karen: You need to rest

Carmen *Interrupting* I need to watch that match again. I need to know where I went wrong

*Carmen walks over to a TV in the corner and switches it on, he then flicks through the channels until he gets to WZCW TV On demand*

Carmen: What time is the Meltdown re-run on?

Karen: Not until tonight. It’s on before Ascension

Carmen: Eugh… What did you make of last night?

Karen: I have an opinion of what’s going on but I don’t think you’ll like it

Carmen: Go on…

Karen: You’re missing your edge… You need take it back a bit

Carmen: I’m sorry?

Karen: Well, I’ve been watching matches from before I managed you. Matches form whe you were in the dark place and I’ve noticed that you had an edge..

Carmen: *Interrupting, with a slight tone of alarm* What are you saying??

Karen: You need to harness some of your dark past in to your wrestling style

Carmen: The dark place?? No Way! – Can’t you remember what happened last time? I saw things that weren’t there, I was a mess

Karen: But that’s because you couldn’t control it, that’s because you didn’t have me

Carmen: No way… NO WAY

Karen: Did you know that you’ve had two world title shots in the last year?

Carmen: No!

Karen: Yes and the last time you had a world title shot was only 6 months ago. Some wrestlers go their whole careers without a sniff of a world title shot and you’ve had two. Your problem is not your ability; it’s your confidence on the big stage. If you can channel the energy you get form the fans with your ability and use that dark edginess you could get from the dark place… you’d be unstoppable

Carmen: But the dark… I c.. can’t

Karen: Well this week you are the referee in a match between Titus & Everest. This is the perfect opportunity to try it out.

Carmen: I don’t know

Karen: What’s the worst that could happen… you’re making the rules

*Carmen looks unsure as the scene fades*

Backstage we have Titus with his WHC belt over his shoulder holding a briefcase and he is stood with Stacey Madison

Stacey: Next week you have the fight of your life as you take on two people who have both been friends and enemies for yourself. How do you think you will fare?

Titus: Next week is seven days away Stacey, this week I have a big match myself.

Stacey: You have a guaranteed victory this week.

Titus: Nothing is guaranteed in this business Stacey, that much is true.

Stacey: But you have one of your better friends Carmen Bratchny as special guest referee. Surely that will give you the win.

Titus: Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. Do you realise how Bratchny operates? At the end of the day there's only two things that keeps him going.

Stacey: What's that?

Titus: The McKenzie's are one. Look at Karen, look at how she manipulates him, he's edged off a lot the past few months, however he's still Swindle's boy. I don't like talking ill of the dead, but Swindle was a ruthless man, and with that Bratchny had a brilliant resilience and fortitude that very few have shown in WZCW. You honestly think Karen McKenzie can control the beast for a long period of time? I for one don't!

Stacey: You said there were two things...what's the other?

Titus taps his belt

Titus: He wants this, he wants to be the best, be the unified champion to show the world Carmen Bratchny is number one. It pains him inside that he is not number one now, in fact he's number two. With number one and number three in the same match this week do you think he'll let me have an easy win? Do you think he'll have Everest have an easy win?

Titus laughs

Titus: Not that would ever happen! However Bratchnys goal for this match would be for me and Everest to wear each other down making it that bit easier for him at Redemption to beat us.

Stacey: So do you have a plan for Redemption?

Titus: Oh yes Titus taps the briefcase but before that there's the simple matter of round three. Me v Everest, we're one a piece. The winner of this will have the advantage in our so called war.

Stacey: You said earlier that Bratchny will want you and Everest to wear each other down. Do you and Everest have an understanding to go easy on each other?

Titus: Titus Chuckles at this Can you see Everest going easy on me? I for one won't be going easy on him. We saw last week just how serious I am about this. For too long people have have thought me as someone who's just in this to have a laugh. For too long they've seen me as a former actor not the longest reigning Elite X champ ever, not the Lethal Lottery winner, not the World Heavyweight Champion, but they think I'm more like a David Arquette than a Mohammed Ali. Well I hope the message was sent clear last week, there's no stepping back in any match with me. Whether it's against Bratchny or Baller, Karnage or Crashin, Lars or Lights, Everest get the point, every single match I go in to win and this week I will show Everest just what I am capable of as Bratchny with his fat shirt and lack of arms counts that one...two....three then it will be time for redemption.

Titus out!
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