AS 29: Ty Burna & Austin Reynolds vs. Showtime Cougar and Constantine

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Intriguing story lines are abound in what can be expected to be an explosive tag team match, just mere days before Kingdom Come. With Ty Burna and Showtime attacking each other physically and mentally, and Reynolds and Constantine coming to a head, who will gain that final victory before their respective head to head match ups at Kingdom Come? Will the formerly known team of the Showtime Powertrip be able to work together? Will Reynolds fault Ty for costing him the Pick Your Poison Match?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 15th at 11:59 PM EST.
*Please play this*

A dark room is evident, only illuminated by candle light as 5 people sit around a coffee table. All of them participants looks eager but also intimidated by what they are doing. As the candle light flickers in the faces of the people, two familiar faces are shown. John Constantine and his trusty assistant Mia are shown to be sitting on the carpet with their hands joined with the others who are unidentifiable. There is a tense atmosphere in the room but Constantine is the only one who has a smile on his face.

Constantine (softly): 47 years ago, a suicide pact was carried out in this particular building. These 5 people were amateur wrestlers and full-time students. What they couldn’t understand was that not everyone is cut out for the competitive world beyond the school gates.

Mia grips his hand as the atmosphere gets more and more tense with Constantine’s words. He reciprocates and gives her a steadied look that reassures her before beginning to talk again in his soft tone.

Constantine: After trying out for a territorial wrestling promotion, they were all rejected for one reason or another. They were too small, too fat, too feminine and most importantly, they were not daring enough. They went into the ring for their training match and coasted through, what they thought would be, the first match of many in their illustrious careers.

Constantine closes his eyes for a moment and allows the atmosphere of the moment to take hold of him. He releases a breath that puts Mia on edge.

Constantine: They could have accepted that they weren't cut out for wrestling but this was their dream. The ultimate goal was to be in the same ring as their idols and that was so cruelly snatched away from them. Perhaps worst of all, they were told that their styles were not daring enough to fit into a wrestling business that demanded that everything they did was eye-catching.

Constantine opens his eyes and looks at the frightened faces of those who have joined him around the coffee table. The smile on his face reappears as he looks down at the top of the coffee table, where a board lies opened out.

Constantine: After learning that they would never accomplish their dreams, all 5 of them took their own lives in this college dorm room. As the rest of the college slept, they collected their things. The called their families to leave last messages on their answering machines and made their way to where we are sitting right now. One of those people was Mark Cochran. Cochran was a chemistry student and was gifted...

Constantine stops for a moment as rain begins to hit the window behind him. The pitter-patter of the water hitting the glass seems to add more atmosphere to the room as Constantine releases another deep breath.

Constantine: Over the course of his last day, he broke into the college supplies and created a compound that would be able to stop the hearts of the others. Their hearts were already broken and now they would stop beating completely.

As a crack of thunder fills the room, Mia lets out a whimper of noise. Constantine looks at her before getting back to his initial point.

Constantine: That moment was 47 years ago today in this very spot. Please imagine, if you will, that they are sitting where you are right now. They sat with their hands joined as they looked down at the solution that would take their lives from them. A flash of doubt covering their faces as the rain beat on the window outside. When they were all ready, the took their glass and dipped it into the solution. With one last look at their best friends, they swallowed the solution and said their goodbyes to each other. Within 2 minutes, they had stopped breathing and their essence had disappeared from this Earth.

The faces of Constantine's companions seem to have dropped as the harrowing story is finally outlined to them.

Constantine: And now, we celebrate their lives and what they gave for what they loved. Unlike them, we sit here knowing that we have accomplished everything we have set out to do. Their lives and death stand as a testament to how much it means to people to achieve their goals and it for that reason that we are going to contact them tonight.

Constantine lets go of Mia's hand and the rest of the group do the same as Constantine takes a glass from the table and turns it upside down before placing it onto the middle of the old board that lies on top of the coffee table. He steadies himself and then beckons all of his companions to place their index fingers on top of the glass. After a moment, all of them hesitantly place their fingers on the glass. Constantine looks up at them, his features lit up by the candle-light.

Constantine (bellowing): If there are any spirits in this room, please make themselves known to us...

