AS 116 - Yemrez Reqonic vs Callie Clark

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Two Days Before Ascension: Inside A Hotel Suite In Philly

Gabi and I settled into our hotel room in Philadelphia nicely, it felt good to be getting back to action this week after I felt sick last week and couldn't compete. I blame the disgusting food in catering at the shows, I should have known better than to eat the food they give the gross people that make up the rest of the roster. But now I feel better, and I brought the world's cutest puppy ever, Sid, with me and that's totes gonna make for a more fun time on the road.

Gabi: I'm gonna go take a shower, you still planning to do that live Q & A for our fans?

I nod to answer her as I fix my wind blown hair in the mirror, after all you can't let your fans see you looking anything less than perfect.

Callie: Yes of course, even if they can be annoying at times, sometimes we have to give the people what they want. Which is obvi more of us.

I had told Gabi about how I announced on my Facebook fan page how I was gonna host my first ever live Q & A in celebration of reaching 1,000,000 likes. Of course our shared page has been way past that mark for months, I mean obvi right? But Gabi's page hasn't reached a million yet so even though she has more twitter followers than me, which I still hate her for, I beat her at something at least and it was a cause for celebration. Gabi went into the bathroom and I started a live video on my Facebook page, and within minutes I had five hundred people tuning in.

Callie: Hey there fans, I'm your favorite Clark Sister, Callie.

I give the camera a little wink to let the fans know I'm joking.

Callie: And this is my first ever Facebook live Q & A! I am sitting in my hotel room in Philly, waiting for Gabi to be ready to go out to dinner. So type in your questions below and I'll read through the comments and pick the best questions to answer!

I flash the camera my best smile and right away the questions begin rolling in, along with a bunch of compliments about how beautiful I am, as if I don't already know that, puh-lese! I begin reading through the comments and find the first question I wanna answer, asking how it felt to pick up my first win in WZCW when I faced Wren.

Callie: Beating Wren felt great, she thought she was some badass ninja but I put her right in her place and helped her realize she's nothing more than a wanna be, a coward hiding behind a mask. But that was just the first of many victories I'll be racking up in WZCW, and don't forget Gabi, she'll be racking up the victories too and who knows? Maybe we'll get some titles too, I mean I think WZCW gold would look pretty fabulous around my waist don't you guys?

I smirk at the camera as my loyal fans of course agree with me, and the ones who don't simply don't matter so who cares what they think. As I keep reading through the comments I see one asking what my favorite costume I've ever worn is and decide to answer it.

Callie: My favorite costume? Oh gosh that's a tough one, I mean I look great in just about every costume I've ever worn and a lot of them are cool to me for different reasons. I'd probably have to say either Sub Zero for being the costume I got my first win in, the Riddler costume I just had custom made, or Harley Quinn just for being so deliciously evil. Kinda like me to my haters and my opponents.

I let out a little laugh, truthfully I don't have a favorite costume, they all are great for their own reasons, but those 2 are just what came to mind first that I had a good reason for. Before I could look for another question to answer, Sid jumped up on my bed, the one by the window like always when we share a hotel room, and nearly knocked my phone out of my hand with his head as he nudged it towards me trying to get attention.

Callie: Ahh Sid! Be careful don't break my phone!

I let out a chuckle as i put my hand not holding my phone around Sid and pulled him over to my side, suddenly the questions about me began changing to questions about Sid and comments about how cute he was, which he is. I mean he's the cutest dog ever.

Callie: For those asking, Sid is my Shih Tzu dog, he's 3 years old and he's totes the best dog a girl could ask for. This is the first time I've brought him with me on the road but I just wasn't home long enough last time and I wanted to spend more time with him. Say hi to your fans Sid!

I smile as I pan the phone over to in front of him, and he brings his face in closer to it and my fans get an extreme close up of his face. After a few seconds I pull the camera back to my face and see an interesting comment, this one asking what my thoughts are on my next opponent, Yemrez Reqonic.

Callie: My thoughts on my next opponent? Well for starters I'd like to know what kind of name that is, I mean I don't even know how to pronounce it. Like girl how do you expect to become world famous if nobody knows how to say your name?

I shake my head as some of my fans comment with how to pronounce her name, I guess I was wrong in thinking that wasn't even a real name, oh well it's still a stupid name.

