Are You Buying Into Michelle McCool As A Dominant Champion?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Okay, so Michelle McCool has been Women's champion ever since The Bash, when she defeated Melina, becoming the first ever woman to hold both the Diva's and women's championship. She's been champion for a long time, and throughout her reign, has been made to look like a dominate champion. Now my question to you is, are you buying into it? Do you think she's having a great title reign?

McCool is horrible on the mic, and I've seen a lot of people on here agree with that statement. As far as her in-ring work goes, I'm always on the fence with this. I don't think she's great, but at the same time she's not bad. I've seen a lot of her matches, and there are times, where she does put on some good matches, but still, I would have to say as far as wrestling goes, she falls some where between good and slightly above average. What are your thoughts?
Hell no. She should go back to being a valet and managing a superstar or tag team. Better yet she should go back to doing what she done when she started out in WWE and thats do backstage segments were she is a trainer for the wrestlers. She cannot wrestle and is terrible on the mic. Not to mention gets no crowd reaction, she is that bad of an entertainer. I do not know how the hell she is Divas Champion or Womens Champion, whatever. She will be forgotten when she retires, yet sadly WWE will put her in the Hall of Fame. How can't they they have Pete Rose, William Perry and guys who have no buisness being in their like Koko B. Ware in it.
I would look at Michelle McCool as a more dominant champion, only if she had more competition, was more active on Smackdown, and had more title defenses. I mean, the entire 6 months that Melina was on Smackdown, they continued fueding. It was boring from the start and I never liked it. Seeing the same Womens Championship fued for so long was boring then and it's boring now.

I believe during her 6 months Womens Championship fued, she'd had two defenses against Melina and a recent one against Mickie James. BOOORRRINGGG!!! That does not constitute a dominant champion. A long reigning champion that never defends, and makes you forget she has the title is not a dominant champion. Christian... that's a dominant champion. Kofi Kingston was a dominant champion. Mickie James was always a dominant champion. The Undertaker... a dominant champion.

Michelle McCool is wayyy too overrated. While she is better than most of the other WWE divas. Excluding Mickie James, Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Melina, Katie Lea, and Gail Kim... she still has failed to prove to me that she deserves all the praise that she has been getting over the past year or two.
Okay, so Michelle McCool has been Women's champion ever since The Bash, when she defeated Melina, becoming the first ever woman to hold both the Diva's and women's championship. She's been champion for a long time, and throughout her reign, has been made to look like a dominate champion. Now my question to you is, are you buying into it? Do you think she's having a great title reign?

I would say yes. Now, I know some people on here give her a hard time.... but I think she's a good champion. You have to remember, we are talking about the divas here.... this is a bit of a double standard, but they are held to a lower standard than the males are when it comes to who is a good champion or not. Don't you guys think that she would not have been a candidate for the first Divas Champion AND the first to have held both female titles, if she wasn't good? Trish was not there anymore, nor was Lita.... Somebody needed to step up, and Michelle did. She's nowhere near Trish or Lita, but I think she has been one of the best Womens Champions since the two best left 3 years ago. She has been involved with interesting feuds and is good in the ring. Sure she could use some work on the mic, but she's still better than most of the divas. The majority of them are terrible on the mic and Michelle is decent, the same goes for in-ring ability. Add good matches and good feuds to that, and YES you have a dominant female champion.

Michelle McCool IS a dominant champion because she has had great title reigns and entertaining feuds. I'm willing to debate this further with anyone who disagrees with me.
I wouldn't call her "dominant". She's been a very weak booked champion. She consistantly uses under-handed tactics, and never really defends her title much. So no way am I buying into this crap. And honestly a title change is long over due. Mickie James for the title perhaps?
Let me see...a former middle school teacher that acts on a regular basis like a middle school student in a locker room...constantly running away and hiding behind the likes of Layla, annoying the crap out of everyone with her nasal whine on the mic and barely making any title defenses in her whole time as womens champion. I'd have to say, no, she isn't a dominant champion. She isn't even an interesting champion. She's a boring and bland champion and should be defeated as soon as possible. Her current mode of heat gathering (the "Piggie" James story line) is among the most feeble and childish pieces of drivel the WWE ever came up with. Even her delivery is pathetic. Layla delivers better than she does.

