AS 116 - Garth Black versus Vee ADZ

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Sara: Is this where we are going to celebrate your win over the reigning Heavyweight Champion?

Sara looked up at the entrance of the old gym and gave Vee an incredulous look.

Vee: What do we celebrate for?

He grabbed an old key from his pocket and walked towards the door. He inserted the key into the lock and torqued it. The lock was quite rusty; the key was jammed inside it. He diligently torqued the key further to unlock the door. He turned his slightly behind to greet Sara with a fabricated yet embarrassing smile.

Vee: I didn’t beat Justin Cooper. After all, it was Garth Black who literally handed me the win. I have nothing to celebrate. But I do need to train.

Sara, a little demurely, shook her head and walked inside that empty gym.

Sara: Alright. But you could’ve chosen any of the best facilities in Philadelphia. Instead you picked up this gym for your training?

Vee gestured his hands around the empty gym and looked back at her.

Vee: Don’t underestimate this facility. This place had schooled many great wrestlers in the past. When I first moved to the United States, I used to train here with the boys. Honestly, I didn’t like going to fitness gym for my trainings. I just used to train in these sorts of wrestling gyms and spare with the boys in and around the local.

Sara looked around the almost empty gym. One corner of the gym had truck tires piled up in bulk and fabric clothes were wrapped around some long metal posts. On the other corner, there were a few dozens folded chairs piled up in an unorganized manner. Not in any sorts, it did look like a wrestling gym. Sara turned to Vee with a quizzical look adorned her face.

Sara: This doesn’t exactly look like a wrestling facility, does this?

Vee: Oh! We have to turn this into a wrestling facility. That’s today’s training!

Sara couldn’t comprehend it quite clearly.

Sara: Uhm… what?

Vee: This gym used to host wrestling shows on Friday nights. We used to come here every other day, do our regular drills on the weekdays. Then on Thursday morning, we’d build the wrestling ring.

Sara was still baffled; it was quite obvious from her expression. Her beautiful eyes had only embellished with a blank expression.

Sara: What do you exactly mean by building a wrestling ring?

Vee walked towards the corner of the room and unwrapped the fabric clothes to expose the steel ring posts. He lifted one of the post over his shoulder and walked to the centre of the gym.

Vee: What are you looking at? Grab a post and bring it to the middle.

She resentfully walked to the corner of the room and looked down at the 10 feet long metal post. She sighed and lifted it. But it wasn’t quite heavy as she had expected, that relieved her a bit.

Vee: That’s zeolite reinforced iron composite. It is lighter than it looks but very rigid and reliable. They had been using heavy metal posts and I recommended them to use this material.

Sara: You and Science can’t be kept apart, can it be?

She chuckled whilst looking at her boyfriend, who was busy in deliberately inserting the metal post into a 2 feet deep hole. He bolted it to the floor and gestured Sara to do the same. He walked to the corner of the room to pick another post.

Sara: I didn’t know you’d have to construct your own wrestling rings to fight.

Vee: Small time promoters used to do that. There’s nothing particularly fascinating about this. They simply can’t afford to have delicate employees to do these works. But the bigger promotions such as WZCW has their own production crew who have these sophisticated tools to build these wrestling rings even in an ice-hockey field!

Vee and Sara had finished bolting the posts to the floor by then. There’s nothing quite spectacular about the four posts halted in the middle of the empty hall. Vee walked around and calibrated the posts bolted by Sara.

Sara: What’s next?

He pointed over towards the wall where some plywoods was placed against it. The muggy brown colour of the wall and the plywood can’t be distinguished if seen with remissness.

Vee: We’ll have to fasten those plywoods against the bottom of the post and make the base of the apron.

Sara had now become a little fascinated with building the ring. She liked to learn new things and these sorts of things which need much unerring work made her more curious.

Sara: Why can’t your management be less cruel as such this one? See, they had given you the key despite being an alumna and hadn’t visited them in years!

Vee dropped the plywood next to the base of the post. He lifted it up and made it to halt against the post and turned his head towards Sara with a subtle look.

Vee: Who told you that WZCW management is cruel?

Sara: Your next opponent, Garth Black? If not the man you had beaten couple of times, Justin Cooper? After all, it’s only seems to be true after Mr. Banks slyly broke the Hollow Ones and fired Phoenix!

