AS 98: Johnny Scumm vs. Vee A.D.Z. (Non Title)

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Morning after Lethal Lottery…..

It wasn’t the regular morning. It was obvious; there wasn’t any sweat profusing through the skin. The sour skin was filled with chills instead. Vee was driving his motorbike through the familiar streets of London. The roads were crowded with metal drives and motorheads which never have a tad time to notice him. Moreover, something else was different too. He wasn’t alone; quite strange. Sara, his love of life, who had been there with him cuddled him so close to him behind his back.

The entire scenario was different from the last week. Last week his mind was filled with complete distortions of different levels and events that had happened to him since he stepped into the WZCW. But nothing seems to leave a trace now. Why? Maybe he’s in his hometown? Or maybe he’s with Sara; Perhaps. Or maybe he’s going home. To meet his family.

Family, the word he never heard ever since he started working for WZCW. It had been times when he skeptically questioned himself whether he would ever see his family again. But here he is, thanks to the world touring schedule of WZCW, he’s going home.

As his bike pierces through the wind and travelling onward, he notices a car crossing him ahead. A little boy stretches his hands out the window; soon another soft hand clamps over that little boy’s hand and pulls it inside. Wondering who it was he twisted his accelerator knob anticlockwise, he closes the car. It was the little boy’s elder sister, guarding his brother.

Vee: How could I have missed all these?!

He giggles to himself. This sort of happiness can’t be enjoyed by the brickheads around him. Who’s he surrounded with? A psychotic Doctor, Children of Damned?! What the fuck?! And more importantly, his next opponent Johnny SCUMM. His mind screams something he has missed; ah yes, SADISTIC Johnny SCUMM.

In fact, he had heard the rumors around Johnny SCUMM that he turned sadistic after he lost his little brother. Does that matter essentially to turn a normal bloke into a sadistic SCUMM? Not necessarily. Ah it’s back again. The wind seems heavy on him; the soft touches of Sara had disappeared. Instead he feels a tight hug, not so cozy, from his inner demon, grinning in the way of exclaiming, I AM BACK!

His mind started to distort again. It was just like a piece of scrap that is enough to turn the sweetest moments of his life into a SCUMM. Sara is still cuddled up with him, without knowing what sort of chemical distortion has been taking place inside his cortex. He tries to clear his mind and trying even hard to bring some sort of fake smile back to his face. Because he’s just feet away from home. The swampy path and the leaf-less-trees seem to be more than just welcoming.


He yells from the top of his voice which made Sara to quiver momentarily in a complete shock and she widens her eyes and just looks at him.

Vee: What? It’s a habit. It would feel weird to enter into my house without making some noise to keep the surrounding awake.

He giggles and pushes her with his palm forward and rushes to the door step.

Vimal’s Mum: Oh sweetie you’re home! How charming you was on TV but you still look lean and shaggy.

Her tone dances up and down with her expressions which wasn’t new to him but hasn’t enjoyed the beauty of it in a while.

Vimal’s Mum: Are you again being on diet or what? Don’t you ever tell him to eat well? He never listens to me but maybe to you doesn’t he?

She sends her giggles towards Sara who was just out of expression to give to the sweetness of another beautiful woman in Vee’s life.

Sara: Well, I do tell him.. uhm but..

She shrugs again a little and her face flushes red. Poor Beautiful lady she is. Shy, content and had some extraordinary characteristics to be a girlfriend.

Vimal’s Mum: Let’s get inside and talk! It’s been years since I met my son.

Vee’s face is full of glee. Even the tried-hard fake face that he made earlier doesn’t seem to be this happy. It was so bright and he tugs his falling hair behind his ears and gets inside.

Vee: Mum, where is dad? His car isn’t parked outside. Has he been to work?

Vimal’s Mum: No, he’s been out to get some chicken and beans for ya. He’s more excited that you’re home!

She walks inside without addressing properly, but quite surprisingly she was fond of Sara, why wouldn’t she? It’s not many girls that her dear old son Vimal has brought home. Apparently, they both are whispering something and giggling to each other, certainly Vimal’s mum must’ve made some comments on him.

Vee took Sara with him around the house. It wasn’t much to see but the house is quite small but charming, with a separate room for the silly old Vimal on the first floor. There were trees planted so close to the house which provides chillier yet essentially pleasant breeze through the windows.

His house was built in a way that one has to come out of the house and climb up the stairs to the left of the house to ascend to the first floor where there’s a small room albeit quite comfortable for a teen to settle in. And that’s Vimal’s room. Before he could open its old door which got customized design engraved in its wooden structure, he heard the sound of his dad downstairs. He holds the cold hands of Sara and walks down the stairs.