I'll admit, she had herself a good start during her heel turn, could have been almost a female Randy Orton. But it petered out pretty quickly and she turned from violent psycho into petty little middle schooler. Sad, really. It seems when the WWE starts a good thing going, they ruin it just as quickly. Michelle McCool as she is, it's a womens champion that's more than run her course.
Am I buying Michelle McCool as a dominant Champion? No way. Im going to be honest, the woman's division is so bad i have no idea who is who in the women's division on both shows. Who are those two who keep calling Mickie james fat? I have no idea. They need to start doing something besides 8 person tag team matches before ill take her seroiusly. Something to build her character instead of having her team-win tag matches.
To be honest, I kinda like her. She's started to grow on me with the whole Piggie James thing. Do I buy her as a dominant champion? Well, on the surface one wouldn't think she's all that dominant. She does the whole running away thing quite a bit, she and Layla are currently doing a very watered down Beautiful People type of thing and she does come across as immature. To be honest, I think they something could be done if they were willing to be more bimbo-ish and more airheaded.

When she actually wrestles, she's not bad. She's actually shown herself to be pretty good in some instances. When she gets into matches with Melina or Mickie James and winds up beating them cleanly, she does come across like a compotent champion. Also, the Divas aren't held to the same standards as the men in the WWE. I do think the WWE could have a legitimate and serious women's division if they wanted to, but that's neither here nor there.

Would I buy her as a dominant champion? Probably not. I mean, there are times in which she'll go for weeks or even a month without appearing in a match. She's had the title for 6 months it's true, but she's rarely defended the title. Most of her matches have been in variations on tag matches, in which she often winds up on the losing team. I think Michelle McCool is someone that's got the potential to be a dominant champ, but I don't think that her reign is all that impressive once you look past the sheer length of it.
She is a great Heel Champion, and has been good in the matches she has defended the title in, I will TOTALLY give her that. But, that is all. She to me, has not defended the belt often enough for having it over half a year now, or close to. She hasnt proven why she is dominant, when her little lackies always get involved in ALL her matches(just her last title defense against Mickie). I think she is getting better in character with the new Divas acquired on Smackdown, but if we wanna talk dominant champs, lets Talk Mickie, or even Beth. I am hoping that Mickie will get that title again soon, because Michelle's reign ending is, in my sole opinion, long over due!
This all depends on the definition of dominant, a dominant champion doesn't necessarily have to dominate everyone single handed. Beth Phoenix was a dominant champion, Awesome Kong was a dominant champion. But one could also argue that both Ivory and Stephanie were dominant champions.

Strength in numbers...if the champion has a group or a wing man behind them willing to cover for them, then that champion is dominant if the group associated with them is also dominant. Ivory had the Right to Censor behind her, and Stephanie had Tori from DX interfere with most of her matches. Michelle has Layla, her willingness to cover Michelle and do everything in her power makes Mickie's quest of winning the title that much harder.

Because of this partnership, I can buy Michelle as a dominant champion, because any challenger that wants her title not only has to go through her, but any allies Michelle has as well.
I wouldn't even really consider her a champion, I mean really I was just talking to my friend about this today and we couldn't even really remember when the last time a woman's/diva's championship was defended but I guess that's just me I really don't even know if it's just the crappy woman's division, Vince not liking them, or both I'm leaning more towards both.... just saying
Not at all. Not because of her abilities or anything like that, but just because they've booked her to do nothing but win at PPVs. If she's on SD, it's rarely, and when she is it's for like 2 minutes tops where she does next to nothing anyway.

Suddenly 3 weeks have gone by and there's a PPV and there's a 50% chance that you'll see her defend the title and win. Sometimes she cheats, but more often than not, she actually beats the challengers. Take TLC against Mickie, yes Layla interfered, but Mickie actually took Layla out, countered Michelle's attack into a pin, Michelle kicked out and then kicked Mickie's chest in. 1-2-3 later and the current longest singles title reign continues.

There's nothing wrong with her, just the way they book her. Beth would be a far better champion imo, but that's only because her wrestling ability far surpasses the majority of them. Mickie has been getting sloppier and sloppier in the ring lately, and Melina is very injury prone it seems, so Beth is the pick for best WWE Diva as far as i'm concerned. Back on topic though, Michelle McCool is NOT a dominant champ, whether she's got someone to hide behind or not.
Michelles isnt good. But she isnt bad. Dispatch layla from her, and put her up against Mickie. But otherwise, besides her talking trash, slapping her opponents, not much for her to do. She hs layla do everything for her. Otherwise, I say lets just but her to face mickie alone. see what happens then. But if she maybe gets a little better on the mic, we can see some change in her charecter. She isnt a great competetor though. I would like to see some other change.
No she is not a great champion at all. She hardly ever wrestles she is HORRIBLE on the mic and she isn't that great on the mic. I think the only reason she is champ is due to the fact that she is with the Undertaker. I don't get why they didn't take the title off of her at the last PPV TLC and give it to Mickie. I was sure that Mickie would win the title but I guess that she is one of the best divas in the WWE right now in Vince's eyes but clearly she isn't. So to answer your question Michelle isn't a domonit champion. (Sorry I know I spelled that wrong.) Its also really bad that she needs someone to tag along to help her and that she hasen't wrestled in at least 3 weeks. Mickie is a domiant champion and they should put the title on her soon or Beth she is a domiant champion to.
No she is not a great champion at all.