The sudden rise on volume of Constantine's voice takes the group by surprise but with a steadying of their minds, they settle back into themselves. There is a very eerie silence in the room as only the rain on the window and the far-away crack of thunder fills the air. The group waits...

Constantine: If there are any spirits of the 5 people who committed to the most desperate act 47 years ago in this room with us, please make yourselves known to us!

Without hesitation, a bell that sits upon a bookcase in the corner of the room begins to ring. It dies down for a moment and then topples from the its position. Constantine smiles for a moment and that looks back towards the board.

Constantine: We mean no harm to your legacy and spirit. We come here in peace, hoping to understand what you know about the future. You see, my opponent Ty Burna leads me to believe that those who have come before can outline what may happen in the future... Is this true?

There is silence in the room again as Constantine stops talking. All 4 of his companions are scared stiff and there is an audible sound of shock as the glass that lies under their fingertips begins to move around the board; slowly at first but then gaining speed. It slows down once more before stopping on “YES”. Constantine takes stock for a moment and then looks up again.

Constantine: Thank you, spirits! Two men stand before me and my ultimate goal. I know that you wanted what I have and I cannot promise that you could live vicariously through my glory but your plight alone is enough to spur me on to accomplish everything that you couldn't. Ty Burna, in his infinite wisdom, makes a mockery of everything you stand for. He approaches the spirit realm with no dignity. He relies it so heavily that he cannot do things for himself. Tell me, spirits, do you feel the same way as I do?

Again the glass begins to move, slowly this time. It circles the board at a ridiculously slow pace, finding what it wants to say. At last, it settles, again, on “YES”.

Constantine: Thank you, spirits! His strength comes from the will of the damned. He is at peace with the spirit realm but sees them as an opportunity for his own gain. In my last match with him, I know that he was not alone. No normal man could withstand all of the punishment that I gave to him for making mockery of me and of you and remain standing. But Ty Burna did! In fact, he found something within himself and was able to beat me in the middle of the ring. I know that he was not alone in this endeavour. I know that the spirit world helped him through that match and I know that you must be sick of it.

Spirit world, I ask you... Austin Reynolds, his tag team partner for the upcoming WZCW show... Does he fear me the same way that you feared not being able to live out the only dream that you had? Does he fear me the same way that you feared living on in a world that could not accept you for being what you were!?

The glass immediately begins to spin around the board viciously. There is no slow build up this time, the questions that Constantine has put to the spirit world has angered it and as shrieks of fear begin to come from Mia, the glass stops and the circling sound of glass on wood leaves the air. The glass has stopped on “YES” once more.

Constantine (Louder): And is the same fear prevalent in Ty Burna? Does he fear a life without the Ouija? Does he fear the wrath of someone who doesn't fear him? Am I right in assuming that both Austin Reynolds and Ty Burna are afraid of being failures to this world in the same way that you were? At Ascension 29, will my tag team partner and I be able to rid this world of the sort of people who told you that you weren't good enough to be in it!?

The glass stops on “YES” for the last time and the shoots across the room, hitting a wall and shattering on impact. Constantine closes his eyes as a flash of lightning fills the room. The atmosphere is sharp and unwilling to waver as he dips his head and the room fades to black as the candles are extinguished and the bell begins to ring once more...
We see Chuck Myles, standing on a platform, holding a press conference in a small room within Madison Square Garden. The media are huddled around him trying to capture every word. He is in the middle of a speech.

“And so, I’m absolutely delighted to be here today to award our longest-reigning Elite X champion with this special replica edition of the title that he made incredibly prestigious. Ladies and Gentleman of the press, the Ratings Winner, Austin Reynolds.”

Austin emerges to his ring music which can barely be heard over the clicking cameras. Myles meets him with a handshake and then hands him the specially made copy of the Elite X title which is framed in a Perspex cabinet. Austin turns, with a beaming smile on his face and raises the cabinet. The clicking and flashes of camera rain down him. Austin looks at the framed championship and nods at it as he is clearly impressed. He places it on the podium in front of him.

“Thank you Mr Myles. This really does mean a lot. Being Elite X champion after chasing it for so long was the highlight of my career and defending it for so long on TV, on pay-per-view was an absolute privilege. To receive this honour as we approach our biggest event of all time tops it all.”

