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AS 45: Titus vs. Brad Bomb (KFAD Qualifier)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The former champion Titus gets his chance to find a way to the World title by taking on Brad Bomb in a KFAD qualifying match. Bomb has yet to even go near the biggest prize in WZCW and is hungry to get inside the Elimination Chamber at Kingdom Come IV. Will Titus be able to continue his search to the title or will Bomb overcome the Legend?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
“Leon, it’s nice to see you again. How are you?”

“I’m good thanks Brad, you all set for our interview?”

“Yeah man. Lay the questions on me.”

“Alright well I’ll just let the guys finish setting up first and then we’ll go from there.”

“Ok. Cool. That’ll give me time to make a quick call.”

Getting up from his chair, is Brad Bomb, dressed in a shirt under a blue hoody, some jeans and a worn out pair of Converse trainers, he moves away from the set of the conversation, his phone readily in his hand. As he makes a call we see Leon Kensworth go over his questions one more time, while doing a mic check as the cameramen mess around with the lighting.

Brad Bomb soon returns to his chair, a measure of restrain on his face all the while, as Leon waits to start the interview. A shout of ‘Ok go!’ rings out and the lights dim to focus on the two.

“Welcome everybody to another exclusive WZCW.com interview. I’m Leon Kensworth and today I’m going to be talking to the first man to be eliminated twice from the Lethal Lottery, Brad Bomb. Welcome Brad.”

“It’s a pleasure to be here.”

“How is the neck feeling? You took a pretty nasty fall.”

“I’m a little banged up from the Lethal Lottery but I’m doing alright. I’ll be fine.”

“I think we should start off with the Lethal Lottery. Your performance has attracted great ire amongst the fans and some of the superstars backstage after you decided to re-enter the match after be eliminated Barbosa. You were subsequently eliminated by “Showtime” David Cougar. How do you defend your actions?”

“You know Leon, I don’t care if my decision has ‘attracted ire’ with the wrestlers backstage or the fans. You want to know why?”

“Evidently so.”

“If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, does it still make a sound?”

“I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”

“That’s because you’re being naïve. Go back and watch the tape and you’ll see that nobody, and I mean nobody, cared that I was ‘eliminated’ from the Lethal Lottery the first time. The referees didn’t notice. The fans didn’t react. The commentators didn’t acknowledge it and the wrestlers in the ring didn’t care either. Nobody paid attention to my exit. So I’ll ask again if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around, does it still make a sound? That’s my answer.”

“How can you, a man who fights for honour and integrity, justify it though?”

“It’s easily justifiable Leon. I made a promise to the fans of WZCW. I would get rid of Ty Burna and his Apostles and the Sons of Destiny. Instead, they’ve grown more powerful. Despite a rupture inside their affiliate member Barbosa, they’ve grown stronger. It was my aim to make sure any of them didn’t win the Lethal Lottery and so, when I was ‘eliminated’ I knew I had a second chance. A second chance of fulfilling a promise I made. Ultimately, I failed. Again…”

There’s a look of pain on the face of Brad. His fingers seem to tense up, the corners of mouth twitch and his breaths getting heavier and heavier still. Emerging from his self-pity he focuses back on Leon and the interview.

“And now Ty Burna goes to the main event of Kingdom Come again. This time he’s the challenger but still his presence in the main event only highlights my failure further.”

“On the topic of Kingdom Come, this week you two-time former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, and one of your idols, Titus on Ascension, with a spot in the King For A Day match on the line. How are you preparing for that?”

“The same as I would for any opponent. I watch tape. Study form. Train and exercise each day. Keep my mind at… peace. Titus is now just another opponent and not the man I once loved.”

“Titus has suffered a slight dip in for-“

“A slight dip? More like a nose dive into main event obscurity.” Brad rudely interrupts, taking Leon aback slightly. Brad ushers him to carry on with his hand as Leon looks to gain his composure.

“Umm yes… but do you not worry that he could bounce back to the form that won him a second World championship only?”

“Leon, I would love to be the man to give Titus that push back towards recognition, make him the man he once was but that will not happen this week. You see it’s my time to be recognised. My time to be the face of this company. My time to right the wrongs of those who run Meltdown and run around causing chaos. It’s my time to embrace my destiny and go to Kingdom Come as a participant in the King For A Day match,” Brad is out of his seat shouting and pointing at Leon, the stress bubbling inside of him overflowing, “It’s my time, Leon. My time. My! Time!”

