AS 98: Constantine vs. Alhazred

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Constantine sits alone in his hut, his back against the dry wooden wall and his head dipped to his raised knees; obscuring his face altogether. Outside, the rain lashes to the ground and a rumble of thunder doesn't seem too far away as the sky lights up with the accompanying lightning. Inside the wooden shack, the small fire is lit, illuminating the messy features of the shack with every dancing ember. Constantine shakes with the cold as an atmosphere of dread begins to creep in.

What had he done?

As he thought back on his decisions over the last few months, they began to make less and less sense. His decision to leave Mia and his newborn seemed crazy when he really thought about it. And with Bill not around to fill head with propaganda and spin, Constantine finally felt as though he was beginning to think clearly for the first time in months. Had he really made a mistake in prioritising his career over the future of his partner and his newborn. He had been a politician in what seemed like a far removed life, and he knew all too well of people who had did the same. Hell, his own father did the same! Long nights at the office, no time for his children; yes, this was an all too familiar story for the Power Trip.

Constantine thought about his own journey. Was he really worse off because he didn't spend enough time with his father? It was doubtful. If anything, it gave him the motivation to make something of himself; it drove him onto bigger and better things. If anything, he was better off without his father...

But thinking of Mia, all alone in that house hurt Constantine to the core. He had thought about how he might return to her at one point. Would she forgive him for what he had done just because he had thought better of it now? Probably not. His one goal in life was to be the best Heavyweight Champion that the wrestling world had ever seen. He had promised, upon his return to wrestling, that he would pull WZCW from the dirt and raise it higher than it had ever been before. With Constantine on top of the mountain, no one would be able to knock it. It had come such a long way from the likes of Ricky Runn being World Champion. But his ultimate goal had not been accomplished. He was so sure that he would be able to claim the Heavyweight Championship that he never gave his decision a second thought. He would turn up on the steps of his own house with the Heavyweight Championship in hand. Whilst shocked, Mia would realise that everything he has done he did for them. She would forget the bad times and embrace the future ahead.

But all of that was over now.

Bill: Theron made sure of that didn't he?

Constantine raises his head suddenly as Bill's voice stuns him. Sitting in front of the fire rocking back and forth in his rocking chair; Bill doesn't look at the former World Champion.

Bill: Yep, you had one chance to claim everything you ever longed for. The World Championship, the main event of Kingdom Come... It's all gone now.

Constantine: Leave me alone. I'm not in the mood for this tonight.

Bill finally turns his head towards Constantine with a wry smile on his bearded face.

Bill: Aww, is the little boy gonna cry? Is he gonna up and run off again like last time?

The Power Trip raises his head to give Bill a pitiful stare. Bill laughs as he looks down the sodden puppy dog eyes of the Power trip. Getting to his feet, Bill leaves the wicker rocking chair moving back and forth and walks towards Constantine; his shadow growing ever bigger with the fire at his back. As Bill nears Constantine, he bends down to meet him at eye level.

Bill: You blew it, son. The one opportunity we had to make the best of a bad situation. You let yourself down, you let me down. And most of all, you let our family down.

Constantine snarls as Bill continues.

Bill: You think that Mia is going to accept you back into her life with open arms as a loser? She isn't stupid you know, she watches you every second week. She knows what you're going through. Maybe in her heart, she thought that you might win the Championship and be on the next flight home to see her.

Bill pauses for a moment, letting his words sink into the solemn Constantine.

Bill: But what did you do? You let that imbecile Theron Daggershield beat you for the first time in his career. You pissed away the only opportunity you had to win back the Heavyweight Championship and win back your family. Who is going to want you now that you have proved that you can't keep your words. Who is going to want someone who is a loser in their life? A deadbeat dad and now a loser of the biggest proportions.

Constantine: YOU'RE WRONG!

Bill stops his attack as he looks into the fiery eyes of the Power Trip.

Constantine: She will take me back...