Austin exhales, seemingly lost for words and sheepish for a change. He nods at the nearest reporter, happy to answer questions.

“Your run as Elite X champion was second to none in 2010 but 2011 hasn’t gone well for you. Do you think you can turn it around?”

Johnny Klamor comes into the room with a typical swagger about him. Austin sees him but ignores him, choosing to answer the question put to him.

“I’m not happy about it. I certainly expect better of myself because I have incredibly high standards.” Austin pauses to choose his words carefully. “But what better stage than Kingdom Come to turn this around?”

Klamor steps forward and raises his hand. Again Austin catches him and looks to find someone else but Klamor speaks anyway.

“Your ego is second to none in WZCW. You claim to be the best in the company and the reason why we are all here in New York? Do you actually believe your own hype?”

“I’m paid to be among the best and bring the best out of everyone around me. I think the ratings support everything I say about why I am known as the Ratings Winner.”

Austin goes to answer another question but Klamor moves forward as he seems to have the scent of Austin on the back foot and he moves to the centre of the crowd.

“You have said often that you were the best in the company not to be World Champion. That list includes Blade, David Cougar and John Constantine to name but three. Do you honestly believe that?”

“I’ve beaten Blade before. Cougar and Constantine couldn’t beat me clean if their lives depended on it. Do you actually watch our shows?”

The journalists in front of him appear split. Some don’t appear impressed with Austin’s very sarcastic, out-of-character response but some are amused at the spirited banter. Klamor’s probing seems to be getting to him.

“You haven’t won a match in weeks.....I’m not counting Baller because the guy is a waster......are you so blinded by your opinion of yourself to ignore your recent record and believe that you are a main event calibre name in WZCW?”

Austin hesitates. Blinded? Maybe he was. Distracted? Definitely. Klamor couldn’t be right.

“I’ve been through hell thanks to John Constantine. I’ve not been able to live up to my expectations thanks to him. I am my own biggest critic – more than you or any smart fan on the Internet. You think I’m happy about my record? You think I like losing to Hunter Kravinoff? To Showtime? To Constantine even? My last win long ago I can’t even remember!”

“So you readily admit that Constantine has bettered you since -”

Austin raises a pointed finger to Klamor, who stops, albeit with an infuriating grin on his face.

“John Constantine crawled into my life on his belly like the snake that he is and at Kingdom Come, the biggest show of all time, I’m going to ensure that he leaves Madison Square Garden on his back with nothing left.”

Austin speaks slowly to get his point across but Klamor continues breathlessly.

“You decided to accept his challenge and took up his challenge of two out of three falls match. That’s extremely cocky isn’t it? You’ve played right into his hands.”

Austin cocks his head to the side.

“That’s an opinion, not a question Mr Klamor.”

“Just an observation Mr Reynolds.”

An unusually calm answer as Austin appears to regain some semblance of control. He didn’t like Klamor and actively sought to avoid him more than the other bland interviewers that WZCW had.

“Well let me give an opinion of my own. The last time I got my hands on John Constantine, I levelled him with a steel chair and I destroyed him on the ring steps., Constantine can’t cope with me when there are no rules. He may have dictated the environment that we face off in but I know he can’t beat me wh-”

“How do you know?”

Austin grits his teeth and steadies himself for a steely response.

“Because my heart tells me that I can’t let my friends and my fans down on this stage. Kingdom Come is primed and ready to see the Ratings Winner emerge victorious. The sold out fan fest in Central Park before the show clearly shows -”

“It shows you are the companys’ biggest shepherd Reynolds and you are leading them straight to New York!”

Klamor shouts louder than he has at any point so far and Austin appears to have had enough. He sidesteps the podium and stands directly opposite Klamor. Myles moves to intercept him but doesn’t get to him in time to prevent Austin reacting.

“And you’re so far up Johnny boy that you will be able to taste my fist in his mouth at Kingdom Come!”

Myles cuts him off and holds Austin back.

“Shut up Klamor! Austin, let’s get this wrapped up.”

“Sure thing boss....” He pauses for a second.”Take a look at this, guys.” He lifts up the cabinet that was given to him earlier. “This title means I have done more than John Constantine has in WZCW. It means that I won’t be beaten on the big stage. ”

Klamor tries to interrupt but Myles moves immediately to silence him. Austin’s humility continues to shine through.

