AS 98: Dr. Zeus vs. The Beard

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I look down the long path that lies ahead and all I see is darkness. My footsteps echo and the further I get, a bright light becomes noticeable. My breathing is heavier than normal, the sweat that drips from my brow gives you the illusion that I've just exited the shower. Now let that image sink in. My big bearded body, slowly exiting the water like a majestic unicorn leaping an even more majestic rainbow.

I bow my head and close my eyes. I think of my family. They are my motivation. Whispers murmur in the background as I look up and open my eyes. The light nearly blinds me. I remove the towel from my head as I feel my knees quiver. This is my moment. This is my triumph. This is my home. My familiar music hits and I storm out. The crowd is shocked. I can't hear them as my chest pounds. BUMBUM! BUMBUM! BUMBUM! I'm not sure how they feel. A slight panic comes over me but I quickly snap out if it. I am a natural performer, it’s what I do
And there I see him. Zeus. My former confidant. A friend, a mentor. His passion still there. He gleams with excitement as he stares me in the eyes. I'm ashamed as I keep my head lowered. I'm unsure if it is my anxiety or if it’s my fear of failure. He speaks. The words muffled and finally I look into his eyes and darkness succumbs me. I see myself, not as I am now but as I was. Confident yet scared. A menace to all, including myself. A creature he created. His final piece of domination. The monster to destroy all humanity.

That's all I remember. It’s all a swirl of emotion from there. I've watched the replay. I faced the fear and I tried to take down the real monster but I failed. I'm not at that level, not yet. But Zeus, know that I always lurk in the shadow. Know that I will defeat you.

Unbelieveable. I can’t believe that you of all people just walked out that curtain. How’s it feel to be back?

Snapping me from my train of thought was the familiar voice of one, Leon Kensworth. A voice I hadn’t heard in awhile. It was soothing.

Beard? Buddy? Did you go crazy again? Please warn me if so, I haven’t had my morning coffee to do crazy yet.

See what I mean, soothing. I smirk back at Leon, looking for the right words.

Deep down we’re all a little crazy Leon. Am I right or am I right?

A nod of approval from Mr. Kensworth as I begin to scratch at the rat that has made a nest on my face. Not a literal rat, that’s gross guys.

Rumors had been swirling after your return that it may have been just a one time deal, but now it seems those rumors are false as you’ll go one on one with a former associate of yours, Dr. Zeus on Ascension. Where’s your mind at right now?

My mind is right here Leon, where else would it be?

No disrespect, you have been known to lose it every now and then.

He was right. My mind has been known to be unstable. Leon seems unsettled, as if I’m going to snap. It was kind of funny. I should laugh. Haha! Good he seems relieved. Excellent.

That’s in the past Leon. I came back to redeem myself. I’m looking to evolve as not just a wrestler, but as a person. I’m no longer that guy that just wants to destroy life because life destroyed me. Nope. My life has been restored, as has my faith in humanity. Now the only thing I look to destroy are the destroyers themselves. And I have a golden opportunity sitting in front of me. The Lethal Lottery winner himself, the man who seeks out something I once was stupid enough not to covet, the World Heavyweight Championship. It takes two to dance, so Zeussy boy, lets tango baby.

That was a pretty good line. I should remember that one. Speaking of which, I need to take Emily on those dancing lessons after the new baby gets its sweet sweet face out of her.

Does Zeus worry you at all Beard? I mean, he is a very dangerous man.

Should I be worried Leon? Probably. You said it early, I have first hand experience with Zeus. I know what he can do to the human mind. He is a controlling and very convincing man. Before I left I would’ve said yes, he worries me. But sitting here right now, nope. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. After Ascension, Zeus will have control of nothing after I’m through with him. Not even his bowels. That’s right Leon, think that through. I’m gonna make Zeus poop his pants.

Leon found that incredible funny. That’s a pretty good belly laugh my friend. Imagine if Zeussy boy does go number 2 in the middle of that ring? That may be our future world champion ladies and gentlemen. He’d have to change his name to Dr. Deuce. Cause that’s what he’ll be dropping. I’ll just call him that, just to get under that thick and gross gross skin. Yup.

