Armageddon 2005


Your Eternal Reward
Armageddon 2005
Date: December 18th 2005
Attendance: 8,000
Commentators: Tazz and Michael Cole

Well I've been buying allot of DVD's lately and decided to review them. The last PPV of 2005 and the most advertised match of the card is Undertaker vs Randy Orton in Hell in a Cell which would end their 9 month long feud. Other big matches include The World Tag Team Champions Kane and Big Show vs The WWE Tag Team Champions Batista and Rey Mysterio, also Chris Benoit vs Booker T in match #4 in the best of 7 series they were having over the US Title at the time. So this was during the time of brand only PPV's, Eddie had died just over a month ago so he will be mentioned allot during Rey's match.

JBL Vs Matt Hardy
This is happening after JBL interrupted one of Hardy's interviews on Smackdown the past week. They two men brawled and here we are. Before the match JBL cuts a promo where he proclaims he is the main event no matter where his match on the card is. He taunts Hardy about getting fired earlier on in the year and losing his girlfriend then suggests Hardy should just go back to selling his T-Shirts to the internet Geeks. Hardy makes his entrance through the crowd and JBL from behind to start the match.

Hardy is on the offense as they go to the outside. Hardy smashes JBL some more as they get back in the ring. JBL tosses Hardy towards the ropes and Hardy's neck gets stuck between the top and middle rope. JBL kicks Hardy in the head a few times, sldies out of the ring and pulls on Hardy choking him. JBL is in control as just takes Hardy apart. Oh I just noticed Jillian is managing him here. JBL is still in control and Hardy gets a quick DDT in for a two count. JBL is control again with his slow offense of punches, kicks, stomps, elbow drops etc. Oh the match is also because JBL left abandoned Rey Mysterio and Orlando Jordan in two different Tag Team matches which Hardy didn't like. Hardy is making a come back. JBL takes the corner pad off and pushes Hardy into it, clothesline from hell and its over.

Rating C. Just an average match with JBL dominating most of it.

Later tonight Batista and Rey Rey vs Kane and Big Show. We go back to Last Friday Melina tried to seduce Batista. A while later Melina says, do we have a deal? Batista says no but it was nice a warm up, Batista went on to kill Mercury and Nitro to win the Tag Titles. Backstage The Mexicools make fun of Melina.

We now have Hell in a Cell last rights. We got Foley's two falls against Taker from KOTR 98

MNM (Mercury, Nitro with Melina) vs The Mexicools (Super Crazy and Psicosis)
So this was originally meant to be for the tag titles until Batista and Rey Rey won the titles 3 days earlier to make the tag match later tonight Champions vs Champions and thus making this a run of the mil tag team match to fill time. Quoted from Tazz,"The greatest entrance in the history of the game today" which I guess he was saying, she is hot. So the Mexicools ride Lawn Mowers to the ring.

Psicosis and Mercury start as they work on each others arms. Mercury tags in Nitro after 30 seconds and Mercury is back in, no Nitro is in. Mercury is back in after Psicosis misses some corner leap thing. Mercury and Nitro switch again and I'm not sure whose legal. Both the heels end up near the entrance ramp as Super Crazy jumps over the ref and top rope to land on them. Mercury is legal here as the Mexicools are in control. Wait no Melina pulls Psicosis off the top rope and MNM are in control. Melina's scream destroys my ear drums as Mercury is back in control. Nothing is happening here. Mercury lifts Psicosis in a Back Body drop position, moves towards Nitro. Pscosis then head scissors Nitro off the apron and pulls Mercury down. This does nothing as MNM are still in control. This isn't bad but its just your average tag match that could of happened on Smackdown. Super Crazy finally gets a tag in and is in control as he takes apart both Nitro and Mercury. Tornado DDT on one of them (I can't tell) that gets a two count. Psicosis hits a double body cross onto Mercury and Nitro. A moment later Pscosis gets knocked into the ring post outside the ring. Back in the ring MNM hits their finisher on Crazy to get the win.

