AS11 - Teach N' Kurtesy vs. Heavy Artillery (Tag Team Championship)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Despite coming out victorious at Kingdom Come in their first title defence, Teach N' Kurtesy have their work cut out for them as they will face off against Heavy Artillery, the team that they didn't pin in their triple threat encounter. Will lightning strike twice for the tag champions in their second defence of the tag title or will we see new champions in the form of Max Karzai and Jordan Lights?

Deadline is Tuesday 9th March 2010 23:59 EST
The scene opens to a shot of a closed locker. The sound of footsteps can be heard off-screen. After a moment, a gloved hand slams into the locker with a loud bang.

Karzai: We were screwed, Jordan! Nothing else to it, we were screwed!

The camera slowly pans out to reveal the whole locker room, where Max Karzai is pacing around and talking on his phone. He‘s obviously angry.

Karzai: If that stupid official would have listened to me, we would have been the new champions. This sucks!

He pauses as Lights replies. After a few moments, he sighs.

Karzai: You’re right, of course. I need to calm down, focus on the rematch. We can do it this time.

Another pause.

Karzai: True, true. I’m going to hang up now, think of some strategies. You still up for dinner tonight?

Karzai smiles as he hears Lights’ response.

Karzai: No, it’s not going to be Taco Bell. Anyway, I’ll see you tonight. Bye!

Karzai hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket before turning around and nearly running into Leon Kensworth. Kensworth stumbles back.

Leon: Woah! Oh, hi, Max.

Karzai: Ah, hello, Leon. Sorry about that. Did you want an interview?

Leon: Well, that would be nice…

Karzai: Fine. I’ll keep it short and sweet: I’m here to win titles and end careers.

Kensworth looks at Karzai with a bemused look on his face.

Leon: …What?

Karzai stares back, before his face breaks into a grin. He takes the microphone from Kensworth.

Karzai: Just kidding. If we may return to the land of the serious, I have a message for Teach and Kurtesy: You can’t run.

At Kingdom Come, there were several factors working against Heavy Artillery. For one, the match was contested under triple threat tag team rules. For another, Second Coming wanted it as much as we did. And finally, Jordan and myself were more focused on laying a beat down than actually winning the match.
The referee was confused because of the stipulation. Second Coming were both tough opponents and on the brink of imploding. And there is no excuse for the mistakes Heavy Artillery made.

That all ends here. This is the match that should have been from the start. Mano a mano, Heavy Artillery vs. Teach N Kurtesy. And this one is for all the marbles. There are no stipulations to confuse the official with. There are no other competitors this time. We have learned from our mistakes. In this match, there is only us and you. You can’t run. You can’t hide. Heavy Artillery is coming for you.

You can try to put me in your double submission. I will resist. I have made a living out of absorbing pain and punishment in my whole stage career. Have you ever seen some of my shows? Look them up on YouTube. X-Fest, 1993. A malfunction caused barbed wire to cut through my legs, and still I continued to perform. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my time as a performer, it is that the show must go on, no matter what happens.

So bring your submissions, your strikes, and anything you can think of to hit me. No matter how many times you knock me over, I will get back up. I will take all the punishment you dish out and continue the show. And at the end of the day, your backs will be against the wall, and Heavy Artillery will light up the night.

He hands the microphone back to Kensworth, giving him an appreciative nod and a smile before walking off.

Scene fades.
The scene is a desert strip, the camera pans all around to reveal the rocky mountains around the area. It comes in closer to reveal the dried up shrubbery and a long sand covered strip. As the camera zooms in more, we can see a car coming down the road. The camera suddenly pans around the car, first revealing the grill, smoke blowing from the hood, before panning around and showing the old beat up Chevelle. It pans around back where one tail light is out and the licence plate reads " LIGHTS ". Suddenly the camera goes to inside the car to where we can see Jordan Lights is the driver.

Jordan : I have to find him, I'll be better off after.

Jordan suddenly slows down as a man on the side of the road, with a bag draped over his shoulder. He stops approximately 5 feet from the man and waves his arm out the window for the man to get in. The man is none other then Leon Kensworth. Leon gets in the car , brushing the sand off his shoulders and pants.

Leon : Why'd you have to pick me up in the desert? Why not in the city?

Jordan : When I had called you I had already began my trip. I was 5 miles out of the nearest city and was not about to turn around. Sorry big guy.

Leon : I guess it's alright. Anyway, why'd you want to have me come along for this? Why not Max?

