AS 78: Vega vs. Dr. Zeus

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Vega and Dr. Zeus have been tied together, ever since Dr. Zeus' debut in WZCW. Both had incredibly hot rookie years that took the fed by storm. Now, in what some call a dream match, Zeus gets the chance to lead Vega closer to his side. Will Vega accept his offer to join him, or will Zeus find himself a victim of Vega's Mayhem?

Deadline is Thursday, April 10th, 11:59 PM CST. Extensions available on request


We once again inside the famous St. Patrick's Cathedral, the same church Vega found himself visiting two weeks ago. He takes a look behind him, trying to ignore the gift shop at the back corner of the church, the guided audio tours patrons can pay for, or the free chocolates wrapped in specially made foil that advertises "St. Patrick's Cathedral" on it. Vega scoffs at all of this, but still grabs a piece of chocolate from the basket and places it in his pocket anyways. He diverts his attention to stare down the aisle towards a large crucifix with a statue of Jesus Christ nailed to the cross hanging high above for the entire congregation to see. Vega looks over to his right, and walks towards the far wall that is lined with more statues. He passes by a statue of St. Joseph and all of it's candles, seemingly fixated on a statue just a few feet passed it. He stands in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary.

Have you come to repent for your sins, Vega?

Vega doesn't turn all the way around. His body continues facing the statue as he casually turns his head to the side so he can get a slight glimpse behind him using his peripheral vision. Behind him stands Tiffany, Theron Daggershield's girlfriend, and devout Christian. Vega doesn't seem surprised that she found him here.

Sins? What sins?

Vega smiles as he turns his head back towards the Virgin Mary. A frustrated look comes across Tiffany's face as she takes a couple of animated steps towards Vega to stand next to him.

What sins!? You've got to be kidding me.

Vega looks towards her with squinted eyes and a raised palm motioning with his hand for her to lower her voice.

Easy... we're in a place of worship. Isn't silence important to the personal reflection you people like to do in here?

The facetious tone in Vega's voice does nothing to lighten Tiffany's mood, but she does indeed lower her voice to a more respectful volume, a volume Vega is surprisingly respecting as well.

You sound... angry, Tiff.

Vega smiles as he diverts his attention back to the Virgin Mary.

I believe I have a right to be angry, Vega. After the way you have toyed with Theron's emotions these past couple of weeks... all he's tried to do is help you, but you-


You believe you have a right to be angry with me; belief sure is a funny thing with you people. It gives you all the conviction in the world without an ounce of assurance. We're in a church... you shouldn't harbor such negative feelings. This a place for reflection.

Tiffany remains silent, knowing although Vega's motives may be skewed, his words ring true. Vega reaches into his pocket and pulls out the chocolate covered in branded "St. Patrick's Cathedral" foil wrapping. He tosses it towards Tiffany, who flinches while catching it in the air.

Here, have some chocolate.

Tiffany furrows her eyebrows, unsure of Vega's intentions, but figured the gesture was innocent enough, and begins unwrapping the chocolate before eating it.

Women on their periods usually like chocolate.

What makes you think that I'm-

-so you're usually this bitchy? I don't know how Theron does it.

Tiffany tenses up, uncomfortable with Vega's language.

Oh that's right, place of worship. This time I'm the one who forgot. Sorry.

Tiffany ignores the sarcasm in Vega's voice and looks down at the candles in front of the statue of the Virgin Mary. Some are lit, some are not. She looks to the side and see's a donation box which says "$2" right on it.

Please, don't patronize me, Vega.

Well, since you said "please..."

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out two single dollar bills and folds them up before inserting them into the box. Tiffany takes a step towards the statue and presses a button in front of an unlit candle, electronically lighting it up after her donation to the church. She gives herself the sign of the cross as she closes her eyes in prayer.

Two bucks... seems steep, no? I remember when it used to be just a dollar to pray to a God.

You don't have to pay to pray.

Sure you do, says it right on the box. Besides, if you're not paying with money...

He turns to view the dozens of people sitting in the church even though there is currently no mass in session before turning back towards Tiffany, who is still trying to pray.'ll certainly cost you your sanity.

Tiffany stops mid prayer to angrily look towards Vega.

So you think anyone who believes in God must be insane?

I'm in a building full of people silently having one sided conversations with an imaginary friend.