RatingC. This is something that should of been on any addition of Smackdown. MNM would get the Tag Titles back 2 weeks later in a steel cage match after Mark Henry Returned and attacked Batista.

WWE instant access, speak to the winners of each match after their matches tonight. Backstage Kristal Marshal interviews Booker T and Sharmel. Booker T sounds like a face for a moment until Sharmel brings him back to his heelness. Sharmel has a broom.

Match #4 in the best of Seven Series, Chris Benoit vs Booker T

Booker is leading 3-0 here so its do or die.. here for Benoit. The title is vacant here. A few months earlier Sharmel started cheating without Booker knowing. This eventually lead to Booker winning the US Title and turning heeling proclaiming he knew Sharmel was interfering for him. After a double pin the title was vacated and the best of seven series was set up. Booker cheated to win the first three matches.

Sharmel with her own entrance for some reason. Queen Sharmel is already here as she has a Tiara on, I'm not sure why she has a broom though. Booker T comes out and Sharmel is sweeping the ground, I guess she is the cleaner as she is sweeping the floor. I still don't know why she has the broom, It will surely be used later on but why does she carry it to the ring. Benoit is out second to break my focus away from the broom.

Now this will be more interesting then the last two matches even though this would be at least the 6th time we would have seen these two men wrestle on TV over the past couple months at the time. The crowd is into Benoit. The two men lock up to start the match, Tazz says this is Benoit's most important match ever, I guess winning the World Title isn't as important. Booker leaves the ring for a quick pep talk. Booker gets a quick kick in but misses the second allowing Benoit to get some hard chops in on Booker. Booker exits the ring once more. The two start again as Booker takes down Benoit, Benoit counters and does the same to Booker. They switch between arm and headlocks as nothing is really happening, Benoit almost locks in the crossface which comes from out of no where. Booker gets two kicks in as Benoit hits a legsweep and tries a sharpshooter but gets kicked away. Benoit now has a, I'm not sure what it is, some sort of leg lock which gets broken up as Booker rakes Benoits eyes.

About 5 minutes in and nothing is really happening. We get some chops and a suplex from Booker where Booker loses his balance and almost dumps Benoit out of the ring. This is going really slow and a German Suplex from Benoit. Chopping spree between the two men outside the ring before Benoit is sent into the ring post. This is moving quite slowly as it feels like they are just buying time right now. Booker has Benoit in a abdominal stretch for over a minute, Benoit gets a hip toss to break the hold as both men are down.

A single German and Belly to Belly from Benoit, and heres Eddie reference as Benoit hits the three amigos. After a pinfall attempt Benoit hits three germans and climbs the turnbuckle for the headbutt. Sharmel threatens Benoit with the Broom!! as Booker gets control tossing Benoit out of the corner. Missile drop kick from the top rope which gets Booker a 2 count. Booker then distracts the ref as Sharmel low blows Benoit, Booker hits the scissors kick. Benoit kicks out as this is getting more interesting. Book End is countered into a crossface, Booker quickly gets to the ropes. Three more German's and the flying Headbutt which only gets a two count. Another crossface attempt and the ref is out. Sharpshooter is locked in and Booker is tapping out. Sharmel comes in with the broom. She hits Benoit with it but she completely misses. Book End attempt countered into a DDT. Crossface and its over.

Rating C, The first 10-15 minutes was just flat out boring, nothing at all was happening and they just seemed to be buying for time. The last 5 minutes the match finally picked up as they started moving faster. The big problem here was we had already seen these two go at it so many times in the last couple of months and they kept going until after Booker got injured, Orton then had to finish the series off getting the final win for Booker giving Booker T the US Title once more, Benoit would win the US title again at No Way Out in February.

