AS 24: LL Qualifier - Constantine vs. Baez

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Two well established names in the WZCW will compete for a spot in the Lethal Lottery as Baez and Constantine lock horns. They had a recent encounter in the EurAsian Championship match at All or Nothing, something that Constantine will not forget, along with the recent trashing of his limo. Will Baez take advantage of the recent downslide that his opponent has been or will Constantine be even more motivated to earn his spot in the Lottery?

Deadline is Tuesday, November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
A beautiful sunny day in a suburban area becomes evident as school children made their way up the crowded streets. Kitted out in there uniforms and WZCW memorabilia, they look uncommonly excited as they pull on their parents hand, urging them to speed up. There is a chatter amongst the parents, who are clueless as to why their children seem so excited about the prospect of another day in school. Tentatively, one parent can be heard asking their child a question.

Mum: Matt, what is your rush today? You're usually so tardy in the mornings.

Matt: Come on, Mum! You're going to make me miss it and get a bad seat!

Mum: Miss what, Matt?

Matt: Oh! I didn't tell you! A load of different WZCW stars are coming to the school today! They are going to be signing things and talking to us. It is going to be soooo awesome!

Mum: Oh! You mean that guy... uhm... Boston Reynolds?

Matt: It's Austin Reynolds, Mum. Not only is he the best wrestler in the world, he is a former WZCW Elite X Champion... Duh!

Matt pulls on her hand some more as she slows her pace for a moment, considering the words that have just passed her son's lips. The incessant pulling of her limb knocks the thoughts from her mind as she rolls her eyes for a second and continues up the hill. As the curve of the hill is overcome, the very mediocre school is revealed, surrounded by grandstanding that one feels would be better placed elsewhere. Matt's face lights up as the fanfare of WZCW takes up the full car park that lies adjacent to the school block.

Matt reaches the school gates and breaks the connection to his mother as he sprints towards the already opened doors that lie ahead.

Mum: Matt!

Matt turns around and looks at his Mother with a frustrated look in his eye. She raises her hand to her mouth and blows him a kiss. Matt hesitantly waits for a second and then catches the imaginary endearment before staring off towards the doors again. As Matt reaches the wooden doors, he is greeted by a middle aged woman.

Woman: Good morning, Matthew!

Her greeting falls on deaf ears though as Matt rushes right past her. The woman gives a slight nod and a wave to Matt's mother and closes the doors behind the straggling students. The teacher makes her way around the painted stone walls of the primary school and finally catches up with Matt some way down the halls.

Woman: Excited, are we?

Matt turns to her with a look of sheer anticipation on his face. The look in his eye answers the question better than any words that he could produce at this point.

Matt: Mrs. Thomas, I have been waiting for this for ages! I'm going to get to see all of my heroes today and after all this time and all those chores I have been doing, the time is finally here!

Matt opens his bag and takes out something before Mrs. Thomas gives him a little smile as she moves to the front of the uniformed queue and pushes open the assembly hall doors. Inside the intimate venue, students are already beginning to take their seats as more and more file into the hall. In front of the seating, the small stage is filled by a half-size WZCW wrestling ring and a long table that is covered with WZCW merchandise. At the front of the table, cards with wrestler#s names are placed perfectly in front of empty chairs. As the last of the children file into the hall and take their seats, a booming voice comes over the announcement system, immediately silencing the excited kids.

Voice: Children of all ages! Please welcome, some of your WZCW icons...

A loud roar goes around the intimate hall as the announcer goes through the list of names in his pleasing barotone.

Voice: Introducing first, the newly crowned WZCW Mayhem Champion Ferbian!

Ferbian comes out looking pleased to be on stage. He gives a wave to his adoring fans and then takes his seat at the table.

Voice: Now introducing, Sam Smith!

Smith comes out to an applause and a roar from the kids again. He sits down at the table before raising one hand to the fans in acknowledgement.

Voice: John Constantine!

The crowd begin to boo heavily as Constantine makes his way through the curtain. He goes to the front of the stage and makes intense eye contact with some of the young children that line the front of the stage. He steps back from the baying crowd, sneering as he turns his back on the audience before sitting down.

Voice: One half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Steven Holmes!

Holmes comes out onto the stage and goes down the steps. He raises his hands in the air, allowing himself to take in the adulation and goes back up the steps hurriedly. He takes his seat next to Constantine and sets his belt down on the table.

Voice: Elite X Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Showtime enters through the curtain and is met with an altogether mixed reaction. Constantine gets out of his seat and meets Showtime. The two men embrace like old friends and turn towards the audience, who are not in two minds about Showtime any longer. Constantine raises Show's hand to the audience as the booing becomes more passionate. Both men sit down at the table as one more seat is to be filled.

Voice: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you! Presenting, the Rating's Winner... Austin Reynolds!

A rapturous applause arrives along with Reynolds appearance. The kids are on their feet and chanting his name as he reaches out to some of the young fans. He takes some of the merchandise off of the table and tosses it out to some of the welcoming fans. A smile appears on his face as he turns around to come face to face with Constantine, who has gotten out of his seat once again. The two men exchange some words before Showtime intervenes and splits up the confrontation. Mrs. Thomas makes her way up the stairs to the stage and picks up a mic.

