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Armageddon 2002


Your Eternal Reward
Armageddon 2002
Smackdown: Tazz and Michael Cole
Raw: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

28 days after Survivor Series. Big Show and HBK are the Smackdown and Raw Champions here after both won at Survivor Series. Big Show is facing Angle tonight with all the focus mostly being on Lesnar, HBK will face HHH in three stages in hell. Not much else is happening tonight, lets get this underway.

Fatal Four Way Elimination Tag Team Match for the World Tag Team Championships
Jericho and Christian (c) vs Booker T and Goldust vs William Regal and Lance Storm vs The Dudley Boyz.

The tag team division is almost dead here. Jericho and Christian won the titles from Kane and Hurricane two months earlier. Goldust and Booker had been hunting them since before Summerslam, Dudleys had just reunited at Survivor Series and have Drop the Bombshell as their theme which is just awesome, Storm and Regal continue to be unamerican and are apparently on a roll with 7 tag team wins over the past couple of weeks. Ross almost blows the ending during Jericho and Christian's entrance by saying who will be the new tag team champions tonight.. unless the champions retain. Jericho, Christian, Storm and Regal are heels, Dudleys, Booker and Goldust are Faces from the looks of it.

Bubba and Storm start off. Storm has the early advantage, Bubba knocks Regal off the apron and is in control. He calls Storm Canadian Scum and hits a body splash. Storm tags Christian in. Bubba tags Dvon in, a double flapjack gets a two count. Christian tags in Regal and gets a clothesline for it. Dvon tags Goldust in. Regal hits a suplex on Goldust and Christian gets a blind tag. Christian is in for a moment before Jericho is in. Goldust quickly gets control as he catapaults Jericho out of the ring followed by a suplex into the ring. Jericho regains control and proclaims he is king of the world. Christian is back in, Goldust hits a invert atomic drop and tags Bubba in. Bubba and Goldust double team Christian. Jericho comes in and gets knocked down for his efforts. More double teaming by Bubba nd Goldust as they clear the ring of the heels. Wassup to Christian or Jericho, I'm not sure I've lost track as all four teams brawls. Dvon and Bubba hit a 3D on Christian. Regal gets a blind tag on Christian. Storm gets a leg drop on Bubba while he covers Christian. Ref gets a three count apparently and the Dudleys are out. Goldust is in, he power slams Regal. He and Storm are gone.

Down to Jericho and Christian vs Goldust and Booker. Goldust gets control
after Jericho runs into his ass. Booker and Goldust take turns beating on Jericho in the ring. Booker gets an armbar on Jericho, Jericho fights out of it and fails at a come back. Booker and Goldust hit double team move. A pin attempt gets broken up by Christian. Christian is in, Goldust misses a body cross as flies out of the ring. Christian distracts the ref as Jericho hits Goldust with Regals flag. Christian gets Goldust in the ring and attempts a pin which Booker breaks up. Goldust is the weak link apparently as its been repeated over and over in this match. Jericho gets tagged in and he gets clotheslined for it again. Chrstian and Jericho double team Goldust while Booker is distracting the Ref. Christian is in, he taunts Goldust which awakens him. Goldust fights out of the heel corner and tags in Booker. Jericho also tags in, Booker knocks Christian off the apron and takes Jericho apart. Christian comes back in to get some of it as well. Jericho gets in control as he pulls Booker to the mat by the hair. Jericho attempts the walls, Booker counters into a roll up which doesn't work. Booker goes for the scissors kick, Christian is on the ropes and is the way, Booker knocks him off and goes for it again. Jericho gets Booker in the Walls again. Goldust is in and hits a bulldog on Jericho. Chrisitan has the tag title and climbs to the top rope, he gets knocked off. Goldust gets knocked out of the ring. Booker climbs to the top rope, Christian tries to stop him but is knocked back again. Jericho tries to stop Booker but gets knocked back. Missile Drop kick and a two count for Booker. Jericho gets control and missies a lionsault. Spinoroonie, scissors kick hits. Christian distracts the ref as Booker gets a two count. Jericho uses the tag title on Booker as Goldust distracts the ref for another two count. A moment later Booker gets the Book End to end the match.