“Yes, John Constantine has humbled me so far and he had me on the back foot. He has accused me of being scared. Neither of which I like because they simply aren’t true. I have been guilty of being brash and arrogant – and maybe I underestimated him. But on the biggest stage we have, I’ve got the one chance I need to redeem myself and finish the job that I started at the Lottery. My fans, our fans need to see me rally for my previous failings against John Constantine. At Kingdom Come, it’s not about me. I will not fail because of them.”

Austin walks off, with the encased Elite X title in hand. Chuck Myles quickly says his goodbyes to the press group and chases after Austin down a side corridor.

“Hey Reynolds....Austin!”

Austin turns and faces his boss but in silence.

“What was that about?”

“That? That was about getting business done. I’ve been left in his shit-covered tracks for too long and if it wasn’t enough he brought my best friend into this. I’m going to end this at Kingdom Come. He doesn’t understand that he has chosen the perfect match for me and I can’t wait to build my own hype at his expense and leave him in hell.”

Austin walks off & leaves his boss behind. But then he stops and turns.

“Because I’ve got my eye on gold after Kingdom Come.”

“I’m glad to hear it because I’ve got just the match for you. You are going to face David Cougar”

“Well as I can’t kick Constantine’s ass, I’m going to kick the Boy Wonders’ and finish off what Gordito started last week.”

“That’s great – you will have a hand because you’re tagging with Ty Burna and your second opponent will be John Constantine.”

Austin laughs, almost a childish giggle that turns into a full on belly laugh. Myles looks at him curiously for his unusual behaviour.

“You want to leave your two biggest draws without a match at the pay-per-view. You want this show to be good right?”

“I see your point Austin but this match will make for great TV on Ascension. You and John are at bursting point, Ty and Cougar aren’t far behind. Putting you four together will be the ultimate way to end the road to Kingdom Come.”

“Well I can appreciate that. You want your two biggest names in the same match, representing the good fight against those who are corrupt and misguided. But you realise Cougar and Constantine are going to emerge worse off.”

“Let them worry about that. Just put on the best show that you can.”

Myles walks past Austin but then stops and turns to face his employee.

“Have you thought that they will want to put their differences behind them and work together to take out their common allies?”

Austin grimaces, clearly admitting that his boss may reluctantly have a point.

“Something for you to think about?”

Myles walks away. Austin ponders for a second. The lights begin to stutter around him and then they go off entirely. When they come back on, Austin has Ty Burna lurking solemnly behind him.
Ty stands behind Reynolds as the lights remain dimmed around them. Suddenly the lights flare up, revealing a decrepit church, and a half broken altar in front of Reynolds. The lights dim once more as Ty lowers the WZCW World Heavyweight Title from his shoulder as Reynolds turns to face him.

Ty: Reynolds.

Reynolds: Ty.

The two men remain silent as the tension rises quickly around the two men. Ty's eyes glow a dim red before moving past Reynolds and standing behind the altar. He sets the WZCW World Title upon the altar before reaching within his coat pocket and removing the Ouija Scroll. He rolls it out and places it gently on the altar. He stares down at it, his eyes moving quickly back and forth. Reynolds narrows his eyes and turns around once more to face Ty.

What do you want Ty?

Silence! The Ouija is speaking!

Well? Is this all you wanted? An audience for your side show


Reynolds is taken back a bit as Ty suddenly snaps his head up and stares Reynolds down, a snarl upon his lips and his eyes glowing intensely red. he quickly rolls up the Ouija Scroll and places it back in his pocket before placing his hands on the altar and leaning forward, his head lowered and his hair falling around his face.

It's time Reynolds. It's time for us to take out our collective rage on the collective team of fools known as Showtime and Constantine. It's time for us to send a message and to watch the fear grow as we ravage them and leave them bleeding in the ring on Ascension.

Ty suddenly looks up quickly at Reynolds. He grits his teeth and stands straight and rests the World Title upon his shoulder. Reynolds suddenly smirks and saunters to the altar and stares back at Ty.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear from you Ty. However I have one issue to resolve with you. You cost me the chance to choose the match I wanted to finish Constantine off with.

