AS 44: Mick Overlast and Scott Hammond vs. Everest and Alexander Steele

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The scene opens with a wide shot of a large round table with three chairs separated in equal distance. Again the lighting in the room is sombre, with only a few small candles lighting the seemingly large room. The door at the far end of the room opens and a man begins walking towards the table. The only thing that can be heard are his footsteps getting nearer. The light eventually hits the face of Scott Hammond, who stands, appearing to wait for someone. Then, another noise can be heard, this time from the side, as Mick Overlast emerges from the darkness. Both men stare each other down in what appears to be a very intense staring contest. A nasty smile emerges on both men's lips as they come together for an embrace. Both men begin to laugh as they sit down on opposite seats. my humble abode.

Its quaint. A little dark if you don't mind my saying.

Not at all. I like to keep a certain...mood. It seems to have worked the last couple of weeks. I guess its helping me win.

Whatever helps I guess.

Last week was a triumph among our little group would you not say?

Most definitely. The BS ends at Lethal Lottery.

Absolutely. We are the Son's Of Destiny and I do not expect anyone to get in our way. Oh and by the way, I just wanted to applaud you for the amazing acting after we defeated those complete bell ends Brad Bomb and Chris Beckford. The whole 'how dare you take my pin away from me' thing was absolutely brilliant.

All those acting lessons finally came in handy!

They did indeed. I knew that Beckford and Bomb were no match for you and I. I saw it the second we stepped into the ring together. You and I were a polished unit. The only thing that would have made that match any better is if it were Chris Beckford that I picked up over my shoulder and dropped him with the London's Calling instead of that hypocrite Bomb.

Hey, the most important thing here is that we got the win in our first match together, and we now go onto the Lethal Lottery match as well at the tag team title match.

So very true. Its quite amazing really. This will be my very first Lethal Lottery in the three years I have been in this blasted company.

Your not the only one.

I know. It will be a momentous occasion to prove to all the idiots in power in WZCW that we three are going to be the dominant force in this company. People seem to have the idea that we would just lay down for Ty Burna and his Bitch's. He may own 50% of the company, but that in turn makes us like him 50% less.

Don't you worry about Ty just now, I'm sure the boss man has something up his sleeve in regards to that.

And I do.

Just then, Blade's murky figure appears from beyond the shadows, taking the final seat in front of the Son's Of Destiny.

The plan is finally starting to come together. With the addition of Mick here, I think we are ready to make our assault on this pathetic wasp nest. You both proved beyond any doubt this week that you are more than capable of taking the tag team titles at the Lethal Lottery.

That we are. And we sent the first warning shot on Ascension. That is how a plan comes together. And when that happens at the Lottery, we will reign victorious and go onto the Lethal Lottery match for our chance to go to Kingdom Come!

Lets not get ahead of ourselves though, you and Mick have an important match this week on Ascension.

That we do.

Before we get into that, I see your in a six man tag, tagging with Ty and Barbosa, what do you need from us?

Only to be on your guard. That is all. Scott you are the single most gifted wrestler that this company has ever seen. Your ability to submit anyone with any hold is second to none. Mick Overlast. You are a man who can focus on a single body part and make your opponent wish that they hadn't entered the ring, and your quick thinking makes you and Scott a flawless team. The way you disposed so easily of those idiots Bomb and Beckford was a real eye opener to those in power.

Hammond and Overlast both smile knowing that they have done well

So what now?

Now? Now we eat.

Hammond claps his hands and again out of the darkness a host of people dressed as waiters line the table with platters of food as well as a hog roast that sits neatly in the centre of the table

Wow now that I was not expecting.

Well I don't get many visitors and I thought to myself, why not?

The hog looks ready to eat.

It is. I look at the hog and do you know what I see? Everest and Alexander Steele's future.


Gentlemen, a toast to a new era. THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME FOR WZCW! HERE HERE!!



All three men tuck into their food as the camera pans away and fades to black
After the fine dinner and gathering at Scott Hammond's place, the Sons of Destiny embarked on a journey to Las Vegas to further celebrate their union and their respective victories on the last series of shows.


The sounds of slot machines and music fill the vast space inside the Aria casino in Las Vegas, but are drowned out by the booming laughter of the three well-dressed men as they walk together toward the exit of the casino, all with drinks in hand. The leader of the Sons of Destiny, Blade, confidently strolls through the casino, flanked by Hammond on his left and Mick Overlast on his right. The three are about to head out the door when something catches Overlast's eye. His joking mood quickly turns serious.