You don't believe in God. I get it. What are you, one of these "I believe in myself" kind of people? I bet you are, a man as arrogant, self centered, and egotistical as yourself must believe in himself more than a God.

I believe that life is nothing more than a long string of coincidences. I don't believe in a higher order to life. No fate, no destiny, no "meant to be." Just cause and effect, actions and reactions. Nothing else. You choose to believe in one anthropomorphic entity named “God." On top of that, you, just like every other person praying in this church right now, believe that this "God" of yours is concerned with the everyday workings of you and the rest of his "followers."

God created each and every one of us in his own image. What else would he be concerned with besides the everyday workings of his people?

Vega smiles.

I consider myself an insignificant footnote in life carrying along the chain reaction of coincidences that has brought us to the present. You followers consider yourself the product of the past and the focus of the most powerful being in the entire history of our universe. Yet... I'm the arrogant, self centered, and egotistical one?

Tiffany seems more annoyed than upset, as she finishes her prayer and gives herself the sign of the cross once again.

Hypocrisy; that's like a requirement for you guys. Right?

What do you mean?

Isn't the first commandment "Thou shall not bear false witness against me?" You remember the story, don't you? Moses on the cliff looking down at all the people selling golden bulls, claiming them to be heavenly idols that the masses prayed to. Essentially God wants us to pray to him, to worship him and only him, nobody else.


Vega looks over to the statue of the Virgin Mary.

I didn't know God had such a nice rack.

Tiffany does her best to hide her appalled reaction.

Last time I checked, saints aren't Gods. Funny how you people refer to all the other false idols as Saint Joseph, Saint Michael, or Saint Patrick. But not her... no, she's The Virgin Mary. It's almost as if you have to remind yourself that she was a virgin and still conceived little baby Jesus every time you speak of her name... reminding yourselves to believe in the lie every single time.

Tiffany actually smiles.

It must be easy, Vega.

What must be easy?

Your life.

Vega seems taken back by this statement.

Being able to say and do anything you want without a care in the world. You tell a lie with nearly every breath you take.

I speak the truth.

You steal at any opportune time.

I don't always steal-

And you kill... with zero remorse.

Vega is silent. His lips tighten as he looks down to the ground.

You live life believing that the present moment is the only thing that matters. That nothing you did and nothing you will do will matter in the grand scheme of things. We're merely another species of animal walking a planet in a universe in a galaxy and that life is ultimately insignificant. You look down at people like me. People that believe that what they do in this life matters. People who believe that their actions reverberate throughout eternity. You despise people like me, Vega. People who believe that their lives have meaning... that they have value. You hate us because you wish you could you could do a single solitary thing in your life that actually means something to you, but you can't... can you? Not yet at least.

Vega looks up from the ground with a smile on his face. Tiffany studies him, trying to figure out why.

According to my count, that's six so far.

Six what?

Deadly sins.

Tiffany looks confused, silently waiting for Vega to continue.

We're here, in a holy place. A place of worship and praise, and all I see is that I'm surrounded by hypocrisy every where I look. There are gift shops and guided tours people have can pay for by the entrance; greed. A basket of trademarked chocolates, one of which you had yourself just moments ago; gluttony. We're amongst a bunch of people who believe in the righteous good but do nothing but sit in church all day. Their physical and spiritual laziness... when "good" people fail to act, that is sloth. You approached me angrily in a place of worship; wrath. And finally you told me living my life must be nice, a sign of envy, and then continuing on with your self indulgent speech only to tell me that your way of living is better than mine. That one is pride, my dear.

Tiffany looks a little overwhelmed at the moment as she looks around the church to absorb everything he is saying.

That just leaves one left, kiddo.

Vega takes a slow step towards Tiffany, so that they are face to face. They stare each other down, studying the other, until Vega finally moves. He lifts his right hand to Tiffany's face, and gently brushes her hair away from her face with the back of his fingers before breaking the silence with a sinister smile across his face.


Without warning, Tiffany slaps Vega across the face, sending him staggering a few steps back. It echoes throughout the church, but with Vega doing his best to show no pain, the people inside seem to be confused by the source of the noise. Both Vega and Tiffany do their best to act normal so as not to attract any attention.

You deserved that.

Vega smiles.

Fair enough.