It was not to be for Gordito that evening Reynolds. I gave him all the encouragement in the world, but he simply got outfoxed by that cretin Showtime. I wasn't about to let him escape unscathed, not for what he's done to me, and if you have any recollection of the past, what he's done to you.

Fair enough Ty, it doesn't matter what match it is, and now that it's Three Stages of Hell, I get to kick his ass all over Madison Square Garden and make him scream like the bitch he is.

Good, I want to see that insignificant pest taken care of Reynolds. He is nothing to me, and he should be no match to you. You have lacked focus as of late Reynolds, you've let him get to you.

I'm not focused? I'm not focused?!?! My focus has been on squarely on Constantine for months now Ty. I've made it my purpose to make Constantine suffer.

And what have you done with such goals? What have you done since you decided to destroy him? You have done nothing, and unless you want to truly make him suffer, you will take the suffering, you will take the despair you felt when you saw your friend be ran over, you will take the anger you felt when you saw your friend brutally beaten by your enemy, and you will take every pent up emotion and you must use that as your adrenaline. Use it to be your inspiration, and make Constantine feel every bit of the emotions he's put you through. If you want to end this you must break him to your will, make that ring your own realm, a realm of pain that Constantine cannot escape.

Reynolds lowers his head, his hands balling into fists. He suddenly slams his fist down onto the altar, the weakened marble cracking under the pressure. He lets out a scream of anger as a smirk suddenly forms on Ty's face. A low laugh begins to emit from Ty as Reynolds looks up at him once more.

Constantine will pay for everything he's done to me, for Dominic, for everyone around me he's hurt, I will ensure that he will know pain like he's never felt before. Ty, we've had no contact with one another since I came to the WZCW, our paths have never crossed, yet I feel this partnership was destined to happen.

Everything is destined Reynolds, it is as the Ouija has written. This is not the only time our paths will cross, as this is just a beginning. I need you at your very darkest Reynolds. I need you at the crossroads of your soul, and I want you unleash the demons inside you Reynold. Let the anger go and bring hell on earth with me for this match.


Ty face contorts in anger at Reynolds retort, his drops the WZCW World Title on the altar once more as he leans towards Reynolds.

And pray tell Reynolds, what do you mean no?

I will do this my way, and I won't sell my soul to the metaphorical devil in order to gain my revenge. This is not about taking one's soul, this is about beating Constantine until he's in a catatonic state. I want him to try screaming yet nothing comes out. I want him in the emergency room once again yes, but I will not travel that path to get there.

Ty suddenly smirks and begins laughing manically as he throws his head back as lightening crashes in the distance. The Chaos symbol begins to suddenly glow on the wall behind Ty. The glow casts an ominous shade of red around the church as Ty stands straight once more.

Good, now you get it. You understand that you can never be like me, and soon Constantine will realize it once more after I kick his teeth in. It's time for you to return Reynolds, I have preparations to attend to. I shall see you at Ascension.

The screen goes black for a few moments before returning, with Reynolds standing alone in the middle of the ring set up in Madison Square Garden. He looks around momentarily while regaining his senses. He lowers his head as the screen goes black once more. The screen comes back up once more with Ty standing in front of the altar once more, the Chaos symbol still glowing behind him. He picks up the WZCW World Title and walks out from behind the altar and makes his way down the aisle towards the exit. As he walks through the door he stands on the very last stair. The camera pans out to reveal a reddened sky and black clouds swirling above. Ty looks down and the camera reveals a rotating abyss below.

Perhaps one day Reynolds, I shall have the strength for my own salvation and save myself from the hell I have created as my own. But as it is now, my path grows bloodier and more gruesome as the weeks go on. The final stop to Kingdom Come, the final moment before I finish this war with the man who's been my foil. My retribution, my coronation, and my rising as the King of Darkness draws near, with or without my once chosen Queen. It matters not anymore, she has chosen her side and her path has deviated from my own. Once more I am alone, just as the Ouija warned me. A warning I ignored for far too long until it was too late. And so, the yin to my yang has been established, and the die cast. I waver not in my resolve, and neither in the penance I will deliver.

