AS 66: Chris K.O. vs. Blade - Non Title

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the Frog
For the first time in Chris K.O's career, he has won championship gold in the form of the Eurasian championship by extinguishing the flame of former champion Triple X and making him pass out... speaking of being knocked unconscious, K.O's opponent Blade also fell victim to the same fate despite his valiant effort against new-comer Dr. Zeus. This week, these two will be paired in singles action where the title will stay firmly across the shoulders of K.O no matter the outcome but a win by Blade could see that stipulation change in a future contest.

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.
Blade stands outside the WZCW offices smoking a cigarette. He leans against the white concrete wall behind him, eyeing up the various luxury cars in disgust. Suddenly, Grizzly Bob emerges from the building looking lost in thought.

Blade: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Bob seems caught off guard by Blade as he snaps out of his deep thought.

Grizzly Bob: "Oh, hey."

He walks over and stands beside Blade.

Grizzly Bob: "Since last week, they said my merch sales have spiked by 50%."

Blade: That’s great!

Grizzly Bob: "Yeah, ‘cept I didn’t see a penny of it. It all went to the management."

Blade: "What!? Why?"

Grizzly: "They called me in today to explain it to me, but I didn’t really understand it, something about a contract loophole."

Blade: "Crap, I’m sorry, Bob."

Grizzly: "It’s not your fault. It’s just frustrating is all."

Blade: "Listen, I’m going in for a meeting with them, I’ll see what I can do about it."

Grizzly: "You ain’t gotta do that, Blade."

Blade: "I know, but I want to. You don’t deserve this."

Bob smiles and holds out his hand. They share a handshake.

Grizzly Bob: "I ‘ppreciate that."


Minutes later, Blade is striding through the polished, sterile halls where the true scumbags of the company work. Accountants and lawyers walk to and fro, from one important meeting to another. Blade reaches the mahogany doors of Meeting Room A and knocks.

???: "Come in."

Blade opens the door and walks inside. Staring back at him, sitting around a large, oval table are a bunch of sour-faced grey haired men in suits. The man closest to Blade stands up, adjusts his suit jacket and walks towards Blade. He extends a manicured hand as he introduces himself.

Andrews: "Blade, I’m John Andrews, head of finance for WZCW."

Blade ignores the extended hand, which Andrews quickly lowers.

Andrews: "Please, take a seat."

Blade slowly walks towards the empty leather seat as Andrews sits across from him. Noticing that the seat spins, he twists from left to right and back again, grinning to himself. Andrews clears his throat to get Blade’s attention. Blade sighs and looks up.

Andrews: "I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here."

Blade: "No. But I do have some business of my own to raise…"

Andrews: "Yes, we can get to that later. First we need to talk about our own issues."

Blade again begins to twist from left to right on the chair.

Andrews: "Mr. Bateman arranged this meeting so we could to help you understand what this company does for the community. I’d like to show you a short video presentation."

Blade nods apathetically, moving from side to side. Andrews picks up a remote control beside his hand and presses a couple of buttons. On the west wall, a wide-screen television descends from the ceiling before them. Blade exhales with exasperation at the sight of this expensive equipment. Andrews pushing another button and another video begins. An attractive woman appears on screen, a broad and pretty smile, presenting the video.

Presenter: "Investors, wrestlers and fans. For several years, WZCW has been a company at the forefront of the times we live in. While providing top-notch entertainment for viewers around the world, the company also does what it can to help the community; locally, nationally and globally."

The video shows a picture of Big Dave posing with some delighted fans and Titus visiting a small child in the hospital.

Presenter: "Our aims are to make the lives of our loyal fans better, however we can."

Next, pictures of Showtime visiting a school and Action Saxton helping clean-up the roadside. Some of the pictures are clearly doctored.

Presenter: "Because we care."

With one final, stunning smile from the presenter, the WZCW logo flashes across the screen. Blade seemed to be watching the video intently. Andrews looks quite pleased with himself.

Andrews: "As you can see, whatever profits we make, this company contributes to this great country."

Blade: "How much?"

Andrews: "Pardon?"

Blade: "How much did that fancy television cost? It looks very expensive."

Before Blade built up a verbal head of steam, a man to his left clears his throat.

King: "Blade, I’m Arnold King. I organise the charity events for the company. This year alone we’ve had two fun runs for cancer research."

