Arn Anderson


The Shield of Injustice
This thread is probably irrelevant because of WWE's no manager movement, but damn, I'd love to see Arn be brought back to a regular TV role as a manager. I think he would be a great addition to the regular roster and I think he could elevate some wrestlers to a higher level than where they are now.

Does anyone have any clue why this has seemingly never been an option for WWE? Is it as simple as saying 'it's because WWE didn't create him'? Do you think he'd be great in a manager role and would be able to help elevate wrestlers from irrelevant to mid card or from mid card to main event?
He's not really relevant anymore. Most of the casual fans wouldn't even remember him, considering he hasn't really been a focal point of anything since the mid 90s, and even then his best work was far behind him due to injuries. Furthermore who would you pair him up with? His promo style is definitely garnered more toward the 70-80s wrestling fans where people actually had an attention span.

In my book he's doing the best thing he can do in the business right now, and that's directing matches and helping the younger talent backstage. That's a lot more of a rub than anyone would get from having him as a manager. Not to mention most managers at some point end up having to get into the thick of things action wise, and his body couldn't hold up to half of what would be expected of him.

So let's just leave Arn tucked away in his agent role where he's comfortable.
I think the poster above is pretty much right on. Personally, it wouldn't bother me at all if Arn Anderson had a regular role on television. He was one of my favorites as a kid and one of the most underrated guys going during the 80s.

However, I agree that Anderson isn't all that relevant anymore. It's great to see some of the real old school guys appear on WWE television now and again. However, for the most part, the only "old school" wrestlers that I think most fans feel can have a relevant role on WWE television are guys from the Attitude Era. Stone Cold, Rock, Taker, Triple H, HBK, etc. Ric Flair is probably one of the very few exceptions rather than the rule.

Besides, Anderson might be perfectly happy with where he is in WWE right now. He's a legend, he's a recognized Hall of Famer, he's highly respected by everyone in the locker room, he's tight with the WWE brass and he makes a good living helping out in a behind the scenes capacity. As an outsider looking in, it looks like Anderson has a damn good thing going right now.
I disagree with the two posters who said he isn't relevant and thus shouldn't be on TV. Maybe his promo style would connect today because it would be pretty different that all the other stuff we see. How many different Miz, Y2J, slow talking suit wearing guys can we have?

Arn Anderson was all about being tough. Kicking Ass, Taking Names, and Telling you about it the whole tiime. Yet, he was a ring technician too. So, I think he would be a perfect mentor to someone and could excel in a manager role for a guy who has all the tools in the ring, but needs some work on the stick.

And who might that guy be, well, my pick would be Michael McGillicutty. The kid has skills in the ring. I also think he reminds me a little of Double A and you got the Double M name to go with it. A little off topic here, but wouldn't Mike McGillicutty be a better "Enforcer" for Dolph than Langston. See where I'm going there.

Anyway, I think with a little tutaledge from the Enforcer. McGillicutty could rise to a decent midcard heel. And, You could always pair him with another guy to make a pretty good little tag team. My picks for that would be Jake Carter, Ted Dibiase, or Tyson Kidd.
Sorry but Joe Hennig is nothing like Arn Anderson.... unless of course you want to make the comparison that they both wore wrestling tights and wrist tape.. That's about as close a comparison that you're going to get.

There's nothing intimidating about Michael McGuillicutty so how would he be a better fit to be Ziggler's enforcer? I could see your point if WWE had booked him as a no-nonsense asskicker inside the ring, but he's nothing more than a jobber that they've made efforts to push but failed. He has very little charisma and I would venture to say the only reason he's on the roster is because of his training roots and the fact that he's Curt's son.

Hell, the kid doesn't even have the looks to be a star when it comes down to it. He looks like an averagely built college kid with a hair style that was popular in the late 90s and nobody ever told him it went out.

I don't think even Arn Anderson could help. I think Joe really needs to go and work for Ring of Honor or even NXT to hone his skills further before he's even mentioned in having responsible role. His biggest claim to fame thus far is he's Mr. Perfect's son, and while he is a former tag team champion that was more a credit to David Otunga than anything else.
I just don't feel the concept of Arn as a manager. It's not that I think that Arn couldn't pull it off; I'm sure he could. It's just that Double A's style is such that it doesn't seem very, well, manager-y.

