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AS 24: Mayhem Title - Ferbian vs. Mr. Baller

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Ferbian and Mr. Baller have become quite an inseparable pair of late as they both have victories over each other where Baller was first to qualify in the Lethal Lottery while Ferbian captured the Mayhem Championship. These two will meet one-on-one with Ferbian's belt on the line under the Mayhem Tradition, will Baller look to gain some gold before reaching the Lottery itself or will Ferbian show that he is not a champion that should be underminded?

Deadline is Tuesday, November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
The camera goes on air in what looks like a fairly cozy and medium sized New York bar. The camera spots a group of people sitting around a large round table. All of them seems to be drinking and having fun, apparently listening to some guy who's standing up with his back turned. Eventually the camera gets into a proper angle where the standing person can be identified as Ferbian. A lot of cheering can be heard as Ferbian utters.

And then I bashed his head in with the chair!

The crowd gathered around him cheers once again as Ferbian continues to talk for a little while.

And 1..2...3. And now you see me here, with this marvelous construction. The Mayhem championship. Not only did I beat 3 guys to win it, but I also pinned the champion decisively. Hows that for a first time victory?

Ferbian claps the shoulder of the guy sitting next to him, who can now be identified as Marcus, who looks up at Ferbian with a smile.

I told you I would make a change didn't I? And you were too silly not to believe me. Well look at me now, I'm a champion. And come Ascension 24 I get to have my first title defense. What a glorious moment it will be, not only will I get the chance to show that I am indeed the man of the Mayhem division, prove to the fans that I'm here to stay, but I also get to revenge my All or Nothing loss against Mr. Baller. The very guy that stole my qualifying spot for Lethal Lottery.

The crowd cheers once again, as Ferbian pauses for a moment to take a sip of his beer.

Mr. Baller might be on a roll, he has already qualified, and he almost had me knocked out cold at Meltdown 47 when he crashed through that table. But that's not gonna have me worried. Mr. Baller is a high risk high reward type of guy, and I'm not gonna let him capitalize on any mistakes on my part. It's over for me with the mistakes, champions doesn't make mistakes. They make statistical winning streaks. And that I where I plan on heading, the losses are behind me, but the future is shining bright for this Danish wrestler. This belt is the marking of a new dawn, a new beginning in the era of the Mayhem Division. After I defied the opinions of everybody who didn't believe in me, I shined most glorious, when I stood tall above the defeated champion Wunderbar, when my deal-breaker took his title, alongside his career. I defeated the longest reigning Mayhem champion Baez, and most importantly - I defeated Mr. Baller, my opponent come Ascension 24. This is what spells the future for Mr. Baller

Ferbian claps his hand against his left arm.

The Deal-breaker is coming for Mr. Baller. This is the move that cemented his spot at Lethal Lottery, the spot which he stole from me.

The crowd gathered around Ferbian starts chanting.

You were screwed, you were screwed!

The Deal-breaker is the move that made me champion. And the Deal-Breaker is what will keep me champion, a proud and glorious champion that the fans can be proud of supporting.

Ferbian takes another sip of his beer.

But now he thinks he's some big shot who can come and steal my Mayhem championship as well? Well, we'll see about that. Times are changing in WZCW, and it's time for Mr. Baller to realize he has to step aside for the new generation of young and exciting wrestlers. There's a new champion in WZCW, and I don't plan on going anywhere. The deal-breaker gave him a victory, come Ascension 24 he'll know that The Deal-Breaker can certainly defeat him as well.

Ferbian grabs the Mayhem championship which is lying on the table in front of the crowd, shining bright as ever.

This is what happens when the tools are handed to me. Marcus, you know what abilities I have when I'm on a roll. I prevailed when the time was right. And trust me, Mr Baller, I will prevail against him as well.

Ferbian raises the Mayhem championship high in the air, for yet another cheer from the crowd, as Ferbian turns around facing the bartender.

Friends, we're celebrating tonight. For the present, for the future, for the Mayhem championship, and most importantly, for WZCW. So let's have a round of your finest beer to everybody in here

The entire bar starts cheering now as well, as Ferbian remains standing tall with the championship to the chanting sounds of the crowd.

Ferbian, Ferbian, Ferbian!

The camera fades to black as the crowd starts to swarm around the counter where the bartender is starting to serve beers.
Meltdown Madness has just gone off the air, and Mr. Baller just lost a Fatal 4 Way Mayhem Title match with Ferbian winning. Baller is in his locker room with his assistant James with an angry look on his face.


James: Sir, calm down.

Baller: CALM DOWN! How in the world can I calm down?!?! I just lost a title match to Ferbian in which i wasnt even pinned.

Baller picks up a chair and throws it to the ground.