Blade doesn’t bother looking up as he starts to play with his seat height.

Blade: "Why?"

King: "Excuse me?"

Blade: "Why?"

King looks nervously at Andrews, who shrugs, then back to Blade, still playing with the lever that adjusts the seat height.

King: "Why what?"

Blade: "Why those events? Why a cancer fun run?"

King: "Well, uhh… They’re for a good cause and everyone has a good time."

Blade slams his hand down on the table and makes a buzzing noise.

Blade: "I’m sorry, that’s wrong. The answer we were looking for is cheap publicity!"

Andrews: "Wait, now…"

Blade: "A fun run for cancer research. What do you have to pay for? Starting and finishing posts? Maybe some bottles of water? You don’t have to pay for advertising, those events sell themselves. It’s quite genius, really. It costs you all nothing, but gives the illusion of charity. Yet, I stood outside earlier counting all the expensive cars outside that cost more separately than both fun runs put together."

Andrews: "I don’t think that’s relevant to the conversation…"

Blade: "Meanwhile, Grizzly Bob, one of the kindest, hardest working men in this company gets screwed over so you guys can line your pockets some more. And you guys are completely missing the point. It’s the wrestlers who take time out of their busy schedules to visit fans and take part in charity events that are worthy of respect. I admire all the guys who do that. But what do you guys do? You’re not the ones out there, running for charity and giving merchandise to sick fans. Not that sick fans would want to see the nobodies who work for the finance teams, but if they did, would you even care? We go out and do things that matter for the fans. You just sit in your safe, little offices and rake up the money so you can buy a third house. If Bateman wants me to become a company man, he needs a better idea than putting me in front of the kind of people I've been fighting against since my return."

Andrews: "You listen, we are good men. We raise our families and do our jobs well. We’re trying to get by in difficult times, just like everyone else."

Blade: "Twenty seven."

Andrews: "What?"

Blade: "There are twenty seven luxury cars outside. BMW’s, Porsche’s, the occasional Ferrari."

Andrews: "What we drive is not really important to this meeting…"

Blade stands up and walks towards the door. He waves a dismissive hand as he speaks, back turned to the financial team.

Blade: "You say that you’re good at your job, but you failed in your mission before it even began simply because of what you had parked outside."

Andrews stands up, his face beet red.

Andrews: "Hey, you can’t speak to us like that. We have a lot of influence in this company, and I am a friend of people who are very high up and hold your fate in their hands. If you insult us like that, Mr. Bateman will not be happy."

Blade stops and turns towards Andrews. Andrews tries not to look fearful, but is failing as Blade slowly walks towards him.

Blade: "If you’re going to make threats, it works a lot better if you’re intimidating in any way."

Blade walks right up to Andrews and grabs him by his expensive suit jacket.

Blade: "If Grizzly Bob doesn’t get every single cent that he earned from t-shirt sales, I will sell your organs and give him the revenue."

Andrews looks like he’s about to soil himself. Blade smirks and lets go of Andrews before giving him a push, making Andrews fall backwards into his chair.

Blade: "See what I mean?"

He leaves, leaving the financial slightly frightened, especially Andrews, who hasn’t exhaled a minute and a half.


The next day, Rebecca Serra sits in Blade’s locker room, surveying the new décor, waiting to interview Blade before his match with Chris K.O. Blade stands at counter across the room, pouring out a couple of drinks.

Rebecca: "I can’t get over how different this place looks."

Blade walks over with the drinks.

Blade: "It’s only after we lose everything that we’re free to do anything."

He offers a glass to Rebecca, who reluctantly accepts it. He sits down across from her and takes a sip.

Blade: "It’s been nothing but a fight since I came back. Bateman is doing everything he possibly can to try and break me."

Rebecca: "What do you mean?"

She takes a sip of her own and wrinkles her nose at the strength of the whiskey.

Blade: "He’s going for a two-pronged approach to try and break my spirit, it seems. He’s forcing me to go and talk to the richer employees of WZCW so I can see for myself that they’re regular guys trying to make ends meet, which would be more convincing were it not for their expensive suits and hair transplants. Meanwhile, I have to face the most intense opponents. First Zeus, now K.O."

Rebecca: "How are you feeling after your match with Dr. Zeus?"

Blade takes a sip and gives a weary sigh.

