AS 93: Eternal Question vs Super Boss Nova

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

Deadwood Rules are active for The Eternal Question - should the Eternal Question fail to RP, he will be fired!

Deadline is Wednesday May 20, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
Machiko Tomaru, the longtime friend and associate of the devious Alhazred, sits on his couch playing her 3DS. Suddenly her phone rings.

Machiko: Hi dee ho yo bro bro!

Super Boss Nova is running down an alley in his hometown of Maebashi City. He's running at full sprint, looking behind his back and around him constantly. His bleach blonde hair is engulfed his sweat, his blacker than black sunglasses are bobbling up and down on his face, and his sweet looking trench coat is totally flowing in the wind as he runs.

SBN: Sis, I mess up, biggy big timey!

Machiko: Whatcha do now?

SBN: No say on phone, popo listen maybe. Need to leave my city, need to leave now!

Machiko: Well come visit me, I'm sure Alhazred won't mind if you sleep on his couch. Facecrush lives in one of the basement levels and a bunch of his minions from his Diabolos days are hanging around some of the sublevels.

SBN: His house that big?

Machiko: Well it goes down really really deep. I've never been all the way to the bottom.

SBN: Ok ok ok, I getting next flight out.

A loud roar of many men can be heard in the distance, the sound of running feet behind him sound like an earthquake.

SBN: Ok, send me address, be there soon. Have to run.

He puts his phone down his pants, the large crowd of men is off in the distance behind him now. Butchers, bikers, barbers, brokers, bakers, men of every trade are in the mob, holding knives and chains and chains with knives on the end and knives made out of chain. SBN looks back to see them gaining and runs faster.

He turns around a corner and falls into a sewer hole. He lands face first on the sewer floor. He slowly gets up, wipes his glasses and looks around.

SBN: No no no, my super cool jacket ruined! Hey maybe they don't find me down here.

The mob can be heard running above him and away from him. He sighs and wipes his brow.

Baker: He down here!

The baker throws a rolling pin at him and hits him in the nuts. He bends over in pain. The baker tries to reach and grab him but SBN grabs his arm, pulls him down and super kicks him out cold.

He sprints away as fast as he can, several men jump down the hole right after. Slishing and sloshing through the damp sewer system, SBN takes every turn and never slows down. The mob is still behind him, their screams echo through the sewers.

He looks back for a moment, turns around and runs into a hanging pipe. It knocks him to the ground and almost knocks him out.

Everything he sees is blurry and a ringing sound bangs around his head. He wakes up a bit when he feels a stinging sensation on his leg. He sits up and sees an alligator biting his leg.

Before he can fend it off a biker wraps a chain around his neck and starts punching him. A dozen men appear right after and join the beatdown. He bite someone in the leg, pushes a few others and gets to his feet.

A butcher charges at him with a knife but he Level High Fives him to the ground. The broker goes at him with his brief case but he Sticker Kickers him in the face through the briefcase. The barber throws his scissors at him but he ducks in headbutts him. He unties the chain around his neck, pulls the biker in and Frankensteiner's him into the wall.

He goes to run but remembers the crocodile attached to his leg. He pulls and punches furiously but the gator won't rustle loose. He rakes it's eyes and wraps his arms around the croc. He lifts it and the air and Maximum Ultra Supremes it. The gator lies motionless on the ground and SBN closes it's eyes with his fingers.

He climbs a nearby ladder, slowly crawling up the extremely long ladder. It takes him several minutes, he can hear the mob getting closer below and their knives, chains and throwing stars are being thrown at him. He dodges them all and finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel. He pushes the manhole cover off climbs out.

At first the sun is blinding and he shields his eyes. He tries to see where he is but the adjustment to the light is taking longer than usual.

Machiko: Hi brother!

He shakes his head and sees Machiko sitting on a bench on Alhazred's porch.

SBN: Sis? Where am I?

Machiko: This is Alhazred's house. Did you run through the sewer the whole way? Is that what took you so long?

He walks up to the porch slowly, the grass is overgrown and thick, he slowly trudges through it.

Machiko: I don't even think I sent you the address...

She checks her phone.

Machiko: Nope, I forgot.

SBN: How long since we last talk?

Machiko: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ooooooohhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh like a week or so.

He walks up the steps and they hug.

Machiko: You smell like alligator.

SBN: Can I take shower?

Machiko: No, Alhazred doesn't take them and his shower is broken and since he doesn't take them and he doesn't fix it and he doesn't need it. There's a hose in the backyard though.

SBN shrugs and goes to the backyard, Machiko follows.

He spreads his arms open and she picks up the hose.

Machiko: You should rest up, bro. You got a match tonight.

SBN: Match?

Machiko: Yep.

She sprays him in the face with the hose, a brownish liquid squirts out. He takes off his jacket and continues the wash as the scene fades to black.
"All I'm saying is, you need to focus."

Ace towered over Question, as he sat, hunched shoulders, over his drink. Question refused to make eye contact with anyone, but Ace refused to let this derail him. "I know you're still listening. And you know I'm right."

"None of this is your concern"

"Considering the money you owe me...I'm pretty sure this does involve me. Anything that means you making money directly relates to me...Benny."

Question shuddered at this, and turned an angry eye to his business partner. Someone who Question at one time considered a friend, now Ace was insistent to get his money from him.

"You'll get your money when you get your money."

"I don't get my money when you don't go to work.."

Question clenched his drink as he turned a mauve red, almost purple. " Last I checked, we were partners in this business... You didn't own me like I was some common beta bitch."

Ace put a hand on Question's shoulder, in an attempt to calm him. "All I'm that it helps our classes when you're successful in the ring. And you need to focus on what you made you successful in the ring. Just like I taught you so long ago." Ace pulled Question, to look at all of the beautiful women at the bar. " So many beautiful's real easy to lose focus, isn't it? But it's the alpha male that can focus on the one he wants most, and take her."

Question looked out to the bar, and his eyes lasered in on one woman. He knew it was the one he wanted.

"So...what are you going to do?"

Question looked to his partner, picked up his drink, and walked to the dance floor.
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