Any final words before we ride off Beard?

I just want Beard Nation loud and proud. Every earthquake starts with a little shake Leon. Beard Nation is that shake and I’ll be the aftershock as I pound Zeus’ face like a cake. I’m looking to break loose and I can’t do that if I’m here sitting in place. Nope, nope, nope. Every redemption story has its villain and here we are in chapter one and I’m going toe to toe with the bad guy. Well bad guy, meet the beard guy. A new beard guy. A bigger beard guy. A better beard guy. A badder beard guy. Let’s leave him with a little poem Leon. Of all people, he’d appreciate that no?

Roses are red
So is your face.
So much blood you should be dead.
Nose a little out of place.
A face from the past you once revered
Guess what time it is doc?
Time to fear the beard.
How’s that for a bit of a mock?

I shake the hand of Mr. Kensworth. A sturdy handshake. And now I hope Zeus hears those words. I want him fierce. I want him angry. I want him ready. Because I’ll be ready. Ready to slay the dragon that took me away from reality. And after Ascension, Zeus’ reality will be clear. My fist. His face. Story time is over Beard Nation. Time to bring the end. Toodles.
Ellie lay in her bed, squirming from her illness and from her guilt.

For some time, she found it impossible to sleep in the tiny dorm room bed. Outside the room, she heard the faucet run, as she knew her boyfriend was washing off the vomit from earlier. To his credit, he stayed by her side every minute, sitting by her bedside to offer her water or to walk her to the bathroom, and hold her hair as she threw up. This was the first time he'd ever see her sick, and this was all very new to him.

This wasn't new to her; in fact, this had been a very, very common occurrence for Ellie, for the past month. But this was the first time her boyfriend asked her to spend the night with her; she felt an obligation to say yes to him, and she really did want to spend this time with him. Even if it meant having all of this happen in front of him.

Even if it meant inadvertently revealing her dark little secret, that she strived so hard to keep from him.

A soft knock on the door, but Ellie merely groaned a plaintive cry, to allow for the knocker to enter. As the door opened, she made out the outline of her boyfriend, drying his hands. Dorian Geigel walked toward the bed, and placed his hand on her forehead.

"Still very warm," he mumbled to no one in particular. His hands were cool, but refreshing. It provided relief for the sweltering heat that consumed her; it felt like her bones were on fire. "Is there anything you need, dear?"He looked to his girlfriend with reassuring eyes, and held her hand firmly.

"You've done so much already." She attempted a faint smile, but a rush of pain reached her head, and she grimaced at this throbbing pain. Her body was racked in an impossible sort of pain.

"I imagine it's just a stomach bug...crazy what salmon can do for you."

She coughed, and squirmed about her bed. Every move she made caused another rush of agony; and yet, she couldn't lay still. She coughed, and rolled to her side to keep her mouth away from his face. "You really don't have to stay dear," she weakly let out. "I'll be fine."

"Absolutely not. What kind of man would I be, if I left you alone like this?"

"One with less throw-up on his shoes?"

Dorian looked down on his shoes, and frowned. "Well, you aren't wrong." Ellie giggled, but remembered she was responsible for his new shoes being ruined. She felt the throbbing pain again, and this time howled in agony. Dorian's eyes widened, as he rushed over to check on her. "Sweetie, are you ok?"

Ellie's eyes now seemed scornful; the paranoia started to creep into her mind, as she backed away from Dorian. Her scornful eyes softened, though, as she recognized the face of the man who had taken care of her all night. She slunk back into the bed, and tears started to form in her eyes. "Honestly, Dorian," she stammered out her words with a sickly voice, "you're too good to me. Why?"

"Why, what?"

She tried to hold her tears back, but could no longer. "Why do you...even bother?"

