AS 98: Eve Taylor & Ramparte vs. Men of Mayhem

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Wembley Stadium
London, England
Lethal Lottery
20 Minutes After Being Eliminated


Ramparte struck Eve Taylor's dressing room in a manic fury- leaving dents with his cane! Sweat poured down into his eyes and clung to his oily bangs. Exasperated, "The Catalyst" called for his stablemate one last time.

Ramparte: "Eve, we need to talk. You can't hide from us forever. You can't hide from me..."

He was met with silence. But silence talked to him nonetheless.

"Cerberus has been put down. She euthenized it. Don't waste your words on her."

Ramparte: "She...was my friend. We were her only friends here. I-I don't understand, Alice..."

He winced as the shot of pain pierced his heart. Alone, he gazed at his wolf-headed cane. It gazed back grudgingly. Her words were caressing.

"This is your chance, Ramparte. You can break free now. The Hounds of Hell were put to sleep. The Team Killers died. Move on. Turn the page."

Ramparte: "No! I will not go out this way. Cerberus must be hailed. Just one more moment in the ring with Eve on my side. It can all be fixed. I'll make it fixed."

A whisper of madness reflected in his eyes. He walked away from the dressing room and headed to the London airport.


He bolted upright from a dream of angels. His cell phone stirred in his pocket with a ringtone Flex had picked for him-


Eve had sent him a text message.

Texting said:

I see you left your handiwork on my door.


Look, I get you're upset about Lethal Lottery. It wasn't my intention of getting my own friends eliminated. Surely you believe me.

And you teaming up with ElegAnt a week ago was just friendly competition, right?

You and Flex were happy reigning as champs. I knew Live Mas wanted to take your glory from you. That was me giving you guys one more notch on your belts. You're Welcome.

I don't believe a thing you say. You have been so distant lately. We could have been the second coming of The Apostles of Chaos as far as I know, but you were too busy playing hot potato with the fucking Eurasian/Elite X titles.

EXCUSE ME?!? Jesus Ram you're sounding whinier by the day. Of course I'm looking out for my best interests. So are you. So is Flex. And now I'm champion and you're not, so...

Are you saying you're better than us? Are you saying you're better than me?

Nooo I'm saying Cerberus is still the biggest dog in the game thanks to mwah. They've got us facing a rookie and a veteran this week btdubbs. Just so you know.


Yeah. You and me. I don't think we've even teamed together. >.> Maybe now I can show you that I'm with you boys 100%. They call themselves Men of Mayhem. Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse. If they beat us...then they've put their team in a VERY strong spot. So now isn't the time for bullshit fighting. We need to work together like old times.

Old times. Right.

Can I count on you?

Can I count on you??

Of course. Please Ramparte. I know we've had our differences when Flex and I had each other's eyes...but umm...well it's not like I've never thought about what it would have been like to team up with you. In and out of the ring...

You're saying you fancy me, Eve Taylor?

All I'm saying is back me up like you've backed up your partner for over a year. And let's kill off one more team for the record books. Then maybe we can talk about infatuations later.

Alright. I'm boarding my flight. Thanks, Eve. For old times' sake.


Ramparte glossed over her last text before the intercom instructed him to head to the terminal.

"She's using you. Just like old times, Ramparte. JUST like old times."

He bit his lip, wondering of what could have been with Eve while also keeping Alice's words to heart. After a moment he made up his mind and threw the cell phone into a nearby garbage bin. He licked his lips hungrily.

Ramparte: "We either live forever or die that night! No more beating around this poisonous bush. Cerberus will be hailed...or we have failed. I must know where we stand. This may very well be our darkest hour."

"The Catalyst" cryptically spoke to himself while onlookers shook their heads at him. He didn't care. He never cared. In the end there was only him; a shut-in who found himself making friends and now they all burned among the bright lights of WZCW.
It was a cold autumn evening in South Boston, and fourteen year old Logan McAllister and Brittany O'Shea were hanging out at a local park, Brittany swinging while Logan gave her a few pushes.

The two had been friends since they were eight, and were practically inseparable. Logan had long harbored a crush on her for awhile now, but had always froze when he decided to make a move. But not tonight.