MNM is talking on WWE instant access after their win. Another Hell in a Cell moment, Taker throws Rikishi off the cage during Armageddon Hell in a Cell in 2000. Next we have GM Teddy Long and The Network Executive Pal Calmer or something. They invite Santa to the ring. Santa and Nunzio come out handing coal to some kids. The Boogieman comes out and scares them away. We go back to No Mercy where the Orton's burnt Taker alive and then drove him through the Smackdown set with Eddie's Car. Some mind games from Smackdown, Taker sounds funny as hell.

Bobby Lashley vs William Regal and Paul Burchil
In this match the team of two must tag in and out. Yes that is how most handicap matches go Tony Chimmel. This won't be long.

Lashley over powers Burchil as he just tosses him around. He tosses Regal in and completely destroys both men. Burchil and Regal get control after Regal pushes Lashley into the ring post outside the ring. Half nelson on Lashley but Lashley powers out. Regal hits a suplex following by a flying knee from the top rope from Burchil. The two brits are working on the lower back. Belly to Belly by Lashley. Lashley tosses Burchil around a bit more. Regal comes in and also gets thrown around. Lashley hits the dominator on Burchil for the win.

Rating C, 3 minute squash match to get Lashley over. Didn't need to go any longer then it did.

We go to some bar that the wwe have gone to a few times before including a APA and NAO brawl, Stone Cold thinking about the invasion and the APA being attacked by Billy and Chuck. Josh Matthews talks to the bar owner Tim White. They show Tim White being attacked during hell in a cell. Tim White rambles on as they continue to make the hell in a cell a bigger deal then it is.

Cruiserweight Championship Juventud (c) vs Kid Kash
Kid Kash has been attacking the Mexicools so here we are. The Cruiserweight Championship means nothing here.

Kid Kash with the early offense, Juventud gets a drop kick and some punches on the mat. Tilt a Whirl headspin and something else. A two count on Kid Kash and Juventud gets Kash in a armbar. Kash rolls out and he is out of the ring. Juventud jumps over the top rope onto Kash. Juventud into the steel post as the crowd starts to chant boring. Kash in control as he smashes Juventud's arm into the ring post then stomps away at the injured shoulder. Kash works on the injured shoulder with punches, kicks and an armbar. Juventud shoulder first into the turn buckle, better then the steel post as pointed out by Tazz. Juventud makes a small come back but he starts selling the damage to his arm. A backbreaker by Kash gets a two count. Some flips and a scoop slam, Kash goes for a moonsault but Juventud gets his knees up. Juv makes his come back. A very loud kick to the head gets a two count for Juventud. Both men get to the top rope, Juventud gets a hurricanrana which gets a two count. Enizuri gets another two count for Juv. Northern lights suplex and climbs to the top rope. A somersault leg drop misses. Kid Kash grabs Juv and hits the Brain Buster for the win.

Rating D, I couldn't careless about Kid Kash or Juventud, The Cruiserweight Title meant nothing at this point and it was showing. Kash would lose the title to Gregory Helms at the Royal Rumble.

Raw Tag Champs Big Show and Kane vs Smackdown Tag Champs Rey Mysterio and World Champ Batista.

So Kane and Big Show were just destroying Raw at the time. This started at Survivor Series when both teams here were on each side. During a tag match Big Show and Kane vs JBL and Rey Rey, JBL abandoned Rey (which lead to his match earlier on). After the match here Kane and Show tried to kill Rey but Batista made the save. This was just another Smackdown vs Raw match which he Vinnie Mac is still trying to get everyone to buy even to this day. Smackdown had won at Survivor Series a month earlier making them the "top brand" but this is still happening, I'm not sure why this match is happening. What ever. Big Show and Kane come out together while Rey and Batista get separate entrances. I've always wondered why the crowd didn't turn on Batista around this point like they were starting to with Cena. Ah that has nothing to do with anything here but Batista's entrance takes sometime so I needed to talk about something.

