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Dark Match Winner
Are you abstinent*if you fuck your boyfriend? There's a chick who says she's abstinent and yet she always fucks her boyfriend. Oh and the guy's a fucking ass. I personally hate the chick and on Monday I'm going up to her and saying "God isn't real. Get over it" She'll probably throw a bible at me.
You sound like an angry child. I'm all for a good metaphysical debate, but trolling based on religion is pretty low.
I can't really say until you tell me the whole story. Start with your relationship with the woman, then your relationship with the guy, and follow that up with everything you know about their relationship together. Also be sure to tell us how you know they had sex and what details you have. For example, if he's a thirteen year old bragging to his buddies, he could be lying in order to win some guy points if that's a term people use (and I doubt it is). But if you saw them doing the nasty while you were hiding in her closet, then you have some proper evidence to base your views on.

Share with the class. You need to put more effort into the thread if you want real answers.
I can't really say until you tell me the whole story. Start with your relationship with the woman, then your relationship with the guy, and follow that up with everything you know about their relationship together. Also be sure to tell us how you know they had sex and what details you have. For example, if he's a thirteen year old bragging to his buddies, he could be lying in order to win some guy points if that's a term people use (and I doubt it is). But if you saw them doing the nasty while you were hiding in her closet, then you have some proper evidence to base your views on.

One would think he'd get over her once he came out of the closet, no?
Technically you can be abstinent and still have sex. Sex isn't the only thing you can abstain from.

Drugs, alcohol, decent thread topics.

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