Artist you like but others hate.


That's all folks.
It's been a while since I posted a thread in the music section. Thought I might give it another go. Anyways, her's a thread, asking exactly what the title says; Who are some artists you like that are widely hated?.

I'll go...

Kanye West.
The guy everyone just loves to hate. The egotistcal, cocky, asshole himself, Kanye West. There's much more to him than meets the eye. Call him and arrogant, egotistical prick if you want, but there's nothing wrong with wanting people to know who you really are and be proud that you're that person. I had always liked Kanye ever since being introduced to his first EP by a dear friend. Through the Wire was one of the first songs from Mr. West that I really loved - and he did it with his jaw wired shut. I know people hate him, and I'm cool with that, but that isn't going to stop me from buying his albums and listening to his music. In my opinion, Kanye is one of the best all around performers in the hip hop industry today.

50 Cent
Next is 50 Cent. I completely understand the hate for 50 Cent, but you can pretty much guarentee that any track 50 Cent is spittin on will be something you can get down to. 50 Cent raps over some of the best beats I've ever heard and his voice is quite unique in its own right. I'm not necessarily a fan of G-Unit and the rest of his butt buddies but I can listen to a lot of 50's shit and not be bothered or annoyed by his lyrics. I reccomend his mixtapes which are arguably way better then any of his albums.

I have no clue why these guys are hated, maybe someone can explain it to me. Chad Kroeger has quite a unique voice and it's a great mix between Rock and Country. I don't really care for their music so much but a couple of their songs are great; I don't get the bad rep they get.

Yep, that's all I got right now. So yeah, who are some artists you like but are widely hated?

I have no clue why these guys are hated, maybe someone can explain it to me. Chad Kroeger has quite a unique voice and it's a great mix between Rock and Country. I don't really care for their music so much but a couple of their songs are great; I don't get the bad rep they get.

Yep, that's all I got right now. So yeah, who are some artists you like but are widely hated?


A lot of people don't like Nickelback because their lyrics come off as if they've been written on the shitter or on the back of some groupie during a backstage quickie. That being said, like you, I've never gotten the hate people have for Chad Kroeger's voice or for Nickelback's actual music. I think Kroeger's voice is unique and great and I've yet to come across a Nickelback single that I didn't find catchy. If you see modern music as some soul-revealing, pure art form, then odds are you're going to loathe Nickelback. However, if you're guilty of tapping your driving wheel and singing along to a song whilst listening to your radio or iPod, then you have absolutely no reason to fail to understand why Nickelback's such a popular band (or to hold it against someone for liking them).
It should be pretty obvious who I'm going with here

I like them and I've never hidden the fact. I'm not getting into a debate but their songs have meaning and while I love the lyrics and the beats I love the meanings more. Some people may laugh at this and not believe me but their music speaks to me. I also know why people hate them from the pissy eminem fan to the people that just don't like it.

When it comes to people's taste in music my philosophy is simple to each his own. Everyone is different which leads to everyone liking differenty kinds of music, I just wish more people realized this.

Sorry about the mini rant I'm done now.
I guess it would have to be Black Veil Brides

If any of my friends have heard of them they don't like them (for whatever reason, some say they're emo) I really like them because they're unique, the outfits/make up/paint hasn't been done in ages and they each have their own unique ones (I like to think of them as the bastard children of KISS and Motley Crue) the music and lyrics are really good and Andy Biersack (the singer) can actually sing and doesn't spend all his time screaming.

I don't get much shit over in the UK for liking Creed, as they really aren't big new over here but among you US residents I am sure you know of the hatred that this band have got from many people.

While becoming a HUGE band in their prime, Creed always took a lot of criticism from music magazines, critics and slated for their religious lyrics, Scott Stapp sounding like Eddie Vedder and for other reasons.

