AS 24: LL Qualifier - Justin Cooper vs. Johnny Sherman

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Justin Cooper saw his tag team partner get mysteriously attacked and injured, so he has to endure the fate of singles competition and will be competing against promising youngster Johnny Sherman. Both men will be competing for a Lethal Lottery spot which will no doubt motivate both men to put on a performance of a lifetime.

Deadline is Tuesday, November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
The scene begins at a hospital, many nurses and doctors rush past the camera. We then head into a room, with Hays laying down. His eyes closed, with a doctor by his bedside table. Holding a chart of some kind, marking things off, as Justin Cooper enters the room.

Cooper: How is he?

Doctor: Not well, he will need to stay here from several days.

(Cutting the doctor off ) Will he miss ring time?

Of course, I would say he may be out from 2 months at most. I would be pleased with that, considering things could have been worse.

My tag partner is hurt, and we were on our way to a Championship. How could things be worse then this. We all know who did it, everybody in the lockerroom knows it was Kurtesy and Holmes. Who else would do this, taking out the competition backstage is what they do. The Movement can't win fair, they have to dig their teeth in. So you don't try and stand up, give them a real fight.

I'm sorry to here that, but I can do nothing else.

We had our eyes on the tag titles, so close to our dream. Are you a fan of WZCW doctor?

I happen to watch it with my two sons, Mark and Jono.

I don't care what their names are sir. But the tag division was in desperate need of some class. We gave it that, Hays and I, we took it by the horns. We ran with it, and in just weeks, gained a shot for the titles. Only to be robbed now, just when we had gotten back on our feet. After the loss at All or Nothing, Hays and I had a talk. We watched tape, we trained together, did everything to prepare for the future. Then this happens, it makes me sick.

The competition was not on our level, you have a over weight sumo wrestler, who smells like the garbage out the back of a local chuckie cheese. He may even eat out of that garbage!

Then you have the Champions, a pair of no good, cheaters. Who can't handle a threat with respect. They have no balls, they hide behind each other. Crawling into a corner, wishing the troubles would just go away. Holmes and Kurtesy are no Champs, just Chumps. And Doug Crashin, what a fool, he had to fake an injury. Why not just say your to scared, to face the new generation. Running away because you don't want to be beat by rookies.

But all the hopes, all the dreams. They have been halted, and I must find a new home. A new goal, a new division. Any suggestions doc?

I've been watching the Mayhem division of late, and they have a new Champion. I believe he is a rookie, just like you.

Oh, how could I forget. Young mister Ferbian gained his first win this past week. To bad he didn't earn it. Just another loser, like the rest of them. He was picked out off a wheel. What right does that give him to say "I'm a Champion, yay me".

He has no right, to say "he should be the top dog in that division". He couldn't even be the top dog in a shelter of homeless guys. If we ever did meet, the outcome would be clear. I would send him back on that losing streak, and take that title right from his hands.

Please Excuse me, I have some other patients to attend to.

They shake hands, as the doctor walks away, Cooper sits beside Hays. He is still, and sleeping. Cooper sits back in a chair, but then suddenly leans forward.

I will gain vengeance on them, I will show them just who the hell we are. But first, I take down Sherman. He is just a sheep in this, a pawn in the plan. I will gain entry to Lethal Lottery, and throw each and every other guy in that match, over the top rope. To show that we are the best from our society. Johnny boy, is going to need his Australian humour after his loss. He can go back to his Internet, and Indy fans, where they will chant his name. The guy thinks he a star, just wait till he meets me. I'll knock the swag right out of him.

Then, I'll write his Final Verse.

Cooper sits back, as he grabs a newspaper to read.
Jonny Sherman and his father are at their house, watching an Australian Football League match. A match where one team is dominating, not letting the other team in play.

Jonny-This is how I plan to take WZCW, full throttle, and by the horns, not letting anybody in, and helping everyone on their way out.

Rory-If I recall correctly, that is exactly what you said about AAPW.

And if I recall correctly, that is exactly what I did. Now, my debut was relatively successful on Ascension Anarchy, I got good exposure against Scott Hammond. I almost won if I could just lock in the Shermanator. But that is the past, this week I have a match for a spot in Lethal Lottery, this is the biggest match of my career.

Who is the match against?

The match is against another Aussie Rookie, his name is Justin Cooper, I have heard of him, and it sounds like he has no respect, he just talks about it.

Sounds like one of your former opponents from the indy scene. I forgot his name.

Exactly, let that be a lesson to Justin Cooper, if you have no respect, you can’t go far in wrestling. He’d better pick that up quickly.

I’m sure he will; I mean what Aussies don’t. Anyway, I thought you would be in a tag team match, you know, with that dancy Spanish guy.

Dad, he was mauled by a pack of rats on Meltdown Madness, didn’t you see?

Oh... Yeah, I must of fell asleep. You know what I am like nowadays. Anyway, now that your tag team dreams are gone, what do you aspire to now?

Well, I was thinking maybe EurAsian Title is somewhere down the line, but the Mayhem division looks like the place to be for the rookies. New champion Ferbian has won it. Evidently, that was his first win, I am 0 and 1 on the win loss, but I am confident that it can be 1 and 1 by the end of this week, now if you don’t mind, I am off to shoot my webshow.

Ok Son, it’s been a while since you have done that.

I know, I want to keep my internet fans updated.

The footy ends, with the team that was dominating winning the match

That is my boy. Taking the bull by the horns, and grappling it down, putting it in the Shermanator.

Scene 2--------------------------------------------------------------------

Sherman’s Webshow is on the computer

Meltdown Madness-MD 48
We go backstage and find Jalapeño throwing some stuff in a gym bag in one of the locker rooms.

I can't let this keep happening. These guys keep beating me; it's almost like I don't show up at all... What's in there?

Jalapeño goes over to a cardboard box on the other side of the room that is shaking violently. He slowly opens it, and a pack of rats come flying out of the box and attack Jalapeño's face. He screams out and a janitor runs into the room.

So that's where I left these damn things.

He grabs the rats and puts them back into the box before looking down at the bloodied and chewed up face of Jalapeño.

I'll get you a doctor. Man, destroyed by Jordan Lights earlier and now this. Hope you got some good insurance.

So this is my new partner Jalapeño, or was going to be my new partner, obviously he isn’t the most protective person in the world, but hey, I guess now is the time to go down a new path with my baby career, and what better way to start then a huge debut match against Scott Hammond, getting huge exposure to the WZCW universe. I am a little disappointed that I didn’t pick up the victory, but with that said, I have something to build up on, I can work on that for future experiences! But this week it keeps getting better, I have a match to qualify for Lethal Lottery! It is a big match against an opponent who shares a lot of mutual talents, and we are much the same, we are both Australian, we are both Rookies, and we both have recently lost tag team partners, what are the odds? But one thing I have that he doesn’t, is respect. Anyone I have been in the ring with I have respected, I do not degrade anyone, and I sure as hell don’t say I am better than anyone, he does, a lot! I can’t stand it, so what I am going to do is put on the match of my life, so all of my fans, get down to WZCW, scream and cheer for the first class, Johnny Sherman! Because if I win, I get a chance at the world title! And if I win, I will be the first Sherman to win a title in mainstream. Now who wants to see that! Everybody! So I am Jonny Sherman, see you next week with a win under my name!

The camera fades, and the scene ends.
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