Blade: "Not great, Becky. When Zeus realised I wasn’t going to tap out, he made sure to choke me out."

Rebecca: "Not tapping out seems to get you in a lot of trouble. If I remember correctly, Corey Payne broke your arm a couple years ago because you wouldn’t tap out."

Blade: "Yeah, that’s right. Luckily for me, Sandy came out to help, and I appreciate that. But I’m certain Bateman put me against Zeus because he knew how vicious Zeus would be without any encouragement."

Rebecca: "So what about Chris K.O?"

Blade puts his glass down on the third chair with more force than necessary, causing some whiskey to splash out of the glass and onto the ground.

Blade: "Unfortunately for K.O, he doesn’t realise that this is personal for me. Two years ago, I scratched and I clawed and I worked my ass off to get the EurAsian title. And when I finally got my hands on that belt, I did it proud. I made sure I was worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Showtime Cougar and Drake Callahan, the guys who made the EurAsian title."

Blade, growing angrier by the second, takes out a rolled up cigarette and lights it up.

Blade: "Meanwhile, Chris K.O. got handed opportunity after opportunity because he was one of Ty’s boys. And match after match, chance after chance, opportunity and opportunity, he squandered every single one. Now that he finally won the title after yet another opportunity that was handed to him, he acts like he deserves that belt when he disgracing the title that was once so prestigious. He’s tough, and he’s smart, but that title belt belongs in the hands of great men."

Blade takes a long drag and Rebecca looks on, speechless.

Blade: "See, Becky, these are the type of people I’m trying to fight against. Whether it’s the people in office buildings who steal money from hard workers to fatten up their own bank balance, or the guys who get unwarranted opportunities, despite ruining all their previous chances. I may not be able to wrestle those office workers, but I’m sure going to wrestle Chris K.O. And I’m going to show him that his days with that title that he doesn’t deserve are numbered. And hey, if all goes according the plan, maybe I’ll be the one to take the title from him. The fans need a champion they can believe in, not a champion who has become an entitled leech. With someone representing them, they can finally get what they deserve for their loyalty."

Blade practically throws the cigarette butt and gets to his feet, standing tall and proud.

Blade: "This is what I do. To crush those who have and raise those who need."

The scene begins inside a dimly-lit hotel room. Suddenly, a lamp illuminates next to a bed within the room. The lamp is resting on a nightstand, and next to the lamp is a gold watch. It sparkles under the light as we recognize it as the watch Scott Masters gave to his son Sam. It has been a few days now since Sam was nearly robbed, but now he finds himself in a small hotel in the state of Ohio. The early morning scene is quiet and mysterious. A hand rests on the lamp base, but we quickly discover who it belongs to. Sam Masters slowly peels back the covers on his body. He pulls his legs out from underneath them and sits on the side of the bed. He then rubs his face fiercely, as if wishing he could wash off something that is not actually there. A female voice stops his motion.

???: Babe?

Sam stops rubbing his face and takes a small moment to stare aimlessly at the wall in front of him. He then looks over his shoulder and sees a woman laying on the other side of the bed. Half of her body is still covered by the blanket, but it is clear that she is not Sam's wife, Heather Masters. The woman gives Sam a curious look, but gets a broken smile in return.

Sam: We have to end this Arianna.

Sam looks away and begins rubbing his face again. An awkward silence fills the room until Arianna reaches for the top of her own nightstand. She grabs a cigarette from a carton and pulls a lighter to initiate her fix. She doesn’t look at Sam as she blows the smoke out of her mouth.

Arianna: Does she know?

Sam: No. She has no idea.

Arianna: Then why now?

Sam finds Arianna's retort somewhat funny in an odd way.

Sam: I’m married-

Arianna: That didn’t stop you before.

Sam turns to face Arianna and speaks sternly.

Sam: Yeah, but things are different now.

Arianna avoids eye contact as she looks over at a wall. There appears to be tears slowly forming in her eyes.

Arianna: Is it him?

A small pause occurs as Sam swallows and looks down at the mattress.

Arianna: Is it Ty?

Sam looks back up, and now Arianna is staring straight at him. He opens his mouth to speak, but stops. He gets up from the bed and walks over to an open suitcase on a table inside of the room. He begins to put on a pair of slacks as he speaks to Arianna.