However, I love the band. I prefer Stapp's voice to Vedder's. I think he has one of the best rock voices of the last 20 years, and their "Weathered" album has been one of my favourites since the day it was released. "My Sacrifice" is one of the songs that I would put in the soundtrack to my life, it means that much to me. It really is magnificent. In fact, I tried to play "Weathered" the other day in my car and it wouldn't read the disc it was that scratched from being overplayed over the years.

I was devastasted when they broke up as I had never seen them live in the UK, and STILL they haven't come over here after re-uniting. I am hoping that one day they do. Love Creed.
Fall Out Boy

Some people just love to hate this band but, I really enjoy (or enjoyed) their work. I'll even go as far as to say that ''Infinity on High'' is probably the most influential album in my life. It was realised right around the time that i found out commercial music is shit and in my search to find a new niché, I came across Fall Out Boy. Fall out Boy really got me in to the alternative-punk era in my life which lasted until about 2 years ago! This song in particular made me fall in love with guitars and drums instead of fake beats and awful lyrics (I'm looking at you Soulja Boy):


Yeah, some of their lyrics may be a bit thrown together but they always have the odd phrase that speaks to me. I really love Fall Out Boy and sometimes I wish eveyone else would too.

They are a great band. they compose electronic music that makes you wanna go crazy with eargasms! I have posted a lot of their songs in other threads here in the music section, and here is one I have not posted before


But back on to the topic of this thread. When i first showed this band to my family after weeks of questioning of what kind of music i listened too , they were dissapionted that none of their songs are on or have ever been on the billbaord hot 100 list. When i tell other people that I listned to pendulum (they are centered in the U.K) they state soemthing similar to this template line: "uh I have never heard of them... Do you listen to hip hop?" :)suspic:)
Never really have I ever seen hate for them but its more of people's gloomy reactions to find out that I am a fan.

"They're just screamo noise blah blah blah." I've heard that a fair few times and while it kinda rings true for their debut album, they tightened up their shit for the follow-up albums and seemed to get the 2 singer balance right on their "Crisis" album on several tracks.

Dallas Green's voice is one of my absolute favourites and has developed so much over the years. Some of AOF's songs are a bit random (they have a song about go-karting) but they do have some gems too. Doesn't stop me taking shit for liking them though.
Hamler already pointed out Kanye and said everything about him for me, so I'll pick a couple others.

Panic! at the Disco - This one I can understand to an extent as Brendon's voice is very "love it or hate it" and their first album was a little too simple musically; they left an average first impression on me, and I didn't feel like giving them any chance. Since then they've matured greatly and can write some deep yet catchy songs. Losing two of their members has definitely hurt them as a band but the remaining guys have carried on pretty well since then.

My Chemical Romance - I guess this one depends on your tolerance of Emo. I still don't know if they really fit the genre's mold, but that's probably why I like them since I don't like Emo anyway (at least not what Emo is now). I like that they're heavy but not too heavy, that they don't take themselves too seriously, and that they've grown as musicians since they started. Hate them if you want, but I can't get enough.
Guns N' Roses

There are 2 opinions on Guns N' Roses, either you love them, or you freaking hate anything that has to do with them (there's also the crowd who only knows Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O' Mine, and maybe Paradise City) but GNR is my favorite band, there is just something about Axl's voice and how it can be 3 different distinct voices, and Slash's guitar is as soulful and creative as any ever, you throw in Izzy's disinct background rhythms and Duff's sick watery bass sound, and it is just the soundtrack to my soul (without the pounds of drugs and gallons of alcohol)
Two of the bands I would have gone with are Creed and Nickelback, but since Naitch and Hamler already threw down some killer posts on those guys I'll throw out some others.

I'm sorry but I don't understand why so many people i know seem to have a burning undying hate for these guys, I actually really like them and I listen to them when i'm in a clam chill mood. I also really like Chris Martin's voice, I know alot of people feel quite the opposite but I think it's really unique in a good way and I like it.

Michael Bolton
I am a huge Michael Bolton fan and I don't care what anyone says, the man is ultra talented. I got a lot of flack back in school for listening to him but I just ignored the haters and enjoyed some "Time Love and Tenderness" ;).