Vee laughed a little loud and stood on his feet. Sara was a little baffled about what’s there to ridicule and laugh about.

Vee: The Hallow Ones had it coming. You know, when you have these power in your hands, you can’t just bend down to cross a bar. You’ll just have to shatter the bar into pieces with your power and just walk forward. That’s what Mr. Banks did by firing the Hallow Ones. Do you know how much trouble they had caused in the past few months and how much they have rattled? It’s only fair enough to rattle their own den.

He moved around the post and placed the plywood against all the four sides of the post. He then started bolting it to the post whilst speaking to Sara.

Vee: Garth Black? I mean, he complains about everything, literally! I wonder if he complains his mirror every morning for him being bald.

Sara lets out a weak chuckle and helped Vee in tightening the bolts.

Sara: But your management hasn’t been fair with him, has they?

Vee: That’s a libel. When I first debuted for WZCW, in my very first Pay-per-view Lethal Lottery, Chris K.O. decided to drop his Eurasian Championship and retire. The #1 Contenders match between Garth Black and Johnny Scum had become the Championship match but Garth Black couldn’t get the job done. Then he went out bashing the WZCW management about not providing him opportunities and lashed about the conspiracy behind that kept him away from the Heavyweight title? I’ll tell you what, there is no conspiracy in WZCW. WZCW is a place of opportunities and it’s only unfair to say it’s not.

Vee had managed to bolt all the plywoods to the ring post. He had constructed a 2 feet wall with four 10 feet ring posts and plywood. He walked towards the corner of the room again and starts rolling those huge tires to the middle of the gym. He dropped the tire with a thud and looked up at Sara.

Vee: Lately, WZCW had invested more in young stars like Logan McAllistar, Xander Lebelle and Tony Mancini. It’s only them who must be aware of those opportunities and showcase their talents. I failed to do that in the past. But I’m seeing opportunities again. Being in the chase for the title or not, I only see the opportunity. I don’t care about the rest. It’s only fair to say, I’ve been given more and more opportunities to battle with the ring veterans.

Vee and Sara had rolled most of the tires next to the ring apron. But the tires were quite heavy to be lifted and filled inside the ring. They both lifted the tires one by one and stacked up inside the ring.

Vee: Last week, I was up against Justin Cooper and before that, it was against Kagura. Never in my WZCW career I had faced veterans in one on one match, three weeks in a row. It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to learn the psychology from these established superstars.

As they were talking, more wrestlers had arrived and started helping Vee and Sara to finish the matting. Whilst the local wrestlers worked on fixing the mat, Vee and Sara took their time to relax themselves.

Vee: I almost have no love for any wrestlers in WZCW as much as I have for these guys around here. But that doesn’t disregard the fact that I respect their accomplishments and hardworks. Garth Black is a former Heavyweight Champion. It’s an honour to be in a ring with him. Though, the only thing I’ll try to do is humble his pride.

Local Wrestler: Hey man, thanks for helping us out. Why don’t you and I go in and test our skills in there?

Vee: Worth the time, mate.

The local wrestler slides under the ropes into the ring; Vee jumps up the apron and springboards into the ring. Both men walked around the ring, stalking each other and studying their feet movements. They walked to the middle to engage in the middle of the ring. They lock themselves up in a collar-elbow tie-up. Vee pushed himself up is toes and adjusted the tie-up into a side headlock. He wrenches the head of his opponent and takes him down to the mat. But his opponent quickly locks Vee’s head with head scissors. Vee hops out of that lock quite comfortably with a kip-up.

Sara: How do you guys can wrestle actual matches if you train this way? You probably will know the next move of the other, won’t you?

Local Wrestler: Precisely the point! When we wrestle on the shows, we both will be like an open book to each other. That’ll force us to change our game plans, innovate our arsenal and it’ll help us evolve.

Saying that, he walked back to the middle of the ring. Vee was already kneeling down in the middle of the ring.

Vee: Let’s start from this position. You’d have full mount on my back.

His competitor obliges and tries to mount on Vee’s back with a sleeper hold. But Vee hold his one arm close to his neck, not allowing his opponent to lock in the submission hold. He pushes his left feet behind his opponent’s knee; grabs his left arm and takes him down with a toe-drop-hold aided with an arm wrench.