Callie: But forrealzies my thoughts on Yemrez are pretty simple, according to what I read she used to be a weightlifter, boring. Makes me wonder if she's one of those typical meatheads who are all brawn and no brains, I mean if so that's gonna be pretty easy to handle, can't win many matches without being smart can you now?

I flip my gorgeous blonde hair in arrogance, something tells me I have nothing to be worried about in this match. Call it women's intuition.

Callie: I also know she's about 6 inches and 50 pounds bigger than me, but that's not anything to worry about for me, I mean every opponent is bigger than me right?

I laugh as do my fans with their "LOL" comments, I've been short all my life and it used to bother me, but I've learned to just embrace it, after all if I was normal height I'd be more boring and basic, and there's nothing worse than being basic, like Yemrez.

Callie: Plus when Gabi and I were learning to wrestle we used to train with each other, and it really helped me adjust to things like that. Do they have short girls like me in whatever third world country Yemrez is from? Better yet, do they even have other wrestlers where Yemrez is from? I mean Estonia? Where the heck is Estonia?

I shrug, sure some of my fans comment feeling the need to tell me where it is but I don't really care and it was a rhetorical question so I just scroll on past those comments as I bring up a picture of her on my phone.

Callie: Oh my gosh I just noticed all the tattoos she has, that is totes gross! I mean no wonder she was a weightlifter and now a wrestler, she probably looks in the mirror every day and realizes how ugly all those tattoos look and it makes her so angry she goes into a rage and has to lift a bunch of weights and beat people up! I guess nobody ever told her that your body is a temple and it shouldn't be ruined with a bunch of ugly tattoos, shame.

I shrug, even I couldn't make Yemrez less ugly, and I can do a lot with makeup and clothing.

Callie: And she wasn't even good enough to win gold her last time in the Olympics, where as me, everything I do is gold medal worthy. But weightlifting isn't wrestling, and we're not lifting weights we're going to wrestle. So she can be as strong as she wants, she can lift 500 pounds if she wants to! But at the end of the day she's not gonna be able to catch up to me in the ring and I'm gonna whoop her.

Suddenly, I hear the shower turn off in the bathroom, in perfect timing too as I see a question asking where Gabi is and if she's staying in the same room as me.

Callie: Of course Gabi is staying the same room as me! We always share a room when we travel and this biiig suite would be a little lonely without her! She's just getting out of the shower but what do you guys say we surprise her when she comes out here?

I have an evil smirk cross my face as I get off the bed and stand against the wall next to the bathroom. As the door opens into the bathroom, Gabi steps out wrapped in a towel as well as a towel on her head.

Callie: Hey Gabi, say hi to our fans!

I laugh as I turn the camera on my phone on her, and she turns around and gasps as I film her.

Gabi: Oh em gee Callie! Stop filming me, at least until I'm dressed!

Gabi puts her hand over my phone's camera, and tries to take the phone away as I try to pull it away. Of course Gabi is stronger than me so she manages to pull the phone out of my hand and quickly focuses the camera just on her face.

Gabi: Thanks for tuning into my sisters Q & A guys, but she needs to go now because I'm about to beat her with a pillow as payback for this little surprise of hers. If you haven't already make sure you follow both of us on twitter, like my Facebook page and like The Clark Sisters page, and of course make sure you follow us on instagram @TheClarkSisters!

Gabi turns the camera back on me as I stand there defeated, she won this round but I'll totes get her back.

Gabi: Say goodbye to our fans Callie!

I roll my eyes at Gabi's comment, but then wave to the camera.

Callie: Goodbye guys and thank you for all the questions, make sure you tune into Ascension to see me kick Yemrez's butt and see Gabi shock the world and beat Eve Taylor's butt!

Gabi stops the video feed from recording and puts my phone down on the edge of the sink before going to get dressed while I walk over and grab my phone. As I exit the Facebook app and send out a tweet telling people who didn't watch live to make sure they go to my Facebook page and watch my Q & A, I see a fully dressed Gabi pick up a pillow off her bed out of the corner of my eye. I know what's coming and quickly put my phone down as Gabi walks towards me. She's so paying for dinner as payback for this.
It's All About Bliss.!