"Highah Logan!" Brittany shouted.

Logan obliged. After some time, Brittany hopped off the swing and the two began walking towards home. They turned the corner and quickly approached Brittany's home.

"You look beautiful tonight Britt" Logan said as he took in her beauty.

"I nevah even knew you owned a dress. You should wear them moah awften."

Brittany couldn't help blushing at Logan's compliments.

"Stop being such a dork McAllistah!" That was all she could come up with. She was never shy around Logan, but for some reason, tonight she seemed so flustered.

"Im being serious Britt. I had a lot of fun with you this evening. I'm hoping I could take you out again sometime?" Logan finished the statement, nervously awaiting her reply.

"You, know McAllistah, I was worried owah date would feel awkwahd. But it didn't. I had a wondahful time this evening, and I'd love to go out with you again Logan."

Logan balls up his fist and holds it out, expecting a fist bump. Brittany looks at his hand and laughs, then wraps her arms around him. Logan is surprised by this but doesn't say anything in fear of ruining the moment. After a hug that felt like forever, she breaks it, and grabs his hands. Logan and Brittany lock eyes and for that brief moment, Logan's world felt still. He gazes at her beauty before inching his face closer to hers. She notices what he is trying to do as he closes his eyes and puckers his lips, slowly moving toward hers. Instead of feeling his lips against hers however, Logan suddenly feels a moist finger trying to find its way into his ear. Logan shakes his head and wipes his ear as Brittany runs up the steps to her apartment building stoop, laughing along the way.

"Yeah....I don't kiss on the first date Logan. Call me tomorrow?" Brittany winked at Logan before she disappeared inside.

"Wake up Logan!"

"Dad! Wake up! The flight is over!"

A slumbering Logan is awakened by Brittany and Hayden. He takes a moment to realize what is going on and stretches his tired and jet lagged arms. He is slow getting up, as he is still sore from the Lottery match. Even with him being disappointed and upset with himself about his showing in the match, he had handled it well to this point and was surprisingly calm about the elimination.

"You guys ready to head home? Sleep in owah own beds again?" Brittany shouted as they made their way off the plane and towards the parking lot. Hayden simply nodded as Logan seemed lost in thought.

Logan's Home

The trio burst through the front door, with Hayden running to his room, eager to play his video games. Logan went and tossed his bag in the bedroom before joining Brittany on the couch.

"Well, so much for 'shocking the world' at the Lottery" Logan exhaled deeply.

"But you know what? I'm strangely okay with that." Logan leaned back on the couch, turning towards Brittany.

"I mean, when I drew number two, I already knew it'd be an upward struggle. And the Lottery really is about luck and opportunity. Dr. Zeus was fortunate enough to have allies come out early, and he executed everything brilliantly." Logan kicked off his sneakers before continuing.

"So I can't be mad at that. Disappointed? Sure. But now it's time I focus on a new goal. Kingdom Come is approaching Britt, and I'm not guranteed a spot on the card yet. I NEED to be at Kingdom Come. Biggest show of the year equals biggest paycheck of the year. Hayden needs this. I need this. I'm willing to do anything it takes to guarantee that I get there."

Logan is getting tense as he speaks, stress pouring visibly outward, which prompts Brittany to try and comfort him.

"Relax Logan. Just take a deep breath and calm down. You'll have a spot at Kingdom Come. I believe in you." Brittany grabs Logan's hand as she finishes talking.

"Relax? Calm down?" Logan replies, pulling his hand from her grasp.

"It's not that simple Britt. Maybe you'd understand if you had ever stressed about something other than where your next line of cocaine was gonna come from." Logan tossed out the comment viciously.


An angry and hurt Brittany slapped Logan across his face, leaving a bright red hand print on his cheek. He quickly starts to rub his face and stares at Brittany with a confused look on his face.

"Wicked uncalled for Logan." Brittany got the words out as tears were beginning to build up. She stood up and walked down the hall into Hayden's room.

Logan chucked a half empty water bottle in anger at the wall. Rubbing his still stinging cheek, he knew instantly what he said was wrong. However, before he could go try to apologize, he noticed his phone blinking, indicating a message.