“Titus is a shadow of his former self and I will further cast that shadow this week on Ascension because it is my time to become something. Let the torch be passed. Let those who’ve waited have their time and let them have it now!”

Brad Bomb storms out of the interview space and out of sight of the camera. There’s a brief silence in the room before some conversation breaks out and even some slight s******s from those hiding in the dark of the lighting. Leon is taken aback by the outburst but manages to regain enough composure to finish off the segment.

“Thank you for watching a Leon Kensworth exclusive interview with Brad Bomb.”
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We're backstage in front of the WZCW Ascension logo and stood there is Leon Kensworth who is all suited and booted. Next to him is Titus who looks rather tired and sweaty.

Leon: So Titus you you failed to win the Lethal Lottery, what's...

Titus grabs the microphone from Leon looking quite frustrated at him.

Titus: I failed to win the Lethal Lottery? I failed to win the Lethal Lottery? Leon do you know how many people didn't win with their goal in that match? No in fact tell me how many people have won the Lethal Lottery?

Leon: Four and Twenty Nine.

The quick reply from Leon seems to take Titus aback as he gives a deep breath.

Titus: Half there. Of the Lethal Lottery there have been four winners including myself. Of the two hundred plus people to step into a WZCW ring only four people have won, myself included. So don't ask me what my plans are now because this is all part of my plan.

Leon: How on Earth is losing the Lethal Lottery part of your plan? I thought your plan was to win?

Titus grabs his head in with both hands and begins pacing back and forth.

Titus: It was always the plan! Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice then shame on you.

Leon: That's not even how it goes.

Titus: It does now Leon. It does now. Ty Burna cost me the world championship twice so it's time I cost him the championship in the best manner possible. King For A Day. You see the person who wins KFAD has the opportunity to take down the Lethal Lottery winner. Could you imagine the ending of Kingdom Come “The winner of this match and neeeeeeeew WHC Ty Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....” Then my music comes in as I deliver a swift Tit drop and reclaim my rightful prize.

Leon: No one who has won King For A Day has ever managed to cash it in What makes you think you can?

Titus: No one's ever won four Oscars before.

Leon: So you're going to win King For a Day to get revenge on Ty Burna rather than winning the gold?

Titus: No! No! No! No! You're missing the point. Me winning the KFAD is not to stop Ty Burna or get revenge.

Leon: So it's not about revenge?

Leon is getting more confused at the words and actions of Titus. The former champion stops his pacing as he looks at Leon directly in the eyes.

Titus: It's all about revenge. Not revenge on Ty but revenge on Big Dave. His only goal is to reclaim the prize he lost and if I can stop him becoming the first two time KFAD then I shall succeed in dashing his dreams. He destroyed mine once, it's time to pull an ace from my sleeve and show him what I can do.

Leon: Before that you need to get through Brad Bomb.

Titus: Eaaaaasaaaaaaaay! Eaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaay!

Leon stops and chuckles at Titus' attempt to be 1970s British wrestling legend Big Father but then pulls himself together as he realises that Titus never says anything is easy.

Leon: I'm sorry?

Titus: Easy. For. Bradley. You see who's the man who has the momentum in this match? It's Brad Bomb. Do you know that when I returned I walked up to Chuck Myles and I said “Chucky baby put me in a tag team with Brad Bomb and believe you me we will set the world on fire”. You know what Chuck Myles said? He said no. He said no. Oh Titus he said no I gave young Bradley some advice and I told him to go get it, but then he was injured but now he's back and I've never seen a fire in anyone's eyes like I have seen with him. This kid is going to be a huge star in WZCW. I'm sorry that the time is not now.

Titus is visibly shaking with either adrenaline, nerves or he's had too much caffeine.

Titus: Do you think I'm going to take this match for granted? Just because I'm a former world champion? No! I've been working 4am until 7pm every day in training just to know how to fight you. I've watched every single match you've been in twice over and I've even watched it with Spanish commentary. The thing is Brad is that if we faced off without my usual preparations it would be you who gets the win but you know something? It's not your time.

Titus storms off camera as Leon just looks bewildered.
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