Bill laughs again as he gets to a vertical basis.

Bill: You think so, huh? Well, luckily enough for you, I have a plan. You see, the Heavyweight Championship isn't the biggest prize in the game. Anyone can be World Heavyweight Champion. I mean, look at the likes of Ricky Runn and Matt Tastic. The prestige of that Championship has become sullied from the times of Everest and Titus.

The Power Trip's eyes don't leave Bill as he begins to pace around the room.

Bill: But there is one title in the company that hasn't been sullied, Constantine. There is one place in the Fed that only the best of the best get their hands on. It hasn't been held high by people who are completely undeserving and it can never be taken away from you like your Championship was at Gold Rush.

Suddenly, a smile begins to appear on the face of Constantine as he grasps the idea of what Bill is talking about.

Bill: Alhazred lies in wait for you and he will be a decent challenge for you. But worry not about wins and losses, Constantine... Bigger challenges and more glory awaits you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and target who needs to be targeted...

Constantine gets to his feet, staring intently at Bill as he comes to a complete stand still.

Bill: Make him expect you...

With that, the fire in the hut goes out and the familiar burlap mask lies on the still rocking wooden chair.
Alhazred staggers to his feet and is thrown over the top rope. As he goes over he manages to catch a glimpse of a man wearing a skull mask in the audience. At the moment when their eyes meet, time freezes. Suspended in midair, the fuzziness from the damage he took during the match slowly fades and the man in the mask becomes crystal clear. It is the mask of Diabolos. Standing next to Diabolos is a little boy Alhazred told he would throw someone over for. A look of concern and disappointment covers the kid's face, Diabolos looks down on the young boy and pats his head. Diabolos quickly looks above him and Alhazred does the same.

The ceiling of the building swirls and forms into the inside of a trash can. Bottles and wrappers and old meat and fruit fill the can. Maggots squirm in and out of the objects and flies swarm all around. A small caterpillar wiggles into a can of beans. Suddenly a lit cigarette is thrown into the trash and engulfs it in flames. The maggots melt into the burning fire and the flies are set ablaze and fall into the flames, twitching and kicking their legs. Soon the fire slowly fades and the whole can is the blackest of blacks.

Emerging from the pit of darkness is a bright red butterfly. It squirms out from underneath the black trash and floats off high into the sky. It flutters into a large oak tree and sits on the highest branch as the sun shines behind it.

Leon Kensworth: You alright, man? Hey, Alhazred! Are you sure you're okay to do this interview?

Leon Kensworth is sitting in brown director's chair, Alhazred sits across from him staring down at the ground. His beard has been shaved and his hair cut, he's wearing black pants and a Krazy for Karnage t-shirt. Behind them is a crudely drawn picture of a butterfly on a flower with a smiling sun behind it.

Leon: Hey!

Alhazred jumps up and looks around him.

Alhazred: No need to yell Kittensworth, I'm sitting right next to you. Now I'm sure you're going to ask me all about my disappointing showing in the Lottery and how I have this giant obstacle named Constantine ahead of me. What I wasn't expecting was you to ask me if I'm alright. You had genuine concern for the most vile man in the history of the company. I have done terrible, terrible things to you Leon, so why?

Leon sits back puzzled and shrugs

Leon: I guess you could say we've become friends after all these years. I mean you only ever do interviews with me. I was there with you from the beginning, from all of your wins and all of your losses, I was usually the one to ask you the questions afterward. You've done bad things but you're not a bad guy.

Alhazred laughs and shakes his head.

Alhazred: Oh little Leon, you don't see it do you? You don't see it and you never will. I am the bad guy. I will always be the bad guy. I do bad things and hurt good people. From the day I was spewed forth from my mother's womb and nearly caused her to bleed to death having me; I have only cause pain and chaos for all who are near me. Whether I wanted to or not.

Alhazred leans in closer to Leon and puts his hand on his lap.