Rating. B, I liked this match. Its a tale of two matches really, The first half was abit of a cluster fuck and the second half was a fine tag match. Goldust and Booker finally got the tag titles which they had been chasing for half a year. Booker is now a 12 time tag team champion, this is Goldusts first. Coach comes out to interview Booker, Booker says Goldust isn't the weak link. Now can you dig that sucka?

From Sunday night heat, The new backstage interviewer Josh Matthews is here to interview Brock Lesnar. Lesnar doesn't know who Matthews is and says he is going to make an impact tonight.

Edge vs A-Train
Its weird to see Edge as full fledge face, I mean he turned heel the week before while I'm typing this because people couldn't careless about him as a face. A-Train was Albert, he attaced Rey Rey two weeks earlier. He then attacked Edge costing Edge a shot at the WWE Championship. Man A-Train is Hairy.

The A Train over powers Edge to begin the match. The crowd wants The A Train to shave his back. Edge avoids a body splash in the corner and trips The A Train over, Edge attemts to low blow, The A Train but is pushed back. Edge is still in control though after a chop block and a leg drop to the back of the head. A Train gets control after a powerslam and Michael Cole and Tazz keep talking about Kurt Angle vs The Big Show later on tonight. The A Train hangs Edge up between the bottom and middle ropes then gets a headlock in. Oh it was a chin lock as Edge gets out of it with a stunner after about half a minute. Edge is in control and knocks A Train down a couple of times. He climbs to the top rope then hits the Edge-o-Matic and gets a 2 count. A Train brings a chair in, while getting the chair Edge gets a spear in for a two count. A Train then grabs the chair and hits Edge for the cheap DQ.

Rating D, It wasn't that great and the cheap DQ ruined it. Edge takes A Train apart with the chair after the match. He now has his classic face where he just looks insane after taking A Train apart.

Backstage Paul Heyman is scared of Brock Lesnar. Big Show complains that he is getting no respect and wants to talk to Stephanie McMahon. Heyman forbids The Big Show and goes off to talk to her alone.

Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit
This Shouldn't be bad. Back to the fatal four way elimination match. Eddie got eliminated then attacked Benoit which gave Angle the win. Eddie is one half of the Smackdown Tag Team Champions here.

They start off when some technical stuff. We talk about the two men starting off in WCW back in the day as they continue the technical moves. Eddie gets a shoulder block, a second on is countered into a back body drop. Benoit gets a chin lock in, Eddie escapes with some kicks then gets an arm bar locked in. Benoit escapes by just lifting Eddie up into the air and dropping him. Some chops and Eddie gets a head lock in on Eddie. Benoit reverses it forcing Eddie to go to the ropes. Benoit ends up outside the ring as Eddie climbs to the top rope and jumps. Eddie is in control as he is now focusing on the left knee. A leg lock by Eddie, Benoit gets some hard kicks in on Eddie to no effect as Eddie rolls Benoit over, Benoit quickly makes it to the ropes. Its all Eddie here as he continues to work on the left leg. Benoit gets a boot to the face to Eddie in the corner. Eddie rolls out of a crossface attempt. Benoit grabs Eddie for not one, not three but five german suplexs in a row. Benoit is ready for the Diving Headbutt and climbs to the top rope. Eddie starts getting up though so Benoit jumps down and grabs Eddie for another two German Suplex's, Eddie grabs the ropes to stop a thired. Now Eddie is getting in his own German's, he gets three in and a snap suplex for good measures. Eddie goes to the top rope and connects with a frog splash. Benoit kicks out. Both men are up but Eddie tackles Benoit through the ropes. Eddie is in control outside the ring as he stomps away at Benoit. Eddie gets in the ring and distracts the ref as Chavo comes out and nails Benoit with the title. Uncle Eddie roles Benoit in the ring as Michael Cole calls Benoit a lifeless carces. Eddie pins Benoit for a two count. Snap suplex countered to no avail as Eddie trips Benoit over and locks in the Laso from El Paso. Benoit makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Chavo is still at ringside as Eddie works on the left knee once more. Benoit gets a nice Powerbomb in and climbs the ropes again. Eddie distracts the ref again as Chavo tries to interfere but fails. Eddie tries to use the distraction to his advantage but gets pushed off the top rope. Benoit connects with the diving headbutt. Eddie gets the Laso from El Paso in once more while Benoit was trying to pin him. Benoit counters into a Crossface. In the center of the ring and Eddie taps.