Ty's voice suddenly deepens and it echoes out into the apocrypha like world as he speaks out.

The Ouija has spoken Showtime, it has spoken Serafina, I know what Kingdom Come holds for me, and I know the wrath I will bring upon you both. No longer will the mind games matter, but the pure physical torment will be endeavored upon you will be the gospel of the Ouija. And upon your broken body David, a throne fit for the King of Darkness will rise, and I shall be the only one worthy to claim such a title. It draws near Showtime, the war to decide this whole bitter rivalry and hatred will finally end, and the cries of the wicked will surround your soul and devour your mind.

Thus it is written.

The rotating abyss suddenly erupts and completely envelopes the church as well as Ty. The screen suddenly goes to black.

So it shall come to pass.

The screen comes back up revealing Ty standing within the infernal abyss, his arms spread out from him and the WZCW World Title wrapped around his waist before the feed cuts out.
Scene opens at a major airport in Phoenix. Showtime is standing at the pick up area with his entourage and luggage. He is on his phone looking very annoyed. A few minutes letter 3 black town cars roll up.

Cougar: Couldn’t even get me a limo.

Showtime shakes his head. The driver gets out of the car and opens the door for Showtime. Showtime climbs into the first car as his entourage load up the second and third ones. As the driver closes the door behind Showtime, a short thin man with a thick mustache enters through the opposite doors.

Heyyy, you mind if you give me lift?

Absolutely I mind, get out of my vehicle.

Heyyy, don’t hate man. My name is Fast Eddy. I make you lots of money, yea?

Look I don’t care who the fuck you are. I want you to get the hell out of here.

Driver: Where would you like to go then?

Whatever the name of that horrible arena their keeping my old Winnipeg Jets team hostage in.

Oh, you mean Jobing dot com arena right? My Aunt Flo lives there. I have to meet her for lunch, you drive me there.

No don't...

The driver has already pulled away from the pick up zone and speeds down the road to the freeway.

Well I hope you'll enjoy this.

Showtime pulls out his cell phone.

I'm going to call the cops and when we get there they are going to have your ass arrested.

The driver looks for a second after hearing Showtime's threat to Eddy.

Fine go ahead. Call authorities. It's what the man who destroyed your set wants you to do.

Showtime stops dialing and puts down his phone.

What do you know about what happened to my set?

Hey man, you didn't want to hear what I had to say. Why am I gonna tell you now.

Showtime looks back down at his phone again.

Go ahead. Call. They wont wont lay a finger on me. You. You on the other hand. Oh they will have plenty to talk with you about.

Tell Me What You Know!

The car swerves a bit at the sudden loud noise of Showtime yelling at Eddy.

Keep your eyes on the road.

Showtime turns to Eddy.

Now listen... I don't have anymore time for games. You got into my car. You said you had something to talk about. Now say it.

Man why did I take this job. Bunch a crazy crackers these professional wrestlers.

It angers you... to know you don't have complete control over your life. You've seen your life, spiraling out of control, and the more you try and direct its course, the further you begin to sink in it.

Our lives and everyone else's lives are being written as they go. There's no choice. There is no deciding which path you are going to take. It is all being written down by a greater power. And sometimes the person writing your story takes you on a path that you or nobody else was able to see. You'll see... soon enough. The biggest surprises are still waiting to come.

Why don't you tell me who did burned down my set already, tell me or I'll do something to your face that you definitely didn't see coming today.

You couldn't stop it from happening, not anymore. You can't control any of it now.

I've had enough of you.

Showtime reaches into his jacket and pulls out a knife.

Holy shit! Is that a knife?

The driver says as he sees the knife, taking his eyes off the road. The car drives right through a red light. A car smashes into the driver side pushing the town car into a street poll. We see Showtime slumped forward in the car as the scene fades.


Scene opens up in a Doctors office. Showtime slowly begins to open his eyes. He holds his head and then moves his hand away, suddenly remembering the whole car accident. He looks around the room. He is not in a recovery room, nor is he dressed in a hospital gown. He is lying on a psychiatrists couch. He hears a few scratches and looks up to see a doctor near the head of the couch. The doctor is scribbling some notes down before he notices Showtime is awake.