My Chemical Romance
I know this one was also touched on but I wanted to throw my two cents in. When I was in middle school there was this one kid who was obsessed with MCR and everyone gave him crap for it and made fun of him. Now I never got involved in that situation but I assumed if it was literally everybody against this guy on the subject that the odds were MCR was probably a crappy band. I listened to them a while after and was shocked to find that I really liked em, I think they're very talented with a cool sound and the get flack for no good reason, and I still listen to them to this day.
Two of the bands I would have gone with are Creed and Nickelback, but since Naitch and Hamler already threw down some killer posts on those guys I'll throw out some others.

I'm sorry but I don't understand why so many people i know seem to have a burning undying hate for these guys, I actually really like them and I listen to them when i'm in a clam chill mood. I also really like Chris Martin's voice, I know alot of people feel quite the opposite but I think it's really unique in a good way and I like it.

Michael Bolton
I am a huge Michael Bolton fan and I don't care what anyone says, the man is ultra talented. I got a lot of flack back in school for listening to him but I just ignored the haters and enjoyed some "Time Love and Tenderness" ;).

My Chemical Romance
I know this one was also touched on but I wanted to throw my two cents in. When I was in middle school there was this one kid who was obsessed with MCR and everyone gave him crap for it and made fun of him. Now I never got involved in that situation but I assumed if it was literally everybody against this guy on the subject that the odds were MCR was probably a crappy band. I listened to them a while after and was shocked to find that I really liked em, I think they're very talented with a cool sound and the get flack for no good reason, and I still listen to them to this day.

Yeah you are right about those bands. I don't like any of them and I gave them a fair share of listening to. Only good ColdPlay song is Yellow and that is about it.

For me it has to be U2. My friends hate U2 and think I am stupid for liking them. I am not a huge fan of the newer stuff but older U2 is really good. I had a tape which featured the best of U2 at the time and I listened to it till the tape was ruined. I enjoy Sunday Bloody Sunday is among my favorite U2 songs. The guitar work along with the passion of Bono’s voice with the powerful drums makes this band peak my interest. The new stuff is garbage but older U2 is amazing.
I know they have been already mentioned but yeah, Nickelback.

After skimming through the NB thread in the Bar Room,I felt I just had to come post here. Its obvious that a lot of people,not just on this site but everywhere seem to have a conclusive hate for this band. Don't get me wrong,they're not in my top five favorite bands..hell I doubt they even crack my top 25 favorite bands. Its just that I just never quite understood the widespread hate these guys receive.

Well,that last part was sort of a fib.I do understand why a lot of people detest the band but on the flip side of the coin I do understand why so many people favor the band. I'm in the middle of it all. I don't love the band,there are some songs that I just can't listen to but then they do have songs that are undeniably catchy and are even fun to sing along with. I tolerate them, that's what I do,mainly because one of my closest friends is only the biggest Nickelback fan around,she is absolutely madly in love with the lead singer. So I don't really have much of a choice, so over time as I've said,I've grown tolerant of them.

But at the end of the day they seem to attract a large massive hate following that just seems over exaggerate at the mere mention of the bands name. Whatever floats your boat thought I guess.
So, I'm usually a soft rock and country girl (which is not too uncommon in Pittsburgh) but there is this one bad that I really like.

My Chemical Romance

Thing is, my parents and most of my friends hate this band. Because they're rock/pop?/punk. And not many people I know take that plus the usual Wish 99.7 as a seriously bad mix. Me, I love it. Call me crazy but this band is just so awesome and a ton of their songs describe me. Or rather, how I'm feeling. And yet, the only person who really will talk with me about them is my friendon Ffacebook and my one school friend who I've known since kindergarten. But hey, if I can sing it, I'll listen to it
Here's a guy that gets a TON of shit but I really do like him, that's right it's my boy Phil Collins :). People say that he's boring and that there's nothing special about him, but I really think that he has a cool unique sound and he's a great musician, I loved the work he did on the Tarzan and I love his older songs like Against All Odds and even the very overrated In The Air Tonight. Anyway, I love Phil Collins even though he seems to be hated by most people, I think he's got a great voice and is very good song writer.