Sam: I have to go.

Arianna: So that’s it? You’re not even going to tell me?

We see Arianna still in bed with tears in her eyes.

Sam ignores her as he proceeds to button-up a buttoned shirt.

Arianna: Sam?

Sam: Look, it just has to end. It’s not right. We did it the wrong way.


Sam flinches as a glass ashtray slams into the wall near him. He turns around in a panic.

Arianna: If you’re going to have an affair with me for two and a half years, I at least deserve to know why it is ending! Don’t be a coward Sam!

Sam puts on his shoes and zips up his bag on the table. He grabs it and turns around to face Arianna, who is still on the bed. Sam now appears to have tears inside his eyes as well.

Sam: Look, I’m ending this because I don’t love you. I love my wife. I was a fool, I admit it. This should have never happened. All the blame is on me and you did nothing wrong. I’m sorry to have involved you in my sin. I never meant to hurt anyone. Look, I have some money if you nee-

Arianna: I don’t need your handouts, Sam.

Tears are now falling down Arianna’s face as she looks sternly into Sam’s eyes.

Arianna: Get out.

Sam: Look, I can’t change what has already happened-

Arianna: Get out!

Arianna gets out of bed and walks over to the door. She opens it and points at the hallway. Sam slowly begins walking through the threshold as he tries to make his case.

Sam: I was just an idiot-

Arianna: Goodbye Sam.

Sam: It wasn’t-

Arianna: Goodbye Sam!

Arianna slams the door in Sam’s face. Sam lowers his head in shame and begins muttering as he closes his eyes.

Sam: It wasn’t meant to be...

It wasn’t meant to be...


Sam slams on the door with the palm of his hand. He then presses his forehead against the door as tears begin to stream down his cheeks. Suddenly, the sound of rain erupts in the background. It slowly becomes louder as we transition scenes.


We return to a flashback in the rain.

Chris: Why does it matter?

Serafina: It matters to me. I like to see you triumph.

Chris can’t believe what he is seeing as he sees Serafina, Ty’s Mistress of Chaos, blushing. This is it, the first time that Chris has fully taken in how beautiful Serafina is. Her now red cheeks shine below her beautiful slate-green eyes. Her pale complexion allows those features to glow as strands of jet-black hair cover her face. Suddenly, her beauty is divided by a salty stream. A tear rolls down her cheek.

She pulls her cigarette to her mouth as she stands and steps out into the rain, hoping that Chris didn’t notice her tear and that it could blend in with the falling water. She flicks her soggy cigarette into the ground as she stubbornly faces away from Chris, but her direction is soon turned as she meets Chris in the middle of the alleyway and in the rain. Chris, now cigarette-less, stares into Serafina, as she does the same to him.

The rain begins to weigh down their garments and hair. Years of torment and hurt rebound between the two damaged souls as fantastical chemistry begins to thread together. Like a cheesy movie, in the rain, after a long moment of silence, Serafina pulls Chris’ face in and plants a kiss on his lips. The moment is surreal.

And she is gone, pulled away and heading towards the metallic door. Chris turns his head and watches her as she disappears into the building. Soaked from head to toe, his mind becomes a field of chaos.

A knocking can be heard as we see WZCW Interview, Stacey Madison, tapping her knuckles on a door threshold. She is looking into a small lounge area where WZCW’s Savior, Chris K.O., is resting in a seat. Next to him is a small table where the WZCW EurAsian Champion is propped up beautifully on top of it.

Madison: Chris, are you okay?

Chris looks at Madison in the door.

Chris: Yes, just thinking.

Madison shoots him a curious look.

Madison: Thinking about what?

Chris rubs his chins before answering.

Chris: Mistakes.

The scene transitions and we now see Madison leading Chris down a hallway. A commotion can be heard down the hall. Chris has the EurAsian Championship clinched in his hand as he slowly stalks behind Madison. Suddenly, Reverend Eckhart pops out of a room and joins the walk alongside Chris. Chris is highly annoyed as Eckhart grins ear to ear with his display of yellow teeth.

Eckhart: This is fantastic Chris. Who would've thought how much the EurAsian Championship would have increased your value overnight?

Chris: The irony of the situation is that two weeks ago not a single interviewer would approach me. All of them were afraid to hear the truth. Even so, I have no idea why I am here now. This interview is not to instruct the people of WZCW, but to feed the glutton of the media.