Alhazred: It's not my fault though, I don't think. Is it my fault that when you were saying all of those things about me all I wanted to do was cave in your skull?

Alhazred squeezes on Leon's thigh.

Alhazred: Right now all I want to do is dig my nails into your flesh until I scratch bone. I am wired for violence and I don't know why. Some people were born bad. Sure I have long strings of moments where I am genuinely a good person. I was a pretty good kid, never got into trouble. But I'm sure the same could be said about Manson and Bundy and Gacy. I'm sure they were perfectly normal human beings at times but just like me gnawing at their brains was an uncontrollable urge to inflict pain.

He takes his hand off of Leon's lap and runs it through his hair.

Alhazred: I've tried to bury it underneath false feelings for other human beings, some would call them friendships. The other night while being thrown over the top rope by Howard, I had this grand epiphany. Suddenly everything had become crystal clear to me. I was being held back by these feelings and friendships. Every time I tried to work with someone else or form a bond, I was crushed in the end. Look around me Leon, there is no one now. I have been here for four years now and not one person is around me, not one person has my back. It is time to embrace the darkness and lust for violence that is my true form. The devil in me has been knocking on the door, but I couldn't hear it over the voices of my so called friends and allies. Come Ascension, poor old Constantine is going to disappoint his family one more time when he feels the unrelenting force of that door swinging open.

Alhazred digs his hand into his pants and pulls out a Diabolos mask.

Alhazred: The whole time I wore this thing Leon, I thought it was the voices of the Old Ones calling to me to bring forth the disintegration of the human race. But I was wrong then too. I followed my foolish Grandmother and created a cult of crazies. I ended the careers of Grizzly Bob and Isabel Stone and I sacrificed the head of Baller. I did all of this and nothing came out of it. Do you know why Leon?

Leon: You also kidnapped Becky and made me eat a cat head.

Alhazred: Yes I did. Don't pretend you didn't enjoy that cat's head, that was probably the first and only taste of a pussy you'll ever get. Right Leon?!

He elbows him and chuckles, Leon smiles awkwardly.

Alhazred: But I digress, yeah I failed because I was preaching of false gods, servicing a religion based on lies. The real god is the god of war. The god of destruction, pain, and anguish. He's not in another dimension or somewhere out in the deep dark abyss. He resides in the deep, dark abyss within my soul Leon. I will feed him the blood of the great and mighty Constantine.

Alhazred stands up.

Alhazred: The last few months I have been through a hell that would have crippled any other man. The pain I have endured physically, emotionally, and spiritually will forever linger in my bones. I have lost everything I ever held dear. I couldn't even throw ONE single person over in the Lottery for that little guy, not ONE Leon!

He chucks the chair at the painting behind him.

Alhazred: You wanna sit there and call me a good guy, you wanna act like you have been through it all with me Leon? You know nothing Leon! I tried to be the good guy, I really did and it left me worse than I've ever been. I am grateful for that loss though because I have been reawakened, refocused. I will become the beast that I was destined to become. I will fuel the madness and rage that was passed onto me by my Father. The man who murdered my mother while I diddled with my Power Glove! I will embrace who I truly am and I am going to knock Constantine the fuck out! He failed against the hero of the story and now he will fail against it's villain.

Alhazred slaps his hand against the painting.

Alhazred: You see this Johhny boy? You see this? You remember when I tried to work with you and be nice but you treated me like shit?! Do you remember that? Well I will never forget the disgust and disdain that was on your face that night in the limo. You know what this picture is behind me? Looks like a little girl painted it doesn't it? A little girl about the age of your daughter huh? Well it's not hers. Nothing you created could ever imagine painting such a fantastic work of art. I painted this, it is the epiphany I had at the Lottery. To everyone it may look like child's play, but to me it is all that encompasses me and all that I represent. I am the butterfly in the sun and I am going to murder you and bathe in your blood! Expect utterly annihilate you!

He gives Leon a wedgie and spits at the camera as the scene fades to black.
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