AS 57: Bowen and Cooper vs STA (Reese, Wunderbar, or Hoss) - Battle Bowl Qualifier

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Alex- I've spent my whole life wanting to be something Mr. Iris. You really don't understand, the reason we did what we did. Is because we've both seen what happens, your man almost ran me over with a truck, and I've thrown people off a 25 tall steel structure. If anyone is going to take out the whole Mayhem division it's us. The matches Justin and I have been in are the cream of the crop, no one talks about the matches Ty Burna, Baez, Or Ace Stevens had. Because without us that division is nothing more than trash, when he left the division started going down hill. After I left the division died. People get hurt when they don't know what they are doing. Trust me, I caused a lot of it.

Bowen is sitting at the end of a long table, Mr. Twist, and Iris, are sitting right with him. All dressed in nice suits, Bowen seems to be out of place. He has his arm extended out, pointing at Iris, as he finished his last sentence.

Iris- sooooo, trying to put a man in the hospital with a piledriver was part of your plan, along with trying to murder another wrestler? Mr. Bowen.. you guys tried to blow up Barbosa, along with the machine S.H.I.T, I have no clue right now how we aren't talking to both you and Justin behind plate glass.

Alex- Because I do what I want, soon we will all run this company. You'll be seeing a lot of this stuff in the future. It's not a joke, this is what we are trying to do, just to stop the madness.

Iris- You tried to kill a man, Mr. Bowen. You should be on your way to prison.

Mr. Twist clears his throat, and points up one finger to interject. Pulling out a paper from his manila folder in front of him. He lightly shakes it, clearing his throat again.

Mr- Twist- Actually, a clause in his contract kept him out of prison. I'm still not sure who signed off on it. But it states as long as no lasting injury, such as paralysis, or death were not to occur, that the company couldn't turn around and arrest Mr. Bowen. With signing a new tag team contract that melded their former contracts, Mr. Cooper got some of the clauses Bowen formerly had, and vice versa.

Bowen taps the side of his head while looking at Iris.

Alex- I'm smart, that's why I'm not in jail. This is a game Iris, that's all it is. They all wanted to play my game. Vega wanted to be the best Mayhem champ, so I sent him a message. Chris K.O wanted to do it with the casket match, I tried to break his neck. The last two tried to top my Stairway to hardcore match with Ricky, I tried to teach them a lesson. But If Barbosa's life depended on me, I know for a fact I wouldn't save him. I'd much rather see the sadness in his eyes, as I let him die

Iris looks at Alex Bowen with huge eyes, the last statement hit him like a sledge hammer in the stomach. For years people have called Justin Cooper crazy, but he just pushed it away. He knew Bowen was out of it, but that statement just blew the roof off of that idea. Bowen isn't out of it, Bowen is on a rocket ship to the moon.

Alex- If I've scared you I'm sorry, I'm just done, I'm not doing this to people to re emulate what I did in the Mayhem division. It's over, and done with. I'm teaching them a lesson, when you follow in my footsteps you're going to get hurt. The Mayhem division is over. Your man and I made sure of that this past month. Speaking of him, when is he getting here?

Iris- Very soon, like he's in the building.

Iris is looking down at his phone, he holds up the text Cooper just sent him. With a smile on his face Bowen gets up and walks over to the door. He opens it and looks down the hall. He doesn’t look long as Justin Cooper is standing right in front of him. He reaches out touches Bowen's bald head. Polishing it, sort of.

Cooper- Sup, Chrome dome? Did I miss much?

Alex- Sorry, no losers Cooper, that meeting is down the hall.

Cooper- To hell with you, Bowen.

Alex- I've been in hell for quite some time, it was nice of you to join me.

Bowen leans back with a smile on his face and lets out his arms. Cooper laughs and hugs him, they both walk into the room. Both taking seats by their respective partners. They loosen up and prepare to talk.

Iris- So I've just been going over with Bowen about this whole Anti hardcore crusade you both seem to be on. Well attempted murder is what most normal people would call it. But I don't know, anymore.

Cooper slaps Iris on the back.

Cooper- It's ok, Iris calm down. We knew the whole time. Bowen said Mr. Twist found that clause before I even signed the new contract with him. We knew what we were doing all along, you worry to much.

Alex- Exactly, we aren't morons. When we don't know something, we will come to one of the two of you.

Bowen points out to Mr. Twist, and Iris.

Cooper- Speaking of not knowing something, who is STA? It seems like every loser in Wzcw decided to follow us.