Rating B+. Great match but I feel something was missing. Chavo's interference was fine as Eddie and Chavo were still heels are were doing the lying, cheating, stealing gimmick.

Backstage Paul Heyman is complaining to Stephanie McMahon. He doesn't want Lesnar to get involved in Kurt Angle vs Big Show. Heyman makes an ass of himself here as Stephanie is just looks on.

Video package of Torrie Wilson vs Dawn Marie. The angle looks like it made no sense what so ever. Dawn Marie was marrying Torrie's 80 year old father but really wanted Torrie. Torrie's father still decides to go through with the wedding even though Dawn Marie apparently did it with Torrie. Yeah.. Dawn Marie says on Smackdown the previous week that she was going to show what went on in the hotel room the other week.

Dawn Marie and Torrie's dad come out. Dawn Marie rambles on and we get the video of what really happened in the hotel room a few weeks ago. Michael Cole doesn't want to see the tape, Everyone else does. Dawn is still talking as people just want to see the tape. Finally the tape, I don't need to go into
the details, I wonder how many times they had to do this, I'm sure they would of had a laugh or two while filming this. This segment at least has the men in the crowd coming to life. The two kiss as the crowd pops like hell and the tape is over. The crowd boos. Dawn asks if the crowd liked it. Torrie's father finally says he has seen enough and it must end. The crowd doesn't like Torrie's father. We get some more footage as the two women kiss again. Torrie's father stops it. Yeah this segment really sucks as the crowd rightfully wants more. Torrie's father is an asshole according to the crowd. This has been going for what feels like forever. Finally its over as I read the DVD case it just says Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie. They had a match at the Royal Rumble I think.

Kane vs Batista
Batista's first ppv match. Batista beat Kane three weeks earlier so here we are. Flair is with Batista as Evolution hadn't formed yet but it was coming. I really like Batista's original theme.

The two men can't really knock each other over. Batista gets a clothesline and Kane gets a neckbreaker. Kane still has a mask here. Kane escapes a Scoop Slam, Kane hits one of his own and a jumping elbow drop for a two count. Batista lifts Kane up and drops him on the top rope. A bad looking spear gets a two count. Snap Suplex by Batista for another two count. Batista is mostly in control here until Kane hangs Batista up on the top rope. Outside the ring Flair chops away at Kane to no effect. Batista gets a clothesline outside the ring. Kane is in control with a corner clothesline, big boot side walk slam then climbs to the top rope. Batista dodges it then goes for the Batista Bomb. Batista doesn't get all the way and escapes it. Flair distracts the Ref as Kane low blows Batista. Flying clothesline from Kane again as Flair distracts the ref again. Chokeslam is blocked into a spinebuster which Jim Ross calls a side walk slam. Kane gets a Chokeslam in as Flair distracts the ref once more. Kane brings Flair into the ring and gets beaten up. Batista gets a Batista Bomb in for the win.

Rating C, Batista first win on PPV. We go backstage as Angle asks Funaki where Brock Lesnar's locker room is. Oh and here is Cena with B-Squared. Cena does a rap as he has only been around a few months at this point and has just started rapping. This is the face of the company now. Crowd is dead for this rap. Cena is out. Batista's win, Kurt Backstage and Cena's rap all happened in a minute or so. We get a recap of Survivor Series where Victoria beat Trish. Time is moving fast here. Victoria was crazy, no one gave a shit about Jacqueline and Trish Stratus is as hot as ever.

Womens Championship
Trish Stratus vs Victoria (c) vs Jacqueline
Here is your toilet break as the entrances go by very fast. Victoria is insane at this point. The entrances take less then a minute for all three women. Trish looks like a face, Victoria is a heel and no one cares and Jacqueline. Well these three are more entertaining then the shit we have today. Nothing really to talk about, the people in the audience aren't walking off though so people do actually care about this match unlike todays Diva's where half the crowd walks out. This is much better then what we get today as Jacquenline pushes Victoria off the top rope to the outside. Nothing of note is happening as Victoria hits Trish with the title then pins Jacquenline for the win to retain the title. Victoria is obsessed with Trish according to JR.