Jordan : Max is like a brother to me, but I don't if I could handle him coming along for this.

Leon : For this? What exactly is this, and why are we in Phoenix, Arizona?

Jordan : I'll tell you when we reach the next city.

The camera pans out as the car continues driving.


The scene resumes with Jordan and Leon stopped at a convenience store. Leon is pumping gas while Jordan looks on a map.

Jordan : We are just outside of Salt Lake City right?

Leon : I believe so.

Jordan : Okay, so we've traveled 508 miles, and we've got about 500 more miles to go.

Leon : Where are we going Jordan?

Jordan : You'll find out soon enough. I'll go pay for the gas and then we'll get back on the road.

Leon : Yeah, okay, but I'm driving, you look way too tired.

The camera pans out again as the beat up Chevelle pulls out of the gas station and enters back onto the highway.


The camera resumes again, this time on the highway, possibly somewhere in Northern California. Suddenly the car pulls over to a screeching hault. Jordan was asleep but suddenly awakens.

Jordan : Why the hell did you stop?

Leon : Where the hell are we going Jordan? I've got a wife at home God Damnit! I can't just be travelling on road trips between shows just because YOU wanted me here.

Jordan : Get your ass out of the car now.

Jordan gets out of the car, slamming the door. Leon gets out, also slamming his door.

Leon : We are travelling in an old beat down piece of crap car. I have no clue where we are going.

Suddenly Jordan grabs Leon and shoves him against the door, grabbing him by the shirt collar.

Jordan : You want to know so badly where we are going? Huh? Do ya?

Leon : Yes. I want to know. I need to know.

Jordan releases his grip on Leon and begins to walk back around the car. As he slowly gets back in the car. As he does so we can hear him talking.

Jordan : We are going to find my father.

Leon has a look of surprise on his face as he enters back into the car, adjusting his shirt and tie before getting back behind the wheel as the camera cuts again.


The scene resumes as Jordan is now driving. They are about to enter Portland when finally the silence that has been going on for miles is broken.

Jordan : At first Leon, I didn't want you here, let alone anyone else. Then I just decided to bring you, as everyone else seems to bring you along on their adventures. Why not add another one to the book we all know you are working on.

Leon : Thanks Jordan, I'm sorry I pushed you into spilling the beans.

The car suddenly stops and parks.

Jordan : This is the place Leon. I want you to stay here, as this may get violent.

Jordan gets out of the car, and walks up to the door of what appears to be an apartment building. He enters and climbs four flights of stairs, going to the last door on the left. The number reads 4H and the name below the door reads " LIGHTS ". He bangs on the door , and there is no answer. He bangs on the door yet again, when finally it creeks open, and a man who appears to be in his 60s opens the door. The man is about 5'10" with a full grey beard and grey hair.

Man : can I help you boy?

Jordan : Are you....Johnny Lights?

Man : Yes.....what did......what did you need?

Jordan : It's's Jordan....your son.

Suddenly the door slams shut. But just before it closes, Jordan kicks it back open. The man is now nowhere to be seen, but we can hear crying. Jordan walks around, seeing how messy and unsanitary the apartment is. Hundreds of empty beer bottles laying everywhere. The man is on the floor in what appears to be a living room, crying.

Jordan : Don't ignore me. I won't let you ignore me anymore. Get up and face me like a man dad.

The man doesn't say anything, he just continues to cry.

Jordan : Why'd you leave? Did you even know about me?

Suddenly the man gets off his knees and stops crying and sits down on the couch.

Mr. Lights : Yes I knew about you. You, however, aren't the reason I left. I left because of your mother and her addiction.


Mr. Lights : Okay, I left because I was afraid Jordan. I had no job and your mother had just had birth. I had no way of supporting either of you, so I left. I ran away. Are you happy now?

Jordan : Do you have any idea what we went through? My mother, YOUR WIFE, became a drug addict. Her drug dealer boyfriends, they constantly abused me. I ran away from home at the age of 17 and began fighting on the streets, constantly getting in trouble.

Mr. Lights : And how is your mother now? How are you not in jail?

Jordan : She's dead. She passed away six years ago due to the addictions she had due to you not being around. And how DARE you imply I should be in imprison!!

Jordan picks up a beer bottle and throws it at the wall, where it smashes into pieces.

Jordan : You don't care about me!! You never have, and you never will. How DARE you insinuate that I should be in prison , rotting in a jail cell. I was the way I was because of you. If you really want to know though, I took up wrestling. One day I was fighting, and this man, Greg Chambers, stopped me. He told me about how I could put my skills to better use, so I began wrestling in a ring, rather then fighting in the street. I always knew you loved wrestling, so I figured maybe that'd be the one thing that would draw your attention.