Dorian's eyebrows raised, and there was a haunting silence in the air. Dorian stammered a bit himself, and wiped the tears from Ellie's eyes. She reached for a tissue, but was in so much agony, she couldn't even reach the nightstand. Dorian gave her a tissue, and thought for some time. "I mean..", he stammered out, not sure of what to say. "I don't know..." he tried to think for something to say, and smiled. "You got a good reason why I shouldn't?" Dorian said it in a joking tone, but something about those words made Ellie sob. She wept openly, as Dorian looked even more befuddled. "Sweetie, it's ok, it's ok. It's no big deal. Everyone gets sick, you know?"

Ellie wiped away her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just...I'm just not used to all of this. No one's ever really taken care of me before."

Dorian again held her hand, and sighed. "Well, if you want to know...I bother because I care about you. Like, I don't want to scare you at all, but yeah, I care about you, Ellie."

Ellie coughed, and replied, "My puke is all over your shoes. I really don't have any high ground to stand on, right now, if we're talking about scaring off."

"'s not weird to say I care about you?"

"Not really. I've heard worse."

"Real winning endorsement, right there. 'I've heard worse', Ellie Steinkempf."

Ellie giggled again, and squeezed Dorian's hand. "I care about you, too, Dori. And you've really done more than you need to. Dorian, I...I...

Dorian's ears perked up, and his eyes lit up a bit.

"I mean...I just need to tell you..."

Dorian squeezed her hand, and a perplexed look crossed his face. "Yes, dear?"

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room for some time, as Ellie looked at the man taking care of her. The man that she secretly knew she already loved, though it seemed impossible to her. She winced, and again, a long pause.

"I just...I just heal better when I'm alone, you know? Dorian sighed at this, and nodded his head. It isn't you, at all, dear. Just...I like to be by myself when I'm sick. So I tend to isolate myself. That's all."

Dorian thought about this, and sighed again. "I'd really rather not."

"You said it yourself, it was probably a stomach bug. Let me get it out of my system tonight, and I'll be ok. I promise."

Dorian sighed once more, and gave in. " me if you need me? Please?" His pleading eyes looked into hers, and she nodded slowly. "Ok." He leaned in to kiss her, thought better of it, and decided to kiss her on the cheek. "Good night, dear."

As he shut the door, Ellie lay in bed, a cold sweat beading over her forehead. She squirmed again, finding no comfort in the situation. She moaned loudly, and held her head. The sweat began to pour from her forehead, and she begged for the pain to cease. She tried to find comfort, but was only met with more pain. It felt as though her skin was dripping off her skin, much like wax under a flame. She could feel herself liquefying. as her brain and muscles deteriorated into oblivion. She screamed at the agony, and finally unable to suffer the pain, she rummaged through her desk drawers. She furiously ran her fingers through the drawers, to find a plastic bag containing a spoon, a lighter, and a powdery white substance. Her hands shook, as she released the contents of the powder onto the spoon, and held it to her face. Her pupils dilated, as she stared longingly at what she held; the sweet relief from the torture she was enduring. But as she held the drug, tears once again to form in her eyes. The eyes which held a look of relief and joy instantly turned to horror. She threw the spoon to the wall, and sobbed endlessly. Not able to even support her own body weight, Ellie slumped to the wall, in a fit of shouting and tears. She cried uncontrollably, and hit her head against the wall, cradling herself in her arms. She desperately banged her head, looking for release from the pain. Her weeping intensified, as she looked up to the sky.

"Sorry, dear, you ain't gonna find your answers up there." A low tenor of a voice filled the room, as Ellie's eyes darted across the room. She couldn't make out where the voice came from, but her heavy breathing stopped, and there was a dead silence to the room.

Oh, don't worry none, my dear."

"Dorian?! Dorian, this really isn't funny!"

"Afraid not. But I'm sure that I can take care of you better than he could."

Out of the darkness crept a creature in a dark gray suit, smoking a cigar with a large, toothy grin. The demon, Alistair, stood before Ellie.

"Who are you?"

"I'd consider dropping that base from your voice. Consider me your...Guardian Angel." Alistair chuckled, and then offered, "Ok...Guardian Fallen Angel."