Mrs. Thomas: Let me first welcome the stars of WZCW to Rockbury High School and thank them for their time. Why don't we have another applause for them?

The kids begin to cheer again as a chant for Reynolds is circulating around the hall again.

Mrs. Thomas: Now, I think some of our children have prepared some questions for you. At this time, we would love to get your reaction to those questions.

The first child stands up, mic in hand, before speaking nervously.

Child 1: My question is for Ferbian. How does it feel working for WZCW?

Ferbian: It feels great, Kid. Just know that if you work hard at achieving your dreams, then anything is possible. Was there times when I thought I wouldn't get here? Sure, there was. But I kept believing and after a while, I got here.

Child 1: Thanks, Ferbian!

The child sits back down and starts muttering to one of his friends with a huge smile on his face.

Child 2: Hi! My name is Molly and my question is for Austin Reynolds...


Molly: I watched your match against Showtime David Cougar at All Or Nothing, I was wondering how you felt about the result?

Reynolds: You know, Molly, it has been a long road for me and I have been in the ring with some of the best talent that WZCW has to offer. However, the attacks at All Or Nothing just showed cowardice by these two men to my right. That's right! They are cowards!

Constantine: You talk of cowardice as if you are not guilty of it yourself! We all know that I am the best that WZCW has to offer, yet you constantly use your stroke within the company to ensure that we rarely have a match. Your words are empty, Reynolds! Your words are backed up by no actions! You, Ratings Winner, are a sham!

Reynolds takes a deep breath in and looks back at Molly.

Reynolds: You'll always have people with large egos anywhere you go in life, Molly. You'll always have bullies like Mr. Constantine over there. When you keep your mind clear and your attitude positive, you'll always reach your goal and being the Elite X Champion is one of the best accomplishments there is. If it hadn't been for Mr. Constantine, I would still be there.

Mrs. Thomas: Let's keep this civil, gentlemen. I believe Matt has our next question.

Matt gets to his feet and picks up the item he took from his bag from the floor. He looks at the Baez mask for a moment and then pulls it over his young head. He raises his head and puts the mic to his mouth confidently.

Matt: My question is for John Constantine.

Constantine looks intently at Matt, his arms folded indignantly.

Matt: We've all seen what you are capable of in wrestling. But, you still haven't been a Champion and you never will be! How does it feel to know that you are second best in everything you do and that Baez will be pinning you in the middle of the ring at Ascension and going on to win the Lethal Lottery?

Constantine stands up furiously. He grabs his mic from the table and steps around the other wrestlers. He scans the crowd for a moment and spits on the stage.

Constantine: It makes me sick to think that you insufferable roaches are the future of this world. You are the future of this great country and it will not shock me if America becomes the equivalent of the remedial class if you putrid morons are put in charge of her glory!

Mrs. Thomas (worriedly): OK, Mr. Constantine, that is quite enough playing.

Constantine: Oh! I am done playing you miserable hag!

Look at you! Here you are in the twilight of your life, feeding bullshit to all of these kids. I have listened to both Reynolds and that other guy talk about how they kept fighting to achieve their goals and your kids are eating it all up. What's worse is that you have applauded every single one of their ridiculous claims.

Kids, please take a note of this, nothing you ever do will amount to anything! Take my recent run for example. Not only was I the greatest attribute in the company but I had been making strides into uncovering the foul play that lies behind WZCW. Yet, as I came close to the truth, I was attacked by 5 other men. They snatched away my shot at glory and power! Then, as I attempted to make amends for this transgression, I was kicked to the curb again. Two no-name talents bested me in a cage match and I thought NO MORE!

Oh! I am done playing, lady!

Mrs. Thomas:
That is quite enough!

Constantine: Enough!? Oh, I am just getting started!

Reynolds shakes his head as Constantine continues his rant. Showtime claps his hands in appreciation of the words as Constantine looks back at Matt.

Constantine: And then we come to you, Matthew!

You stand before me with your little piece of merchandise on your face. You do not realise that the man who you worship is a fraud. He wears a mask to hide his true identity. He wears a mask so that he has no responsibility for his actions. His mask, young man, is his shield against the repercussions of his actions. In my eyes, he is nothing more than a coward.

This man could have been one of the men who destroyed my priceless custom made limousine. Will he feel any sorrow, guilt or shame for his actions? Absolutely not! Of course, we all know that Baez was not the man responsible for the unfortunate demolition of my limousine, don't we?

Constantine shoots a look at Reynolds, who cannot help but smile as he slouches back into his chair.

Constantine: Baez, this coward, was one of the men who took the EurAsian Championship from me. His mask may have prevented him from being invested in many things but make no mistake, I never forget. Baez is nothing more than glorified criminal and Mayhem talent... And I use the word talent loosely. At Ascension, Baez will realise how mighty a foe he has encountered. You lap up his merchandise and spout off the lines that WZCW want you to believe in.