Madison turns around to address Chris.

Madison: Just because you are the self-proclaimed Savior of WZCW Chris doesn’t mean you get to skip out on interviews. This is the road to Kingdom Come, everyone has to do their share.

The trio finally stop at a pair of steps with a black curtain hanging at the top. Noises can be heard from behind the curtain. Madison climbs the steps and peeks through. We see that Vance Bateman is standing on a stage with dozens of reporters in-front of him on the ground below. Bateman sees her and Madison gives him a thumbs-up.

Bateman: Ahem, yes. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a pleasure chatting with all of you today, but I would like to bring out a special guest at this point who will be taking your questions. This man is a valuable cog in the wheel on our road to Kingdom Come. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O.

The crowd begins clapping as Chris ascends the stairs. Eckhart tries to follow behind him, but Madison stops him.

Madison: Excuse me, who are you again?

Chris looks back and sees Eckhart begging with his eyes to let him on stage. Chris groans inside as he answers.

Chris: He’s fine, let him through.

Madison shrugs and lets Eckhart follow Chris on stage. Several flashes from cameras go off as Chris shakes hands with Bateman. Bateman grabs the wrist of the hand that Chris is holding the belt with and raises it in the air. More flashes go off, but Chris quickly becomes annoyed by Bateman forcing the pose and lowers his hand. All three men take a seat behind a small table on the stage. Chris leans in to speak into a microphone that is placed in-front of him. His voice is tasteless.

Chris: Thanks. Thank you all for coming.

Several hands shoot up in the room. Bateman takes a chance to lean over and speak into Chris’ ear.

Bateman: Just do this and I owe you one.

Bateman returns to normal position as a stagehand picks out one of the interviewers.

Interviewer #1: Mark Bloomberg with the Wrestling Gazette. Mr. K.O. you have been in this company for over two years. How does it feel to finally get that gold monkey off your back?

Chris: It’s rewarding. Knowing that all the pain I carried for this company has produced a prize. Knowing that I have finally received the gold crown I traded in my crown of thorns for.

Several hands shoot up as interviewers call out Chris’s name. A stagehand picks out anther one.

Interviewer #2: Tom Harlin with Armbar Insider. Chris, Ty Burna returned this last round to announce his retirement on Aftershock, have you had any contact with him?

Bateman quickly covers Chris’ microphone and speaks into his own.

Bateman: Please, Ty Burna is no longer with this company and therefore will not be discussed at this Q and A. Thank you.

Several hands shoot up again.

Interviewer #3: Jenny Hoodwink with Bahoo News. Chris, this will be your second Kingdom Come match. Please describe your general thoughts on the event if you will.

Chris: Kingdom Come means a lot to me. I remember not being able to afford a ticket to Kingdom Come III and having to listen on the outside with my back pressed against the stadium three years ago. Then, last year I was responsible for Ty Burna coming to full power over WZCW. Now, I have returned to the event with a new purpose. My intentions are divine the name of the event seems only fitting for the one who now wears a shining crown.

Chris hoist the WZCW EurAsian Championship up on his shoulder.

Interviewer #3: Speaking of humble-beginnings, your projected net worth is at 21 million dollars. From the records I collected, it seems that you own little real-estate. What is it exactly that you are doing with that money in the bank?

We see Eckhart staring at Chris as he answers.

Chris: I have a portion of it invested, but other than that it is none of your business. Nor is it how I acquired it.

Several hands shoot up again.

Interviewer #4: Bob Billups with Kings of Pain. Let’s go back to Kingdom Come. You have already accepted Titus’ challenge before and beat him, but now you have challenged him to an “I Quit” Match. Why is that stipulation so important you?

Chris leans in to speak. Before doing so he licks the fake tooth in his mouth that replaced the one that Titus knocked out at All or Nothing.

Chris: It’s important because in order for someone to be saved from themselves, they must first realize that they themselves cannot do the saving. You see, I can tell Titus every week or beat him to the ground, but he will never understand the fraud he is until he hears it from himself. He needs to know that he is no longer the “hero” of WZCW. He needs to walk away from that false title and just quit. Besides, this company doesn’t need a hero anymore. It needs a savior.

The interviewers are buzzing inside of the room, until they get silenced by a slithering voice.

