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AS13 - Showtime vs. Karnage

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Only one word describes this match: Revenge! After the heinous attack by Big Dave and Karnage last week in their tag team match, Showtime will be looking to avenge the injury of Trevor Steel whilst sending a message to the EurAsian Champion before their Two out of Three Fall match at Redemption. Will Showtime get his revenge on the deadly Karnage or will Karnage make things easier for Big Dave when Redemption comes round?

Deadline is Tuesday 6th April 23:59 EST
The scene opens to show a very grand-looking building. Set in sand-stone, the building goes up a few stories and the white stone effect is magnified by the strong sunlight beaming down from above. A revolving door is evident as a very professional black sign reading “Campbell Psychological Therapists” hangs above it. We see Karnage walking quickly towards the door and going inside.

Karnage walks up the marble floor until he reaches a very beautiful looking reception. No one is around and as he lets out a grunt, he rings the bell for service. After a few seconds of fixing the Elite X Championship on his shoulder, Karnage notices the receptionist scurrying around a nearby corner. A look of satisfaction crosses his face. She sits down and then looks up at Karnage, trying to catch her breath but putting on a smile.

Receptionist: Ah, Mr Karnage! How nice to see you again. Mr Campbell will be with you very soon. He is dealing with another patient at the moment. Please, feel free to sit on the waiting room for him.

Karnage lets out a sigh.

Karnage: I really don’t have time to be waiting around for him. He knew I was coming! Is there anyone else free?

Receptionist: It’s funny you should say that, we have a new doctor in our practice for a short time. His name is Doctor Kurtesy. Would you like to see him?

A look of disgust passes Karnage’s face and a small, noticeable shudder makes his body spasm.

Karnage: …I’ll wait thanks.

A look of amazement emerges on the face of the receptionist who tries to take it in stride. She gets out of her chair and raises one hand to guide Karnage down the corridor.

Receptionist: Well then, it’s right this way, Mr Karnage!

Karnage walks away from the front of the best with a grunt and follows the receptionist down to a small waiting room outside of an office, noticeable by the glass that surrounds it. Two men sit inside the office as one looks to be counselling the other.

Receptionist: Please take a seat, Mr Karnage. Mr Campbell will be with you momentarily.

Karnage sits down on another chair. A small table lies in front of him with strewn out toys all over it. Karnage reaches out a hand and lifts one. It is a small box, with thousands of metal pins aligned neatly. Karnage takes it and presses it to his face very gently. He removes it and the outline of his face makes him smile somewhat. The click that signifies the opening of the door behind becomes prevalent as Karnage quickly tosses the toy back onto the table and puts on his meanest face. Dr Campbell and another man exit the room as both talk quietly amongst themselves.

Campbell: That was real progress today, Tom. Tell Jean you need another appointment on your way out and I will see you next week.

Campbell turns around and see Karnage waiting. He swallows his nervousness and greets his next patient.

Campbell: I am sorry to have kept you waiting, Karnage. However, Tom was on a real break-through today. Anyway, would you like to come inside.

Karnage stops for a second and then lets out a grunt as he gets to his feet. Both he and Dr Campbell enter the room and the door clicks behind them. With both me inside, Karnage sits down a comfy-looking leather couch and the doctor sits on a more upright wooden recliner. He takes out a pen and a pad and starts jotting some things down.

Campbell: So, Karnage, how have you been lately?

Karnage: You know, Doc. I have been thinking. Recently, I have been calmer. I have been more willing to take shit that a year ago would have meant the end for someone. And for that, I blame you. For the last five weeks, all I have done is talk about my feelings and how we can “control them”. Well, Doc. I think it is time to change things.

Campbell: What do you mean?

Karnage: I trust you didn’t see our attack on Showtime and Steel last week, Doc, so I will talk you through it. Dave and I obliterated those washed up, has-beens and left them to bleed on the floor like vermin. It was then that I realised that over the last five, I have become softer. I have been able to tolerate being greeted by people in the locker room and I have been able to tolerate being stood up by psychotherapists and I have been able to stomach the thought of losing my Elite X Championship to the better man.