Logan checked his phone and noticed the voicemail was from shortly after the Lethal Lottery had ended. He had a text as well, but he'd check that afterwards.

"Logan McAllister? This is Becky Serra. I've decided to place you in a tag team. Your partner is Armando Paradyse. I'm going to be giving him your number, so expect him to reach out. Time you two proved you're worth WZCW's time and effort. Good luck."

Logan deleted the voicemail and shook his head. Armando? You could say Armando was responsible for his elimination from the Lottery. Had he fell in line with himself and Kurtesy, maybe the three could've held their own versus Zeus and his allies. Logan was irritated that WZCW was considering placing him with that comedy act. Logan checked the text message now that the voicemail was handled.

Hola amigo! It's Armando. Seems we are partners this week. Call me.

Logan tosses the phone back on the couch, deciding to reply later. Before he can sit down, he remembers about Brittany. He takes a deep breath before heading to apologize.

Logan walks down the hall to Hayden's room, where he finds Brittany playing WZCW2K15. Hayden looks at his dad and shakes his head, insinuating that his dad had messed up.

Logan turns his attention to the TV, and sees Brittany using a created wrestler, and using said wrestler to bash....Logan McAllister with repeated chair shots.

"Hey Britt? Can I talk to you for a second?" Logan pleaded. Brittany waited till she beat the video game version of Logan before standing and following him down the hall.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier. It was uncalled for. I could blame it on the stress that I'm dealing with, and while that is a part of it, I still shouldn't have said that. You've been nothing but helpful since you rejoined my life." Logan looked her in the eye as he held her hands, hoping she'd accept his apology.

"It's okay Logan. It just sucks when people attack me for things I did in the past. I undahstand what I did has caused you to carry some resentment towahds me. All I can do is try and continue showing you that the Brittany that you grew up with, that you used to love, is back and she's not going away evah again." Brittany carefully wiped at her eyes, trying not to mess up her makeup.

Logan responded by holding her tightly and rubbing her back gently.

"Oh by the way, I got a call from Becky Serra. Apparently I'm going to be teaming with Armando Paradyse at Ascension in Vancouver." Logan told Brittany very unethusiastically.

"Ooh! Vancouvah? I've nevah been to Canada."

Her eyes grew excited about visiting Canada as she was released from Logan's comforting grasp.

"Paradyse? Is that the Mexican playboy guy? He's funny." Brittany laughed, but Logan wasn't of the same mind.

"He's a moron."

"Hey, you did say you'd do whatevah was necessary to be at Kingdom Come right? This could be an opportunity to help get you to your goal Logan. At least meet with the guy."

"God I hate it when you're right." Logan grabbed his phone and shot Armando a text.

Dunkin Donuts, 4 Yawkey Way in Boston. Tomorrow. 12pm. Don't be late.

Day of Meeting, Dunkin Donuts

Logan, Brittany and Hayden arrived at the meeting early, grabbing some drinks and donuts. Brittany had insisted that Logan get Armando something for when he arrived.

The three sat at a table as Logan waited. He noticed a man walking towards them, but he didn't recognize Armando. Armando sits down next to the trio and instantly begins focusing on Brittany

"Hola senorita! Have you ever been to Paradyse?" Armando wastes no time and continues to ignore Logan.

Brittany laughs him off, but Armando stays persistent, causing Logan to start getting irritated with the situation.

"One hour with Armando, and you'll never want to leave. Trust me sexy senorita....Paradyse is amazing!!" Armando grabs Brittany's hand as he pours on the cheesiness.

However, Logan had seen enough. He stands and grabs Armando by the back of his shirt pulling him up from the table and turning him towards a visibly perturbed Logan.

"I didn't invite you here just so you can hit on my woman. WZCW is making us tag together. I need to know that you'll be focused. Aren't you tired of people looking at you like a goddamn joke? Tired of being passed over? I know I sure as hell am! Get serious man!"

Armando fixes his shirt, which Logan now notices is much less flamboyant than usual.

"My apologies Senor Logan. It's hard for Armando to resist the senoritas." He turns to Brittany again.

"You sure you don't wanna try Paradyse?? You know, before you commit to Senor Enojado over here?"