Rating C, Was better then we get today. 5 second victory and we go backstage with Angle and Lesnar. I think Angle was a heel 28 days earlier at Survivor Series. He turned face to beat The Big Show for the WWE Title here then turned heel right away by aligning himself with Paul Heyman and formed Team Angle. Oh but he hans't won the WWE Title yet as Angle wants Lesnar in his corner, Lesnar says Angle won't regret it. Yeah.. We get a replay of Heyman screwing Lesnar 28 days earlier except this replay is on a TV in Lesnars lockerroom. Angle got this shot by winning the fatal four way elimination match. The video package is more about Lesnar vs Heyman and Big Show. Yeah this is all Lesnar and Big Show as Lesnar got suspended. We go to the fatal four way which by now you know Angle won. Readying the DVD case the Fatal Four Way elimination Match is included on DVD like it should be as three of the matches on the card came from it. I'll review that as well at the end of the ppv.

WWE Championship
Big Show (c) with Paul Heyman vs Kurt Angle
Entrances take less then a minute for both men, Lesnar isn't with Angle. The crowd isn't chanting You Suck during Angles entrance making his Entrance quite dole.

Angle gets over powered as he tries to do some suplexs and basic submissions. Big Show has Angle in a fireman's carry and tosses him right onto Heyman. While Show is asking if Heyman is already Angle comes from behind and tosses him out of the ring. Angle goes to the top rope and jumps towards show and gets caught. Show tosses Angle in the ring and gets on the apron. Angle tries to knock Show off the apron but is caught, Show tosses Angle out of the ring again and gets in the ring himself. Show is in control as he clubs Angle in the back. Since Show was terrible at this point all he is realling doing is punching and choking Angle. He is so bad this point he is barely doing anything. Its not Khali but he still is terrible. Crowd chants USA USA for some reason even though both men are from the USA. Angle gets a sleeper on Show, Show powers out of course. Tornado DDT from the corner by Angle and both men are down. The crowd is just waiting for Lesnar at this point. Angle is in control after a missile drop kick from the top rope. Angle almost breaks his neck as he does a moonsault towards a standing Big Show and just bounces off him and falls forward. Angle Slam gets a two count and its Ankle Lock time. Show rolls out of it and goes for a chokeslam. Angle counters it into another Ankle Lock. Ref is down. Heyman is up and has a chair which he slides closer to Angle then to the Big Show. Crowd wants Lesnar. Angle gets the chair, Show gets hammerd as Angle covers Show, the ref is suddenly revived and counts a two count. Ref is down again and A-Train is here. Backbreaker to Angle and A-Train is gone. Heyman is confused but happy. Chokeslam to Angle and finally here is Lesnar. F5 to Show, Lesnar chases after Heyman. Angle pins The Big Show to become the new WWE Champion.

Rating D, The Big Show was terrible at this point, The whole match was just waiting for Lesnar to appear. As mentioned earlier Angle would turn heel soon after and join up with Heyman. Angle celebrates for abit as we head to the World at times square in new york with Rob Van Dam. RVD talks about
HBK vs HHH tonight. This is the second time at this point that the World Title had been mentioned as its been all about Lesnar up to this point tonight. We go to Survivor Series where HBK won the World Championship. We get the usual package that we would get over and over for the next year and a half till they finally ended their feud in Hell in a Cell.

World Heavyweight Championship
Three Stages of Hell

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (c)

HHH is out first here, Flair is with him, he doesn't take forever to get to the ring like he does these days. HBK is out, it is just weird seeing him with the World Title. Apparently people were wondering if Shawn Michaels would just be Shawn Michaels or if he still was the Heart Break Kid, the Show Stopper. Shawn taunts Flair as Flair wants a piece of HBK. Flair has been ejected as the match starts.