An hour passed; they had been only wrestling on the mat, trying to outwrestle each other from different positions. Sara had company in the form of some female competitors whom she tried her Karate skills. Finally, they decided it’s time to leave the gym.

Sara: Is this how you used to train every day?

Vee: Not really. The places I go used to have different techniques. I just try to adapt to their facility. For instance, today we trained for nearly three hours but it doesn’t exactly look like that, does it? We had so much fun.

Sara: Of course, It was a bit fascinating to build your own wrestling ring and get inside it and fight.

Vee turned around by a voice calling him from behind. It was the local competitor who he sparred with.

Local Competitor: Hey man, if you go by the locker room, send Jacob to the ring. He’s been in there for almost an hour. He’s my tag team partner for tomorrow’s night.

Vee gave him a nod and asked Sara to pick up their car. He walked into the locker room only to hear the sound of someone punching a bag.

Vee: Hey Jacob! Why are you punching a bag when you’ve real people out there?

Two rough hands embraced around the punching bag to stop it from oscillating. The man behind the punching bag, revealed to be his own doppelganger Vlad.

Vee: Where is Jacob?

Vlad: Who is Jacob?

Vee: Nevermind. Why are you here… again?

Vlad: I just wanted you to give you a warning sign before you step inside the fence.

It wasn’t very surprising that Vlad was surreptitious as he used to. His perpetual grin was growing across his lips when he moved to the side of the punching bag.

Vee: Warning? I’m not crossing any fence, mate.

Vlad: Oh you are, MATE. You’re making lots of enemies out there. Garth Black isn’t a common loud mouthed hypocrite as you would’ve imagined.

Vee: I never assumed that. I know what he can do in the ring and I’m prepared for that.

Vlad threw a punch at the bag. The punch lacked pace but it landed heavy and right on target. The entire force of his arm went through with that punch.

Vlad: When I said you’re making enemies; I didn’t mean that you’re unprepared to fight Garth Black. You’re just standing in between two hungry men who’re read to eat their own flesh to survive. They’re trying to rip each other apart to become the WZCW Heavyweight Champion. I just don’t want you to be a collateral damage.

Vee: What do you mean?

Vlad hit an elbow jab to the bag and followed that with a left hook. His sweat splashed across Vee’s face.

Vlad: How can you not be so sure that Justin Cooper will not get involved in your match and help you win over Garth Black?

Vee: I don’t need anyone’s help!

Vlad: You did last week to beat Justin Cooper. It won’t be a surprise if you beat Black with the assist of Cooper. Or you can lose and get ambushed by Black only for Justin Cooper to run down that long ramp to be the hero he claims to be by saving you.

All Vee could make of it is a giggle. He gave Vlad a subtle look.

Vee: Did you just time travel or you only see the worst in people.

Vlad: Time Travel doesn’t exist… yet. But I do look the worse in people. I do see the worst in you too. That’s why I wanted to help whenever you need.

Vee: What’s the worst thing about me?

Vee delivered a three punch combo to the bag. It oscillated between Vee and Vlad. They had their eyes locked in each other. Both of them were grinning in their own way but Vlad, a little more subtly.

Vlad: Optimistic!

Vee: Fuck you!

Vee turned around and started walking towards the door.

Vlad: You know that’s true.

Vlad just stood there watching him walk out of the door through the oscillating bag.

Vlad: You’re so optimistic that you even trust in me. Ha!

Vlad punches the bag one more time; a few drops of blood drippled down the bottom of the punch and wet the floor.
In a hotel corridor in a nondescript travel tavern. Backstage Bob is nervously looking around the corridor. He has a small piece of paper which he is comparing with each of the doors in the corridor. He peers at the paper and then finally comes to a stop at room 453.

He knocks.

No reply. A sigh from Bob.

He knocks again.

Still nothing, another sigh.

A final knock.

Bob: At least I tried, nobody can tell me off for this.

He turns to walk away, but as he does so the bolt on the door makes a sound. The door opens slowly, with a purpose to reveal Garth Black wearing a hotel dressing gown and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Bob's face drops and he turns back to black.

Black: Can I help you, Bob?

Bob: Err.. Well, yeah. I've been sent to collect the WZCW Championship.

Black: And how does that affect me?

