AS 78: Titus vs. Diabolos

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
A living legend, Titus has fallen on hard times. For a superstar so used to success, Titus has had to reinvent himself, even with a terrific win against Showtime. Now, he has to really reinvent himself, in a battle against Diabolos. In such a unique battle, who comes out on top?

Deadline is Thursday, April 10th, 11:59 PM CST. Extensions available on request.
I awaken on my own, fully rested and ready for the great day ahead. I wipe my eyes and my face while yawning. The room is dark, the only light coming through is off in the distance, but it's enough for me to see around me. I walk closer to the light and see my mother, wife, and two children in a brightly lit room. My mother is preparing breakfast, my wife is cleaning my two children. They all stop and look up at me, stare for a moment, then return to what they were doing. Hey head out of the room and outside, citizens of the village are running around, doing their morning deeds. Getting food, gathering supplies. Each one stops what their doing and acknowledges me. Children playing and laughing stop to pay their respects, old men use all their strength to stand up as I walk by, women bat their eyes and they young men look at me with pride and jealousy.

I walk for several minutes before stopping before a small hole in a wall with a piece of wood covering it. Danger signs and Beware! surround the forbidden hole. Everyone around me gasps, afraid of what might happen to me. I turn around and point to the center of our village where a great pile of bones rests, a sign in front of it reads: The Great Mister. The great beast had tormented our kind for all of my life. My village was on the verge of destruction, my people were starving. Every time someone went out to get food or supplies they would disappear for several days. Their skinless, meatless corpses would be left at the other side of the hole. My children complained of being hungry everyday, my wife wept constantly as her children were dying in front of her eyes, my mother sat in a corner all day frozen in fear and denial. I barely slept as the thought of my world around me crumbling kept me awake, staring at the ceiling praying for a miracle, hoping for a hero to come along with the strength to carry on but then I finally saw the truth, that a hero lies in you, I mean me. I could kill the beast and save everyone and every thing I love from obliteration. No not could, I had to do this, I had to. My children, my wife, my mother, my village needed me to step up and conquer the great beast.

So one day, I woke up in the middle of the night when I knew the cat would be sleeping. I snuck past my sleeping family and out of the house, I crept through the silent village and stood before the hole. I puffed my chest and went through. The area was completely silent and pitch black, the light of the moon barely allowed me to see my surroundings. I ran to through the land of wooden ground, to the great wooden mountain. I used every bit of energy I had to climb the wretched mountain, where so many of my fellow villagers had fallen prey to the beast. I finally got to the top and looked around, making sure he was no where to be found. I sprinted to the great door and slipped through the small opening. The beast lay atop of a huge plateau of cotton, on the legs of the giant skeleton. At the foot of the bed there was a tack, I picked it up with one hand and climbed the plateau. Slowly I inched closer and closer to the demon that has destroyed my entire existence, I raised the tack high in the air and dug it to it's skull. It jumped awake and screamed. I fell off the plateau and sped out of the room and towards the mountain. The climb down was easier than the climb up but as soon as I reached the bottom, I looked up to see the monster staring at me from the top. In one motion it leaped down the entire mountain and almost landed on top of me. I ran as fast as I could, just hoping to get back to my village in the hole.

I could see the hole, it was only a few feet away but the beast grew closer and ran faster. I finally lunged forward into the hole. On the other side I heard and felt a great bang against the wall, then a the sound of glass breaking, a hard thump, then nothing. I peeked my head outside the hole to see the beast was dead. It had crashed into the wall and plate of glass fell on it's head, killing it. I ran back into the hole and screamed at the top of my lungs "The beast is dead, the beast is dead. I killed the beast."

I stood before the hole and everyone around me stopped. I pointed at the pile of bones in the center of the village. They all nodded, knowing that I would return for I am slayed the great beast and saved our village forever. As soon as I peeked my head out of the hole, a skeleton hand grabbed me and through me into a pitch black bag. Suddenly I saw more and more of my people being thrown into the bag. When it stopped I could feel the weight of my entire village on my body, they need me to save them from whatever this is. But then I smelt the burning wood and I felt the heat coming from outside the bag. I thought of my wife, my children, my mother and my village. I thought how this is truly the end and that perhaps I did more harm than good, perhaps me slaying the beast made a greater demon aware of our presence. Then as the bag ignited in flames and the fire grew closer to me, I heard an elder whisper in my ear...."Legends die".

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