Armageddon: Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy


SmackDown! is MY Show

Singles Match
Shawn Michaels vs Mr.Kennedy

The fight for supremacy between two of Raw’s top Superstars will spill over to Armageddon, as Shawn Michaels and Mr. Kennedy will face off in the ring at the spectacular in the Steel City.

The Green Bay, Wis., loudmouth has been irate as of late, telling everyone who’ll listen that he deserves a WWE Championship opportunity. The 2007 Money in the Bank winner had that chance in hand after WrestleMania 23, but lost it due to an injury.

After seeing HBK request another chance at Randy Orton’s WWE Title, Kennedy could take it no more, and challenged Michaels’ request. He said The Showstopper has had his opportunities and that it was time for him to step aside.

Kennedy certainly has the résumé to be a championship contender. He’s worn the United States Title, and has beaten seven world champions, including Undertaker, Rey Mysterio and current World Heavyweight Champion, Batista.

But The Showstopper will likely have something to say about Kennedy’s caterwauling over lost championship opportunities.

Despite losing to Orton at Survivor Series (though without his Sweet Chin Music in his arsenal), HBK is increasingly angry at those who have tried to build their careers at his expense.

And as seen when Kennedy caught Sweet Chin Music through a steel chair, Michaels doesn’t take kindly to those who mock his championship-laden, highlight-reel career.

Pittsburgh will be ready for a brutal battle of two Superstars with steel resolve and championship dreams. Who will come out on top? Watch Armageddon on Dec. 16, only on pay-per-view to find out.
This is where WWE needs to go ahead and begin to push Kennedy towards the main event scene. I know he screwed up recently with the whole steroids thing. However, he is definitely over as a heel and WWE need main event heels desperately.

Even though I predict HBK will win here, I hope WWE does what is right and put Kennedy over. So that 2008 will be the year of Mistahhhhhhhh.......Kennedyyyyyyyyy........Kennedy!
I've been a Shawn Michaels fan since I knew what wrestling was. And while I agree that W.W.E. should push their younger talent, I don't agree that Shawn Michaels deserves to be nothing more than a stepping stone.

Mr. Kennedy hasn't, honestly, proven that he deserves a Main Event push. Most likely he'll get the win over H.B.K., but whether he truly deserves it or not is another story.

I honestly DON'T see H.B.K. winning, because he has no possible outcome through storylines. The Shawn Michaels/Randy Orton storyline is assumably over, leaving a possible Mr. Kennedy/Chris Jericho match up, for the Championship. (assuming Jericho would walk away with it)

Also, I have no clue WHY I think it.. but somehow I feel as if Shawn Michaels will end up being the one that ends Ric Flair's career. They gave the two of them a one-on-one segment, & H.B.K.'s facial expression after Flair left could've been a sign of things to come.. possibly, an H.B.K. heel turn? Possibly, H.B.K. v. Ric Flair at Wrestlemania.

I know Flair has begged for a Mania showcase type match. And Shawn Michaels makes every Mania match he's in, a showcase type match.. so why wouldn't this one be any different?

My prediction.. Mr. Kennedy picks up the win, feuds with Jericho. Shawn Michaels somehow blames Flair for the loss.
Kennedy worked well with Taker last year. So I truly hope this feud gets him back on track. I like him. I certainly don't think he's the greatest wrestler ever. But he has charisma which is something that is lacking in a lot of newer superstars. HBK should still win this one though.
I'm with Jake on this one. I like Kennedy. He's really lacked a lot this year though and because of that I think he needs to be built more before he can headline,. Espically since that whole steroid thing. Hopefully feuding with someone like HBK will get him back on track. I expect HBK to win with a sweet chin music from out of nowhere, and the feud not to end there.
Id also like to him work well with Micheals here. I agree with will that there isnt really anywere for shawn to go if he wins, and what wil shawn winning do for him?? nothing really, and I think Kennedy could really benefit from going over in this. The only thing that worries me is that everytime Shawn and kennedy go against each other its like botchamania 12 lol, they have had very very bad timing together in any in ring action together before. Im hoping (knowing with shawn) that both guys are talented enough for that to stop with this match (series of matches) and I fully expect this to be a very good, entertaining, match, and feud if it ends up going past Armageddon.
I agree that Mr. Kennedy needs to prove himself, especially considering the whole steroids thing. But before the steroids, before his injury I was really impressed with him. 2007 started off well for him. He carried Batista to an better than expected World Title match at the Rumble. He then won the MITB ladder match. He promised he would wait till WM 24 to cash it in, though we all knew better. But of course when the opportune moment came to cash it in(w/ Taker's injury) he got injured.

Of course when he came back he was supposed to be McMahon's lost son, when he was suspended. So one could say 2007 was definitely an up and down year to say the least. That's why he needs to be put over by HBK in this feud. I don't think WWE will make HBK look bad in the process which of course he shouldn't. However at this stage of his career HBK won't be damaged by a loss to Kennedy.
The match I think and hope will be great. I've been waiting for this to happen for a while so I can see what these two do together. Kennedy showed great potential last year, but this year he hasn't been doing great, Hopefully this will help him get back on track. Overall, I see Kennedy winning the match by some cheap move and then Shawn will pick up the win at Rumble.
This should be a pretty decent match. I've realised something with Mr.Kennedy, he's a great wrestler when he's put in a good feud, with someone he works well with. Take last year for example I didin't realize Kennedy until his feud with 'Taker. That feud made him gold. That's what I hope HBK can bring out of him.

As for the match It looks really good. I see Kenedy winning here just to continue this feud. Overall I'm looking forward to this.
Usually after HBK puts someone over in a title feud, the next person he faces is screwed. HBK isn't losing to Kennedy tonight, not by a long shot. Kennedy is still too green and still too botch friendly to deserve the rub from HBK. If Michaels is getting a big match at Mania, his credibility needs to be re-established, starting with a win over Kennedy.
This will be the most unpredictable match of the night because I think this one could go either way. HBK could win because he did an excellent job at putting Orton over recently, so it might be his time to get a victory at a PPV. Kennedy could win because Michaels usually puts over the younger guys these days and Ken desperately needs to gain back his momentum, what better way than beating Shawn Michaels? This should be a decent match, but I think it might drag on with Kennedy getting most of the offense in.
I expect a classic match from these two. Apart from the World Heavyweight Championship match, I am really expecting this to be the match of the night. Kennedy will win, Kennedy WILL defeat Shawn Michaels.
I'm a HUGE Shawn Michaels fan, and because of that you can imagine I want him to win. But I'm also a big Kennedy fan, and whoever wins tonight, it doesn't matter as they both deserve it.

Shawn's lost too many PPV's recently, can you see WWE making it another? But also, what does Shawn have to gain from winning? Maybe putting Kennedy in his place? Showing he isn't yet quite there to be playing with the big guys. In my opinion, I think Kennedy is just about there to start main -eventing but maybe WWE thinks differently.

Kennedy has a lot to gain from winning. Beating the showstopper is a great thing to have under your wing, and it also opens feuds with either Orton or Jericho.

I want Shawn to win here, but if he doesn't, I won't be devastated because at least this time he'd be getting beaten by someone who knows what he's doing, and who deserves the win.

I am however, very intrugued by Will's theory of Shawn ending Flairs career. Shawn Michaels V Ric Flair would be an amazing last match for him, as the two have been great friends for years. Shawn also used to look up to Flair back when he only began dabbling in wrestling. And at Wrestlemania...this idea has got me excited now...

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