Ellie held a lighter, but searched her desk for a weapon.

"How'd you get in here?"

"Let's just call it a master key, shall we?"Ellie sized up the man in front of her, not aware of the power he possessed.

"I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but I'd very much consider going back from where you came."

Alistair took a puff of his cigar, and let the smoke sit in his mouth for some time, confidently strolling across the room. "I really don't think you'd want that. You're gonna want to hear what I have to offer."

Ellie didn't buy it. She grimaced in pain as she searched for her weapon of choice. She was nearly green in hue, as she grabbed a hold of a knife. She brandished the knife, pointing the blade at Alistair. Alistair laughed, and held his hand up. "Of course. Leave it to the humans to believe their weapons can hurt us. You know how many people have pulled a knife on me? A gun? Trust me, you ain't the first, and you won't be the last." Ellie's grip on her knife loosened, as her eyes betrayed the determination she tried to portray."But I don't want to hurt you, Ellie-"

"How do you know my name?"

"What part of Guardian Fallen Angel do you not understand?"

Ellie held her knife, but no longer pointed it at the Demon. "Angels aren't real."

Alistair rolled his eyes, and looked to the ground. "Always have to make believers. Alright, consider this collateral, I suppose." Alistair raised his index finger, and the effects of withdrawal slowly drifted away from Ellie's body. Ellie felt her body slowly return to health, and she no longer felt the torture she had just went through. Her senses came to her, and her eyes brightened with life. The green hue of her skin was the healthy tan it used to be, and her dull eyes became so very bright. Ellie stood up, and looked into the mirror. Her eyes widened, as she felt the skin of her cheek.

"How did you-"

"Sometimes, Ellie," Alistair started, before taking another drag of his cigar, "We all lose our way. And whether or not you realize it, there is very much a God." He puffed out his smoke, and it drifted across the room. "And there is very much a devil. But it doesn't play out like you hear in Sunday School. At some point, you were told that God walks with you, and even in the parts where you're most tired, he carries you. Tell me, Ellie...has God carried you, at all?"

Ellie's mouth was open, as she tried to formulate a response. Silence. Absolute silence.

"Yes, you, just like me, you have fallen, Ellie. A fallen angel if there ever was one...And quite the beautiful one, as well." Alistair brushed his hand against Ellie's cheek, but she smacked away his hand, and brandished her knife. "So forceful. Anyway, you, too, have fallen Ellie, and when angels fall...why, that's where we come in. Fallen angels, much like yourself, who offer a second chance. We come to you with the chance to make all of this exactly as you want. This-" Alistair held up the Heroin, and gave a grin. "Gone."

Ellie kept her knife, and silently pondered this. "Let me guess; my soul? Think you could go for something a little more cliche?"

Alistair smiled, and pointed his finger, snickering. "You're something else, you know that? you know why it's always the soul?" Ellie shook her head, but her eyes never left Alistair's. "It's because it's the only thing we can take from you, that hold value. Think of it Ellie...what could I take from you now, that would have any value? What else can you really offer me, Ellie?"

Ellie was to the brink of tears, as she aimed her knife at Alistair and violently attempted to stab him. She missed, and the tears began to flow. "Tell me honestly, Ellie; what, might I ask, is your life actually worth?"

Ellie looked down, and away from the demon. "What about Dorian?"

A smile crept across Alistair's face, as he harshly barked the name. "Dorian? The boy who you haven't even told yet about your...little habit?" Ellie again attempted to wildly stab. "How long do you think you can keep this little charade going, Ellie? A week, maybe two? Did you really think you could go cold turkey for him?"

"Screw you!"

"You really did, didn't you? Well, what happens when he finds you dead?! What happens when he finds you unconscious in your bed?! Did you think that one through, Ellie?!"

Alistair had put out his cigar, leaving the only light in the room to be the faint outlines of Alistair and Ellie. Alistair shouting voice returned to a smooth tenor now, as Ellie cried. "Well, at least in death, you won't have to witness how much you've hurt him, so let's play another 'what-if', shall we? What if Dorian finds out?"