Doctor: Ah, good. You're awake now. My name is Dr. Phillpotter. Don't be alarmed, you are well. In fact you suffered very little injury in the car accident, save a minor head wound.

Well’s that fortunate.

Indeed. Now Mr. Cougar I want you to describe to me what exactly transpired leading up to the car accident.


The doctor takes a sip of water before answering.

We need to see if you suffered any sort of brain damage in the crash. Please proceed.

Well I was waiting at the airport. Got off the phone with Serafina. She had made plans for us to go out to diner. The pickup was late and it was a town car I believe, black. I got in the car and then... this... hmmm...

The doctor looks up from his note pad as he waits for Showtimes answer.

He said his name was Eddy. I can’t recollect exactly what he looked like. He kept taunting me about my set catching fire and claiming he knew something not revealed during investigation. I demanded he tell me and then I... I tried to force him to tell me and that’s when the driver looked back at us and then...

the crash.

Yea, and nothing after that.

The doctor puts his pen in his shirt pocket and takes off his glasses.

Well Mr. Cougar, it appears our worst fears have come true.

What do you mean doctor?

Mr. Cougar. Police arrived on the scene and there was no sign of this Eddy.

Well he could’ve ran off.

There were no eye witness accounts of a man running from the scene. We’ve questioned the driver. He speaks of no third man in the car. Said you were talking loudly in the back, thought you were practicing some sort of act, until he saw the knife and panicked.

What are so saying, that I’m making this up?

Indeed. And it’s high time you caught up with it.

You see Mr. Cougar, we have been monitoring you since about the end of September. Some employees reported to management that you had begin behaving differently after an upset loss to Phoenix. Rambling to yourself and throwing out wild conspiracy ideas. Management thought differently given the, their word, ‘intense’ promos you had with an Austin Reynolds and your top drawing power, so they told us to monitor you from a far a give a proper diagnosis.

Mr. Cougar you might find it hard to believe this, but you are suffering from a disorder called Schizophrenia.

What, like “A Beautiful Mind”?

Well that depends Mr. Cougar. Do you simply hear voices or do you also see figures.

Wait, hold up. I have not admitted to having a disorder yet.

But you and I both know that this has been going on far longer than last October, Mr. Cougar. It’s only just accelerated.

What are you talking about.

I’ve taken the liberty at reviewing your extensive collections here in WZCW as well as your family history. Your family has a deep history of depression and personality disorders. You displayed disorganized speech and thinking in many of your promos, probably throughout your awkward childhood and adolescents. Being left alone by your Dad most days of the week, lacking the ability to make social contact in the new town and country you two moved to. You probably had many imaginary friends. Talked with them and acted out your imagination and dreams. They were there to listen, but then you started getting more creative. You talked about hanging with executives you met through your fathers work, the fact is your dad barely worked at the studio and had no connections.

Your wrong, I saw my old friend Dwight Chamberlin just the other day. Been an executive down at Studio 69 for years now. Known him for years.

You’ve seen him. Oh dear, Mr. Cougar, David. I have to tell you this and hopefully you will accept it. There is no person named Dwight Chamberlin. Just as there is no person named Trent Stonewall. You’ve been hallucinating them for years.

That can’t be

Andrew Donaldson is not real either. Chris Martin was kind enough to sing us a song about your behaviour at the cafeteria table a few days ago. And the director told me a Clarence Ashworth came up in conversation. Again, no such owner of Just for Men spray, your office WZCW arranged for you to do the commercial, not the big shot or characters you’ve grown accustomed to making up and playing out.

That’s crazy. I refuse to believe that.

It is real Mr. Cougar. That is none of them are real. Look. Look at the names of them. Trent Stonewall. Who were you feuding with when Mr. Stonewall appeared? Trevor Steel. Let’s try another name, Clarence Ashworth. I bet he was old and stoic. I got Chief Anoki. Andrew Donaldson. You were seen playing with a card at the table. Sounds like Ace David. Dwight Chamberlin. Drake Callahan. All these men share the same initials with wrestlers you’ve taken out of WZCW. All of these men, made up characters in you never ending story of whose after you.

So none of these people are real?

Now, there are merely voices and visual hallucinations that you have begun to listen to so often, your believing they are real.