Mr. Twist- That would be Stark Talent agency, Connor reese, William Wunderbar, Benjaman Hoss, and Alexander Stark. It's pretty smart actually. Four struggling superstars are banding together. No doubt they will be using the numbers game. That can get really tricky. You have to watch all angles.

Alex- Oh, that's how they want to do it? We aren’t alone in this company far from it. They can come together like ants, trying to grow stronger. But Justin and I have one hell of a magnifying glass.

Iris once again is looking at Alex with an open mouth.

Iris- What the hell are you talking about now? Do you have an answer for everything?

Alex- when the puzzle pieces fall together like this, yes... yes I do.

Mr. Twist nods at Bowen

Mr. Twist- The numbers game is just one card they can play. We have no clue who will be going against you. It could be any combo of the three men.

Justin- Do we look worried?

Cooper points to Bowen and then back to his chest. He looks at Twist as if he's stupid.

Justin- Wzcw is handing us a shot at the tag team titles, because no one has done what we have in that division. Who cares about all the little filler teams that formed over the last week. New Church turning on Ricky didn't create the impact that we have, Strikeforce winning the titles and then pissing them away didn't do what we have. In less than a month we are the most feared thing in the tag team division. The funny thing is we haven't even had an official tag match yet. That, is how you make an impact.

Alex- We aren't as alone as you two think. They have four people, and soon everyone will see. Wzcw wants to give us an opportunity, that's good. Because in the end we are going to run this company. Anything we don't like, it won't be here. If you stand in our way, you're done. It started with the mayhem division, it will continue in the Tag team division, now. After that it's only up, and trust me when I say this. We have big plans for that to, it all starts with this match. Before you know it we will be an Empire that lasts until the company closes.

Iris- That's a lot of talk guys. You have to win this match first.

Justin- You sure are a negative Nancy today aren’t you? Chill out...

Alex- Have some trust in us Iris, we've been through hell and back. Do you think with all the work we've just done, that we're going to piss it all away? The STA is a joke, they've done nothing, and the first round of this competition will be as far as they will go. Half of them are Mayhem rejects, that either of us could have demolished. They are going to be out of this company as quick as they were formed. We will erase the Stark talent agency, and send one final message to Wzcw. If you stand in our way, you will fall.

Iris goes along with the last statement and shakes his head. Bowen lets out a big breath of air, and slams his fist on the table.

Alex- DAMN! I don't know about you guys, but that was tiring. Iris, you just have to put trust in us. We didn't come this far to screw up.

Iris- Alright, I'll give it a chance. Are you good with this, Justin?

Cooper looks at Iris with a slightly cross face.

Cooper- Would I be here if I didn't trust my partner? I wasn't sure at first, but we got this. What about you, Twist. Do you trust me?

Mr. Twist- I trust that Alex has a strong partner in this company. Speaking of you, Alex, did you ever tell Justin what you told me?

Cooper looks at Mr. Twist with questioning eyes, he has a number of thoughts running through his head.

Alex- Oh, god I almost forgot. You'll never guess who talked to me after your match!

Justin- I don't know? Tell me.

Alex stands up and walks over to Justin, Cooper gets up and looks at Bowen.

Alex- Lets go talk in private, I wasn't kidding when I said we aren't alone in this company...

The scene cuts out.
A strong wind begins to blow past this cool evening. Alex Bowen stares out over the ocean from the top of a bridge. The surrounding area remains silent, the only noise being that of Bowen as he flicks a lighter in his left hand. His long hair hangs down over his face as he begins to turn around.

Bowen: People cry and moan about all their little problems. The light in the bathroom doesn’t work. Oh daddy, can you fix my bedroom door! Pathetic little beings all asking for more, more, more, more and more. Children and adults alike all demanding they get their way. They know best or so they think. You can’t argue with these people. Just look at what type of world we live in. How is it that people who demand things always get their way? I mean Connor Reese demanded that he get a title shot and he got one. Then he declared, like some type of king, that he was above the title. He didn’t want it. Yet they continued to give him the shot. What type of mayhem is this? How can someone like Connor Reese be allowed to run wild over this company?

From behind Bowen appears Justin Cooper. He slowly steps into the area and takes a place at the edge of the bridge.

Cooper: He simply can’t be allowed to run wild. Mayhem isn’t something that should be rewarded. The entire idea of mayhem is an excuse for thugs to go and beat each other up for cheap kicks from the fans. Mayhem is what the idiots of this world call entertainment. I’ve lived through my fair share of mayhem battles but I can see what that division and the title itself truly is. It’s not just a piece of gold; it’s a symbol for the entire world. Like Connor Reese is a symbol for the STA. He stands as the front man for an organisation which thrives on mayhem. They need disorder to have success. That is not acceptable.

