Arizona Governor Signs Controversial Immigration Enforcement Bill

One Punch Doug Crashin

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a controversial bill that seeks to crack down on illegal immigration.

The sweeping measure will make it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It will also require local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are in the country illegally.

It takes effect in 90 days after the current legislative sessions in the next several weeks.

Before signing the bill, Brewer called the measure "another step forward in protecting the state of Arizona."

She said the bill "represents another tool for our state to use as we work to solve a crisis that we did not create and the federal government has refused to fix -- the crisis caused by illegal immigration."

Earlier, President Obama called the bill "misguided" and said it could violate people's civil rights. He said he's instructed the Justice Department to see if it is legal.

The bill's Republican sponsor, state Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, said Obama and other critics of the bill were "against law enforcement, our citizens and the rule of law."

whoooo boy... This should make for some interesting arguments.
So in other words, people that are perfectly legal citizens of the US that look a certain way need to carry their citizenship proof with them now.

Got it.
Obama put it well: it's misguided. If you don't have your papers, you get arrested. Should you be arrested for being white? Black? Democrat? There has to be a better way than this.
I am all for cracking down on illegal immigration, but this sounds like racial profiling to me. I am going to stay away from Arizona, mostly because I look arabic and dont want to be bothered by racist cops looking for a reason to bust me.
People complain about illegal immigrants, then hate anything the government put in place to combat it. I get this isn't ideal, but I see no better ideas at the moment.
Yeah the idea is fine, but what about Hispanic people that either are citizens or are here legally? Should they have to carry their papers around too? If they don't want to get thrown in jail then apparently they do.
People complain about illegal immigrants, then hate anything the government put in place to combat it. I get this isn't ideal, but I see no better ideas at the moment.

Guards at the border, and I mean the WHOLE border would be a good way to start.
KB is right, they should just start with guarding the border in a correct way. Look I'm hispanic an I'm a citizen and I sure don't want to be carrying around my Documents.
KB is right, they should just start with guarding the border in a correct way. Look I'm hispanic an I'm a citizen and I sure don't want to be carrying around my Documents.

Exactly. The logic of the defense department astounds me at times. We need to guard countries we're in total control of that are on the other side of the planet, but we barely guard a country you can literally walk from into America?
If do-able, which is debatable due to the sheer cost, and the governments obsession with other countries, that would help stop illegal immigrants entering the country. It wouldn't get rid of the ones currently there.
If do-able, which is debatable due to the sheer cost, and the governments obsession with other countries, that would help stop illegal immigrants entering the country. It wouldn't get rid of the ones currently there.

Yeah if they try to get rid of the immigrants that actually live in the US, that wouldn't help a lot, because they first need to secure the Border before they try to get rid of the immigrants from the US. Look lets say the US gets rid of 1 immigrants each day with out securing the borders, that immigrants will come back easily and with extra immigrants, And that will actually increase the immigrant percentage.

Obama better get his shit straight, He promise tons of shit and all his plans are just going down the drain.
No it wouldn't, but it's more humane than saying "you look Hispanic. Prove you live here or go to jail."

I agree that's wrong, I just don't see a practical alternative if illegal immigration is a big problem in the area. What you put forward would be great, but will likely not happen.

Yeah if they try to get rid of the immigrants that actually live in the US, that wouldn't help a lot, because they first need to secure the Border before they try to get rid of the immigrants from the US. Look lets say the US gets rid of 1 immigrants each day with out securing the borders, that immigrants will come back easily and with extra immigrants, And that will actually increase the immigrant percentage.

Obama better get his shit straight, He promise tons of shit and all his plans are just going down the drain.

I'm not saying borders SHOULDN'T be controlled, I'm saying they won't be.

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