Yes she is. She's one of the best divas. She puts on great matches, has held the title for a long time, and had entertaining feuds.

She hardly ever wrestles

Yeah she does, just not as often. If the champions don't wrestle as often, we will be more likely to want to purchase the PPV to see them in action. It's a way for the federation to make money, while you get to see a champion wrestle who hasn't for a while.

she is HORRIBLE on the mic

No she's not. Compared to the other divas she is above average.

I think the only reason she is champ is due to the fact that she is with the Undertaker.

I'm tired of hearing this. She got her job before dating Undertaker. She also won the competition Smackdown had a couple of years ago to determine who their most popular diva was. She was very over at the time and still is, by diva standards. Michelle would have been champion whether she dated Undertaker in real life or not.

I don't get why they didn't take the title off of her at the last PPV TLC and give it to Mickie.

If they did that then after getting her rematch we would be stuck with either a boring Mickie/Layla feud, and then a rerun of the still stale Mickie/Beth feud. Michelle retaining means she can eventually feud with Beth in what would be an epic divas feud.

I was sure that Mickie would win the title but I guess that she is one of the best divas in the WWE right now in Vince's eyes but clearly she isn't.

Michelle is a better champion than Mickie. Mickie might be better in the ring and on the mic, but Michelle is more dominant as a champion and has more entertaining feuds.

So to answer your question Michelle isn't a domonit champion.

Yes she is because she has had a great long reign and entertaining feuds.

Its also really bad that she needs someone to tag along to help her and that she hasen't wrestled in at least 3 weeks.

Heels get help all the time. Remember Evolution? Hawkins & Ryder? Legacy? It's not like Michelle is the first heel to get an underling to help her keep her title.

Mickie is a domiant champion and they should put the title on her soon or Beth she is a domiant champion to.

Mickie's not a dominant champion at all, she was an underdog champion other than the Maryse feud. Beth I'll agree with you on, she is the most dominant diva.

So.... you have yet to prove me wrong in my statement that Michelle McCool IS a dominant champion because she's had great title reigns and entertaining feuds, that is all it takes to be a dominant divas champion since they are held to a lower standard than the guys in what makes a dominant champion.

Care to debate this further?
Okay Dagger Dias I have a question what show are you watching? What do you mean she is one of the best divas of today she hardly ever wrestles so how can you tell. Her matches are entertaning because of the diva she is facing (Mickie, Beth, Maria).

You said that she has had a long title reign and I can't argue with you on that but just because you have a long title reign that doesn't make you the best or a dominant champion Dagger. You also said that she has had some interesting fueds I'll give you that she does make the fueds interesting with some of the stunts she pulls, but some of her fueds are so harsh and I know that she is only doing what Vince told her to do.

I used to be a big Michelle McCool fan until she became a heel. Okay what you said about the reason why she isn't wrestling makes sense I guess. How are her mic skills above average you don't even know how the other girls mmic skills are. I know that Beth, Maria, Mickie and Melina have WAY better mic skills then her. When she talks she sounds like she is bored and doesn't want to be doing what she is doing.

How do you know that a Mickie/Layla fued would be boring if you have never seen it would be something new and you people are always wanting something new well there it is. How could Michelle and Beth be an epic divas fued. Michelle isn't even on the same level as Beth, Michelle is only champion because before Beth came to SD they didn't have another heel diva to give the title to. So Beth and Michelle couldn't be an epic fued sorry.

WHAT how is Michelle a better champion then Mickie, Mickie is better than Michelle in every shape and form so Mickie is definatly a BETTER CHAMPION THAN MICHELLE. Just because you have a long title reign doesn't make you a dominant champion. About Michelle getting help to win the title sure I remeber Legacey and Evolution but I have never seen a diva have another diva help her keep her title a superstar but not another diva. That just shows how horrible a wrestler and champion Michelle is.