~Chapter 2: Aftermath of First Win~

After Ascension 115
Ascension 115 said:
Anderson: Here is your winner Yemrez Reqonic!
We see Yemrez Reqonıc lying in a bed along with her pet rabbit, Quiney. She had just finished watching her debut match visually on her laptop, after literally going through it a few hours ago. The core purpose of it was to show Quiney her first match and win as well. Quiney had been with Yemrez since 3 years and was very close to her heart despite being an animal. She trusted Quiney more than any alive human being. Atleast, a harmless rabbit like Quiney can't backstab like many human beings do. And that's why Yemrez wanted the share the joy of her first WZCW win with this lovely rabbit.

Yemrez: I felt schwellenangst before making my WZCW debut. Oops, my logolepsy again made me opt a German word rather than English. Actually, schwellenangst means threshold anxiety.

Yemrez looked thrilled after a win in her WZCW debut match and rightfully so. She didn't expect it to be so one-sided in her favor but it validates the saying that God helps those who help themselves. Nonetheless, it was nostalgic to have her get a debut win in WZCW which is a place full of talented wrestlers. As she was thinking about it, her phone vibrated and what she got was a message from her manager as well as coach, Kyrgios Correa.

Kyrgios said:
Congratulations on your debut win. I've gotten to know that your next match will be against Callie Clark at Ascension 116. We'll meet day after tomorrow for the training. Till then, take care.

Yemrez: Wow. What a kairos. Oh, again the logolepsy. Simply put, Kairos is a Greek word which means the fleeting rightness of time & place that create the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement. I was just talking with you about WZCW and see what I got.

Yemrez proceeded to show the message to the nearby Quiney. She believed that Quiney could understand everything like humans. As usually, she continued talking to Quiney.

Yemrez: Another match. Another challenge. I just love challenges like this.

Obviously, Quiney doesn't reply. How could she? But that was the intrinsic part of her relationship with Yemrez. Nowadays, people just get engaged in back and forth arguments. Most people don't listen. Rather, they just listen to speak. Nobody listens and understands. The listening people are used to now is that thoughts enter from one ear and exit at the same moment from other. Arguments take place more than healthy discussions. And here, Quiney listens everything Yemrez says and even understands it much more than alive human beings, according to Yemrez's beliefs.

Yemrez: Yeah, I know that you also like challenges. You know that our tastes are rather mutual, thus making our bond even more stronger.

Yemrez actually sees Quiney nodding in approval.

Yemrez: This challenge is a lot more tougher than the last one though. Preston Scott Cunningham III was a new prospect like me but hadn't done anything noteworthy. On the other hand, Callie Clark who's the younger Clark sister, is actually undefeated in singles match. Granted that she has had only one singles match as of now, but so have I. She has defeated a much better opponent in Wren. She hasn't had any success in tag team action, however that doesn't matter anymore since there're no tag titles left. She has been defeated in a multi-person match at Kingdom Come VIII though. That does make her look vulnerable or at least beatable. But I don't think that there's anyone who is unbeatable. The moment could come now or later, but what's sure is that it will come at any cost. I can beat her if I make use of my strengths, while curbing Callie's weaknesses.

Yemrez continues after taking a deep breath while embracing the cute rabbit.

Yemrez: She's quite talented, for sure. But you know when talent is wasted?

Again, Quiney doesn't reply but Yemrez assumes that the rabbit's silence means that it doesn't know the answer.

Yemrez: It's wasted when your ego gets inflated because of the potential. Ego just kills everything positive about a person. Arrogance leads you to your end. And that's the biggest weakness of Ms. Clark. The fact that she has a major superiority complex doesn't do her any favours either. That's where I'm gonna curb it and use her own ego and arrogance against her.

Yemrez then proceeds to cuddle Quiney while continuing talking.

Yemrez: She has athazagoraphobia. Aka the fear of being forgotten or ignored or even replaced. And that's what worsens the case for her. I'm here representing my country Estonia while she's just representing herself and her arrogance. Her inflated ego needs to be deflated soon and I know that God has given me the golden opportunity to do so. I ain't going to miss fighting and defeating someone who's too boastful about her talents. Her own arrogance and ego is going to reciprocate her talents.

Yemrez makes Quiney sleep afterwards and then proceeds to sleep herself but only after saying the following to herself.

Yemrez: My debut match made me feel numinous and so did my win. My second match ain't going to be any different, I'll feel the same and again defeat my opponent since sheer talent with honesty always defeats talent with ego and arrogance. We'll meet soon, Callie. Be prepared to have your ego and arrogance crushed.
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