Campbell: Hmm.

Karnage: And for that, I don’t blame Dave. Dave knows as well as I do that last week was the beginning of something in both of us. The ball has begun rolling on a unleashing a monster within me that has been caged by soft words and an alliance of friendship. No! Even Dave knows that at some point, we will not be friends and that the animal will turn on him.

Campbell: I would suggest-


Karnage looks solemnly at Campbell as his mouth drops to the floor in shock. He is frozen by fear and the pen in his hand is beginning to shake.

Karnage: I have been awash in sunshine and butterflies as people take advantage of me. However, it is time for a change. I am thinking that is it time to get the fear back. At Ascension, crippled ol’ Cougar will be the first to realise that I am not the man I was when I walked into Kingdom Come and surrendered my chance to be Elite X Champion. No! Showtime David Cougar will realise that when you cage an animal, it is likely TO BITE BACK!

Karnage stands up and walks towards the door. The prevalent clicking noise is heard as the door opens once again.

Karnage: This will be last appointment… I have never felt as mentally sound as I do now.

Karnage exits the room as the door clicks again. Outside, the sun is gone and a new rain falls from the sky. Karnage looks up to the heavens as rain splashes on his face and a crack of thunder is heard. He smiles and walks off, toy from before in hand.
Scene opens inside a hospital waiting room. Showtime David Cougar is seated alone. He is slightly bandaged up and has a few minor cuts and bruises showing, but appears otherwise fine. He sits quietly waiting until a doctor emerges from the door. Showtime stands to greet the doctor.

Doctor: Mr. Cougar.

Cougar: Yes that's me. How is Trevor doing?

Mr. Steel is in stable condition at the moment, but it will be a long time before he can put any sort of weight on that shattered ankle of is.

I see.

With proper rehabilitation, he may be able to return to the ring, but the next few months will be critical. His ankle shattered in more than 2 places and the bones must rebuild themselves properly. I've scheduled him for surgery in a couple days time and that should give us a clearer estimation on when he will return to the ring. Now do you know if Mr. Steel has any insurance to pay for his surgery?

I'll take care of that doctor, you just make sure Trevor gets put back together.

The doctor nods and hands Cougar the papers. Cougar looks them over, signs, and leaves them with the doctor. Cougar walks slowly to the lobby and pulls out his cell phone. He is about to make a call when he sees Damien and Rachele entering the hospital. Cougar waves them over, tells them about what has happened, then leads them to Trevor's room.


1 week later​

Scene opens on the set of The Show. Johnny Klamour is seated behind Showtimes desk. There appears to be no sign of Showtime anywhere.

Klamour: Welcome ladies and gentleman to The Show, and no don't adjust your TV set, there is nothing wrong with the picture. Today I Johnny Klamour will be guest hosting The Show, but don't worry because Showtime David Cougar will be seen tonight on The Show. I will be interviewing him via satellite from Philadelphia Pennsylvania where he is staying with Trevor Steel and his family. But before we talk with Showtime here tonight I'm going to give you a brief overview of the events that happened that lead to where we are here tonight.

As you all know Showtime David Cougar sued Trevor Steel over the destruction of his original set. After Kingdom Come Showtime finally got to compete inside the ring with Steel and beat him soundly, but in the days that followed Showtime seemed to have a change of heart and has since hired Steel to be his close personal trainer and friend. At Meltdown last week, Showtime laid down the challenge, a best 2 out of 3 falls, to the man who beat him for the EurAsian title, Big Dave, and scheduled it to happen at Redemption. Big Dave and Karnage tried to injure Showtime at Meltdown but Trevor Steel ran down and made the save. At Ascension, Showtime and Steel teamed to face Big Dave and Karnage, who proceeded to throw the match away, handcuffing Showtime to the corner and breaking Steels ankle.