When I think of managers, I think of bombast and fast-talk. Sure there are the notable exceptions like Arnold Skaaland, but for the most part every great manager has had an over the top, Don King-ish quality. Even serious old-school wrestlers like Harley Race and Mr. Fuji became parodies of themselves as managers. I can't see Arn doing that, or rather, I don't want to see Arn doing that. His promos are too earnest, too concise. If Arn were a manager and cut a classic Enforcer promo, I'd want to see Arn fight and whoever he was managing could get lost.

Like I said, I'm sure Double A could pull it off, but I'm just not feeling it, as the young people say.
No way. I'm as big a fan of Arn as there is on this site, but there's no way it would work.

1) As mentioned, he's not relevant anymore. I don't think many fans who saw him on the street and still watch WWE would recognize him.

2) Ultimately the best managers are ones who can get in the ring. Cornette did it, Heenan did it, Heyman did it, etc. The best managers are the ones who can get enough heat on themselves that when they climb into the ring it will pop the fans to see them get what's coming to them (or dish out to someone else.) Arn can't do that.

3) Arn LOOKS really old. He's gained weight and looks like an old man. Because he is one. It would be easier to get past that if he were a legend who had been active more recently, but since he hasn't been around in a significant role since the 90s (he did some stuff with Flair and Taker in 02, but not much) he would just come across as a washed up old guy.

WCW made a mistake in my mind by not better utilizing Arn after his retirement and letting his cache dwindle away. After the Horsemen reunion in the late 90s withered away I would have put Arn on commentary. He is such an underrated talker and I think he would have thrived in that role.
All this being said I wouldn't mind having Arn doing more with the company. For example I would love to see him do some guest commentaries on NWA/WCW DVD releases that WWE puts out.

The last memory I have of Double A on WWE television is when Steve Austin kicked his ass and took a piss on him.
I just don't feel the concept of Arn as a manager. It's not that I think that Arn couldn't pull it off; I'm sure he could. It's just that Double A's style is such that it doesn't seem very, well, manager-y.

When I think of managers, I think of bombast and fast-talk. Sure there are the notable exceptions like Arnold Skaaland, but for the most part every great manager has had an over the top, Don King-ish quality. Even serious old-school wrestlers like Harley Race and Mr. Fuji became parodies of themselves as managers. I can't see Arn doing that, or rather, I don't want to see Arn doing that. His promos are too earnest, too concise. If Arn were a manager and cut a classic Enforcer promo, I'd want to see Arn fight and whoever he was managing could get lost.

Like I said, I'm sure Double A could pull it off, but I'm just not feeling it, as the young people say.

Same here. Arn Anderson always seemed better off as well The Enforcer. Arn wasn't the kinda guy who makes wisecracks and spews bon mots. He was the no nonsense asskicker. The guy who went out there and took care of business.
Not seeing Arn working as a manager per se as they have Flair and it appears that is the route he is going to take, although if he makes a Horsemen stable involving Miz I think most people will try to kill him.

The best place I could see Arn working would be as a GM/President figure similar to Jack Tunney back in the day. There has been so much focus on General Managers for each brand but now it appears brands will be ending it makes sense to put someone "in charge" storyline wise with a rep for enforcing who isn't Triple H. Arn has that rep but also the mic skills to pull such a role off on the odd times he is needed to appear.
A few posters have posted AA isn't relevant anymore. I disagree. My alltime favorite is Ric Flair. Arn & Tully are 3rd and 4th. However for those who say he isn't relevant then go and rewatch when the horsemen were inducted into the hall of fame. It wasn't flair who got the biggest pop in was AA by far. I am sure he is great backstage but I would love to see him more and be a mouthpiece. He had such intensity and could increase the passion of whoever he's paired with. I would love to see him more.
As much as I like Arn Anderson, I think he's better off staying backstage as an agent. I think he does a really good job in that role. He doesn't really need to be in front of the camera much anymore. I don't agree that he isn't relevant anymore, because people obviously know who he is and he gets pops when he's on TV. But I think he's better served backstage doing his thing. I don't think his style of promos would fit in with the current product because Arn is old school as they come. I just think backstage helping run the show is a better fit for him.

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