Big Show and Batista start the match. Cole says, is it wise for Batista to start with The Big Show, no lets let Rey Rey, the guy who Big Show outweighs by over 300 pounds start the match. Big Show over powers Batista which shocks Batista. These two men would get boo'ed out of the building in 6 months after Big Show had won the ECW Title. Big Show keeps over powering Batista. Batista has the speed here and tries to knock Big Show over but Show is to big. After Show gets control for a secon Batista finally knocks Show over. Kane is in, Batista is in control once more after a suplex. Kane is back with a side walk slam, Kane climbs to the top rope but Batista is up before he gets to the top and tosses Kane. Rey is in, standing moonsault hits, springboard moonsault misses. Rey is in control with multiple kicks and what not. Rey sets Kane up for the 619. Kane slides out of the ring but Batista hits a shoulder block. Rey knock Show off the corner and attempts another 619 on Kane. Show trips Rey over and drags him out of the ring. Rey is driven into the ring post as Show just tosses Rey into the ring. Show's chop would hurt like hell. Show toys with Batista as he holds a half dead Rey up in his face. Kane is back in and Rey manages to counter a chokeslam into a bulldog. Rey almost gets a tag but Show knocks Batista off the apron. Double Chokeslam is foiled as Batista gets in and attacks both men. Spear and spinebuster to Kane followed by Batista and Show both going over the top rope. Batista tackles Show over the announcer table. In the ring Rey sets Kane up for the 619, it hits but Kane catches him as Rey tried to drop the dime? and hits a chokeslam for the win.

Rating B, this has been the most entertaining match so far. It went for about 10 minutes, the right team won. Batista and Rey Rey went to drop the tag titles back to MNM in a week or two. Mark Henry would then injure Batista during a house show forcing Batista to relinquish the World Title. Rey then of course would go on to win the Rumble and World Title at Mania.

We get another Hell in a Cell moment where Taker beats on Shawn during the first HIAC. The cage is being lowered. This match is pretty much the whole show.

Hell in a Cell, Randy Orton vs The Undertaker
Orton is out first, its just weird hearing burn in my light. Cowboy Bob Orton is hear with Randy, he has to stand outside the match. We go back to evolution days as Michael Cole mentions that Orton helped HHH win a HIAC in 2003. This is Taker's 7th HIAC match. A long wait before the lights go out. Taker takes forever to get to the ring like usual, he seems to be walking quite fast but at the same time its taking forever. The people working the pyro need to light Taker on fire more often like at Elimination Chamber earlier this year. Maybe if he is set on fire each time he is making his way to the ring his entrances wouldn't taker for ever. Rambling on while as Taker finally gets in the ring and the match starts.

Taker stalks Orton to begin. Orton continues to avoid Taker as he avoids some punches and slides in and out of the ring. The two lock up as Taker gets a headlock. Orton breaks away, Orton gets a hip toss and drop kick in on Taker. Orton walks into a big boot and gets tossed out of the ring. Taker is in control as he attempts snake eyes into the cage but Orton escapes back into the ring. Orton gets a bit of offense in, Taker fights back and is back in control as he drags Orton into the ring post. Taker is still in control outside of the ring, Taker tosses a ring into Orton. Orton is busted open already. Taker uses the chair which busts Orton wide open. 5 minutes in and Orton is bleeding badly. Taker is just destroying Orton at this point as he drags Ortons face across the cage. Snake eyes hits into the cage.

Taker leaves Orton to grabs the steel steps, Orton makes a come back and starts beating down Taker. Orton grabs the steel steps, Taker counters with a big boot to the steps. Taker is beating down Orton again, he spends a few seconds taunting Bob Orton. As Taker is getting in the ring Orton hits an RKO out of no where, Taker lands outside the ring. Orton goes and grabs the steel steps and hits Taker this time. Taker is busted open, now its Taker's time to taste the cage. Orton has a steel chain and chokes Taker with it. Taker gets to his feet and is met by a headbutt by Orton which does more damage to Orton then it does to Taker. Both men are up, Orton has a chair and smashes Taker with it. He goes for a pin which gets a two count.