Alistair allowed for the silence to fill the room, with only intermittent sounds of Ellie's sobs. "Like I said, before, Ellie. You can't keep it up very long. A week, maybe two. And then he finds out. You really think he'll stay with you, after that? Or is he going to see you as a lying succubus, and make it his mission to never see you again?" Alistair lit up another cigar, and Ellie could see his face once more. "And then Ellie...then you'll have nothing, and no one. Then Ellie, what will you really be worth?"

Again, a silence permeated the room. Ellie kept her knife, but seemed in no place to use it. ", what are you offering me?"

Alistair smiled, and turned on the light in the room. All of the cigar smoke still filled the room, so everything looked quite hazy. "A fair enough trade...your addiction, for your soul."

"....and.....and Dorian-

"None the wiser."

Ellie took a deep breath, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She hesitated for some time. "....I'll do it...."

Alistair grinned, as he put out his cigar. He reached into his coat pocket. "I brought the contract, just in case these first set of negotiations went well." He unfurled a piece of paper, which Ellie looked over. She read through it for some time, before reaching into her desk to find something to write. Tears began to stream again, as she pulled out a red pen.

"Oh, I'm sorry...your modern day writing utensils do not seal these deals. I'm going to need something a little more...permanent." He grabbed her wrist and the knife,as he angled the knife to meet her silky smooth skin. He applied the tiniest hint of pressure. "Still too cliche for you?" He eased the pressure of the blade, before pulling it back. No blood had trickled yet, but Alistair was clearly going to slice Ellie with her knife. "You won't feel a thing..." He jerked the knife towards Ellie again, as she breathed heavily.

But before Alistair could run the blade across her skin, she blurted out, "Wait," almost out of instinct.

Alistair looked up, clearly annoyed. Ellie sighed heavily, and closed her eyes. Again, her eyes met Alistair. She looked down at the knife, and said, "Just...not this way...not this way."

Alistair smiled again, and put the knife away. "Why, that's ok, dear...I also accept oral arrangements." He pulled Ellie towards her, and kissed her. Ellie was overwhelmed, as the demon kissed her. She could feel the weight of addiction leaving her body, as she gazed into Alistair's now pupil-less eyes. For some time, he kissed her, until she backed away. Out of breath, and clearly flummoxed, she could only look in the mirror, shocked at what she had just done.

"Enjoy sobriety! And remember, step at a time." Ellie turned around to look at the demon, but he was already gone.Ellie turned back into the mirror, and began to sob uncontrollably, at the deal she had just made.

Dr. Zeus, for the first time in some time, felt at peace alone. After all, he had slain the bowels of hell, and won the Lethal Lottery. He smiled a giant smile at the thought of his congregation coming together, and running roughshod against the entire WZCW roster. Dr. Zeus, Fallout, and John Doe; Zeus had meticulously planned for himself and Fallout to destroy all that crossed their path. But he could never expect the amount of carnage John Doe would wreak in his wake. Fallout and John Doe had stood tall as warriors, and indeed, had proven themselves to be the potential weapons in fighting the demons of Hell.

Dr. Zeus smiled gleefully, as he sat back in his chair. Already, he was planning a file on Theron Daggershield. A warrior of nobility, for sure. But he was more than just that; this was not just a warrior of dark magic.

This was also a warrior that Dr. Zeus had never been able to beat.

Dr. Zeus scowled at the thought of how many times Theron Daggershield had escaped the fire. At the many times in which Zeus had him in his clutches, ready to permanently sedate the heathen. And just as quick, Theron would find some way out of the flame, and would extract victory.

"Never again," he grumbled, "never again.
Theron Daggershield will not escape torture and pain.
A very fine warrior, but I'll see it well,
that Theron Daggershield-"

"Burns in the pits of Hell?"

Dr. Zeus remained on guard in his office, as he scoured for the source of the sing songy voice. He knew the voice to be Alistair's, but not from where it came.