Overlast: Hey, hold up, guys.

Overlast turns to face the poker room, which is the last room on the right before the exit. There's a lot of action going on at the table closest to the rail, with stacks of red, green and black chips being pushed toward the middle of the table. Blade comes over and stands at Overlast's left, starting to look in on the action as well.

Blade: You don't strike me as the gambling type, Mick.

Overlast: Poker isn't gambling, Blade. There's a lot of skill involved. It's not a game for the mentally weak. See that guy with the cowboy hat sitting a couple seats to the right of the dealer?

Overlast nods in the direction of a man who looks well into his 70s. Below the brim of the hat is a wrinkled, almost lifeless face looking tiredly at the cards at the middle of the table. Overlast turns to Hammond, pointing him in the direction of the old man also.

Hammond: You know him?

Overlast: Not personally, but he's a legend. His name is Tex Pearson – one of the greatest poker players of all-time. The guy practically wrote the book on playing poker and made millions at it. It's sad to see what he's become now, though.

Blade: What do you mean?

As a new deal starts, Overlast doesn't move his eyes from the cards directly in front of Pearson, intent on seeing how he plays his hand. Pearson looks at his cards and folds, and Overlast breaks the short silence without taking his eyes off of the table.

Overlast: This is a 5/10 table. Not in a million years would I expect him to be sitting at this kind of game. He's won multiple championships and was the most respected name in poker. Now he's playing with a bunch of weekend warriors and amateurs, and judging by his short stack, he can't even beat them anymore. He's been rendered obsolete in today's game.

The trio watches the hand play out. A younger gentleman slams his fist on the table in frustration before folding his hand. The dealer pushes chips in the direction of another younger guy, who flashes a wide smile to the rest of the table while starting to stack his chips. Overlast chuckles a little bit.

Hammond: What's so funny?

Overlast: The guy who slammed the table is in way over his head. Just his entire demeanor – he's probably won little side games back home with all his friends, but he can't keep up with the big boys here. At the end of the day, he's just a face with no name; he won't make an impact on me, you two or anyone else at that table or in this casino. He'll lose all his money, go back home, wallow in his misery and live out the rest of his meaningless existence. No one will remember him.

The kid who took down the pot – that's poker's future. He may be young and arrogant, but he's also really damn good at what he does. He's so calculating and deliberate in his actions, and he and his type will be running this game in a few short years.

Just as Overlast finishes his sentence, the young kid wins another pot and shows his bluff to Pearson, who sighs in disgust. He looks over the rest of the players at the table and puts his few remaining chips in a rack before standing up and using his cane to assist him to his motorized scooter parked right beside him. He sits down on the scooter and drives out of the room, passing the trio at the rail. Overlast is the first to watch him ride out of sight, and Blade and Hammond soon follow Overlast's gaze.

Overlast: The dinosaurs of this game will soon be extinct, and people will forget all about them because they will be too busy being enamored with what the future holds. The funny that this doesn't only apply to poker.

Their attention is drawn back to the table by a cry of “No!” The kid with most of the chips has taken all the chips from the kid Overlast nicknamed the 'hometown hero.' The 'hometown hero' walks away from the table, head hung in shame as he departs the room.

Hammond: You're right – it doesn't only apply to poker.

Blade turns to face Overlast and Hammond and raises his glass.

Blade: To being physically stronger and mentally superior, and to being the future of WZCW!

The three men look at each other and knowingly smile before toasting. Blade leads the way away from the rail and out of the casino, while Hammond and Overlast walk alongside him.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Ascension Backstage Area

A smiling Alexander Steele walks out of the locker room, his gym bag hanging over his shoulder. He is about to walk off when he takes notice of the huffing and puffing sound barely over shadowed by the sound of pounding feet. Alex turns to see who’s running down the hallway and finds that it is none other than Leon Kensworth. He smirks knowing what is coming, and is in such a good mood that he’s about to let Leon have an interview.

Mr. Steele, excuse me Mr. Steele. Can I have a few words with you?

Leon asks Alex as he gets close enough to where he doesn’t have to yell. Alex doesn’t respond, he just watches as Leon comes to a halt a few feet from him. He doubles over as he tries to catch his breath; Leon holds a finger up to Alex indicating that he needs a moment.

Take your time Leon, I’m in a good mood tonight, you’ll get a short interview.