Taker is in control after some headbutts. Orton is tossed into the cage twice. Back in the ring, Taker hits a scope slam and climbs to the top rope. He goes for a diving elbow drop but misses. Orton leaves the ring and grabs a table, setting it up in the ring. Taker leaves the ring for a moment to give Orton time to set the table (which keeps falling down) up properly. Out of the ring, While Taker leans against the cage Bob Orton pulls Takers hair. Orton tries to get a shot in but gets pushed back. Taker grabs Bob Orton's hand through a hole in the cage and pulls Bob Orton in the cage. Bob Orton is bleeding. Back in the ring the two exchange blows, Taker gets a clothesline for a two count. Michael Cole has said Vintage twice so far all night, allot less then today. Old School hits for another two count. Snake eyes, big boot and a leg drop for another two count. Taker manages to get a chokeslam, Orton gets his leg on the rope.

Wait a tic, earlier on when Orton was choking Taker on the ropes with the chain the ref was asking if Taker wanted to give up. Now the rope breaks up the pin? Back to the match, Taker misses a big boot in the corner, Orton uses the chain from earlier to low blow Taker. Orton gets Taker onto the table then climbs to the top rope. Diving Crossbody through the table. Table has been split perfectly in two as Orton gets a two count. Orton punches Taker in the corner. Last Ride attempted but Orton escapes, Taker punches at Orton but connects with the ref. Ref #1 is bleeding. RKO to Taker as Ref #1 is being taken away by Ref #2. Ref #3 pins the RKO for a two count. Taker sits up and is in control. Taker gets the last ride but Bob Orton is in the ring and pulls Ref #3 out of the ring. Taker goes after Bob Orton, some right hands and smashes into the cage. Bob Orton is busted further open. Taker goes for a tombstone, Orton counters into his own Tombstone. Ref #2 gets a two count but Taker sits up. Bob Orton is taken to the back. Orton's knocks Taker down but Taker continues to sit up. Bob Orton is back, Big Boot to Bob Orton. RKO on Taker misses. Taker's urn into Bob then Randy. Tombstone to Bob, Tombstone to Randy and its over.

Rating A- This finally finished Taker and Orton's nine month long feud. Taker was in control for most of the match and he finally got his revenge for all the crap Orton put Taker through during the year. Taker climbs the cage with his Urn to celebrate his win.

Overall Rating C, There wasn't anything truly bad but nothing really stood out besides the HIAC. This PPV ended a few things like Raw vs SD storyline and Orton vs Taker, Benoit and Booker would continue until No Way Out and After Batista got injured Rey would go on to win the World Title at Mania. The brand only ppv's continued to get worse after this until December to Dismember a year from this event which sucked so much ass they gave it up.

Well one PPV down, I have more PPV's such as Armageddon 2002-2004, a couple of 2003 ppv's (judgement day, insurrection, vengence, no mercy), summerslam 02/03, survivor series 02, rumbles 03 and 06, mania xx and 24. Voicing my opinion on these events makes them more interesting then just watching them. People of these forums, don't tear me apart for this :)
Nice review. The Undertaker-Orton match remains one of my favorite matches of all-time. Orton was very enjoyable in his Legend Killer gimmick, and it capped off a very enjoyable, well written feud. Favorite part was Orton doing the Tombstone on Undertaker, mocking his pin routine, only to have 'Taker sit up and end the match. It summed the feud very well, and showed everything both of them were about.

I didn't really care or remember much else from the PPV, so agreed there. The HiAC stole the show and is still enjoyable to watch 4.5 years later.
I bought the DVD about the cell and thought this match of Randy Orton really stood out. I mostly thought of him as a technical wrestler who would not be able to brawl very well before watching it and saw that he really was defensive enough to hold out against Undertaker. Although I don't appreciate seeing blood it was the best match of Randy I had seen that was contested in a hardcore setting. I liked how the cell was not used merely for spots and was just right. Also, this was the last time the traditional cell was used in the WWE. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but was that hole through which Bob Orton was attacked the same part made on the cell in other matches? I don't remember how it got there but thought it was also present during the other times when the cell was used before this show.

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