A large TV screen is lowered from the ceiling and Showtime appears on the screen.

I'm being told that Showtime is ready to be interviewed so let's get this thing going. Showtime, it's a pleasure to see you.

Same to you Johnny.

Now first the question that everyone here has been asking, how is Trevor Steel doing?

Trevor is doing okay. The surgery went according to plan and he is right now resting up in his home. There is still no set time line for when he will return to the ring, but the doctors are confident he will make a full recovery.

We've gotten word that you have personally paid for Trevor's medical expenses.

Trevor is my co-worker, my trainer, and my friend. Money has become an issue in the Steel home because of what I did. I just want to make sure that Trevor gets the best medical attention so that he can walk again soon and be able to continue to work hard. Trevor has been down in recent months, but the extra time he'll get to spend with his son will brighten his spirits.

As we all saw on Ascension, Big Dave and Karnage viciously assaulted Trevor, breaking his ankle, while they left you handcuffed in the corner, unable to help Trevor. What are your thoughts?

My thoughts... Johnny, the last thing I want to do is scare the viewers with the anger I feel towards those two. I should've seen it coming Johnny. I should've known from Meltdown that the last thing those two were looking for was a clean and fair fight. For everything that has happened, the only person I can truly blame... is myself.


Oh yes Johnny, you see I can hate Dave and Karnage for what they did, I really do, but when I look at myself in the mirror all I know is that I am to blame for what happened to Trevor. An eye for an eye, right Dave. After I put Ace out indefinitely with The Final Act you made it your mission to seek out vengeance and do exactly what I did to you to me. I never had a lot of friends here is WZCW, and the second you saw me and Trevor begin to bond, you knew you had what you wanted, and you sought out to make sure I felt the same way you felt after Ace went down.

No, much worse. You didn't even know of Ace's injury until you got backstage. You wanted me to watch, to cry in hopeless agony as you and your bald headed beefcake demolished my partner. You wanted me to know real pain... lesson learned, but make no mistake, I learned about you as well.

I injured your partner trying to win, trying to do what God put me down here to do, what Chuck and Vance pay me to do, and what the fans all scream out my name to do. You... you took a cowardly way out. You ignored the match, you ignored what your call yourself to be the best at, you showed just how frightened you are that I will reclaim my EurAsian gold at Redemption, and for what? To see me cry? Well Dave, I cried, and now I'm ready to fight you. If I could take back what I did to Ace I would, but for you it is too late. Your intent was to injure Steel and now my intent will once again be to... BREAK... YOUR... NECK..., only it won't be before the bell has rung and the winner decided. I will do what you did to my partner after the match, after I've proven to be the better wrestler, and only then will this beef between you and I finally be resolved.

Powerful words Show. Now before we go I think we're all interested in what you have to say to the other man responsible for Trevor's injury, and your opponent this week on Ascension, Karnage.

Karnage... now there is wrestler who has come a long way since we first locked horns at Meltdown 23. No one knows how I beat Karnage and few could believe I did beat him, let alone be sitting here many months later talking about doing it again. Karnage is a powerful fighter, but unfortunately he thinks he can scare me away with his whole "unleashing the beast" crap. I believe Karnage tried that last time, rocking back and forth declaring my impending doom. While I don't deny the beast is more focused this time, I'm afraid the results will remain the same. Karnage, in your blind rage, you will not see the curtain being lowered down in front of you and when the lights go out, all you'll see is me on top, the audience chanting 1... 2..... 3. You may think this match will be your own redemption, I'm here to let you know, it's going to end up being your nightmare. Unleash the beast Karnage... because this beast right here... is ready to kill. At Ascension, one champion goes down. At Redemption, your World Order, Dave and Karnage, will implode beyond repair.

Thank you Showtime. Well folks that is all the time we have left for tonight's show. Be sure to tune in next time. I'm Johnny Klamour, goodnight.
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