"Well...I mean Logan hasn't ACTUALLY asked me to be exclusive..." Brittany playfully replied, looking towards Logan as she spoke.

"What!!?" Armando seemed genuinely shocked.

"Senor Logan, mi amigo,you are messing up!" Armando had a serious look on his face now, as he sat back down.

"Logan, if you don't claim this amazing senorita....some other hombre will! Armando will teach you his ways!" Armando laughs as Hayden finally looks up from his game.

"Yea, dad has no game with the ladies." And with that he was back into his video game.

"Look I thought we were here to discuss this team we are apparently forming. This shit won't work if you're not serious Armando." Logan decided to let the nonsense go and try to navigate the discussion towards it's purpose.

"I agree amigo. Armando is tired of being laughed at. It's time I start taking my career seriously. I'm ready for the world to see a new side to Armando! The side that makes WZCW take notice for the right reasons!"

"Well that's a staht i suppose" Logan replies, his Boston accent beginning to show itself after years of being dormant.

"I'm not sold on the idea of us working as a team. But Brittany here sees it as an opportunity. You've never been in a match at Kingdom Come, and I need the payday that comes with being on that card."

Logan sat back as he continued with his train of thought.

"Brittany thinks we can succeed in the tag division if we both believe, and both trust each other. I'm not so sure. But if it can help me achieve my goal, I'm willing to give it a shot. Who knows, maybe we even do well and get a shot at the WZCW tag titles at some point."

As Logan is talking, he can see Armando scanning the crowd as attractive women pass by, half listening.

"Goddamn it Armando! Pay attention!" Logan bangs on the table in frustration. He turns to Brittany as he gets up.

"I'm gonna fuckin lose it on this guy Britt. I gotta go before I snap." Logan begins gathering his stuff as Brittany notices Logan's phone has a text. She checks it as he's trying to calm himself down.

First Opponents are Eve Taylor and Ramparte.

"Logan McAllistah! You said you'd do what's necessary to get to Kingdom Come right? Here is your opportunity." She turns to Armando next.

"Ahrmando, you want to be taken seriously right? Make people take notice for the right reasons? Then you gotta control your urges and know when its appropriate to focus on 'Senoritas' and when it's time to focus on work." She now turns to both men.

"The two of you can meet your goals if you work togethah. 6'5 275lb Logan, and 6'4 250lb Ahrmando? Thats a formidable team IF you guys can put the bullshit aside and focus!"

Brittany was getting frustrated at how thick both men were being.

"Do you guys know who your opponents ahre? Because I do. Two thirds of legendary Cerberus, Eve Taylor and Rampahte. You guys NEED to focus and get on the same page!"

"I know there's talks of Cerberus being no more, but even if they are on different wavelengths, it's still gonna take a concentrated effort from a TEAM to beat them. Go in there on your own, and you doom each other before the match even stahts."

Brittany was practically pleading with the two men. She seemed to have their full attention however, so she continued on.

"Look, how about I be your guys manager in WZCW? I know I don't have any experience, but I believe in this team, and if I can help it, I won't let you two fuck up this opportunity! You guys have championship material. Now let's show the world you can capatilize on it"

Logan looks at Armando, who is looking back to Logan. Armando nods towards Logan, and the two seem to finally be on track.

"Ok Ahrmando, I'll be in touch with you so we can hammer out details. Do NOT mess this up or we WILL have issues."

Logan takes his son and Brittany and they leave, with Armando wondering if Logan's temper can be contained regardless of if Armando truly buys in.

Back At Logan's

"I sweah Britt, if that son of a bitch makes me look stupid..."

"Logan relax. It's just as much on you as it is him. You have to be willing to accept him. I know you two can be successful. But you have to trust him."

Logan just takes a deep breath, as Hayden comes out of his room, grabbing a Hi-C. he turned and looked at his dad and smiled.

"So dad, you and Armando are gonna be a team? Does that mean you'll fight Live Mas??"

"Yes it looks like me and Ahrmando will be a team. As to your other question, maybe. Let's worry about defeating Eve and Rampahte first okay buddy?" Logan ruffled Hayden's hair a little bit.

"You guys can do it." Hayden stated matter of factly before again disappearing into his room.