Vimal’s Dad: Ah, so how’s your life going at the WZCW?

No greetings, No welcoming or warm hugs. Just straight to the point. That’s what his dad is. A man he had admired all over the years and all over the world he has been.

Vee: It’s going alright albeit uhm I’ve to admit I haven’t tasted much success yet.

He holds one hand inside the pocket of his baggy green trunk and the other resting on the door frame.

Vimal’s Dad: You still have time there. It’s not the end of the world you see. You can be amazing at many things but you’re working in a place where there are many others like you. Perhaps better than you I would say. But listen well son; I’m not saying that you aren’t better. You will be. But you need to focus and work more. Your career will be beautiful if you forget your fear for it. All you need is courage and imagination!

There it is. The words are clear and strong. No hesitation in his voices. No uhm’s, no well’s or unnecessary words that’ll while away one’s time. Clean as a whistle.

The day passes away. More giggles and laughter from Sara and Vimal’s Mum. More strong words of his Dad roaring through the house and some, not necessary to mention, lots of defiant from Vee, or one should say, the lovely little albeit cocky boy Vimal.

Later in the evening…..

The more and more Vee talked with his parents, he more his mind clears. He started to get more focused on his upcoming match. They moved to the dining table in the corner of the kitchen and Vimal took the chair next to the lovely Lady Sara whilst his mum set up all the porcelain utensils filled with the sweet smell of homemade curry and yummier food.

Vimal’s Dad: Ah I forgot. Your match against Johnny is a non-title match isn’t it? So he’s a champion. Sounds Interesting! Doesn’t that mean if you win against him you officially become the top contender for the title?

Vee strokes his knife up and down the juicy chicken that was served to him. And he started to chew the food before he could reply.

Vee: Well, yes. That’s my concern now. I don’t want to be some irrelevant guy in the locker room. The gold means more to me. If I get then, hm, I’ll be something; I believe I will probably attain some respect amongst the others.

Vimal’s Dad: Then work on to grab it. Don’t lose that opportunity.

Vee: It’s not that easy Dad. You see, hm..

Vimal’s Dad: You’ve to leave something behind to move forward. Just leave your skeptical thoughts about yourself behind and move forward to the match.

He drops his knife and fork down and wipes down the juices of the curry beneath his lips with a kerchief.

Vee climbs up the stairs with Sara closely following him behind. As he climbs up each step, something so familiar is getting close to him as well. It’s the distortion in his head which made him think more about the match.

He stands close to the doorstep of his room and turned behind to look at Sara whose hair is now hovering with the breeze.

Vee: The last time I remember exactly what happened, it was the night after my 17th birthday I was about to get into my room and surprisingly My dad was waiting for me in there.

He slams the door open and it hit against the wall with a thud sound so loud that might’ve alarmed his parents.

He points to the far corner of the room; there stands a bookshelf, a little dusty now.

Vee: There was the huge sack of my Engineering books. Metrology, Metallurgy amid many other things. I topped the highschool finals and was about to get into the Manchester University. Oh and there

He hastily points to the other corner, there was a nylon kit bag and made Sara wonder what it is.

Vee: That’s my cricket kit. I spearheaded my cricket team, not as a captain though but I was a formidable member of the Under-17 Surrey Cricket team.

He gestures his hands towards the wall and it’s covered with Portraits and Pencil drawings instead of the typical movie posters that used to fill most teen’s room.

Vee: Those are my art work. Look at them. Each one of them is much better than the other. In my closet you would find a whole lot of CDs of my Cover album for many hip-hop songs. I could’ve chosen any career.

He sits in his bed which was so clean and arranged so neatly. Sara follows him close without uttering any words and stood right in front of him.

Vee: And here’s where my Dad was sitting that night. Exactly right here. He asked me a question. Just a simple question; in my grumpy old staggering voice; “What you’re gonna do after this year?”

Vee pauses momentarily and breathes out and continues.

Vee: I said I want to become a wrestler. I could’ve chosen any career I wanted. I could’ve become a leading engineer and hell that freaking Kendrick Xavier wouldn’t have had a chance. I could’ve become a cricketer and accomplished my dream of playing for England Cricket team. Hell I could’ve been a rapper but, you see, I chose Wrestling. Because it was the first thing that came out of my mind. I took that one piece of idea of becoming a wrestler and here I am, 5 years after all those sweat and tears; Bumps and humps; still alive, but breathing as a wrestler. Do you think I would lose to someone cheap and filthy as Johnny SCUMM who chose to become a sadistic mauler?