He turns around and begins walking away from Tiffany, down the aisle to the side of the pews.

Are you walking away from me?

You can follow if you want.

Tiffany walks in a hurried manner until she catches up to Vega.

I will not follow you, but I will walk with you.

Whatever you say, kiddo.

They keep a slow pace, observing the rest of the religious idols as they continue their conversation.

Why do you constantly deflect, Vega? Every time I try to learn something about you, you have to turn the conversation into a battle of logic and wits. What is the point of a science versus religion debate between you and I? We both know we will never convince the other.

Then why did you ask to meet me here? Why leave Theron and all your friends and fly to New York City just to meet with me? And why, of all places, in a church? Did Theron send you?

Theron doesn't know I'm here.

I assume he won't be happy when he finds out.

He trusts me.

But not me.

Not yet. Not fully at least. This past month, I don't think you can even trust yourself, Vega. You look lost out there. Zeus, the supposed "Good Doctor," he realizes you are in a vulnerable state right now. He believes he is seeing weakness in you.

Weakness? And what about you... do you see this weakness?

What Zeus considers your weakness, is precisely what I consider to be your greatest strength.

And what's that?

You're heart.

After everything you've said to me today, you still believe a man like me has a heart? Theft, deceit, and murder. I've been accused of all three, and much more. I've spent the last couple of months slowly getting rid of any traces of evidence I have left from my past... staying one step ahead of Alexis and the C.I.A. I stand for everything you don't believe in. So I ask you, Tiffany... what in the world do you see in me? In this heart you allege hasn't gone cold yet... what is it?

I see good.

Both Vega and Tiffany stop walking, as they come to the front of the church. They are standing just a few feet away from the altar, observing from the side so as not to disturb the others in prayer. Both of them stare at the altar and everything around it instead of looking at each other. Vega subdues a chuckle as he shakes his head.


He says the word to himself, still shaking his head, almost as if he's unable to comprehend how anybody could ever associate that word with him. He stares towards the altar with a reminiscent look in his eyes.

When I was a kid, my mother used to take me to church every Sunday. This church, in fact. I remember knowing when to stand, when to sit, when to stand again, when to kneel, when to get up. I remember when to pray and what prayer to say. I knew when to pull out the dollar I brought to put into the collection plate. Then there would be times when my mother would not take me for weeks, sometimes months. During those times, she would act differently. Sometimes she'd never get out of bed, for days on end. Sometimes she would lash out and yell at me, other times laugh and want to play with me. I thought that God was punishing her, and therefore, punishing me for not going to church. Then my mother would feel better and we'd start going regularly again.

After a while, she started acting more erratically... so I decided to start going to church on my own. I figured if I went, maybe God would stop punishing my mother. When that didn't work, I became an Altar Server. I would sit up there, on that altar, and assist the priest as we celebrated mass. I knew when the bring the bible to the priest, when to get to bred and wine so it could become the body and blood of Christ. I would carry the cross into the church at the start of mass, and carry it out at the end, holding it high every time. I did it all with the intention of saving my mother.

Vega lowers his head and closes his eyes as his voice gets shaky.

I watched my mother jump off the roof of our apartment building. I froze. I couldn't save her.

Tiffany looks towards Vega with a broken heart. He lifts his head up to look back at her with a distant look in his eye.

She suffered from bipolar schizophrenia. My mother had no idea what she was doing at the time.

Vega diverts his attention back to the altar.

I had my mothers funeral in this very church. My father wasn't around, so I paid for it. As the head altar server of this church, I had access to places others didn't. I stole the church's collection money, and used it to pay for my own mother's funeral. That's when I realized how little we meant in this world. Nobody showed up. Not one person. My mom had marginalized all of her friends and loved ones due to her illness, that by the time she died, she had nobody left that cared enough to say "Good Bye."

Vega looks back towards Tiffany with a broken look in his eyes.

My mother was a good person God dammit. She deserved better. Me? It will probably be the same for me. When I die, the world will forget I ever existed. There will be no trace of me. And there will be nobody to mourn for me. The only difference is, unlike my mother, I deserve it.

The two remain silent for what seems like an eternity. Finally, it is Tiffany who speaks up with a somber tone to her voice.

Would you like to know what my favorite passage from the bible is?