"See? Even the boy believes in you two." She softly punches Logan's shoulder.

"Now about earliah....Ahrmando is right you know? You bettah 'claim' me befoah another 'hombre' does."

Brittany finishes the sentence with a wink, one that immediately makes Logan think of their first date.

"You really want it all official? You're gonna make me actually ask?" Logan turns towards Brittany.

She simply nods, huge smile on her face.

"Brittany O'Shea, will you honah me and be my woman?" Logan tries to be as romantic as he can be as he asks.

"God you ahre such a dork McAllistah! But yes, Logan I'd love to"

Logan takes a sigh of relief and tries to kiss Brittany.

But just like when he was fourteen, he's again met with rejection.

"Ah sorry Logan. We haven't even had a date yet, and I don't kiss on the first date so...."

She trailed off as she smiled at Logan, turning and watching the TV as Logan just silently shakes his head.

"Me and Armando......Kingdom Come? It could work."
Armando Paradyse is seen sitting in his locker room. He has his face buried in his hands as he remembers his first lottery match. Entering at number six, only to be eliminated so early on. Furious he stands up and starts throwing items around the room. He picks up a trashcan and flings it at the wall on the opposite side.

I don't get it.....I just don't get it....I am one of the greatest competitors to ever grace this place with my presence.

He kicks over the chair he was just sitting on. He picks up his dufflebag and empties it in the room, kicking his clothes and towel everywhere. Finally, he falls down in exhaustion. Panting and worked up, he hears his phone start to ring. He stares at it from across the room. He shakes his head as the phone stops ringing. Moments later, it rings again. He stands up and rubs his eyes as he walks over to his phone, and looks at the screen to see who is calling.

"Senorita Becky" it reads. He clicks the phone off and tosses it aside. He leans up against the wall and gazes to the left of him. He sees himself in a mirror. He slowly walks over to it and looks at what he has become. He gets even more furious and punches the mirror, instantly shattering it. He glances at his hand and notices a piece of the glass that has wedged itself into his skin. He pulls it out, allowing a small stream of blood to drizzle down. It drips down his hand onto the floor. Next to a few drops of blood is his phone, it is flashing indicating he has a new voice mail. He bends down and picks up the phone and holds it to his ear as he plays the message.

Armando, tough loss out there! I know you trained hard for the Lottery. Listen, I know you are probably upset about the loss but I decided to put you in a tag team match. I'm not going to tell you who your opponents are yet but your partner is Logan McAllister. He has been on a losing streak just like you and I think it's time you both get on the ball if you want to continue in the company and make it to Kingdom Come! I sent you a message with his phone number on it. Good Luck.

Armando pauses for a few moments from what Becky just told him. He's not to excited about teaming with anyone at this time. Not after Sean Cruz. Finally he types on his phone and pushes send.

Hola amigo! It's Armando. Seems we are partners this week. Call me.

He shakes his head as he turns around, heading out the Locker room door. Determined to get on his first Kingdom Come card and get back on the track to Championship gold, he heads out to the parking garage.

Armando checks his phone, but still no reply from Logan. He finally reached his car. He gets in and takes a deep breath, before turning the key and driving away from Wembley.
It's been about a day now since Armando's and Logan's meeting at the donut shop. Armando is staying at a local hotel close to Logan. The TV is on but mostly just for noise. The only other light in the room besides the TV is coming from a small lamp on a nightstand next to his bed. Armando picks up a glass of scotch from the same table and he takes a drink and gets startled as his phone buzzes indicating he got a text message. He picks the phone up and reads the message while still sipping on the drink.

Armando? We can discuss more about this tag match we have coming up if you have some time. Like Britt said Cerberus is broken. We need to use that to our advantage.

He sets the drink down and begins to click away on his screen, replying back to the message.

Si Senor Logan. I am free now. What did you have in mind amigo? Gameplans?
He sets the phone down, taking another sip of his drink. His phone buzzes again. He reaches for the phone as he sets his drink back down.

Yea game plan for sure. This could be a wicked awesome opportunity for us. We need to be ready.

Si. Beating the current Elite X champ and former tag champ would put our team on the map. I am 100% focused Senor Logan. Do not worry about Armando.