Here's a guy that gets a TON of shit but I really do like him, that's right it's my boy Phil Collins :). People say that he's boring and that there's nothing special about him, but I really think that he has a cool unique sound and he's a great musician, I loved the work he did on the Tarzan and I love his older songs like Against All Odds and even the very overrated In The Air Tonight. Anyway, I love Phil Collins even though he seems to be hated by most people, I think he's got a great voice and is very good song writer.


Hey I'll totally back you on Phil Collins Bro! Everything you said, BING, right on the money. I really like "In Too Deep" and "Invisible Touch".

I am a big fan of the band Foreigner and while I don't understand it, when I tell people this they seem to cringe, like Foreigner is some horrible relic or something. I'm sorry but if you've ever heard "Double Vision" "Urgent" "Starrider" or "Jukebox Hero" you've got to love this band.

This one blows my mind when others are talking about The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Who, Led Zepplin, and Black Sabbath is when I bring up Aerosmith suddenly I'm the black sheep of the conversation and it quickly turns to "Aerosmith Sucks". I don't get that, I think Aerosmith is awesome, and not just "Toys in the Attic".
Hmm. Mine would have to be either Hollywood Undead or My Chemical Romance I love both. Both have opened recently for some of my more favorite bands (Avenged Sevenfold (favorite band) and Blink 182). I don't see why people tend to hate on MCR. They are progressing in their music and lyrics as they get older, and I love bands that do that. As for HU, I undertand that most rap fans hate hard rock, and most hard rock fans hate rap. But I love the way they blend the two together. Just something about them I suppose.
I like the idea of this thread. It's nice to see that some of the bands that generally get a lot of criticism from this very judge mental forum actually have some fans that will defend their choice of music. I won't go so far as to say "guilty pleasures" because if it gives you pleasure, then you shouldn't feel guilty about it when it comes to music. There is nothing worse than people who think that they are better than you because of the music that you listen to.

Anyway, with the rant over, there are a couple of acts that I really enjoy that done really get the credit that they deserve for one reason or another. Firstly, Nickelback. To be honest, since All The Right Reasons, I have been a fan of their work. That is not to say that I don't appreciate and understand the criticisms of their work too. I know that Kroeger's voice is not for everyone and that he doesn't really have a great range. But for what he does, you don't really need one. Rock doesn't necessarily require you to have the range of Prince. Their lyrics take a lot of heat too and I can see why that is. They write about the same things over and over. A lot of the time, I get turned off with their work. It bores me sometimes. That being said, they still rock my world with a lot of their songs and, generally, I like to listen to their music.

Secondly, Fall Out Boy are another band that I really enjoy. Again, I can see why a lot of people don't like them. They tread the line of pop and rock really finely and they tend to polarise people. Those who like pop might not like them because of their rock roots and those who like rock tend to find them too soft to be classed as an out-and-out rock group. That said, I have loved their work ever since Infinity On High and some of From Under The Cork Tree. Their music can make me feel unstoppable and I really enjoy their sound, which is very unique. They took the Pop/Rock genre to another level and that is what it needed. I very much enjoy all of their albums and no amount of criticism is going to change that.