Vega's silence encourages Tiffany to continue.

It's Luke, chapter 15, verse 32. "Celebrate and be glad, for your brother was dead, and is alive again..."

"...he was lost, and is now found." The parable of the Prodigal Son.

Tiffany smiles at Vega's recognition of the bible passage.

He'll be waiting for you... when you're ready.

Vega seems to be in deep thought as he looks towards Tiffany. Just as it seems he is about to speak, his eyes stare past her, and down the aisle. They widen as his look intensifies.

Tiffany... leave.

What, why?

Listen to me, just do it. Now.

I don't-


Before Tiffany can react, the reason for Vega's sudden change of mood is revealed.

I hope I haven't interrupted anything.

Tiffany turns around with an immediate look of fear in her eyes. There stands The Beard staring at Vega and Tiffany with a menacing look. The mere sight of Vega standing next to her sickens him. Beard inhales so intensely, it could be mistaken for a beastly snarl at this point. Vega steps in front of Tiffany, standing between her and Beard.

This is cute, you're protecting Daggershield's little girlfriend now.

Beard peaks over Vega's shoulder to get a clear glimpse of Tiffany.

What ever happened to "thou shall not commit adultery?"

He shakes his head in disapproval.

What are you doing here, Beard?

I could be asking you the same question. Here, with her?

Leave her out of this. Just, let her walk away.

Relax, Vega. I won't lay a finger on her. Not here at least, but if it quells your fears, she can leave.

Vega looks towards Tiffany. For the first time, they share a look of trust, and Tiffany takes her cue to walk away. Vega turns back towards Beard with an angry look on his face.

You grow weaker by the day, Vega. Don't you realize, this is why you need to join us? Look what Zeus did for me?

Vega is repelled by Beard's demeanor, studying him as he continues to speak.

The Gold Rush Tournament, the King For A Day match, my torrid reign of havoc on the company, these are all things you know you should have had for yourself. But, ever since you've no longer been able to define yourself in mayhem, you've been lost. A wandering sheep, strayed from his flock, lost. This is what Zeus did for me, Vega. I was lost, too, just like you. There was a time where Vega's name overshadowed mine ten fold. And now look at us. You, winless since November, and me on top the greatest stretch of my career. Finally, last week, you ended your losing streak... and it was with us, Vega. You, Zeus, and I... together. The Holy Trinity of WZCW this is your chance to reign supreme. Don't you squander it.

You really want me on your side?

I do.


I know what you are capable of. Only the darkest of hearts are capable of the things you are capable of, Vega. When that side of you returns, I would much rather be standing next to you, than across from you.

And you would trust me?

I would.


Beard smiles, and looks to the side, pointing towards a confessional.

If you repent for your sins.

Vega furrows his eyebrows, confused by Beard's statement.

It's never too late, Vega. Repent for your sins, ask for forgiveness. Rid yourself of this weakness, and then join us in the true light.

You want me to confess?

I want you to embrace who you really are.

Vega, for some reason, decides to listen to Beard. He walks towards the confessional, unsure of the situation. He looks back towards Beard, contemplating this one last time. Vega notices Tiffany, off in the distance, on the opposite side of the church. She nervously watches on, hands clasped as in prayer, as Vega steps into the confessional.
Vega sits in absolute silence in the confessional booth, taking a deep breath in, and looking around his surroundings. He looks over to the covered side of the booth, where the shadowed figure of Zeus sits motionless. Zeus sits, fuming, snorting through his nostrils, as he sits next to Vega. Vega can see the outlining of Zeus, as he awaits for Vega to speak. Vega can here a heavy breathing coming from Zeus' side of the booth... And can feel a tension between the two. Vega sits, almost waiting for Zeus to speak again. To stifle the awkward silence, Vega feels compelled to speak.

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, at all. I mean, after all, Beard being here... I should have seen it coming, shouldn't
I have? I've always been a wanted man, I guess..."
Vega smirks to himself, shaking his head at the insanity that he's walked into. Not just this instance... But for the past month. Vega has been through so much, but this is absurd. Zeus speaks up, with a measured reserve in his voice. For as angry as he is, Dr. Zeus is in a church. And Dr. Zeus will never give in to any of the seven sins in the house of the lord.