Armando grabs his drink and takes another sip, waiting for Logan's response.

Same here. 100% committed. Why don't you just come by tomorrow morning? Bring ya stuff too. No point staying at a hotel when we still got a lot to go over. Might as well start being a team now right?

Are you sure?

K. Eve and Ramparte stand no chance this week. In Vancouver mi amigo, we get noticed!!

Armando goes to take another drink, only to sadly find the glass empty.

Sounds good. Guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow then.

Armando puts the phone back down, and contemplates pouring another drink before turning the light and the TV off. He goes to sleep peacefully that night as his career might finally be back on track. The tag division may be where he always belonged instead of Mayhem.
Backstage at Ascension a few hours before the show goes on and we see Armando, Logan, and Brittany O'Shea. Armando and Logan are now rocking their new shirts that have their new logo on them, with the back stating their name, Men of Mayhem. Of course Logan is still wearing his trademark Boston Red Sox jersey over his. It's still unbuttoned so you can see the logo but he never wrestles without that jersey to show his Boston pride. Brittany also has a crop top version of the shirt, that goes a few inches above her belly button. Stacey Madison walks up abruptly as she has been looking for the new team for a special interview. The three don't notice her at first, so she softly taps on Armando's shoulder. He notices her but brushes it off and turns back around to continue his discussion with the other two. She nervously looks at the camera man and decide to tap Armando a little harder. Armando turns around as Logan and Brittany follow, standing right next to him. Brittany, with a sucker in her mouth smiles at Stacey with an evil smile. She rests her head on Logan's shoulder, who looks even more pissed off than Armando.

What the hell do you want Stacey?

Stacey looks baffled as she has never heard Armando talk to her like that before. She loses her train of thought and just stares at the three. Brittany grins bigger.

I...was interview.

It's funny how when I always asked you or wanted TV time, you were too busy. But bygones can be bygones. Go ahead.

Armando chuckles a bit with Brittany, while Logan is still staring, now with his arms folded across his chest. Stacey shakes off what just happened and she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes to get into character. She opens them back up and nods her head towards the cameraman who in return, counts down from five, to signal they are rolling.

Greetings WZCW Universe! I'm Stacey Madison and I am backstage at Ascension before the show kicks off with three very special guests. A new team formed this week as Armando Paradyse and Logan McAllister have decided to team up and enter the tag division! So without further ado, here they are with their manager, Brittany O'Shea!

The camera zooms out, now showing all three of the interviewees, with Brittany in the middle of the two men.

Armando. Logan. What made the two of you decide to team together.

Brittany interjects herself stepping ahead of the guys now, removing the Sucker from her mouth to speak.

I'll answah that, Stacey. You see, Logan and Ahrmando may not be the ideal team. Hell, they're complete opposites. One is, for TV purposes, 'Hahd to deal with' socially and the othah is pretty much socially retahded but you know what? These two men behind me ahre no mistake. Right now they ahre a team. In time we will become more than that togethah. We will become a Family.

The two men nod their head in approval from what she just said.

Next question, this time not something from the "Interviewing for Dummies" handbook.

Stacey feels super disrespected but decides it would be the best to ignore it as Brittany puts the sucker back in her mouth

Armando, tonight you and Logan take on two thirds of the legendary team Cerebrus! Thoughts on the match?

(Chuckles) Logan and myself have talked a lot since the lottery. I feel like I've gotten to know him and be accepted into his family. I respect the hell out of that man. Tonight is our night. It is our time to shine. I'm tired of being the joke of WZCW. Cerberus is a broken shell of what it used to be. They are not on the same page anymore. Tonight we will prove that Eve Taylor and Ramparte are just stepping stones.

Stacey raises an eyebrow with confusion.

Stepping stones for what exactly?

Again, Brittany removes the sucker from her mouth

Glory. Fame. Redemption. A new story is about to unfold in WZCW. It stahts tonight with Eve Taylor and Rampahte.

Armando takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolds it and shows it to the camera: A flier with the new tag champions, Live Mas, posing with their tag title belts.

We know exactly what we want to accomplish Stacey(looks over to Armando and they lock eye contact) and togethah (looks back at Stacey) we will. Eve and Rampahte aren't remotely ready for what we're bringing tonight.