Matct Part 1 Street Fight
HBK skins the cat right at the start as HHH is sent to the outside. HHH's right leg is bandaged. HHH has a trash can and is in control on the outside. We talk about HBK's injury as some people in the crowd are cheering HHH on. HBK from the top rope lands into a trash can HHH is holding on the outside. HBK has a table already. Crowd wants tables. HHH stops himself from being suplex into a the table and eats the ring steps instead. Back in the ring HBK eats trash can as HBK is still in control. No I'm wrong HHH gets a clothesline in to regain control. HHH is outside of the ring as we get the second table. This is the first time I've seen this match but from watching the don't try this at home thing you get before every DVD I know HBK falls through a couple of them. Another skirmish in the ring and now HHH has chair. He drops it instead of using it and just punches HBK instead. HHH starts working the back as he grabs the chair and sets it up. HHH tries to sidewalk slam HBK onto it but it is countered into HBK's own sidewalk slam into the chair as HBK is back in control. HBK has a trash can lid and smacks HHH with it. HBK kind of tunes up the band right in front of HHH. HHH blocks the kick and drops HBK's leg hard into the mat. HHH smashes the knee into the trash can. HBK's leg into the ring post a couple of times. Back in the ring HHH chop blacks HBK's bad knee. HHH focuses on the knee as he locks in a figure four. This goes on for quite a while as the crowd
is slightly chanting for HHH.

HBK finally reverses the figure four as we get a rope break. HHH smacks HBK with the trash can lid and gets a two count. We're on the outside and start walking up the ramp. HHH does what he does best, argue with the ref. HHH tosses HBK into the entrance set. HHH has borrowed barbie from Foley and goes to hit HBK. He walks back to the titatron as the titatron is on fire. HHH lites Barbie on fire but misses HBK. HBK has it and kind of hits HHH. HHH is of course busted open. HHH is back in the ring as HBK gets another chair. He slides in the ring and grabs the trash can lid instead, nailing into into HHH's face. Now HBK has the chair. HBK goes head first into it via a drop toe hold. Both men are down as this is going kind of slow. Pedigree countered into a low blow. HBK gets a clothesline, kips up but gets chop blocked as HHH no sells the low blow. Pedigree and HHH gets the first fall.

Match Part 2 Steel Cage
To win you must escape the cage via climbing over, through the door or pinfall. HHH loads the ring up with weapons which makes sense. HHH smashes a trash can into HBK's face to begin. Table set up in the corner, HHH catapaults HBK into the cage. Guess what? HBK is busted open. HHH works on the open wound on HBK's head. The crowd is finally allive as they chant for HBK. HHH into the cage a couple of times, clothesline and lou fez press. HHH gets up first for some reason and starts climbing the cage. HHH is half out as HBK gets to the top. Flair is back even though he got ejected. HBK and HHH
brawl at the top of the cage. Flair sets up two tables on top of the two tables that are already outside the ring. HHH and HBK doing nothing during this time until the tables are finally set up. HBK pulls HHH onto the ropes as HBK gets an elbow drop in. Flair wants in despite being ejected at the start of the match. Flairs in and HBK is beats him down. Chair to HHH and Flair. Flair into the cage and he is bleeding. I hate cage matches, while HBK is working on HHH could easily walk out of the door yet he just sits there. Pedigree is countered, SCM to Flair and HHH. HBK sets up table #3 from earlier thats in the cage. HBK climbs to the top of the cage, body splash onto HHH as we get the second fall tying us at 1 - 1.

Match Part 3 Ladder Match
Flair's face is a crimson mask. Wooooooooo. The ref's hook the World Title as it starts to rise to the sky. HBK already has a ladder sets it up in the corner. A moment later HHH is irish whipped into it. HBK nails HHH with the ladder as King compares getting hit with a ladder to being hit by a car. HHH gets suplexed onto the ladder. HBK sets the ladder up in the corner and goes for a elbow drop. No a big splash, HHH tries to roll out of the way as HBK's legs smack HHH in the back. Bad looking pedigree as HBK is down. HHH climbs the ladder extremely slowly until HBK is up and pulls him off. SCM connects as HHH rolls out of the ring. HBK is at the top of the ladder, HHH is back and pushes HBK over sending HBK crashing through 3/4 of the tables outside of the ring. HHH climbs the ladder to get Title #6 or #7 setting up a nine month reign of terror.

Rating B, this is slightly biased here. Their Summerslam 2002 match was allot better, this was slow and my biasm comes as HHH won. I don't have much to say as the heel gets the win in the main event which just killed the crowd.