Zeus' wrath, while consuming him on the inside, won't be revealed on the outside. That will come later. For now, he speaks in an even keel, though obviously holding back his anger.

"I see you found it time to atone
For your sin, leaving me alone.
Facing a force I've seen once before,
The force responsible for this Holy War..."

Dr. Zeus looks over at his guest, who picks his head up. Zeus' voice lightens a little, though, for just a second

But all in the same, you're looking quite well,
For leaving me to face the forces of Hell."

Vega lowers his head again, as Zeus' sarcastic tone lets on his true intention. Vega returns in kind; "So, Catholic Guilt, huh?" Zeus shoots an ugly look at Vega; even if he knows Vega won't see the condemnation in his eyes, he knows Vega can feel it. Vega sighs, as he the tension grows even more palpable. "I didn't have anything to do with what happened to you on Ascension, Zeus... In spite of what you may think."

Zeus scoffs at this, and lets out a soft chuckle. He breathes in, before speaking up.

"You can see me whatever story you want to sell,
And I'm sure you know the story of Judas so well-"

"Really, Zeus? A Judas reference in a story about betrayal? I thought you were better than that." Vega's mirth can't be controlled, as he smirks again. Zeus blurts out, this time not able to control his anger.

"Then surely you know, since he never made amends,
How the story of the guilt ridden Judas ends..."

Vega looks in between the weaving on the door of the confessional booth. Vega notices the decadent chandelier, draped in gold and jewels, that hangs from the rafters of the church. Vega scoffs at such a rich object, adorning the house of a man that fought for the poor. He silently mocked the arrogance of the church, but from the corner of his eye, he notices a shape forming. His eyes drift towards the shadow of the chandelier, which seems to be shifting as the chandelier swirls. What once was the shadow of the grand chandelier is now shifting to that of a human body. A rope holds the shadow's neck, as it fights for air. Vega feels his throat tense as the body hangs from the rafters... Thrashing first, as the chandelier continues to swing. Vega watches the shadow struggle, as the rope tightens and tightens. Vega can feels the walls of the booth crashing down on him, as he watches the shadow flail with his last bits of life. Vega winces to himself as he watches the shadow now hanging lifelessly from the rafters, as the chandelier stops spinning. The walls seem closing in on him, as he almost gasps for air, and closes his eyes.

When he opens them again, the confessional booth walls are the same they always had been. The shadow has disappeared, and when he looks over, Dr. Zeus stone gaze meets his eyes. Vega takes a deep breath in, and regains his wits. He looks up at the chandelier, looking as decadent as ever, the ruby jewels catching Vega's eye most.

He silently curses the chandelier, before Zeus interrupts his train of thought.

"Should it clear your conscience, I know this for a fact.
You did not summon for the Men in Black."

Vega tries to recall the events of Ascension; so much of that night blurred together. The sight of the men in black storming the ring. Watching Zeus choke the life out of Aubrey Sloan. And the happiness he felt knowing he had won his match... Something he knew that with Zeus, he could do very much. Zeus knew it as well... This was why he was reticent to shout down at his potential new charge. Because he knew that with Beard and Vega, this Trinity would be absolutely unstoppable. They would finally achieve an absolution from all in WZCW. These three would bring the much needed Rapture to WZCW.

So, Dr. Zeus decided to be the kind shepherd, and offer kindness. For that is the beauty of God; he can express mercy, in kindness and cruelty.

Vega looks to Zeus, offering a question. "Who do you think sent those men?"

Zeus scowls at the thought of who ordered this attack. It was a force he had meant once before... A deathly spirit, like he had never felt before. This was worse than Kurtesy, worse than any demon he had seen before. He spat out his answer to Vega, with as much vile as Vega had heard any man speak with. Zeus stared off into the distance, almost in a trance.

"The very essence of Hell, imbued in one soul.
The one who holds the demons at his control.
He will return, to cause man's downfall.
He is indeed the Father of All..."

Vega pondered this, and thought silently. "Nope, that wasn't vague enough for my tastes... You could at least give me a name here. I mean, isn't this confessional? Isn't this where your kind bares his soul? Father of All doesn't do me any good."

Zeus shot back a look of anger and disgust.

"I dare not say his name in this holy place!
He's a creature that can never receive grace.
And if you know who he is, he will hunt you down.
He'll pull you and pull you, until you finally drown.
That's why you must join us, to save your own soul.
And together, we'll shove him down the fiery hole."