Jordan decides pulls a chair up and has a seat.

Jordan : I am a part of the best wrestling company in the world, WZCW. Currently I am in a tag team named Heavy Artillery, with a man named Max Karz---

Mr. Lights : Max Karzai? Isn't he a famous rocker?

Jordan : Yeah, he decided to try his hand at wrestling and we've been friends ever since. But that's besides the point. We recently just wrestled in a three way match for the tag team championships and lost. However, we have a rematch coming up, a rematch we are going to win.

Suddenly there's a rustling noise in the hall, as Leon Kensworth stumbles in.

Jordan : I thought I told you to stay outside?

Leon : I couldn't help it, I had to come in. Is that your father?

Jordan : Yes, and we are kind of the middle of something, so just don't say anything else.

Mr. Lights : You must be Leon Kensworth, I've seen you on television back in the day, before you ever were an interviewer.

Leon : Yes I am Leon Kensworth, I've been tagging along this road trip with your son.

Jordan : Anyway, so we have a rematch coming up. And I know my partner and I are going to win the match. We've been putting the tag team division on the map. However, the champions, who have become a bit of a rival for us, are doing everything they can to retain their gold. In the next match though, there is no where for them to run. On that night there will be new tag team champions and if you care at all, maybe you will watch it on television.

Jordan gets up and walks away as Leon gets up to follow.

Leon : Nice meeting you Mr. Li---

Jordan comes back and grabs Leon by the shoulder. They go downstairs and out to the car.

Jordan : That was easier then I expected. I feel relieved. Now it's onto Ascension and those tag team championships are as good as Heavy Artillery's!!!

Leon : That's good to hear, are you sure you're ready though?

Jordan : There isn't a doubt in my mind that Teach and Kurtesy will bring their A game like they did at Kingdom Come. The only difference is, we are too, and there are no other teams in the ring with us this time. There's no way we will lose.

The camera fades out to them driving off down the highway, when suddenly the car breaks down. We hear some more conversation.

Leon : I told you the car was a bucket of bolts.

Jordan : Get out and start pushing buddy, we've got a long way until we get to a gas station. I told you not to badmouth my car.

William Teach and Steven Kurtesy walk through the curtain to the backstage of the Kingdom Come arena with their WZCW Tag Team Championships still drapping along their shoulders. As they head through the arena, multiple staff members and fellow wrestlers congratulate them on their victory. Teach N' Kurtesy thank and appreciate their comments, heading on out to the parking lot. They leave the building in search of their ride.

Teach: So...

Kurtesy: So what?

Teach: Well fine, be like that. I was just trying to make conversation. I thought retaining our titles would put us in a good mood.

Kurtesy: What are you talking about? I am in a good mood... I feel fantastic!

Teach: Excellent... now, you were saying during the match that you had a special surprise for me?

Kurtesy: Indeed.

Teach: What is it?

Kurtesy: If I told, it wouldn't be a surprise would it?

Teach: But it would still be special!

Kurtesy: Just look forward.

Teach slowly turns his head and a huge vehicle, unknown due to the darkness, awaits them. Suddenly, it's powerful lights illuminate the entire area, the key turns the ignition and the engine revvs extremely loud. Teach stands there looking shocked as Kurtesy laughs. Eventually, the driver settles the revvs down and gears in neutral.

William Teach, meet the 2010 Monster Truck Destruction Derby winner.

Teach's face brightens more than the Monster Truck is illuminating via it's highbeams.

Teach: ... ... ...

Kurtesy: I knew you'd like it. Now you can finally pencil in your little book that you have met your favourite Monster Truck live and in person. Oh, and we get to ride in it. Apparently you've got shotgun.

Teach: How... how many strings did you have to pull to get this here? How did you manage to drag here the greatest Monster Truck ever, "Desert Storm?"

On cue, the driver winds down the window and takes off the helmet to reveal, which you've already guessed by the subetly named monster truck, Sandy Deserts.

Deserts: Hop in boys, the town is waiting. And by the way Teach, she's called Deserts Torm.

Teach: What the hell is a Torm?

Kurtesy: You don't want to know.

Both men hop in and Deserts floors the accelerator, driving off into the moonlight the same way they always leave... champions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Later in the night, outside of a night club, is Steven Kurtesy sitting alone at a table lighting up a smoke. A waitress walks past Kurtesy and Johnny Klamour can be seen walking past her in the opposite direction. As she passes, he turns around and checks her out.