Overall Rating B. We got some Okay matches out of the tag titles, Eddie and Benoit and The Main Event. The worst part of the show was Angle vs Big Show and that only sucked because The Big Show just sucked at this point in his career.

Bonus Match from Smackdown 05/12/02
WWE Championship #1 Conteder Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero vs Edge
From the looks of it Edge is full fledge face, Benoit and Angle are tweeners and Eddie is a heel. Oh Albert Train attacked Edge earlier on in the night so Edge is injured. Eddie has control, no Edge does, no Eddie again. Eddie is tossed out of the ring as Angle and Benoit who were a team/enemies at the time double team Edge. Eddie rolls up Angle as Benoit ignores it. Benoit works on Edge as Angle is back body dropped to the outside followed by Eddie. Benoit is still working on Edge, Edge gets something in for a two count. Eddie is back and tosses Edge and Benoit out. Angle works on Eddie with a snap suplex. Eddie racks Angles eyes to get in control. Eddie suplex Angle for a two count. Belly to Belly by Angle, Eddie counters an angle slam into a arm drag. Eddie climbs and hits a frog splash which gets a two count. Benoit is in and hits a German on Eddie. Diving Headbutt for a two count. Edge-o-cution I think connects on Benoit for a two count. Angle is tossed out of the ring, Eddie tosses Edge out. Benoit gets two germans on Eddie, Edge gets a spear on Eddie before the third. Edge is tossed out, crossface to Eddie and Eddie is out. Three germans from Angle to Benoit. Missile Drop kick from Edge to Angle for a two count. Angle takes the straps off, Angle Slam countered into Edge-o-matic. Benoit breaks up the pin and gets the crossface on Edge. Angle grabs Benoit and locks in the Ankle Lock. Benoits kicks Angle away and the ref is down. Eddie is back in as he nails Benoit with the title belt. Spear to Eddie, spear to Benoit and Benoit is gone. Ankle lock to Edge, Edge rolls forward to break the hold. Angle is out of the ring, he pulls Edge and tosses him into the steps. Commercial Break

After the break Angle is in control. Edge was busted open when his head was knocked into the steel steps. Angle suplex's Edge around for a while. Angle gets a sleeper as Edge makes a come back. Edge gets his own Belly to Belly in on Angle as both men are down. Edge gets the better in a brawl, two clotheslines, back body drop, sit out I forgot what its called gets a two count. Angle gets in two Germans, third is coutnered into a roll up. Spear connects a moment later for a two count. Angle Slam countered into Edge-u-Cution which gets a two count. Edge goes to the top rope. Angle plays possum and tries to get a top rope Angle Slam but gets pushed away. Missile Drop kick from Edge and it only gets a two count. Spear is countered by a boot to the face. Angle Slam gets a two count. The straps are down again as the Ankle Lock is locked in once more. Edge counters it into another roll up. Angle escapes and locks in another Ankle Lock. Angle is pushed away but holds on. Edge gets to the ropes to break the hold, Enziguri by Edge. Edge now gets a Angle Slam on Angle. This gets a two count. I'm enjoying this match allot more then all the matches at Armageddon. Edge to the top rope, Angle gets a Angle Slam in and its over. Big Show is here, Chokeslam to Angle to turned Angle face for all of two weeks.

Rating B+. I really enjoyed this match. It moved fast and there really were no dead spots. This set up two matches for Armageddon and it just worked.

Thats it for the Armageddon 2002 Review, Going to do 2003 and 2004 in the next couple of days. Going to buy another Box Set this week featuring another line on PPV's from 2002-2005 to keep myself entertained. I think Mania 26 also comes out this week so I'll go grab a copy of that.
The three stages of hell match with HHH and HBK is easily one of my favorite matches of all time. Triple H's feud with Shawn was his best feud when he was world heavyweight champion, and I enjoyed every match they had for the title. As far as HHH's win killing the crowd's buzz, I have this same feeling about his win in the Summerslam(2003) elimination chamber. Goldberg was destroying everyone in the chamber, and then HHH comes in, hits him with the sledgehammer, and wins the match. It completely shocked the crowd, but that's what heels do. They upset the fans.

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