James: Relax sir, this isn’t going to do you any good.

Baller: This is an absolute travesty. Ferbian as a champion. A god damn stockbroker is now the Mayhem champion.

Baller sits down after his tirade, and his looking a little pale.

James: Don’t worry sir, you are already in the lethal lottery match something you took from Ferbian.

Baller: I know, but the fact that Ferbian is the Mayhem champion is just making me sick to my stomach.

James: Now that you mention it sir, you are starting to get a little pale. Are you alright?

Baller: Yeah I’m fine. It i just disgusting to think about it. Picture it James, Ferbian, champion in WZCW. In a match that I was in. It is just killing my stomach.

James: Sir, you weren’t even pinned.

Baller: That’s what makes it worse. If that was an elimination match, I would’ve won the whole thing. No way in hell, Ferbian could’ve pinned me.

James: Pinning Wunderbar, is no great accomplishment.

Baller: I know right, what a disgrace. These people were lucky that I left the Mayhem division for a while, or i would’ve been the longest reigning champ by now.

Baller continues to look even paler

James: Sir, your getting even paler are you sure you all right?

Baller: I don’t know, it makes it even worse now thinking Wunderbar and Ferbian have both won a belt that I have won, and now are in the same category as me. I think I am going to hurl!!! I’ll be back.

Baller quickly gets up and runs out of his locker room and back into the hallways of the backstage area, in search for a garbage can. As soon as he finds the can he puts his head into the can.


Baller is continuing to vomit, as Vance Bateman is seen roaming down the hall, as he passes by Mr Baller he stops and makes sure he is ok.

Vance: Baller, is that you?

Baller: Yes its me, what do you want Vance? Can’t you see I am kind of busy?

Vance: I can see that. What’s wrong?

Baller: Ferbian, Mayhem Champ, BLAHHHHHHH!!!

Vance: That was a great match, out there tonight. But I am still in shock that Ferbian pulled it off.

Baller: Well Vance, he pinned Wunderbar, the worst Mayhem Champ of all time.

Vance: Very true, which is why Wunderbar has been fired, and is out of WZCW.

Baller: That at least makes me feel a little better.

Vance: Good to hear, Baller. You know what, i have an idea. Come to my office when your sure you get that little sickness of yours out of your system, and I will have a proposition for you. Something you will like.

Baller: Alright Vance, I’ll be there in a little. I think it is just about gone anyway.

Baller pauses

Baller: hold that thought.

Baller dumps his head back into the can and continues to vomit, as Vance walks back to the office, as the camera fades out.


The camera fades back in, as Baller is once again walking down the hallways of the backstage area. Baller is now out of his wrestling tights, and has cleaned himself and has put on his sweat suit. Baller finally reaches Vance’s door, and he gives a loud knock.

Baller: Vance, its Baller.

Vance slightly opens the door and peeks through with his head.

Vance: Ahh yes, Mr. Baller, I’ve been waiting for you. Please come in and take a seat.

Vance finally opens the door all the way and opens the door for Baller. As the camera now zooms into Vance Bateman’s office, Vance goes in and takes a seat in his black leather chair by his desk, while Baller sits on the small black couch opposite Bateman.

Vance: Did you get that terrible sickness out your system?

Baller: Yes, I believe so Vance. It was really weird, i was talking to my assistant James about how much a disgrace Ferbian is to the Mayhem Championship, and it made me sick. It is just such a terrible thing, and he truly doesn’t deserve it. It was his first career win, and he pinned the man who is now out of WZCW, thankfully. If it wasn’t for the luck of the wheel, he never would’ve gotten a title shot to begin with.

Vance: Right you are Baller, which is why I invited you in here.

Baller: What are you talking about Vance?

Vance: At All or Nothing, you won your spot in the Lethal Lottery match, and the majority of matches this week are Lethal Lottery qualifiers.

Baller: So where do I fit into all of this?

Vance: Exactly, you can’t be in a qualifying match since you already qualified.

Baller: I repeat, where the hell do I fit into all of this. Is this another one of these jokes? Am I being Punk’d? Wheres Ashton Kutcher?

Vance: No sir, you are no longer a comedy act in WZCW, in fact we feel you are a championship act. And when you did qualify for the Lethal Lottery at All or Nothing, you beat Ferbian. And this past week, as we know, Ferbian beat you to win the Mayhem Championship. And I know you are good with scores with your basketball background, thus making it 1-1. So on Ascension this week, I want to settle the score. And now you can also cure your sickness as well, because you will be facing Ferbian 1 on 1 for the Mayhem Championship.

Baller: Are you sure this isn’t Punk’d?