Kurtesy: You fancy her, Mr. Klamour?

Shocked and a little startled, Klamour fixes himself up and turns around.

Klamour: There's nothing wrong with looking at the menu.

Kurtesy: Even when you haven't got the money to pay for it.

They both give a friendly chuckle and shake hands. Kurtesy offers Klamour a sit and he obliges. Kurtesy begins to take drags from his cigarette.

Klamour: Ahh... Steven Kurtesy, finally we get to meet. Stacey Madison has told me a lot about you.

Kurtesy: I'm surprised she even talks about me. I seem to get the feeling she doesn't like me.

Klamour: Don't be so caught up with her. She may come across as hard and stubborn, but she does like the mental challenge when she converses with you.

Kurtesy: She should be proud of that. There aren't that many people who specifically talk to me because they want a mental challenge. Usually, it's what most people despise me for. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

Klamour: But, you're a psychologist?

Kurtesy: Everyone in the medical profession are doctors... unless you're a dentist. Like people need to fork out a few hundred bucks to get your teeth "professionally cleaned." Posers...

Klamour: Trouble in paradise within your profession, aye Doctor?

Kurtesy: No, not really. They're just ********s.

Klamour: I was referring to your upcoming match on Ascension where Teach N' Kurtesy put their titles on the line against Heavy Artillery.

Kurtesy takes another drag of his cigarette.

Kurtesy: There is no trouble in paradise when it comes to Steven Kurtesy, the wrestler. There is not one mental challenge that I have yet to encounter within WZCW. All of these problems I deal with come from working 9-5 at my day job, in my offices at San Diego. I've been matched up with the most messed up minds that you will ever meet, and it takes its toll on you. Psychopaths, murderers, rapists... I am forced to devulge deep into the depths of their brains to uncover why they act as they do. Sometimes by treading lightly, others by being persistantly on the offensive. But at the end of the day Klamour, I walk out the same way I walked in with that little added knowledge and experience, so I can learn and develop for next time. At the end of the day, I'm just a psychologist dealing with a patient. Albeit simple reasoning, I love what I do.

It's the same principle as wrestling. I've been forced to wrestle against numerous opponents, sometimes in singles competition, other times as a tag team. Everytime I step foot in that ring, I still go up against an array of characters... sometimes I tread lightly, other times I'm on the attack... I can sympathise with a man whose entire life has been hell, a man reborn, a rockstar, the "super intelligent". But at the end of the day, we are just wrestlers going out there to do our thing for the sake of entertaining the fans that purchase the tickets to attend live events. And as wrestlers, Teach N' Kurtesy are the best at what we do. We are the greatest tag team ever to step foot into a WZCW ring and we've proven this when we won the Tag Team Championship on the very first night we teamed together, and our successful defense at Kingdom Come.

Kurtesy takes another drag.

Y'know something Klamour? I've seen tag teams come and go within this industry. It's the evolution of our sport. When one rises, the other falls. Second Coming have fallen and Heavy Artillery have risen. The Full House Daves are gone due to circumstance and, what I'm lead to believe they are called, The Ghetto Stars, have entered the fray due to circumstance. The one thing that remains? Teach N' Kurtesy are still at the top of the division.

Klamour: It might not be so for long with how determined Heavy Artillery are to take those belts off you and William Teach.

Kurtesy: Determination is a null factor as TNK are determined to keep our belts as much as they want to win them. What really matters, is the psychological aspects of the game. We've gone against Heavy Artillery 3 times and we know each other well. We have counters for their counters and visa versa. What they don't know, is that they have trained and readied themselves for the old Steven Kurtesy. I have carefully re-arranged what I do in that ring just enough for William Teach to still understand what I am able to do, yet put any opponents off balance. Max Karzai says he's able to withstand the punishment of a Double Submission and Jordan Lights has found out ways of avoiding the Shock Method... but what happens when they are offered a dose of Prescripted Sedation, Kurtesy of the doctor?

Kurtesy turns to the camera.

And when we win our match on Ascension and retain our Tag Team Championships... Heavy Artillery, how will that make you feel?

Kurtesy disposes of his cigarette, still looking straight into the camera with intensity. The turns to Klamour and thanks him. Steven gets up and walks back into the club where William Teach and Sandy Deserts are partying with the rest of the people inside, celebrating their victory post...

... and pre-match.
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