AS 48: Gordito vs. Matt Tastic

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Gordito returns this week to take on an old friend of his, Matt Tastic. These two have put each other through hell and back in the past, being involved in some epic battles. They have the chance to take each other one more time before heading into Kingdom Come as tune-up for the matches they'll be walking into. Will the former Mayhem champion be victorious or can Gordito rack up more momentum for Team WZCW?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
Matt: It's real easy, man. You cut the ingredients, add the beans, wait for it to boil and pour the rice in.

We open the scene in an unusual scene. A kitchen. We see Matt Tastic in a chef coat standing next to chef Pablo Ramirez. A Mexican chef who stars in his own cooking show in the California area. Matt shows him and the viewers how to prepare rice mixed with beans.

Matt: Normally, you fry the rice separated while you cook the beans. With this method though, you can give the rice flavor. It's similar to "arroz a la mexicana" except you use the beans instead of tomato paste.

Chef Ramirez: I see. It's a great concept, and I see it's based on the Spaniards and their "paella".

Matt: Yup. Speaking of that...

Matt takes slices of bologna, sausages and bacon and adds them to a pot, mixing them with the beans, cilantro and other herbs and spices already in it.

Matt: Now we make sure the water is about an inch over the rice and let it cook a bit before putting on the lit.

We skip several minutes later to find Matt's plate finished and served for presentation...


Matt: And voila! It is le finit!

Chef Ramirez: Wow, and great presentation too. Who would've thunk it. Tough as nails pro wrestler, and an artistic cook.

Matt: And remember. You can do this to make other plates too. Instead of beans, you can use chicken and chicken broth. The ideas are endless and curiosity is a great thing to have in the kitchen. And in the ring too.

Chef Ramirez: Haha! And there you have it, Chef Tastic cooks for us one week before WZCW presents it's annual Kingdom Come PPV.

Matt: That's right. The Super Bowl of pro wrestling, the showcase of the immortals. A little over a week away. Don't miss it, I might just win a nice little suitcase.

The live audience applauds as the show closes. We head backstage where Matt sits on a bench with Alisha on the phone. She's perfectly quiet listening to something though. Matt on the other hand...

Matt: Damn, I'm tired. I've been all over Japan, flown back to the U.S. for Ascension, then to Ontario, Canada and now I'm in California. All in under a week. And I still have to go to Chicago and THEN, back to WZCW for my match this week. I REALLY could use a week off. How 'bout you, hon? Feeling the need to just lay butt naked on the carpet covered floor and sleep? Hon? Alishaaaaaa. Answer me.

Alisha: Chill, Matty. I'm on the phone and it's important.

Matt: Is it so important that you can't even give me a massage?

Alisha takes the phone off her ear and hangs up the call. She gives Matt a vaguely worried look as Matt looks bewildered. She eventually smiles to give Matt some good news.

Matt: What?

Alisha: It looks like you're not the only one who feels we deserve a small break. Vance thinks so too. And he's talked it over.

Matt: Shoot, really?!

Alisha: Yup. He said that following your match this week you can have the following week off to get ready for the Elimination Chamber match. He says he has high hopes for you due to our hard work and he want's to show his and the company's gratitude.

Matt: Awesome, but who's my opponent this week?

Alisha: Vance says he doesn't know. But he says it's definably going to be on Ascension again and that it will be big. I'll keep an eye on the phone, but for now, I'd say the Windy City is a nice place this time of year.

The scene re-opens as Matt, still exhausted, and Alisha exit the Chicago airport.

Alisha: We have an autograph session tomorrow at the hotel we're staying at. Thankfully, it's in the afternoon at about 4 so we have plenty of time to just rest.

Matt: Great. Tonight we're playing Parchisi.

Alisha facepalms but giggles a bit.

Matt: I don't get it. Why do they call this the windy city anyway?

Alisha shrugs in a sense of not knowing why the term exists as the two walk off towards the hotel. The scene cuts to the two being in their assigned room with Matt knocked asleep on the bed like an anime character. Alisha on the other hand is sitting on a couch watching TV. It's...

My Little Pony.

After a while, the phone rings and Alisha scrambles around for both the remote and the phone. She eventually answers after muting the TV.

Alisha: Hel... Hello?!

Vance Bateman: Well hello, Alisha.

Alisha: Oh, boss. How are you?

Vance: Same as always, girl. Listen, you'll be happy to know I picked a special opponent for Matt this coming Ascension.

Alisha: Really? He'll be happy to know. He's asle... Oh.