"Show yourself, foul demon, arrive from Hell's gate,
Before you, too, meet Theron Daggershield's fate!"

Alistair materialized behind a sitting Doctor, and spun Zeus around to face him. "Feeling high and mighty, are we?" Dr. Zeus reached for his blowtorch, and pointed it at Alistair. "Relax thyself, 'God's Warrior'. Thou art a warrior for a God who still refuses to show he exists!"

A smug smile formed over Zeus' face, as he looked at the demon.

"If God does not exist, then please, do explain,
How we made Lethal Lottery our domain?
We outlasted all of the Devils' force!
They were trampled by all of my soldiers, by horse!
Matt Tastic, Stormrage, even Kurtesy!
So, how did we do that, if God can not be?!"

Alistair took a puff of his cigar, and pondered this. "All of the Devils' forces?"

Dr. Zeus' eyebrows raised, but he stayed seated, and smiled again.

"Every single warrior you sent to me,
My warriors obliterated with absolute glee!"

Alistair took another puff, and as he spoke, smoke seeped out his mouth. "Good to know you'll have your warriors when you face the Warblade."

Dr. Zeus considered this, and his eyes widened a bit.

"Tell me, Dorian...did you like our little surprise, of the Beard? How we brought him back, just to toy with you?"

Dr. Zeus took a shot of whiskey, and dismissed this notion.

"Just a moment, and nothing more.
We dispatched of him, like it was no chore."

"You're right, three did. It took all three of you to eliminate him. What do you think will happen when he gets you alone, Dorian?"

Dorian was in the midst of taking another shot of whiskey, when Alistair brought this up. He swallowed his whiskey hard, and coughed heavily, as it burned his throat.

"You ruined his life, Dorian. You built him to be the King of Kings...and when my fiercest warriors vanquished you, he became a shell! A mere mortal man, who lost his wife, his child, and his soul! What do you think he will do to you, when he gets the chance to see you one on one?!"

"I'll smite much like I did before,
Think...who else, of The Beard, could possibly know more?
I know more about that man than anyone can!
I'll dispatch quickly what's become a mere shell of a man!"

Dr. Zeus had wound himself into shouting. He breathed deeply, before starting again.

"Besides, those warriors you speak of no longer exist.
There is no more Ty Burna...he had been dismissed."

Alistair smiled a wide grin, as he puffed his cigar again. "You're really out of the loop, aren't you?". Dorian's eyebrows raised, as he stared at the demon, his eyes unwavering. Alistair laughed to himself, and took the last drag from his cigar. "Son, I'm not sure if anyone has made you aware...but when you won the Lethal Lottery, you disrupted the very plans of Lucifer himself. You've thrown his plans to chaos...and that has made him very, very angry. The word is out, are to be maimed, at fed to the devil himself. That's why...that's why the Big Guy has called for all hands on deck."

Dr. Zeus' eyes widened, at what this wrought. He dare not speak, but a haunted look appeared before his eyes.

"Ty Burna? He's very much back. And so is El Califa."

Dr. Zeus began to think back to the brutal assault, the return to the psych ward, the months of torture and abuse. He began to shake, as he involuntarily sat in his chair. He began to convulse, at the thought of the return of these demons. Alistair slapped Dr. Zeus, and grabbed him by his shirt. "Enough!" Zeus was still, though the panicked expression glimmered in his eye. "Besides...I didn't come to threaten. I actually came to strike a deal."

Dr. Zeus' eyes narrowed on his guest, who sat down at the other side of Dr. Zeus' desk.

A deal?! What you say can't be true!
Why would you believe I'd ever make a deal with you!"

Alistair poured himself a drink of Zeus' whiskey, and folded his hands, leaning in to speak to Zeus. "Dorian, I am many things. A thief, a pillager, a warrior...but have you ever known me to be a liar?"

Dorian thought of this long and hard, and considered this. He listened more, as Alistair spoke.

"You see, Dorian...we seem to have a mutual problem. And that would be The Warblade himself."