So what you are telling me is that you want to take on the Tag Team Champions Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage?

Stacey...don't you pay attention? I'm going to say this slow just for you. So listen carefully sweethaht. These two men are not just going to challenge the Tag Team Champions, they are going to destroy them and every other team WZCW puts in front of them. When my men get their opportunity, Live Mas will quite simply, Live. No. Mas.

I haven't heard that before..

Stacey smiles, sarcastically, feeling like she finally gets to get even with the amount of disrespect from the three she has been getting.

Logan and Armando look pissed off from what Stacey just said but Brittany calms them both down.

While many have said that, they all failed. Sure, they haven't been tag team champions for long but Men of Mayhem are on a mission. Tonight is about more than a victory.

Tonight is about proving to everyone that we are not a joke.

Tonight is about proving that we can win.

Tonight is about proving that we're a threat!

The two men shake hands before turning to leave the interview. Stacey is shocked as she still had more questions to ask. Brittany is still there, staring at Stacey with a dirty look, who finally notices.

Sweethaht, tonight is about Mayhem.

She smiles again and puts the sucker back in her mouth, politely waving as she walks away, leaving a mind blown Stacey alone. Brittany runs along to catch up with her Men of Mayhem. They're shown heading to their locker room to get ready for their match against a destroyed Cerberus. She finally catches up with them and locks arms with both men. Their road to Kingdom Come starts tonight on Ascension....together...
Wembley Stadium
London, England
Lethal Lottery
2 Hours After Being Eliminated

It was early morning; Lethal Lottery had finished over an hour ago and the crowds were gone. The only people left in the stadium were the ring crew dismantling the elaborate stage and the arena crew cleaning the stands. All the wrestlers and regular on-screen staff headed to either the airport or their hotels for the night... except for Eve Taylor, who was sitting in the middle of the ring cross-legged. She was still in her ring gear with the Elite X championship in one hand and a bottle of straight vodka in the other. She tighten her grip on the bottle and forced down a shot, swaying slightly as she did so. She coughed a little as she smiled, looking down at her Elite X championship; her pride and joy. Her only wish for that night was to capture this title and it came true. For the short time she spent sitting in the middle of the ring, she believed wishes could come true... but as the vodka slowly began seeping into her bloodstream, she knew she was only kidding herself. It was the reason why she drank the vodka; to numb that pain.

"Excuse me, Miss Taylor" said a ring technician, "we'll need you to leave the ring so we can dismantle it. We haven't much time left you see beca-"

"Spare me the details, kid." Eve replied. "I'll go."

Eve did her best to stand up with groggy legs and occupied hands.

"I'm used to it." Eve muttered under her breath.

Eve left the ring and headed up the ramp, looking to head to her locker room she had yet to see since arriving at the stadium to prepare for her match. Being on first, she wasn't able to enjoy the event as an on-looker. She wrestled her match, went into the trainers office to recover and then wrestled once more in the Lottery. She didn't view any of the other matches including her own stable-mates. The only time she had to herself in that time was after the Lottery when she walked the streets of London and found the only place that sold alcohol, drinking through one bottle whilst roaming the street before bringing the second one back to the arena.

Eve stopped to look back at the ring as the technicians went hard at work to take down the top rope, the very rope that Eve had sent her partners Flex Mussel & Ramparte over after she had been eliminated. She hadn't the faintest clue why she decided to hope back on the apron and argue her elimination. Both her feet hit the floor; she had no excuse. She was acting on shock and the feeling of being invincible from defeating James Howard, a victory she detailed to herself to be an important one on a solo trip whilst riding the London Eye... but she still got up, tugging on the very rope that Flex & Ramparte would utilise to begin their destruction of those left in the Lottery. This is where her memory got hazy. As Eve tried to recall her memories, she put the bottle to her lips once more and took a few gulps of the vodka in one sitting. She exhaled with a throat-scratching wind before turning around, heading to her locker room. Whatever happened, Eve didn't want to recall it.