Well, little man, at Ascension, I am going to give you something more concrete to believe in. I am John Constantine and you will believe in me!

At this, Reynolds gets out of his seat and squares up to Constantine. They stand nose to nose and begin mouthing off to each other. Constantine smiles at Reynolds and pleads for him to strike him. Showtime gets out of his seat and stands beside Constantine. He looks deep into the eyes of Reynolds... Reynolds begins to back off before landing a slap to the face of Constantine. Holmes, Ferbian and Smith all run to split up the brewing fight as Constantine attempts to lash out at the Austin. Showtime pulls him away and the other men come between Reynolds and Constantine.

Constantine (shouting): This is not over, Reynolds! Once I am done with that imbecile Baez, you will fall to my will. I am coming for you and when you see what I do to Baez at Ascension, you will wish you had never done that!

Showtime pulls Constantine off of the stage as a struggle can be heard behind the curtain. Reynolds turns back towards the kids, who are in utter shock of what has just happened. He goes to the table and collects his some more merchandise and tosses it deep into the crowd as the kids begin to cheer again. The rest of the competitors hand out some merchandise as the cheering continues through a tense environment.
The scene opens in a street just outside a local arena where a WZCW event is being held. It’s raining heavily and in a distance, a figure can be seen. It’s “The Killjoy”, Baez, sitting on a bench outside under the rain. However as the camera closes in, seemingly zooming from a safe and dry distance a shadow is casted over Baez. It’s an umbrella. And holding it, is a young girl.

Young girl: You look sad, mister.

Baez: How can you tell? My face isn’t easy to see.

Girl: The way you are sitting. You aren’t sitting in a very cheerful position. Not to mention that getting wet like this isn’t much of a good sign either.

Baez lifts his head up a bit.

Baez: Kid, life can be pretty complicated. I remember a time when I was as care free as you. But that’s long gone now.

Girl: When was that?

Baez: I don’t know. I guess I’ve been pretty bummed since my last PPV.

Girl: A… What?

Baez: You don’t watch wrestling?

Girl: No. Does it surprise you?

Baez: Oddly enough… Yes. Yes it does.

Girl: Who are you wrestling next?

Baez: John Constantine.

Girl: Really?

Baez is startled and lifts up his head surprisingly.

Baez: You know him?

Girl: Yes. He was at a school close by not too long ago. For a politician, he sure is a jerk.

Baez: …Soo… You don’t know about wrestling…. But you know that blowhard?

Girl: Mommy used to talk about what a big dumb jerk he was when he was on the news.

Baez: Bwahahahaha! Really? Was he George W. Bush dumb?

Girl: Huh?

Baez facepalms.

Baez: Uh…Never mind the jokes for now. Anyway, where’s your mom anyway?

Girl: …Dead.

Baez: What happened?

Girl: She was sick and she didn’t have money to pay so she stayed sick and died.

Baez: Money? You mean she didn’t have medical coverage? How could that be?

Girl: I… *sob* don’t know. She said bad men in suits and briefcases wanted money from her and wanted to take our home.

Baez: Tax collectors?

The girl doesn’t respond and continues to sob.

Baez: Damned government. It’s because of them that you’re homeless, right? They didn’t even bother you sending to an orphanage. How disgusting! Putting currency and self enrichment over the welfare of an entire family?! And Constantine has the audacity to claim he’s a member of that government system? How can people say I’m a monster when he has a hand in stuff this hideous? They didn’t just rob your mother of her house but it eventually costed her, her life.

Girl: What are you gonna do?

Baez stands up vigorously.

Baez: And I was actually sad. If you can be cheerful after all that’s happened to you, so can I. Screw losing two straight Championship opportunities. I can make up for it. Screw the past and look towards the future, kid. It’s the only way one can make it through hard times. Right?

Girl: Right.

Baez: Tell you what. I’m gonna take you inside and regardless of what the law says, I’m gonna find you a family to go home to. And an autographed picture of Austin Reynolds.

Girl: Who’s that?

Baez: A guy who Constantine can’t beat. Just like me.

Girl: YAY! I’m going inside!

The little girl runs to the inside out of camera range.

Baez: I always knew that bastard was no good from the moment he got here. I used to think he ran the Crashin Movement. He didn’t. But he’s doing something worse. With Showtime of all people. If only I could get someone to watch my back. But Showtime is still a major concern. There is no way in hell I’m gonna let that piece of garbage, Constantine, come close to a World title shot. I’d rather stick a bottle of Kickassery up my own ass first. But we all know that will never happen. Right? Mr. Cameraman?

Baez turns his head and looks at the cameraman ahead and walks towards him.

Baez: I hope you are ready, Mr. Constantine. Because you are gonna have to dig deep, and I mean very deep, to pry out the bottle of Kickassery I’m gonna stick up you. It’s gonna be so far in, that when they pull it out, I’ll have you lousy morning energy drink inside of it. And Showtime, come close and you’ll get the same treatment. Revolution will be televised.

Baez knocks over the camera and runs off as the screen fades to black. And yes, it's still raining.
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