Bob's ashen face stared back at him with increasing pallor. He took a big gulp and continued.

Bob: Well, you're wearing it.

Black: Right.

Bob: And I need to take it back to Mr. Cooper for a photo shoot.

Black: Ok.

Bob: So can I have it?

Black: No.

Black slams the door in Bob's face. Bob knocks again, but there is no response. Bob pulls out his Nokia 3310 and dials the WZCW head office.

Bob: He said no....

What do you mean can I just take it?

Of course, Miss Serra.

I know, yeah.

Well can't you come down yourself then?

I know you're busy, he's just obviously not going to listen to me. He doesn't respect anyone.

I guess maybe Klamor?

Alright, I guess I'll try Jonny out.

Bob puts the phone down. He then dials Jonny Klamor's number.

Bob: Jonny?

It's Bob here.

No, Bob.

Bob, I've worked with you for 25 years, Jonny.

Yes, that's me.

No, I didn't enjoy it at all. Anyway, Miss Serra thinks you might be able to talk some sense into Garth Black. He's taken the World Heavyweight Championship and won't take it back.

Well, he seems to respect you more than the rest of us. Which isn't really saying much.

Ok, I'm at Hotel Travelado, fourth floor. See you in a bit.

Bob stared at the pictures in the corridor for two and a half hours until Klamor arrived. When he did, he showed him to the Garth's room.

They knocked

Black: Mmwmmwmmwww Wmmmmmwws wmwmw

Bob: I can't hear you through the door, you'll have to open it.

Garth swings open the door wearing a Titus Avison "Not My Champion" t-shirt, a pair of Bermuda shorts and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Black: I said, go away Bob, I'm not going to give you the title, oh hi Jonny.

Klamor: Hi Garth. Listen, I know that some things have seemed a little off to you recently, but you've already got the opportunity to win this belt for real, there's no honour in keeping it illegally now. Let Bob take it back, it's unfair to Cooper.

Black: Let me tell you about unfair, Jon. Unfair is not getting a rematch. Unfair is having to cash in my number one contendership on a programme that hasn't been aired for about 3 years two days after a battle with Tyrone Blades at Kingdom Come. Unfair is having the referee get in my way when I was about to win.

Life isn't fair, and I've already said, if Cooper wants this title he can come and get it off me on Meltdown. It's as simple as that. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go to the evening buffet. So if you could move out of the way, I'd appreciate it.

Black barges past them and walks down to the hotel restauraunt. Klamor looks aghast, but Bob already has his phone out.

Bob: Becky?

Yes, of course, sorry, Miss Serra.

He won't budge.

Yes, Mr. Klamor is here. But he wouldn't listen to him either.

You're going to have to come down here.

I don't think that's fair we tried our best.

My mother is very proud of me, as it happens.

No, I don't think she wishes that at all.

There's no reason to be so rude Be.. Miss Serra.

He's away eating at the minute, but I'm sure he'll be back here in a bit.

The next hour in the corridor consists of nothing but Bob's excruciating attempts to make small talk with Klamor, the only interlude being Garth Black, full of chicken goujons and vol-au-vents, barging back past them into his room.

Eventually, Becky Serra arrives. She knocks on the door loud and repeatedly, until eventually, Black emerges wearing a sleeping cap, a Penguin onesie and the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Becky: I'm going to need you to return the belt to Justin Cooper, Garth.

Black: Look, like I said to Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee here, you're not getting it back. If Cooper wants it, he can come and get it off me at Meltdown.

Becky: You aren't even scheduled for Meltdown this week, Garth.

Black: I never am. Look, you can tell Cooper that I'll be there, if he wants the title back.

Becky: When are you going to accept that you're not the champion anymore?

Black: When there's a champion worth having. Cooper is a sellout, and he didn't beat me in our match. Cooper is a loser. He lost to Vee ADZ last week who's career successes include losing mid card title matches and err.. well... err... oh yeah, people asking what the letters stand for.

I know you guys have put me against him this week, I guess to prove some sort of point or something, but it's not going to happen. I'll beat him, just like I beat everyone I get a fair fight against. This conversation is over. I'll see Cooper at Meltdown, and then I'll beat Vee ADZ at Ascension.

He slams the door in their face. Becky looks at the door for a while, regains her composure and leads Jonny and Bob to the lift.
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