Moments later, Eve had stumbled to her dressing room and saw the state of her door. She let out a quick smile as she hiccuped, knowing that this sort of damage came from one who wielded a cane. Since Kurtesy & Holmes had no reason to do such a thing, she could only deduce it was Ramparte's cane he had recently started carrying around. She knew she had to talk to him but with this incident, there was no way she could avoid it. She had to talk to him somehow before she fell asleep.

Eve opened the door, walking over to her gym bag. A little tired from all the walking, she sat down hard on the bench and took another big swig of the bottle. She slammed it down on the bench and slouched forward. She looked over to her gym bag for a second, making sure everything was still there... but took a double-take when she remembered one of the items: her replica Eurasian championship the company had given her (it was a tradition for WZCW to offer former champions a replica of their titles they've accrued in their careers). Using her now empty hand, she pulled out the Eurasian title and placed it side-by-side with the Elite X title.

"Two championships." Eve said softly. "Who would've thunk it, huh? Me... winning two titles..." Eve trailed off, hiccuping.

She had achieved history: becoming the first ever female in WZCW to have held two championships... another accolade she can list on her ever-growing resume. Even though she doubted coming to WZCW in the first place since losing her spot at the top of the mountain within the modelling industry, she was relieved she followed through. Her winning these titles and earning these benchmarks kept Eve's blood pumping and her brain from turning insane. It was the things she strived for: glory & fame. Nothing else came close, not even her pursuit for friendship. She'd throw away all her friends if it meant becoming the most glorious and famous person.

Eve was struck. "Was that why I eliminated my friends?"

She was lost in a trance for a moment but as soon as she snapped out, she snatched the bottle of vodka and downed the final remaining gulps inside. She tossed the bottle away and looked back down at her titles, trying to forget about her friends for a moment and soak in the glory of her own accomplishments. She grabbed both her championships and made her way over to the big mirror hanging up on the wall. She placed both titles on her shoulders, playing with her hair to make herself look as best she could with her exhausted look. She admired the titles but hated how she looked. Her designer gear was covered in her sweat. She could get away her the wet look for her hair but her clothes were still drenched, even hours after competing. She despised her ability to sweat so much; it made many photo shoots and video commercials extremely difficult. To rectify the situation, she placed the titles on the floor and begin stripping away at her clothes.

Eve took off all but her jewellery and whatever make-up managed to stand the test of Eve's sweat, tossing all her clothes aside as she tossed her vodka bottle moments earlier. She let out a small smile, a bit more satisfied with the picture. It felt great for Eve to strip off everything and relieve herself from her duties of maintaining a fashionable outfit. It was almost as if she was stripping away all her problems in the world and gave her a sense of safety and comfort. However, getting rid of her problems wasn't the reason why she stripped naked almost suddenly; she wanted to view herself as the true person she was.

Eve picked up her Eurasian championship followed by her Elite X championship, placing one on each shoulder. She looked over each championship with pride before looking at herself.

"Damn... I look good. I should dress like this more often."

Inspired by her dream, Eve placed the Elite X title on the ground as she wrapped the Eurasian championship around her waist. There was barely enough room to cover up Eve as she stood vertical but left nothing to the imagination as she picked up her Elite X title once more. Thanks to Howard's big waist, the belt extension was enough for her to fit the Elite X title around her big bust. Eve looked in the mirror and saw her naked self with only her championships acting as her clothes. In her drunken state, she smiled and did a pirouette to confirm her new look.

"Maybe I should acquire a dress made of belts?" She joked.

Remembering the time, Eve turned around and did her best to pick up her discarded clothing and shoved it in her bag. She didn't want some creep picking her clothes and selling it online. She wanted the money for herself. She zipped up her bag and placed it on her shoulder, exiting the locker room.

As she closed the door, she remembered the state which Ramparte left her door. She let out a sigh as she fumbled through her bag, looking for her phone.

"Oh Ramparte..." Eve went to say something else but nothing came out.

She let out a quick smile before unlocking her phone, opening up her contacts and looking to call Ramparte... but before she could ring, she decided it was best to keep it to message. The last two words she said coupled with vodka might not be the best time to call someone. She thought it best to avoid something like that (despite being naked and wearing only title belts).

As she walked down the corridor to exit the building, she slowly began to type on her phone...

I see you left your handiwork on my door.
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