Finally My Chemical Romance are a band that I somewhat enjoy. I thought that Welcome To The Black Parade was an astonishingly good rock album that could evoke a lot of emotion from me and although their latest album offering didn't quite reach that level, I still enjoyed a number of songs from it. Yes, they may be classed as "emo" but that doesn't make one jot of difference to me. I like rock music with good lyrics and meaning and MCR have that.
Emmure for me. Most people in the UK don't like them at all. I really like the chuggy simple riffs and massive breakdowns. I know the lyrics are shit and they sound like other deathcore bands.
Trivium for me is a great band
I don't get why they are despised across the pond but the on the Metallica-esc Crusade were powerful;especially To The Rats and Sadness Will Shear.They went back to their more traditional soundA with Shogun which wasn't too bad.Probably my favorite band is Tiger Army especially Nick 13's new solo album which is absolutely fucking amazing!But from what I heard from some Rockabilly purists hate him because he's gay or bi. There was even a song from some pychobilly band I don't know their name called"Gay Love Song for Nick 13".Not only was it hateful and homophobic but it was a clear sign the writer of the song is aware that he not as talented as Nick 13 nor will his band ever become as as influenceal as Tiger Army.
I listen to a lot of bands nobody listens to but I don't think anyone really hates them.. I guess there is a difference.. Nothing I can think of from the top of my head. I guess a lot of people really don't like the new Nightwish song at all.. I happen to love Nightwish and love symphonic metal bands altogether, Nightwish is one of the first bands I started listening to in the symphonic metal scene and I saw them live and it was great stuff. I guess people just don't like the Anette as much as Tarja but I think both are good, both are great.. They are all good song writers and excellent musicians.

Black Veil Brides
They are a really good band, I saw them at this years Warped Tour. The lead singer Andy Sixx had broken ribs but he still went out there and sang. Thats dedication, I also like thier style and sound. Its unique and I am glad to be a member of the BVBarmy.

Blood On The Dance Floor
This band gets a lot of hate. Some people call them ******s, other call them posers..etc They also say they arent a band because they dont play any "instruments" there is no rule that says in order to be a band you have to play an instrument. I love their music, its really fun to play at parties and just dance around and have a good time. So what they talk about jizz, raves, sex, drugs, alcohol all that stuff. They are so different from everyone else and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I LOVE them. They are the nicest guys I have ever met, compared to those stuck up bands who sign to a label and become cocky sellouts. BOTDF is the fans band <3
Ha, reading though all the posts was like a journey through musical hell for me. I can't stand any band/artist that has been mentioned for one reason or another, other than Aerosmith and I only like about 10% of what even they have done. I guess that is the whole point of the thread though. The bands I like that others hate are mostly hated in the circles I mix in and get praise from too many people outside that circle to be classed as a band people hate. Slipknot, Marilyn Manson even Roy Orbison are praised worldwide but also deemed as being too mainstream, polished or the like amongst some music fans. A lot of what I listen to could be hated by many...bands like Happy Flowers, Earth, Rites of Spring, FANG, Crass, 100% Beefcock, Young Marble Giants... I don't think most other bands I listen to get enough media attention to be hated on any great scale.
He's Probably my favorite artist. Everyone seems to have a problem with his use of auto tune. They seem to isolate him as the only person that uses it or any other voice effect .Whenever T-pain is mentioned a lot of people seem to forget that some of their favorite artist began using it far after him. Its not even that the people how say it don't like his singing, just his use of it. He is always a good bet to be a good feature and he has worked with alot of great people. I don't think I'll ever fully understand the hate for him (or nickleback).
It cannot be justified that Nickleback can be hated. The lyrics they sing are so true and really make you think about what you're doing with your life.

Anyways I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but I am still going to say it. Justin Bieber. This kid has a good voice, his songs aren't half bad and he actually is a generally nice guy. I didn't use to like the kid but after finding out what type of person he is has changed my mind.

The only reason why he gets so much hate is because that he gets women. Everyone puts up the arguement that "he has a girly voice". So what? Who gives a crap. Why should you hate someone that has a different voice to what you do. It isn't even that girly anymore. Another reason why people say they hate him is because "all his songs are about love". NO FUCKING SHIT! What is every pop song about! You cant watch a countdown without there atleast being half the songs being about love.

The truth is you are all jealous because every girl loves him and not you. Grow the fuck up and love him because he could get heaps of pussy and actually enjoy his music instead of pretending you hate his music.

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