Bowen: Can you imagine us going around, attacking random people and causing mayhem?

Cooper: Of course not. Unlike the STA we represent much more than basic mayhem. We are able to see what truly happens when the simple minded fans watch two or more guys beat each other up until someone bleeds. By taking part in that ridiculous match at Unscripted Conner Reese made himself an enemy of Alex Bowen and Justin Cooper.

The duo stand next to each other, Cooper smirks while Bowen closes his lighter once more.

Bowen: Anyone in this company who dares enter the ring and competes in a style of mayhem will sign their own warrant for punishment. Our vision for the future is world that does not include the vicious and horrific troubles that come along with mayhem.

Cooper: Like medicine to the common cold we will act as the saviours for this once proud company. As mayhem and violence consumes its borders Alex Bowen and Rev. Cooper will stand side by side in an effort to destroy all who oppose us. Nobody will against the power of the two greatest legends of the mayhem division. We stand here today as the two strongest and most feared champions of all time!

Suddenly Cooper and Bowen lift up their shirts and unclip their own Mayhem Championships. The two former champions hold their titles tightly, Bowen then steps forward.

Bowen: Our own personal triumphs over the sickening virus that is mayhem. You see Connor Reese doesn’t have one of these. He failed in his attempt to end what we put down. He failed to grab the title when it was inches from his grasp. Reese plays these games of trying to hide and run from his opponents. He tries to outsmart his opponent but this week he and his little group of misfits will clash with two men who are smarter than them. We are superior because we see through the thick fog of mayhem.

Cooper: Guys like Wunderbar and Hoss follow the rants of mad men who failed at everything in their quest for success. Unable to capture anything these two puppets gravitated to the first thing that would act as a type of father figure. It’s sad, really it is.

Bowen: Makes me want to cry sometimes. Two grown men who need little Connor Reese to cuddle up to at night. They must go home begging him to snuggle with me. Like little girls Wunderbar and Hoss are going to stand behind their man, Conner Reese at Accession. They’ll be cheering him on as he throws punches, kicks and whatever he wants. Then, when we’re finished beating him up and watching his own personal mayhem unfold on live television we will finish those two losers off.

Off in the distance a boat honks its horn, signalling an end to Bowen’s ramblings. The once proud king of mayhem can’t stand the sight of his mayhem championship. It’s like a stain on his career, a past that Alex Bowen wants to forget forever. Bowen turns and steps over to the edge of the bridge. Staring down at the water below Bowen begins to speak.

Bowen: Accession 57 will mark the beginning of a partnership that will cause drastic change in professional wrestling. The STA thinks they can stop us from achieving our goals, such ignorant pigs. They can’t do anything to stop us. This Battle Bowl tournament is ours to win and nobody is going to stop us from doing so. Those tag team titles are going to replace these dirty and disgusting rags that people call mayhem championships.

To the side Cooper chuckles a little before extending his arm out over the water.

Cooper: When our music hits the speakers at Accession the entire world will witness the birth of the best damn tag team that ever lived. They will witness the beginning of a new duo of awesome that will reign down a vengeance never seen before in WZCW. No matter how much mayhem the STA brings they will fall! No matter how many people they bring… THEY WILL FALL!

Bowen: You boys better be ready for what’s coming for ya!

The duo turns and faces the camera directly. Both look intense and truly invested in what they’re saying.

Cooper: We know big Hoss likes his Coco Puffs so he should do well in this Battle Bowl thing. Well if he was facing anybody other than Alex Bowen and Rev. Cooper. We are not going to lose to three guys who can’t spell SAT! Don’t think for a second Reese that you and your buddies are gonna come in and walk through us like you did that fool Ricky Runn. I don’t know if you saw it but I beat Chris K.O. and Constantine in the same night. Nobody in the history of this company has ever done that. I am the first and only man to achieve such success. Now you have pissed off the wrong reverend!

Bowen: You see what you’ve gone and done STA? Do you understand that you’ve gotten into a fight with two guys who are looking to take down anyone who stands in their way? Just like Barbosa and SHIT felt the power of the C4, you three will find that we possess much more in our bag of tricks. This time our opponents will not walk away from the scene. At Accession you three will go down for the three count and you are not getting up.

Cooper: You better believe it.

Bowen and Cooper have finished talking; they take one last look over the bridge before throwing their mayhem titles into the water! We go black as the sound of the two titles hitting the water sends us out.
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