Okay. I can accept that. What about Doug Crashin?

No I’m sorry but Doug is real.

For crying out loud.

Tell me about it, all the money I’ve lost on him.

You gamble on pro wrestling Mr. Phillpotter?

You kidding me, I got 5 books and dozens of journals published. I’m loaded and hooked on gambling. Ahhh I listened to this colleague of mine. You know him... Dr. Kurtesy.


Yea him, anyway he sold me on this Crashin fellow so I bet a lot of money on him and he kept losing. Then Dr Kurtesy starts teaming with a saying he’ll make sure they win, and they still lose and I lose more money.


Yes well, Mr. Cougar I am ecstatic that you have accepted all of this so well.

Well you know right, I either accept it and you let me go or I tell you your a quack and you drug me up and lock me in here.

Oh you're not going any where. And yes we will be prescribing you pills.


We still need to do some tests and check a few things. And the pills will calm your sensations and allow you to focus on what’s real and what’s not.

But I have to be at Ascension in a few days. I can’t miss this show.

You’ll have to. Or else you might never make it to Kingdom Come. We also have to have a sit down with Police Chief Williams. He has some very important evidence that you’ll need to see. I am going to quickly get your pills and then I’ll be back to come take you to the room where Chief Williams is waiting.

Dr. Phillpotter leaves the room and locks the door behind him. Showtime jumps off the coach in a panic.

Oh god, the police, the doctors, they are all in on it and they’re gonna come take me away. Not if I can help it. But how can I get out of here.

Master Showman.

Showtime looks to the window. Serafina has cut through the bars and has opened the window. Showtime quickly climbs through the window and he and Serafina hop into a waiting car. Showtime grabs the keys and he and Serafina drive off.

What was that all about. What did the want with you.

They are trying to put crazy ideas into my head. They are trying to distract me from my goal of maineventing Kingdom Come. I am not crazy for dreaming a dream bigger than anyones ever dreamed before. I don’t care what obstacles I have to overcome and believe me baby, there are a lot of obstacles that we are about to overcome. The whole world’s turned against the hero and it’s up to him to set everything all right before we die. Even if these voices in my head, telling me to go out there and perform for the billions watching at home and fight to become the best that I am, even if they aren’t real... at least they have some pretty good ideas. And I’m gonna stick with them to Kingdom Come and beyond. Now tell me Serafina what is my match this week. My head is still a little woozy from my car accident.

You are teaming up with John Constantine to face the team of Ty Burna and Austin Reynolds.

The car suddenly screeches to a halt. Showtime pauses.

I didn't attack John because I didn't trust him. Maybe I didn't... but when I saw him walk out and ask for that belt... all I could see was Milenko and I thought what I coward was to hide behind John and what a coward he was to expect I would just hand him what I had worked for. John and me had the makings of the most dominant tag team in WZCW. And I destroyed that.

John and me, The Showtime Powertrip, we will never be as strong of a force as we could've been, as there will always now be that hidden sense of distrust, but when we team up for the very first time this week we will show the world the power that our trip could've been on. We will drive over the competition, out opponents at Kingdown, Ty Burna and Austin Reynolds. Austin i don't even see as a threat anymore. John and I have pummeled him so many times, we now spends his days watching highlight reels of his loses week in and week out. Austin is Vanilla me. Plain and simple and I look forward to re living old times with John on this one. And Ty...

This is the last time he and will meet before Kingdom Come. Been doing it dozens of times already it seems. You'd think that edge would wear off. That excitement. Every time I get into the ring with him I'm excited for the chance to bury him one more time. He was the first real challenge I faced in WZCW. The obstacle I at times I wondered if I could ever overcome. And then I finally beat him, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to humiliate him. I wanted to make him gone. So I did that and everything was grand for a while. But then he came back and suddenly my life spiraled into an empty pool of loneliness. And then I found you there.

Showtime touches Serafina on the cheek.

And we agreed to make Ty feel our pain, the loneliness he had plagued us with. At Ascension we will not let Ty play his parlour magic and cheap tricks on us any more. We will drive that steak into his heart, and plunge it all the way through at Kingdom Come. Then you and I will be King and Queen of WZCW.

Showtime and Serafina laugh as they drive off into the desert.
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