Eckhart: And a savior this company will get.

All eyes are now on Eckhart.

Eckhart: Or should I say they already got? Chris K.O. has come to right he wrongs ladies and gentlemen. We have been blowing this horn for months now. If you don’t know that by now, you need step out of the darkness and embrace the light.

Interviewer #2: Excuse me, who are you?

Eckhart: Reverend Eckhart. That is E-C-K-H-A-R-T. I have come to proclaim the gospel of Chris K.O. for all to hear.

The camera shows Chris looking highly annoyed at Eckhart speaking out of turn. He then speaks into the microphone.

Chris: Let’s carry on. I’ll take one more question.

Several hands shoot up.

Interviewer #5: Anthony Parker with You are the brand new WZCW EurAsian Champion. Can you give us a few comments on the man you will be facing on Ascension 66. Blade, one of the greatest EurAsian Champions of all time?

Chris smirks as he speaks into the microphone.

Chris: Blade... That’s a pretty big name to drop, huh? Well, I have a few other names for you. How about Everest, Steamboat Ricky, Big Dave, Celeste Crimson, Steven Kurtesy, Titus, and Ty Burna? Do you know what all of those men have in common? They are all looking at me from behind, because I have ascended past each and every one of them! Not only that, but I have beat each and every one of them in the ring. All of their accolades and accomplishments were for not.

Chris pauses for a moment.

Chris: Despite what Blade has accomplished, he is just a small spec on the picture I am painting in this company...

Chris smirks again.

Chris: I can remember a time when Blade spoke of destiny. But where has destiny brought him now? How far has his misplaced faith gotten him? He expects fairness and equality in an era of broken men. Rumors in the back say that he thinks he can present a solution by a simple sleight of hand. Blade needs to understand that it is much, much, more complicated than that.

WZCW is ushering out an old era. Evil is retreating, and salvation is at the doorsteps. I am painting a new picture everyone.

Chris looks out at the interviewers.

Chris: I am designing and creating a new era.

Chris stands from his seat and grabs ahold of the WZCW EurAsian Championship.

Chris: And it starts with this crown.

Chris raises the WZCW EurAsian Championship in the air as the interviewers begin buzzing. The scene quickly cuts backstage as it appears the goodbyes have already gone through. Eckhart is walking in-front of Chris, but he quickly finds himself pressed up against a wall. Chris has him by the collar.

Chris: What the hell was that?

Eckhart responds in panic.

Eckhart: What do you mean?

Chris: The line about stepping into “the light.” What are you trying to pull!?

Eckhart: Nothing I swear. It was just a phrase!

Chris pushes Eckhart harder against the wall.

Chris: You know, I’m feeling pretty good right now.

Chris looks down at the EurAsian Championship on his shoulder.

Chris: I think it may be time we finally visit Ethan at the temple and get some answers!

Eckhart: There’s just one problem...

Chris gets in Eckhart’s face.

Chris: A problem?!

Eckhart: Yeah, Ethan isn’t exactly available right now...


The scene transitions and some text at the bottom of the screen reveals that the setting is “Kenya.” We see a jeep vehicle pull up to what appears to be a toll gate on the road. We only see a hand extend out of the passenger side window as they give one of the gate workers a wad of cash. The gate opens up and the jeep drives through. The scene transitions and we now see the jeep pulling up to a shack. Two people get out of the jeep and walk up to the door of the shack. It is heavily guarded by several men with guns. Once again, one of the men from the jeep hands over a wad of cash. We still only get to see his arm. They then enter the shack and the door closes behind him.

???: Ah, what a surprise.

The camera shows a rough looking man playing pool in the center of the shack. Several men with guns line the walls.

Man: I must admit that I thought your methods were insane, but you finally caught a big fish, didn’t you Ethan?

The rough looking man chuckles as the camera reveals Ethan, with the black and white masked man known as Regula next to him.

Ethan: It’s nice to see you too Rual. I trust that you inviting us here means that we are in business?

Rual: If the money is secure then yes. If not, then no. Surely you understand?

Ethan: Of course, our investment is being secured as we speak.

Rual: Alright then. Now that you are here we can talk specifics. First, let’s hear who your investment is.

Ethan looks at Regula and then smiles as he looks back at Rual.

Ethan: It is the WZCW EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O.

The screen goes black.
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