Vega takes this all in... Though it does not seem to sit right for him. He leans against the seat of the confessional... And takes a large breath. He looks up to the heavens... And begins to mouth a few words. "It's starting to sound like you need me a Hell of a lot more than I need you."

Dr. Zeus smiles at this, in his side of the booth.

"Of course, Vega has all the answers, that is the truth!
I suppose that's why you're sitting here, in this booth?"

Vega wants to leave. He looks as though he wants to leave, and starts to head for the door. But his own curiosity keeps him from leaving... He knows he came here with a purpose. He settles himself back in his seat. After all, he was aware that The Beard was probably waiting for him outside; this wasn't the time, nor the place, to pick fights. He sits back, and thinks to himself. Then, he silently begins. "I guess you're as good a person to ask as anyone... Maybe you can answer something for me. You see... One week ago, you said that God's love leads to destroy. That he can kill that which he loves. I don't see how can he do that. I mean... What kind of father kills those he created? How is that a sign of love?"

Dr. Zeus listens intently, knowing the question, before it's even asked. Zeus smiles to himself, before beginning his answer.

"God created man with perfection in mind,
And from his own image, he created mankind.
But it was man's evil nature that made him rebel,
And that's the ultimately why man fell.
We took God's image, and we traded it in,
For wisdom and power... And also for sin.
God desperately wants us perfect again.-"

"So, kill those who have brains?"

"Now, now, my good man."

Zeus looked over to his opponent for Ascension this week... And smiled, once again.

"Man must be punished, or choose to accept grace,
And that's why we beg you to accept our embrace.
Come Ascension, you'll be offered a deal.
Either you can stand and fight... Or instead, choose to kneel."

Vega interrupts, clearly angered by this. "I kneel to no one! And I don't understand why God needs me to kneel!" Vega looks out to the church, infuriated with the gold surrounding it. He watches as humble families come before a golden altar, with a priest decked in gaudy clothing. "And why does he need all of this? For us to pay tribute, in this house of gold? Why does he need us so humble? So we can't think for ourselves?! So we can pay our respect him?! Because to me, a good father wants his children happy! And all of this..." Vega starts pointing his index finger around the church. "All of this seems very one sided. Everything here seems one sided. We give our riches, we give our bodies. We are asked to give everything to God. And for what?! We're asked to keep humble, to not be as smart. And in return, he'll save us from a fire that he, himself, started?! Well, pardon me, but that sounds like bullshit!"

Zeus sat in silence from this outburst. He took a moment to nod at this, and reflect on Vega's word. Dr. Zeus and Vega sat in silence, as Vega readied himself to leave. He got up, and prepared to leave again. Zeus held up his hand, and commanded Vega.

"Sit, I have only one last thing to say.
And then you are free to go your own way.
You remember Judas, who died in his sin?
I think a comparison to Peter is much more akin..."

Vega wondered where this was going, as Dr. Zeus stared a hole through Vega.

"Peter, who denied our Lord, thrice.
Well, look at you, Vega... You've already denied me twice.
But whereas the lord's grace served St. Pete,
I'm sorry to say your fate will not be as sweet.
You don't have God's grace, and that is a shame.
For those without it shall meet the Lord's flame.
Kneel before me on Ascension, or you, too, shall burn.
Because I'll then know it's the only way you'll learn.
Deny me again, and face the fires of hell.
Or join me again... And all will be well."

Dr. Zeus leaves the confessional booth, leaving Vega all alone. Vega watches as Zeus and Beard leave the church. Vega goes to leave the church... And finds Tiffany, watching him leave the booth, with wide eyes. She has her hands in prayer, almost as if praying for Vega's very soul.
Vega sits in absolute silence in the confessional booth, taking a deep breath in, and looking around his surroundings. He looks over to the covered side of the booth, where the shadowed figure of Zeus sits motionless. Zeus sits, fuming, snorting through his nostrils, as he sits next to Vega. Vega can see the outlining of Zeus, as he awaits for Vega to speak. Vega can here a heavy breathing coming from Zeus' side of the booth... And can feel a tension between the two. Vega sits, almost waiting for Zeus to speak again. To stifle the awkward silence, Vega feels compelled to speak.