Sara gets close to him and sits on his lap and caresses his chin with her palm.

Sara: Look here hun, I know how tough your path was. But he’s a good wrestler and you know that. The most important thing I love about you is, you don’t look down on people. You shouldn’t take him lightly.

Vee: Yes, regardless of who he is, he’s quite a good wrestler. So am I! But I’m not going to take him lightly. It might be a non-title match for him but for me, it’s me getting my hands on that gold. I had lost my focus on some overwhelming thoughts prior to the Lethal Lottery. But that won’t happen this time. I’m going to slay that sadistic SCUMbag!

Sara: Good, but now, you need some sleep.

She caresses his back head and runs her finger through his hair and whispers to his ear.

Sara: I love you my chocolate…

Part 1 - Victory

It was almost precisely 10 hours since the Lethal Lottery had ended. Although he'd fallen short in becoming the latest contender to the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship, Johnny Scumm had something he wasn't expecting to have got a hold of last night. After Chris K.O bowed out of WZCW, the EurAsian Championship became a vacant title. It was that belt that was put on the line when Johnny Scumm faced Garth Black. In a match that was only supposed to determine the contender for the EurAsian Title, it ended up determining who wore the gold around their waist at the end of the night. After Garth Black had finally fallen, Johnny Scumm was the man that became the new EurAsian Champion. As soon as Scumm made his way to the back after his match, he & his partner Claire made their way to their beds for the night. The new champion wasn't sparing any expense, deciding on an Uber driver to take him to his hotel for the night...the Premier Inn in Edgware.

"Johnny, wake up baby. We've got a lot to do today."

Claire was never one for being upfront, no matter what the situation. She knew that her Johnny could explode at any given second.

"...Uhhh, what? Why? Can I...go to sleep?"

"Johnny. Get out of bed. You're needed today and these people aren't going to wait for you."

The champion rubs his eyes, trying to bring himself to the realisation that he needs to wake up. As he starts to take in the sights in the room, his eyes pan from left to right taking in the mess and the condition of the room. The Premier Inn in Edgware hasn't ever been considered a nice place to stay, not in the slightest. In fact, Harrow (the borough in which Edgware lies) was voted as the 4th worst place to live in the entire United Kingdom, so that's saying something. The walls were slightly yellow, with a broken hairdryer in the corner of the room that was apparently "free of charge" to use.

"Jesus Christ. We stayed here?"

"It was your decision mister! Don't try pinning this on me."

The couple, that were wrapped in a duvet up to their necks, looked at each other. They smiled gently as Claire's eyes began to switch direction.

"'s it doing down there?"

Scumm, knowing full well what Claire's suggesting, lifts up the duvet to have a look underneath.

"We're looking pretty solid if I say so myself."

"Oh really?"

"Why don't you give it a rub?"

Claire, without a moments hesiation begins to put her hand under the duvet, further down the body of her partner. From the top of the duvet, her hand motions are visible.

"'s it feeling?"

"Well, it's pretty tough. Cold too, weirdly."

As the two begin to laugh to each other, Scumm throws the duvet away from their bodies. The bottom half of his body is actually fully clothed. Around his waist, the EurAsian title belt that Claire had been fondling.

"You know, I still can't believe it's happened. I went into the night thinking that I was just going to beat Black to become a contender. However, last night I became a Champion. The people's champion, I am not. I am my own champion."

Scumm rubs his title belt once more, as his other half brings up her tablet from the side of bed, a news piece from the Lethal Lottery popping up on the screen.

"Have you seen this J?! It's your people!"

The sadist jumps back to his position so he can see the screen of Claire's tablet. The headline reads "CAMDEN ERUPTS AS SCUMM WINS EURASIAN TITLE".


For a man who hates people, even Johnny Scumm was taken back by the reaction he'd received from his home crowd. For a man that despises people, never wishes to receive any help...even he was a slight bit taken back by the compliments.

"Johnny, you realise that when you get back home, you've got to get back to your routine? Vee A.D.Z is waiting for you, sat there just praying that you'll slip up & he'll take that gold from you?"

"He can hope, he can pray. But he's nothing. In comparison to me, Vee is just a speck."

"You've got that right mister."

"See, when I take down Vee A.D.Z, I move into Kingdom Come as the EurAsian Champion. OUR EurAsian Champion. This "man" is just a little obstacle that's going to take me seconds to overcome. Vee, you watch out "mate", because your time has come. Unlucky."
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