Vance: I’m sure. You have greatly improved Baller, and you deserve this shot. Good luck this week, and before you head out of here, you have a scheduled interview with Miss Rebecca Serra, who is fully aware of your title opportunity.

Baller: I appreciate it Vance.

Vance: Sure you do, now get out of here. And head to that interview.

Baller quickly gets out of Bateman’s office, and is once again heading down the halls to the interview area. As Baller makes a left turn to the area, he sees Becky Serra, putting on some lipstick, while her and her cameraman wait for Mr. Baller to start the interview.

Cameraman: Becky.

Becky: Yeah?

Cameraman: You might want to hurry it up, Baller is on his way down. And just like us, he wants to get out of here too. It has been a long night.

Becky: Your right. What time is it anyway?

Cameraman: A little past 12.

Becky: Ugh, I am exhausted. Madness and Anarchy always cause for long nights with all the interviews as it is, and now we got an extra assignment. I am ready as soon as he gets here.

Baller is strolling down as he finally reaches the interview area, and Becky has her microphone in hand, and the cameraman is ready to roll the film.

Baller: Wow, you guys are actually ready this time. Now that is a surprise.

Becky: Well, we didn’t want to keep you waiting. Are you ready?

Baller: No, no. I got to make sure my hair is picked perfectly. I need to look fantastic for my final interview before my championship reign starts.

Becky: Well, can you please hurry it up, I’m exhausted.

Baller: Whoa whoa, don’t speed up perfection, you people wait for me. Got it?

Becky sighs, as Baller looks in the mirror as he make sure his afro looks right.

Baller: Alright, I am ready to begin.

Becky: Thank god.

Cameraman: 3. 2. 1. Go ahead.

Becky: Becky Serra here with the challenger for the NEW Mayhem Champion Ferbian on Ascension 24, Mr. Baller.

Baller: Becky, you won’t be calling me the challenger for much longer, so don’t get used to saying that.

Becky: Right. Now lets start with Meltdown Madness, where Ferbian pinned former Mayhem Champion, Wilhelm Wunderbar to win the belt in a match that you were in. What happened in that match?

Baller: Wunderbar sucks, Ferbian got lucky. I wasn’t the man getting pinned. Simple as that. I have beaten Ferbian already, why can’t I beat him again.

Becky: You didn’t pin Ferbian in his defense. You pinned Jordan Lights.

Baller: That match at All or Nothing was a 2 on 1 match basically. Two people who show clear disdain for me, were against me, and I still managed to win. While in this fatal four way, I had 2 enemies again in Ferbian and Baez as well as the idiot known as Wunderbar who had no friends. Big difference in that, but clearly you couldn’t tell.

Becky: Well it doesn’t matter I guess, whatever way you want to put it the score is 1-1, and you have a shot 1 on 1 this time with no people in the match to win the Mayhem Championship for the second time. Ferbian has all the momentum and is confidence is at an all time high, can you stop his roll and take the Mayhem belt off him?

Baller: His confidence is at an all time high? (Baller chuckles) He has won one match in all of WZCW, and he won it in a match by the luck of the wheel, and never would’ve been anywhere near a title match if it wasn’t for Meltdown Madness. He pinned a man who got fired from the company for being a total failure and now he as an all time high confidence. Anybody who watched that match, saw that the two old faces of the Mayhem division, Baez and I did all of the work in the match and Ferbian just picked up the scraps.

Becky: The man he pinned was the Mayhem Champ at the time....

Baller: What’s your point? Did you see who was in the Mayhem division recently? A psychotic animal in Chris Jones and Wilhelm Wunderbar. They were the only two in the Mayhem division and they both sucked. Wunderbar only faced Jones and another no namer in Andy Simmons in his time in WZCW and looked like a beast, only to be proven to be a fraud, hence is firing. It is time to bring some prestige back to the Mayhem division and that is why I am going to beat the living hell out of Ferbian. I have been in more Mayhem matches then Ferbian has had regular matches in his whole career, and I will prove why just like in basketball the veterans always are better then the rookies. This rookie had a fluke match, got extremely lucky, and is a fraud just like Wunderbar. And just like Wunderbar after Ferbian loses this match he will head back to the stock market because his wrestling stock will be just like the economy and head into a downward spiral. Ferbian you have won one match and you think you are a true champion, You are nothing in this company and never will be. You can celebrate now because your 15 minutes of fame come to an end at Ascension.

And you better believe that!

Baller gives a cocky smile to the camera before he walks out of the interview.

Becky: Who will come out on top with the Mayhem Championship, will it be Mr. Baller or Ferbian? Tune into Ascension 24 to find out, I am Becky Serra signing off. Good night WZCW fans.

Cameraman: And we’re out.

Camera fade out.
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