"But Theron is surely a warrior of the occult!
Surely, with Lucifer himself, Theron doth consult!"

"He did...but there's a funny thing about demons. They, too, desire purity. They may fight for the devil himself...but they long for the paradise in which we were so robbed. There's a reason we're fallen angels, after all."

Dr. Zeus was silent, in considering this.

"Well," continued Alistair ruefully, "It would appear Theron's flown too close to the sun, and now he's burnt his damn wings! Little Warblade decided to purify himself, and now he's got archangel blood in his veins! All over some fight with another of our best warriors."

Dr. Zeus was clearly getting impatient, as he shifted and turned his back to Alistair.

"Should I just cut to the part where you can have Ellie's soul back?"

This, indeed, perked Zeus' interest. He immediately turned around, and leaned in to stare into the eyes of Alistair. A look of desperation crossed his eyes.

"Thought so. Anyway...Dorian, have you ever heard of the law of Equivalent Exchange?"

"Just tell me how to get back Ellie, you son of a-"

"You'd be wise to take the base out of your voice, or you Ellie's soul will rot in Hell for all of eternity!"

Zeus silenced, as Alistair smirked. "The Law of Equivalent Exchange states, simply, that Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. For years, centuries, we had been taught this applied to physical properties. But what if I told you we could apply it to spiritual entities?"

"I'd say you're a lunatic, and mad.
Souls can not be obtained, or had!"

"But they can be given. In this case, we can offer a soul, for a soul in return. We have a vested interest in the return of Theron Daggershield...and we're happy to offer you the soul of Ellie, in return."

"You lie-"

"Interrupt me again, and this deal is immediately pulled!"

Zeus quieted, but his hands shook at the thought of Ellie being returned.

"Of course, that is far from the end of it. If you sign this deal, you will cease your war on Hell, and instead focus on Theron. No more salvation of the Earth, no more saving the souls of get Ellie, that's it. You abandon this crusade...and really, you become our employee."

Dr. Zeus was deep in thought, completely unsure of what next to do.

"You also obtain our power. Meaning, you work through Lucifer, and he works through you. The same power that imbibes Ty can be yours. You will be able to torment Theron, and bring him back to the depths of Hell. Then...and only then...we will return Ellie to you."

A haunting silence filled the room, as Dorian looked above.

"I'm afraid you won't find any answers up there...but you already knew that! As a sign of acceptance, we offer to you, The Beard, as your first opponent."

Dr. Zeus looked into the eyes of Alistair, with distrust and anger.

"Admit feel he was responsible for the fall of the Pale Riders. It was his failure, against Matt Tastic, that led to the Pale Riders losing steam. You were ambushed by our power...there was no ambush for The Beard! He was placed against Matt Tastic, and failed! His failure led to the rise of Matt Tastic...and your little stay in the psych ward. You know you've wanted this for some time-"

You're damn right I did, for so very long!
I placed my faith in Beard, and I would find I was wrong!
Beard wasn't to be the savior of all!
It was all Beard's fault, Beard dropped the ball!
Beard's the reason why God left us all,
and for his transgressions, Beard must fall!"

Alistair smiled, as Dr. Zeus breathed heavily. An uncomfortable silence filled the room, as Alistair stood up, and reached into his coat pocket. "Well, I suppose I should leave this here...fear not, I'll know if you signed. I'm sure you know the terms, and are aware of how these arrangements are usually agreed upon. I'll leave you to consider my offer, Dorian...Adieu..."

Dr. Zeus was staring at the contract, but looked up to Alistair. But before he could, Alistair was gone, and only the contract remained. Dorian looked over for some time, and took another swig of whiskey. His brow furrowed, as he considered it. Finally, after what felt like hours, Dr. Zeus grabbed the closest knife, and set the blade on his palm. Slowly, Zeus applied pressure, until there was blood. He winced in pain, as he allowed for drops of his blood to touch the contract.

Three splots of blood hit the contract, and the contract disappeared into thin air. As it did, Dr. Zeus' eyes, already bloodshot, turned fully blood red.
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