Alex chuckles lightly as he watches Leon regain his breath. He marvels at how determined the reporter is to obtain an interview with him, all the times that he’s turned Leon down or given him short answer interviews. He’s decided that it’s time to throw Leon a small bone.

Thank you, Mr. Steele. Now have you seen the match line up for next week?

Kensworth stands up straight and smiles at Alex, having finally caught his breath. He hadn’t had the chance to see the card for the following week just yet, so Steele raises an eyebrow as he looks down at Leon.

I’ll take that look as a no then. By the way, before I forget congratulations on your victory tonight. It looked to be a hard fought match and you earned your spot in the Lethal Lottery match.

The oxygen seems to finally be making its way back into Leon’s brain as he pelts out the congratulations to Alex with ease. Alex smiles at him and nods his head lightly.

Thanks Leon, it was a pretty hard fought match, but I did what I said I was going to do. Now, please if you will get on with whatever you were going to say about my match next week.

Right, my apologies, you are going to be in tag team competition against Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast.

That’s as far as Leon can get before Alex cuts him off quickly.

Scott Hammond and Mick Overlast, huh? No sweat, I’ll pull my weight.

Uh, Alex don’t you want to know who your partner is?

It doesn’t really matter Leon, as long as they show up to the match and wrestle smart, we’ll be a successful tag team.

Leon looks a little nervous at the moment, he wanted to break the news to Alex first and he looks a little determined to do just that.

But it is important Mr. Steele. You and your partner may not really work well together. Alex, you will be teaming up with Everest.

Kensworth lays the knowledge out on Alexander, half expecting him to have a stunned look of stupor on his face. Instead Alex sports a sly smirk on his face and slowly starts to laugh lightly.

Well that’s certainly a surprise, and if Everest shows up for the match than my statement earlier about the match being no sweat will be even more true.

Alex laughs a little bit more and then waves to the camera as he turns away and starts to walk down the hallway. Leon stands there looking stunned as it wasn’t the reaction that he was expecting from Alexander. The scene fades to black on Leon’s stunned face.

Wednesday, 01 February 2012
Boston, Massachusetts
The Steele Residence

The cooing of a baby is heard as the scene opens inside of the Steele household. Alexander Steele is standing at a changing table, looking down at his daughter who he is about to change. The scene doesn’t show the baby any longer and just Alex’s face. He moves as though he is changing the diaper, when he suddenly covers his mouth and nose.

OH my lord…

He starts to laugh some from under his hand and then works quickly to change the baby. He finishes quickly and laughs lightly as the baby girl giggles some.

You saved that one for daddy didn’t you? Yes you did.

He smiles as he holds the child up in the air and then pulls her to his chest. Alex looks completely happy with his life at the moment. For a little while he walks around the living room carrying his daughter in his arms, waiting for her to fall asleep and for Mazi to make it back home from the store. Once she falls asleep he takes her over to a bassinet and places her down gently, afterward he leans on the bassinet lightly for a moment, looking down at the sleeping little baby girl.

Everything I’m doing now is for you Katlin, all the traveling, all the wrestling, and all the training. I want to make sure that you never end up the way I did, with a junkie mother who dies and leaves you to a horrible father. I’m going to make sure that you have a bright future ahead of you, even if that means risking my body to ensure it. You are by far the most important thing to me. I hope you remember this when you’re a teenager and screaming at me that you hate my guts.

Alex smiles lightly as the scene fades to black, it also shows that Mazi has returned home and is standing behind him, smiling as she had listened to every word he had to say.

Saturday, 04 February 2012
Boston, Massachusetts
The Refinery

Outside of the gym stands Alexander Steele, it is a bit later into the afternoon and it appears that Alex is locking up the gym for the day. He smiles lightly and wonders about a few of the newer applicants.

One of these days my daughter may try to follow in my footsteps. I certainly hope that she doesn’t, this business is too harsh on the body.

He speaks to himself and the camera as he begins walking down the street. It appears that he doesn’t drive to the gym and instead walks from home.

I know that a few weeks ago I was somewhat of an ass towards Everest. I implied that he was aging badly and that he might not be as capable as he once was. I was proven extremely wrong at All or Nothing when Everest dropped me like a sack of potatoes. I was being nothing more than a young buck. We all do it at some point in our careers. We pick a veteran and make moronic remarks to get attention. I wanted Everest’s attention at that point and didn’t really care how I got it. I intended at All or Nothing to win and hopefully do it against Everest.