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, at all. I mean, after all, Beard being here... I should have seen it coming, shouldn't
I have? I've always been a wanted man, I guess..."
Vega smirks to himself, shaking his head at the insanity that he's walked into. Not just this instance... But for the past month. Vega has been through so much, but this is absurd. Zeus speaks up, with a measured reserve in his voice. For as angry as he is, Dr. Zeus is in a church. And Dr. Zeus will never give in to any of the seven sins in the house of the lord.

Zeus' wrath, while consuming him on the inside, won't be revealed on the outside. That will come later. For now, he speaks in an even keel, though obviously holding back his anger.

"I see you found it time to atone
For your sin, leaving me alone.
Facing a force I've seen once before,
The force responsible for this Holy War..."

Dr. Zeus looks over at his guest, who picks his head up. Zeus' voice lightens a little, though, for just a second

But all in the same, you're looking quite well,
For leaving me to face the forces of Hell."

Vega lowers his head again, as Zeus' sarcastic tone lets on his true intention. Vega returns in kind; "So, Catholic Guilt, huh?" Zeus shoots an ugly look at Vega; even if he knows Vega won't see the condemnation in his eyes, he knows Vega can feel it. Vega sighs, as he the tension grows even more palpable. "I didn't have anything to do with what happened to you on Ascension, Zeus... In spite of what you may think."

Zeus scoffs at this, and lets out a soft chuckle. He breathes in, before speaking up.

"You can see me whatever story you want to sell,
And I'm sure you know the story of Judas so well-"

"Really, Zeus? A Judas reference in a story about betrayal? I thought you were better than that." Vega's mirth can't be controlled, as he smirks again. Zeus blurts out, this time not able to control his anger.

"Then surely you know, since he never made amends,
How the story of the guilt ridden Judas ends..."

Vega looks in between the weaving on the door of the confessional booth. Vega notices the decadent chandelier, draped in gold and jewels, that hangs from the rafters of the church. Vega scoffs at such a rich object, adorning the house of a man that fought for the poor. He silently mocked the arrogance of the church, but from the corner of his eye, he notices a shape forming. His eyes drift towards the shadow of the chandelier, which seems to be shifting as the chandelier swirls. What once was the shadow of the grand chandelier is now shifting to that of a human body. A rope holds the shadow's neck, as it fights for air. Vega feels his throat tense as the body hangs from the rafters... Thrashing first, as the chandelier continues to swing. Vega watches the shadow struggle, as the rope tightens and tightens. Vega can feels the walls of the booth crashing down on him, as he watches the shadow flail with his last bits of life. Vega winces to himself as he watches the shadow now hanging lifelessly from the rafters, as the chandelier stops spinning. The walls seem closing in on him, as he almost gasps for air, and closes his eyes.

When he opens them again, the confessional booth walls are the same they always had been. The shadow has disappeared, and when he looks over, Dr. Zeus stone gaze meets his eyes. Vega takes a deep breath in, and regains his wits. He looks up at the chandelier, looking as decadent as ever, the ruby jewels catching Vega's eye most.

He silently curses the chandelier, before Zeus interrupts his train of thought.

"Should it clear your conscience, I know this for a fact.
You did not summon for the Men in Black."

Vega tries to recall the events of Ascension; so much of that night blurred together. The sight of the men in black storming the ring. Watching Zeus choke the life out of Aubrey Sloan. And the happiness he felt knowing he had won his match... Something he knew that with Zeus, he could do very much. Zeus knew it as well... This was why he was reticent to shout down at his potential new charge. Because he knew that with Beard and Vega, this Trinity would be absolutely unstoppable. They would finally achieve an absolution from all in WZCW. These three would bring the much needed Rapture to WZCW.

So, Dr. Zeus decided to be the kind shepherd, and offer kindness. For that is the beauty of God; he can express mercy, in kindness and cruelty.

Vega looks to Zeus, offering a question. "Who do you think sent those men?"

Zeus scowls at the thought of who ordered this attack. It was a force he had meant once before... A deathly spirit, like he had never felt before. This was worse than Kurtesy, worse than any demon he had seen before. He spat out his answer to Vega, with as much vile as Vega had heard any man speak with. Zeus stared off into the distance, almost in a trance.