As for her dating the Undertaker and getting titles I guess he has nothing to do with that. What Michelle is not an underdog champion and she is a dominant champion. She beats everyone that comes before her and she is great in the ring even when the other person or people are doing horrible and she had great mic skills. So Mickie and Beth are the dominant champions not Michelle. Mickie will always be more dominant that Michelle McCool and Michelle isn't a dominant champion because of the reasons listed above.
I think she is a respectable wrestler and is fun to watch. Also im not a big Mickie James fan so prefer McCool holding it to her. Im not saying Mickie is bad because shes notbut out of the to its McCool. Plus shes really impressed me in her heel turn.
McCool is shit. She's better than some in the ring, but she sounds like a disinterested Saturday shop girl. The real best heel on Smackdown is a foot to her right, Layla. While probably worse in the ring, she is a shite sight better than McCool in just about every other way.

McCool's reign is one of the worst in recent memory, any championship reign where the champ is on crutches visibly on TV is always going to look shit, and this one was no exception.
Okay Dagger Dias I have a question what show are you watching? What do you mean she is one of the best divas of today she hardly ever wrestles so how can you tell. Her matches are entertaning because of the diva she is facing (Mickie, Beth, Maria).

Beth is much better, agreed. Mickie used to be much better but Michelle is better than her now, Mickie has been getting worse for the past year or so.... but MARIA? She's just awful. Michelle is superior to her in every way imaginable.

You said that she has had a long title reign and I can't argue with you on that but just because you have a long title reign that doesn't make you the best or a dominant champion Dagger. You also said that she has had some interesting fueds I'll give you that she does make the fueds interesting with some of the stunts she pulls, but some of her fueds are so harsh and I know that she is only doing what Vince told her to do.

Her title reign being long is NOT enough, you're right on that, BUT.... She's had good feuds and good matches during this title reign. That's a dominant champion.

I used to be a big Michelle McCool fan until she became a heel. Okay what you said about the reason why she isn't wrestling makes sense I guess. How are her mic skills above average you don't even know how the other girls mmic skills are. I know that Beth, Maria, Mickie and Melina have WAY better mic skills then her. When she talks she sounds like she is bored and doesn't want to be doing what she is doing.

Actually, I do know how the other girls' mic skills are. I've been watching Smackdown for years, and have heard every single diva on the mic before. Michelle may be below Natalya and Mickie on the mic right now, but she is barely better than Beth, and she's MUCH better than both Layla and Maria, because those two are below average at everything but looks. Michelle sounds like she's bored because her character is stuck up. Her character IS bored because she "knows" that she's the best.

How do you know that a Mickie/Layla fued would be boring if you have never seen it would be something new and you people are always wanting something new well there it is.

New is one thing. Awful is another. Layla is the worst diva in WWE. Any feud with her in it would be terrible, unless they brought Trish back.

How could Michelle and Beth be an epic divas fued. Michelle isn't even on the same level as Beth, Michelle is only champion because before Beth came to SD they didn't have another heel diva to give the title to. So Beth and Michelle couldn't be an epic fued sorry.

It would be epic by divas standards. Beth and Michelle are the two best divas since Trish and Lita left. The two of them would put on the best possible feud we could possibly see with today's WWE female roster. Michelle is a great top heel, and Beth would be good as a heroic face. They are also good on the mic so the promos would be excellent (though, once again, by divas standards). That's what makes it an epic feud.

WHAT how is Michelle a better champion then Mickie, Mickie is better than Michelle in every shape and form so Mickie is definatly a BETTER CHAMPION THAN MICHELLE. Just because you have a long title reign doesn't make you a dominant champion. About Michelle getting help to win the title sure I remeber Legacey and Evolution but I have never seen a diva have another diva help her keep her title a superstar but not another diva. That just shows how horrible a wrestler and champion Michelle is.

Are you talking about 2006 Mickie or 2009 Mickie? I agree that Mickie's title reign(s) from a couple of years ago were better than Michelle's current one.... but Mickie has gotten so much worse lately. I'd say the complete opposite and that Michelle is a better champion than today's Mickie in every way except for mic skills. Also.... what's wrong with a diva having underlings help her? That doesn't show a flaw in Michelle, it's a way for her to get heel heat. See, she did it just now as you posted that because you were upset that she had Layla fight some of her battles for her. She made you upset, that means she's a good heel champion. Michelle's doing her job.

As for her dating the Undertaker and getting titles I guess he has nothing to do with that. What Michelle is not an underdog champion and she is a dominant champion. She beats everyone that comes before her and she is great in the ring even when the other person or people are doing horrible and she had great mic skills. So Mickie and Beth are the dominant champions not Michelle. Mickie will always be more dominant that Michelle McCool and Michelle isn't a dominant champion because of the reasons listed above.

Mickie from a couple of years ago was dominant. She hasn't been dominant since 2 years ago. She was an underdog against Beth. Then she started getting sloppier and worse with every match after that. