Are You Still Being Worked By Mr. McMahon?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
The New England Patriots selected Tom Brady with pick #199 in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL draft. The Patriots didn’t expect anything from him. They already had Drew Bledsoe so at best they were hoping Brady would be a serviceable backup. In 2001 Bledsoe was injured and Brady got the opportunity to start. All this sixth rounder did was lead the Patriots to a championship and win the SuperBowl MVP.

Of course this wasn’t part of the plan so the Patriots were furious. Despite all the success Bledsoe was their guy so as soon as he was ready to go they benched Brady. All he was used for was a tackling dummy during practice. He would only come into a game when there were no other options and the Patriots front office couldn’t stand it when he had success. They didn’t care about winning games. They just couldn’t stand that some unexpected good fortune fell in their lap so they did everything they could to squander a great opportunity.

As you probably know the first paragraph is true and the second is complete nonsense. After the successful 2001 season the Patriots traded Bledsoe and Brady led them to four more SuperBowls, winning two of them. Naturally the Patriots were thrilled with Brady and the success. The second paragraph seems absolutely ludicrous yet it is how many people feel the WWE runs their business.

How many times have we heard it over the years? Vince McMahon is intentionally burying a popular star because he got over on his own and wasn’t a part of the original plan. Call me naïve but that is not how the real world works. Why would a successful businessman throw away a huge opportunity for no reason? I know, his huge ego, right? Give me a break. The people that think that, the supposed smart fans, are still being worked by that evil Mr. McMahon character after all these years.

Daniel Bryan is the latest example of this ridiculous theory held by some fans. He’s outshining John Cena and Randy Orton so Vince, Stephanie, and Triple H are going to have to punish them. He’s more popular than expected so rather than cash in a winning lotto ticket they’re going to burn it. That’s how Vince took a regional territory and turned it into a billion dollar global success, by throwing away great ideas for no reason. Maybe, just maybe Vince and company know a little bit more about running a successful company than we do. I mean he has been doing it for over 30 years while those that criticize him continue to give their money to support his product. Vince isn’t going to turn your money down. Despite not getting a lengthy title reign and coming out on the losing end against Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan remains as popular as ever. It seems to me Vince didn’t lose out on anything there.

Those of you that think Vince is willing to burn money to satisfy his ego need to step back and be real. This is his business. He is not playing the villain character in real life. You’re being worked. Actually let him keep working you. It seems to be working out for all those involved. Bryan remains popular in his underdog role, Cena and Orton remain in the title picture, Vince laughs his way to the bank, and you still get to complain on the internet. Everyone is happy.
If Daniel Bryan was being buried, then WWE would have made him come off as a straight up loser against Randy Orton rather than someone who had to be CONSTANTLY screwed over by a joint conspiracy of WWE's power structure.

If Daniel Bryan was being buried, they wouldn't have bothered to protect him as much as they have during the last quarter or so of 2013 and had him just take straight up losses to damage his credibility and popularity.

If Daniel Bryan was being buried, they would have pushed him down the card to job out to guys like Harper, Rowan & Wyatt rather than joining them.

If Daniel Bryan was being buried, WWE wouldn't bother having various superstars, including CM Punk, comment on joining The Family to further the storyline.

If Daniel Bryan was being buried, the WWE brass wouldn't have had him main event Raw last night an devote the last 40-45 minutes of the show to his program with The Wyatt Family.

Just because a company isn't doing EVERYTHING some of us want with a certain wrestler doesn't mean he's getting buried.

Just because some dirtsheet writers insist that management has it in for Bryan and don't want him to be a top star doesn't mean that he's getting buried or that what the dirtsheet writers are reporting is true, or accurate.
It's not so much about not doing EVERYTHING but what is seen as logical booking. You have a very popular upper midcarder about to break out. If you were going to give him that push the first thing you would do is actually go all the way with it. There was no reason to have him beaten down and get the short end of the stick week after week, PPV after PPV. You are trying to build a guy's momentum and not kill it. WWE's script in building up faces has always been to protect them and make them look dominant, so it's strange how much Bryan was outmatches in his main event run.

Sure getting screwed over is part of the storyline and allows the audience to rally behind Bryan. But problem is that Bryan never got his moment when he beat his opposition. That and the promos about Bryan being a "B+" guy only makes matters worse.

Bryan needed to win the feud and not get screwed over until he was pushed out the main event. simple as that. Bryan should have won and as a face I don't see why not since the WWE has historically been pro-face when handling outcomes.
The perception he's being buried just adds to Bryan's underdog character. People support Bryan even more because he's being "screwed in real life", not just kayfabe.

Your top star doesn't promise someone who's being buried a Unified title match.

Your Unified Champion doesn't try to weasel his way out of facing someone who's being buried.

WWE realizes they need stars, they wouldn't have unified the world titles if their main event pool of talent hadn't gotten so shallow.

The slow burn is on for Daniel Bryan, for various reasons. Some of the perception is real, I don't think McMahon or HHH truly believe(d) Bryan to be an A+ player. They might have thought the chants were a fad, the only reason for his popularity. You don't shoot somebody to the moon based on a short lived chant.

But, they keep showing Bryan getting screwed, being beaten by numbers with only verbal or little support from Cena and Punk. This is a classic WWE move, they did the same thing with Hardy. The babyface gets screwed, or chases for months until he finally wins and they've made a star. This is exactly why people say babyfaces are better when they're chasing the title.

Besides, what happens if Bryan won/kept the title? The Authority had just started, the babyface doesn't win then, plus how terrible does the heel faction look if they can't keep a title off one guy? And shit, not just any heel faction, THE heel faction, with numbers and all the kayfabe power in the world. Either way, Bryan couldn't keep feuding with these guys from Summerslam to Mania either that would be overkill.

If anyone really thinks he's getting buried, wait one month for him to get his WrestleMania match lined up. I'd be shocked if it wasn't a major match.
Yeah, I fail to see how DB is getting buried. Anyone who thinks that, please explain to me how you rationalize that.

Him joining the Wyatts closed the show last night, he was crowned WWE Champion twice this year (yes, those title reigns were short, but they count), he headlined ppvs, he headlines Raw and Smackdown on a consistent basis, and he's always in a relevant storyline. Ask Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler if this is what getting "buried" is all about.
This reminds me of all the hoopla on here surrounding Zack Ryder a few years ago. Ryder was "hot," got over on his own, Vince and WWE didn't like it, so they buried Ryder. Yeah, bullshit. Zack Ryder was just a flash in the pan, who had the benefit of that awful Jersey Shore show. The show was hot, and Ryder was in the right place at the right time with the Broski character. Ryder's "popularity" faded as the show's popularity faded. It's as simple as that.

The conspiracy theories of WWE and Vince turning someone heel, or "burying" a said wrestler, because he's threatening Cena as the top face in the company don't make any sense. Vince McMahon is a business man, who's out to make as much money as he possibly can, so why would he sabotage his own product? It doesn't make any sense.

It's just another case of internet fans whining, when something doesn't go their way. Just because WWE isn't obeying YOUR wishes step by step doesn't mean they're burying someone. Daniel Bryan won the Smackdown MITB briefcase in 2011, and he's been on the rise since then. His superb match with Sheamus at Exterme Rules 2012, Team Hell No, the feud with a WWE Champion CM Punk, he main evented Summerslam against John Cena, he was the focal point of The Authority storyline for a few months, and during this time, he main evented numerous pay per views for the WWE Championship. Bryan's resume over the past couple of years doesn't fit the profile of someone, who's being buried.
The reasoning behind what Vince McMahon is doing has been batted around in every corner, but what the "naysayers" seem to be spouting is that the only way to make maximum use of Daniel Bryan is to make him a world champion.

If you took any of the main event performers in WWE (or TNA and ROH for that matter), I suspect they'd tell you that being featured on TV, house shows and pay-per-views is far more important than being handed championships, largely because titles are an aspect of the business that is scripted.....i.e., they don't win anything unless management says they do. What they need to make it big is exposure.

Getting plenty of air time in pro wrestling is what gets you paid more money, not winning championships.....and as far as I can see, not being the champion isn't hurting Daniel Bryan in the least in terms of how much he's being featured.

It's true: don't be fooled by Vince McMahon "working" us. But don't forget; Daniel Bryan is working us, too. Every time we see him on TV, complaining to the Authority about being forced out of the world title picture, it's just part of the act. If you're one of the good folks getting upset because poor Daniel isn't getting title shots, all it means is that he.....and Vince, Stephanie and Triple H.....are doing their jobs very well.
Bryan has NEVER been buried... even that first night he was given a 6 month paid break where he could go back to the indies, just so he could re-debut at Summerslam against the Nexus. they saw something in him in choking out Chimel with the tie but perhaps couldn't be seen to condone it. He certainly didn't suffer from it.

Likewise now, his career is taking another turn with the Wyatts, but that is more a signal that he and they are going to be the focal point of the show for a while rather than him being buried.

Vince DOES bury talent, he has done it to guys like Dr. D, Ricky Steamboat, Dolph Ziggler, Jim Neidhart and even Triple H and Big Show. Some of those did something wrong, others asked for the wrong thing or just didn't look. Kendrick got on Vince's wrong side cos he was an unashamed smoker by all accounts, not of drugs... Vince doesn't like you or you screw up, you're gonna suffer but it's VERY rare that it's totally unjustified. If you can make Vince money, he is your best friend.

Look at Ziggler - in a short space of time his brother got let go and mouthed off, contributing to the Bill DeMott controversy and Ziggler got announced by Max Landis in his new film. Normally WWE would announce that one of their guys was in a major flick... this screamed of "off the books" and WWE having to accept it. Add to that his Cena baiting in interviews you can see why he is in the doghouse.

Bryan has none of these controversies, he is a player in Total Diva's, his relationship with the Bella is something that benefits the show and WWE and since his debut he has grown to their most rounded character. If he's not the champion that's immaterial, it's cos he doesn't need to be. He will be eventually and that's when it goes downhill for him.
This is all part of the IWC idea (as if we ever have a conformed idea) that if the WWE isn't doing exactly what it wants than it is either a) screwing up big time or b) screwing over some wrestler.

Bryan has been booked the second strongest of any wrestler in the company this year, arguably he's number one as he holds a clean pinfall over Cena at Summerslam. Sure he didn't get the big WWE Title reign that many of us rooted for but not many do. I view Bryan as currently being in the same category as Benoit, Guerrero and Jericho. An occasional top of the card of the guy but mostly someone who is going to be used in the upper midcard. With the right booking he could become a HBK or Bret Hart, in that he could be a champion but never really own that spot like Cena, Hogan, Austin or The Rock but that's about it.

I was watching the NXT 200 Episode and during their recap we saw a clean shaven, less muscular Daniel Bryan in the ring that most said would never make it in the WWE, let alone beat John Cena cleanly for the WWE Title in a Summerslam main event. Instead of looking at what might have been perhaps the IWC should sometimes just appreciate how far a guy has come
Wrong oh so wrong.

The reason Football & Wrestling Analogy doesn't work is because the Pats needed Brady to win/go the superbowl. McMahon doesn't because he created his own superbowl. With his mind, his ideas. & you're going to tell me that a man who has been known to have an ego might not let that get in the way sometimes? I'm not saying DB is being buried (Although I dislike the Wyatt angle which buried him in my book) All I'm saying is if the Pats created & owned the superbowl they could ditch Brady & just get someone else.

While I agree with the statement that Vince McMahon knows more about business than we do, he is given way too much credit. (XFL Anyone?) I believe the WWE is on auto-pilot. I've been through good times & bad times in wrestling & it's simply the talent that determines what you're going to get. If Vince died years ago we'd all still be watching. The product has been really bad before & we still keep watching. That is why I say "auto-pilot".
you sir, you earned your moniker. I've been thinking that since the Punk angle 2.5 years ago. In 10 years we are going to find out that was A LOT more of a work than we think now. Almost nothing happens on WWE tv by accident...
I am also of the belief that Daniel Bryan is not being "screwed" or "buried" by Vince & Company. I believe that Bryan will come out of this stint with The Wyatt Family being better (or even more popular with the fans) for having done the storyline. I also don't believe Vince (or HHH, or Steph) would want to sabotage a fan-favorite, just to appease their own ego(s)...but I would like to play devil's advocate for a minute, because there are some points that can be brought up about situations like this that might be relevant.

I know Vince isn't Eric Bischoff, and those two men don't share a brain or anything...but Eric was known to "keep guys down" during his time as WCW President, just to keep his other top talent happy. Now Vince was always better at creating new stars, but I'm just saying...there are stories you hear about Vince doing similar things. Owen Hart comes to mind.

I don't know how much of this is actually true, so take this with a grain of salt: I've heard that Owen Hart was convinced to stay with the WWF (after Bret left in 1997) because he was going to be the one who "exacted Bret's revenge". Vince was the one who had "big plans" for Owen, and it would have been a great story. It's been suggested that HHH & Shawn were the ones who shut it down (possibly one of the reasons Shawn "lost his smile" around that time, who knows?). It's also quite possible that Owen vs. Vince was pushed to the wayside because of Stone Cold's undeniable popularity that had been brewing at that time. Maybe the whole story is bullshit, and Owen stayed with the WWF for a different reason. I really don't know. What I do know is that the story seems plausible, and if there's a possibility Vince could have thrown away a golden opportunity like letting Owen fill his absent brother's shoes (which he was definitely capable of, from bell-to-bell if nothing else), there's no telling what was going on in his mind.

I know, that was 15+ years ago, the WWE doesn't have a company like WCW to contend with anymore, and the current WWE is drastically different than the WWF. I don't know for sure though, I've heard other stories about Vince firing some up & coming guys in the past seven or eight years because they got the "thumbs down" from other top talent. Again, I don't know how much water those stories hold either - but it's something to think about, while we're on the subject. Again, I don't think Vince thinks this way (at least not very often, if he does at all), but it wouldn't surprise me if one or two of those stories I've heard were true. Just sayin'...

Daniel Bryan has been protected over the past year, though. If his career ends up like Kane's, so be it. Kane was never in the main event for very long, but he was still a great character, and a fan favorite who added a lot to the company's landscape. For a long time, Kane was a 24 hour champion who never had another major title (until he won the ECW title, then later the WHC - if I've got my facts straight). Daniel Bryan got to hold the WWE's #2 Title (the WHC) for a while, the US Title, and was a MitB winner already. Seems like a pretty good career so far, and it looks like they've got a great story for him in place right now. Everyone's talking about Bryan, and the WWE is using Bryan to get everyone talking about The Wyatts. That's really what this is about, IMHO - and I think using Bryan to elevate an up & coming group like The Wyatts is a testament to how good Vince & Company really think DB is (and not because they want to bury him). I think we'll see Bray vs. Bryan at WM30, if Bryan doesn't get back in the title hunt by winning the Royal Rumble. Either way, I think most people should chill until after they see Bryan's Wrestlemania moment in 2014.
In no way is Daniel Bryan being buried.. Welcome folks to the Soap Opera of Pro wrestling as it always has been.. Its a kickass soap opera full of drama,intrigue,suspense,twist and turns.. If you Make Vince Money he is indeed your best friend.. If you cross the boss,he will bury you.,

DB is easily the most over wrestler and popular there is on the planet today.. Sure he isnt 6'5 275 pounds but damn that man can wrestle five star matches in his sleep.. He makes the WWE money is easily the headliner of any Raw Smackdown,House Show,PPV etc you name it. In a way were all being worked.. Being worked into watching the show,buying the merch,going to house shows,buying PPVs! BTW this Wyatt Angle is genius
The New England Patriots selected Tom Brady with pick #199 in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL draft. The Patriots didn’t expect anything from him. They already had Drew Bledsoe so at best they were hoping Brady would be a serviceable backup. In 2001 Bledsoe was injured and Brady got the opportunity to start. All this sixth rounder did was lead the Patriots to a championship and win the SuperBowl MVP.

Of course this wasn’t part of the plan so the Patriots were furious. Despite all the success Bledsoe was their guy so as soon as he was ready to go they benched Brady. All he was used for was a tackling dummy during practice. He would only come into a game when there were no other options and the Patriots front office couldn’t stand it when he had success. They didn’t care about winning games. They just couldn’t stand that some unexpected good fortune fell in their lap so they did everything they could to squander a great opportunity.

As you probably know the first paragraph is true and the second is complete nonsense. After the successful 2001 season the Patriots traded Bledsoe and Brady led them to four more SuperBowls, winning two of them. Naturally the Patriots were thrilled with Brady and the success. The second paragraph seems absolutely ludicrous yet it is how many people feel the WWE runs their business.

How many times have we heard it over the years? Vince McMahon is intentionally burying a popular star because he got over on his own and wasn’t a part of the original plan. Call me naïve but that is not how the real world works. Why would a successful businessman throw away a huge opportunity for no reason? I know, his huge ego, right? Give me a break. The people that think that, the supposed smart fans, are still being worked by that evil Mr. McMahon character after all these years.

Daniel Bryan is the latest example of this ridiculous theory held by some fans. He’s outshining John Cena and Randy Orton so Vince, Stephanie, and Triple H are going to have to punish them. He’s more popular than expected so rather than cash in a winning lotto ticket they’re going to burn it. That’s how Vince took a regional territory and turned it into a billion dollar global success, by throwing away great ideas for no reason. Maybe, just maybe Vince and company know a little bit more about running a successful company than we do. I mean he has been doing it for over 30 years while those that criticize him continue to give their money to support his product. Vince isn’t going to turn your money down. Despite not getting a lengthy title reign and coming out on the losing end against Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan remains as popular as ever. It seems to me Vince didn’t lose out on anything there.

Those of you that think Vince is willing to burn money to satisfy his ego need to step back and be real. This is his business. He is not playing the villain character in real life. You’re being worked. Actually let him keep working you. It seems to be working out for all those involved. Bryan remains popular in his underdog role, Cena and Orton remain in the title picture, Vince laughs his way to the bank, and you still get to complain on the internet. Everyone is happy.

I think you make some good points, and I remember another time this argument about Bryan being buried was made, and yet, he was more popular than ever.

I remember the uproar from Daniel Bryan losing the World Title in 28 seconds to Sheamus at WM28. Many here were really angry about it at the time. Yet it set up Sheamus with a championship run, and led to the Bryan-A.J. Lee relationship turmoil storyline (since she was blamed for Bryan losing).

I believe, at the time, that Bryan losing in 28 seconds was done deliberately, but not for the reasons IWC think. I think Vince did it to test if the cheers for Bryan were real. You see, I think that Vince reasoned that, if Bryan was legit over, then he would still be popular even if he was "buried" at WM28. It proved that Bryan would be over regardless, and he got pushed.

Maybe Vince was "testing the waters of popularity" with Bryan, and the fans showed that they support him, even if he doesn't always win. Even the top guys have to lose sometimes, and if support can drop off at the first sign of a supposed "burial" then the person "buried" doesn't have it be a top star. Bryan did, so he has been pushed.

It just shows that not everything is "black and white" like the IWC would like it to be. If Bryan is a star and makes money, then he will be a star. Vince took "Stunning" Steve Austin, Terra Ryzing, Flex Kavana and "Mean" Mark Callaway, and turned them into "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Triple H, The Rock and the Undertaker, respectively, so I think Vince knows a star when he sees one. AS for Vince not pushing someone who was from elsewhere, then how come he pushed Steve Austin or Triple H, who had been in WCW previously.

Vince McMahon knows what he is doing. That is why he runs a million-dollar company, which has survived highs and lows, and the IWC are simply writing about their wrestling "opinions" on the internet. I know who has the more cred and "runs on the board".
I believe, at the time, that Bryan losing in 28 seconds was done deliberately, but not for the reasons IWC think. I think Vince did it to test if the cheers for Bryan were real. You see, I think that Vince reasoned that, if Bryan was legit over, then he would still be popular even if he was "buried" at WM28. It proved that Bryan would be over regardless, and he got pushed.

Maybe Vince was "testing the waters of popularity" with Bryan, and the fans showed that they support him, even if he doesn't always win. Even the top guys have to lose sometimes, and if support can drop off at the first sign of a supposed "burial" then the person "buried" doesn't have it be a top star. Bryan did, so he has been pushed.

I doubt it. For one thing the 28 Second match was done in hopes for Sheamus to set a new record, which failed since WM24 before it set a faster record for a title change. Secondly at the time it was Sheamus that was being protected and was the one meant to be pushed, Bryan just happened to be champion.

I doubt Vince was using the match to survey Bryan's popularity. From winning the Rumble and beating Bryan like that it was apparent, at the time, all the focus was on Sheamus. If he was indeed testing the waters of Bryan popularity and if one of the possible scenarios that his popularity would explode why do it at the expense of Sheamus, who was being pushed as the top face at the time?
Well over the years, and really we go by dirtsheets and disgruntled ex-wrestlers' shoots, the Mr. McMahon character got solidified. Now in this age of transparency, you need that persona more than ever to build a superstar against the machine. You have to work rumours into a believable enough storyline.

At the same time, if Vince hated you or didn't like you, I doubt you'd be on the card. D Bry has headlined and beaten the top stars clean. He is not the example of such. Has McMahon backed the horse at times? Very few, I can think of Luger being outshined by Bret as the only one. He backed Hogan look what happened, he (and I kinda detest Bret for this) was adamant that Bret not drop the title to Austin as they were in the works for a Austin/Shawn ME at Mania 14 which was best coz had they gone by Bret's wish a great culmination would have been cut short. He wasn't high on Cena at first but saw how the crowd took to him and then lent him all of his machine.

McMahon is a billionaire out of wrestling, Can they dictate what we watch? Sure they can, but he knows how he came this far, and he follows that edict to this day.

P.S: Love the DB joining the Wyatts angle.
It's really been the same song and dance with Daniel Bryan since he joined WWE, and it's crazy not many are picking up on that.

Indie favorite goes to NXT and loses a ton of his matches: fans go nuts.

Nexus Invasion has Bryan choke a guy with a tie-WWE takes him off tv: fans go nuts.

Loses title in 28 seconds: fans go nuts.

And now joining the Wyatt Family has the fans shockingly going nuts again in protest. It's very very possible that HQ knows what they are doing and are playing the audience just like any drama on television does. I know I for one am more interested in this development than the overdone underdog story, to be honest. Daniel Bryan has proved he could get squashed in several ways and still come back from it.

There are many possible outcomes that can accumulate before WrestleMania with this angle. I'm not going to knock it before it even gets off of the ground.
I think you make some good points, and I remember another time this argument about Bryan being buried was made, and yet, he was more popular than ever.

I remember the uproar from Daniel Bryan losing the World Title in 28 seconds to Sheamus at WM28. Many here were really angry about it at the time. Yet it set up Sheamus with a championship run, and led to the Bryan-A.J. Lee relationship turmoil storyline (since she was blamed for Bryan losing).

I believe, at the time, that Bryan losing in 28 seconds was done deliberately, but not for the reasons IWC think. I think Vince did it to test if the cheers for Bryan were real. You see, I think that Vince reasoned that, if Bryan was legit over, then he would still be popular even if he was "buried" at WM28. It proved that Bryan would be over regardless, and he got pushed.

Maybe Vince was "testing the waters of popularity" with Bryan, and the fans showed that they support him, even if he doesn't always win. Even the top guys have to lose sometimes, and if support can drop off at the first sign of a supposed "burial" then the person "buried" doesn't have it be a top star. Bryan did, so he has been pushed.

It just shows that not everything is "black and white" like the IWC would like it to be. If Bryan is a star and makes money, then he will be a star. Vince took "Stunning" Steve Austin, Terra Ryzing, Flex Kavana and "Mean" Mark Callaway, and turned them into "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Triple H, The Rock and the Undertaker, respectively, so I think Vince knows a star when he sees one. AS for Vince not pushing someone who was from elsewhere, then how come he pushed Steve Austin or Triple H, who had been in WCW previously.