"The very essence of Hell, imbued in one soul.
The one who holds the demons at his control.
He will return, to cause man's downfall.
He is indeed the Father of All..."

Vega pondered this, and thought silently. "Nope, that wasn't vague enough for my tastes... You could at least give me a name here. I mean, isn't this confessional? Isn't this where your kind bares his soul? Father of All doesn't do me any good."

Zeus shot back a look of anger and disgust.

"I dare not say his name in this holy place!
He's a creature that can never receive grace.
And if you know who he is, he will hunt you down.
He'll pull you and pull you, until you finally drown.
That's why you must join us, to save your own soul.
And together, we'll shove him down the fiery hole."

Vega takes this all in... Though it does not seem to sit right for him. He leans against the seat of the confessional... And takes a large breath. He looks up to the heavens... And begins to mouth a few words. "It's starting to sound like you need me a Hell of a lot more than I need you."

Dr. Zeus smiles at this, in his side of the booth.

"Of course, Vega has all the answers, that is the truth!
I suppose that's why you're sitting here, in this booth?"

Vega wants to leave. He looks as though he wants to leave, and starts to head for the door. But his own curiosity keeps him from leaving... He knows he came here with a purpose. He settles himself back in his seat. After all, he was aware that The Beard was probably waiting for him outside; this wasn't the time, nor the place, to pick fights. He sits back, and thinks to himself. Then, he silently begins. "I guess you're as good a person to ask as anyone... Maybe you can answer something for me. You see... One week ago, you said that God's love leads to destroy. That he can kill that which he loves. I don't see how can he do that. I mean... What kind of father kills those he created? How is that a sign of love?"

Dr. Zeus listens intently, knowing the question, before it's even asked. Zeus smiles to himself, before beginning his answer.

"God created man with perfection in mind,
And from his own image, he created mankind.
But it was man's evil nature that made him rebel,
And that's the ultimately why man fell.
We took God's image, and we traded it in,
For wisdom and power... And also for sin.
God desperately wants us perfect again.-"

"So, kill those who have brains?"

"Now, now, my good man."

Zeus looked over to his opponent for Ascension this week... And smiled, once again.

"Man must be punished, or choose to accept grace,
And that's why we beg you to accept our embrace.
Come Ascension, you'll be offered a deal.
Either you can stand and fight... Or instead, choose to kneel."

Vega interrupts, clearly angered by this. "I kneel to no one! And I don't understand why God needs me to kneel!" Vega looks out to the church, infuriated with the gold surrounding it. He watches as humble families come before a golden altar, with a priest decked in gaudy clothing. "And why does he need all of this? For us to pay tribute, in this house of gold? Why does he need us so humble? So we can't think for ourselves?! So we can pay our respect him?! Because to me, a good father wants his children happy! And all of this..." Vega starts pointing his index finger around the church. "All of this seems very one sided. Everything here seems one sided. We give our riches, we give our bodies. We are asked to give everything to God. And for what?! We're asked to keep humble, to not be as smart. And in return, he'll save us from a fire that he, himself, started?! Well, pardon me, but that sounds like bullshit!"

Zeus sat in silence from this outburst. He took a moment to nod at this, and reflect on Vega's word. Dr. Zeus and Vega sat in silence, as Vega readied himself to leave. He got up, and prepared to leave again. Zeus held up his hand, and commanded Vega.

"Sit, I have only one last thing to say.
And then you are free to go your own way.
You remember Judas, who died in his sin?
I think a comparison to Peter is much more akin..."

Vega wondered where this was going, as Dr. Zeus stared a hole through Vega.

"Peter, who denied our Lord, thrice.
Well, look at you, Vega... You've already denied me twice.
But whereas the lord's grace served St. Pete,
I'm sorry to say your fate will not be as sweet.
You don't have God's grace, and that is a shame.
For those without it shall meet the Lord's flame.
Kneel before me on Ascension, or you, too, shall burn.
Because I'll then know it's the only way you'll learn.
Deny me again, and face the fires of hell.
Or join me again... And all will be well."

Dr. Zeus leaves the confessional booth, leaving Vega all alone. Vega watches as Zeus and Beard leave the church. Vega goes to leave the church... And finds Tiffany, watching him leave the booth, with wide eyes. She has her hands in prayer, almost as if praying for Vega's very soul.
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