She looks to the side to check on Matt but finds him sitting right next to her with his ear on the opposite side of the phone as he tries to listen to the conversation.

Matt: Speakerphone. Now.

Alisha puts the call on speaker.

Vance: Matt?

Matt: Yeah, boss.

Vance: I've got your opponent for this week picked. But I want you to know, the person I picked, I picked him because I want you to be as ready as possible for Kingdom Come.

Matt: I take it Celeste Crimson isn't my opponent this week then.

Vance: No. You should be very familiar with this person. You've beaten him on Pay-Per-View and TV. Heck, he's never beaten you in a one-on-one match as far I can remember.

Matt: What? Then what kind of opponent are you giving me if apparently this person won't prove much of a challenge?

Vance: I've known you long enough to know that physical preparation can never get you ready enough for a big match. You need to be prepared psychologically.

Alisha: Enough riddles then. Who is it, Mr. Bateman?

Vance: At Ascension, it's my proud pleasure to announce that Matt Tastic will go one-on-one with... "The Dirty One", Gordito!

Matt and Alisha throw shocked glances at each other as they're caught by surprise by who Matt's opponent is.

Vance: Hello...? Hello...?

Alisha and Matt remain slighted and shocked as Bateman continues to look for an answer from them. For the unaware, Gordito debuted in the Mayhem division when Matt as Baez The Killjoy was champion. The two where the top faces but after their time in the division came, Gordito got 2 PPV World title matches while Matt was in a losing streak. Matt's jealousy overcame him and he turned on his friend. Time later, Matt realized his mistakes thanks to Titus. His guilt for what he did to Gordito has remained one of the main reason's why Matt's been pushing so hard in his matches to win. Making this match quite a crossroad for him.

Matt: Boss...What the hell...?

Vance: Oh, come on. You need closure with this. I'm sick of watching you on TV always saying you feel sorry for what you did to him, how you turned your back on him, how you tossed a friend aside. Get over it. He's never seemed to mind. You're just being a drama queen and it's about time you realize that. I've been in this business far longer than you. I've seen this issue go down but I have never seen anyone be so stupidly guilt-ridden about it than you.

Matt: But...

Vance: I don't want to hear it! He needs help getting ready for a major match. He's fighting to take WZCW back from The Chaos and you're fighting for a chance to take the World Championship. Who better to get you two ready for so much than yourselves? You've brought out the best and the worst out of each. I need the best out of you two right now. Can I get that from you, Matt? Can I count on you to give me that belief that my roster can pull through? Please, realize that if by some chance Team WZCW losses, the only thing keeping Ty from absolute control is that World title. And if Kurtesy by some chance losses... Well... It'll all be up to whoever holds that case. I need all the help I can get, Matt. Please. I need you to Deliver Kickassery.

Matt and Alisha sigh in a sign of being worried. However it can be acknowledged that they realize that what Vance said is true.

Matt: Damn, boss. You put it that way and... I... I just can't say no. All... Alright. I'll do it. I'll fight him. I'll give him 100%. You're right. I shouldn't sulk if he isn't affected by it. I'm the Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling after all. Everything makes me stronger. It's about time I got over what I did to him and at Ascension, I'll show I got over it. I'll give him, you, the fans and The Chaos a show they'll never forget and put them on notice. Nothings gonna stop me from winning that Elimination Chamber, that case and the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm not doing it for myself, but for all the people that have worked so hard to help me, who cheered for me and even the blokes who booed me. This company needs heroes and it's about time they all start standing up. The hopes of this company shouldn't just rest on Team WZCW and Steven Kurtesy.

Vance: YES! That's what I wanna hear! Your A-Game. Go get 'em.

Matt: Right. Gordo better show me he's ready for The Chaos, because I won't be pulling my punches. I'm ready for the Chamber. I'm ready for Rush, Baller, Brad, Consty, Drake and any other challenge that comes my way. I'm delivering the Kickassery all the way.

Vance: Yes. Win. Win that King For A Day contract, Matt. I'll throw in a well deserved vacation for you if you do.

Matt: Righto. I hear Tijuana is nice this time of year. Get those tickets ready, Vance. I'm taking it all. See ya then.

With that, Matt hangs up the phone and the scene fades to black. He only has 2 weeks left to get ready for the KFAD match, but before that he has a major obstacle in the form of his long-time rival. A lot rides on the success of these two men and neither wishes to disappoint. What will happen when these two collide for the first time since Matt injured Gordito?
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