Vince McMahon knows what he is doing. That is why he runs a million-dollar company, which has survived highs and lows, and the IWC are simply writing about their wrestling "opinions" on the internet. I know who has the more cred and "runs on the board".

1- Didn't the Bryan/Shamus match only go 18 seconds, not 28?
2-Vince also created Flex Maivia (Kavana?) in the first place, Trip HHH became Trip HHH as part of the kliq and with hbk and the crew basically forcing Vinnie to pus him. No one saw what he would become when he was the Conneticut Blue Blood Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
3-Austin Made Stone Cold, Vince wanted Ringmaster. Stone Cold was created in ECW, and then turned into him with the promo at King of the Ring. Vince just ran with it.
4-Yes, Vince came up with the idea of Undertaker, but it was Mark Calaway that MADE the character work. And if word going around recently is true, Undertaker as a character was only supposed to be around for a short fued with Hogan for about 6 months or so. But even with the silent role, Mark's charisma and presence turned him from yet another sacrifice to Hogan's ego into a full time star and eventually the cornerstone of 20+years of the company.
5-going by your list, I would have assumed that Foley and Hogan would be on it.

Vince's best ability, what makes him so successful is the ability not to create stars but to know which talent has the innate ability to take his shit and turn it into gold. He knows when to back off when a talent starts to break out of the role he wanted of them and then to make that person bigger then they would get on their own. he's made mistakes that often get over looked but he is the best at what he does.
It's not so much about not doing EVERYTHING but what is seen as logical booking. You have a very popular upper midcarder about to break out. If you were going to give him that push the first thing you would do is actually go all the way with it. There was no reason to have him beaten down and get the short end of the stick week after week, PPV after PPV. You are trying to build a guy's momentum and not kill it. WWE's script in building up faces has always been to protect them and make them look dominant, so it's strange how much Bryan was outmatches in his main event run.

Sure getting screwed over is part of the storyline and allows the audience to rally behind Bryan. But problem is that Bryan never got his moment when he beat his opposition. That and the promos about Bryan being a "B+" guy only makes matters worse.

Bryan needed to win the feud and not get screwed over until he was pushed out the main event. simple as that. Bryan should have won and as a face I don't see why not since the WWE has historically been pro-face when handling outcomes.

The reason they didn't go all the way with him is that they knew they had Cena coming back sooner than anyone expected so they ultimately had to have Orton go over so that Cena could feud with him and eventually triumph once again.
1- Didn't the Bryan/Shamus match only go 18 seconds, not 28?
2-Vince also created Flex Maivia (Kavana?) in the first place, Trip HHH became Trip HHH as part of the kliq and with hbk and the crew basically forcing Vinnie to pus him. No one saw what he would become when he was the Conneticut Blue Blood Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
3-Austin Made Stone Cold, Vince wanted Ringmaster. Stone Cold was created in ECW, and then turned into him with the promo at King of the Ring. Vince just ran with it.
4-Yes, Vince came up with the idea of Undertaker, but it was Mark Calaway that MADE the character work. And if word going around recently is true, Undertaker as a character was only supposed to be around for a short fued with Hogan for about 6 months or so. But even with the silent role, Mark's charisma and presence turned him from yet another sacrifice to Hogan's ego into a full time star and eventually the cornerstone of 20+years of the company.
5-going by your list, I would have assumed that Foley and Hogan would be on it.

Vince's best ability, what makes him so successful is the ability not to create stars but to know which talent has the innate ability to take his shit and turn it into gold. He knows when to back off when a talent starts to break out of the role he wanted of them and then to make that person bigger then they would get on their own. he's made mistakes that often get over looked but he is the best at what he does.

Gee, you're not going to give Vince McMahon much credit, are you? Without WWE being global, and being as big a company as it was (thanks to Vince McMahon), SCSA, Rock, Triple H or Undertaker wouldn't have been the stars they were because they wouldn't have been given the TV exposure that WWE could offer, nor the finances.

Next, you'll say that Vince McMahon can't be given credit for inventing "Wrestlemania" either, and will say that other people are responsible for its success, not Vince McMahon.

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