Now, I’m being teamed with him. It almost looks as if management thinks that we can’t get along. I have great faith though that Everest and I will form a good team. Our wrestling styles are so similar that they will complement each other. We won’t be as cohesive as some teams, but as long as he can read my actions and follow up with his own we’ll do just fine.

Alex stops his walk down the street and looks at a newspaper box. He digs through his pockets and finds the change to purchase a paper. After he has his paper, Alex continues his trek home.

The team of Hammond and Overlast, a couple of guys who’re apparently after the blood of WZCW, it almost seems as though they want to overshadow Ty Burna’s little band of misfits. Like it’s supposed to be an episode of America’s Best Dance Crew. I’ve been in a match with both of these individuals and actually have very little to discuss.

Scott Hammond is an excellent wrestler; however, I can’t help but get the feeling that he’s more wishy-washy than most American politicians. He seems to never be able to stick to a single ideal and sways whichever way the wind blows. It’s sad though because it actually affects his wrestling abilities. Blade and many others have made the statement that he can submit anyone he faces, but I know of someone that he can’t submit.

Alex smiles as he walks along the sidewalk. He waves to people that recognize him, none of which stop him for anything. They all treat him like a regular person and he likes that about his home town.

Mick Overlast is the young gun of their little group, he’s got some talent and some determination to succeed. The thing that I don’t get is that he apparently feels that he has to team with Blade and Hammond to be successful. I get a feeling that he just intends on using the two men to further his goals. There is nothing wrong with that honestly; a smart and weak individual would do just as Overlast has done. Use them to the fullest Mick, once the moment is over you’ll have to make a choice, either you beat them to the punch or be beaten by them. I could be completely wrong and over thinking things.

Either way, I believe that as long as Everest makes it to the match that Overlast and Hammond don’t stand a chance. Someone has to win and someone obviously has to lose and like always I will do whatever it takes to ensure a victory, it’s just who I am.

Alex smiles lightly as the camera as he stops on the sidewalk and looks around. The scene begins to fade to black as he is approached by a child who obviously knows who he is.
Scene opens up quickly and right in the middle of a large luxurious locker room. A big screen television is on and we can see random highlights from past Ascensions and Meltdowns. It takes just a few seconds to realize that all the highlights on the screen are of EVEREST, and very few of them are positive.

After a second or so, a knock comes at the door.

EVEREST: Go away!

REPORTER: Excuse me sir, do you mind?

EVEREST: Really?

REPORTER: Well the door was cracked, and we do have an interview scheduled.

With that the reporter emerges into the room and we see that it is WZCW veteran reporter, Leon Kensworth.

EVEREST: What part of go away isn’t finding it’s way to your frontal lobe?

REPORTER: I promise I’ll make it quick, I just wanted to get your thoughts on your match at Ascension.

EVEREST: What? Oh yeah I heard about that, against Mick Overlast and Scott Hammond, and probably Blade and more than likely Ty Burma and the possibility of his moronic minions probably getting involved as well. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if some how Joseph Rios and his band of merry men resurrect themselves from the wrestling graveyard and come down and whoop my ass some too, you know for old times sake.

I hate to be the one to have to tell Steele that no matter what we pull off at Ascension the night isn’t going to end with a Disney movie ending. I can put down Overlast with a Rock Slide, Steele can blast Hammond into next week with whatever move he wants to pull out of his arsenal, hell you could even see one of us get the coveted 1,2,3 - but by the end of the night if we aren’t beaten, battered and/or bloody by some talent-less hack of a wannabe that couldn’t figure out how to climb the ladder the right way so they latched on to the coattails of some no good Marvel Comic character never was that likes nothing more than to be the leader of a group of people who’s biggest gift to the wrestling world was not screwing up so bad they made an appearance on’s “Most Embarrassing Moments” list, then I’ll be more surprised than the fans. I’m prepared for that, but what about Alexander Steele?

Look I’m not an idiot, I know the marquee says Everest and Alexander Steele against Mick Overlast and Scott Hammond but….

You know what……..I’m done!

REPORTER: Excuse me?

EVEREST: Done! This is over!

REPORTER: Um, what do you mean? Are you going to be at Ascension?

EVEREST: Look I told you, this is over! It’s time for you to go. I’m no longer doing this.

REPORTER: Well ah alright? Thanks for the ….um….thanks for the time?

With that Everest slams the door on the Leon and retreats back into his room, Leon stands in the hall staring blankly into the camera, still pondering what Everest just said and what he meant? Finally the scene fades out as the last thing we see is Leon’s befuddled expression.
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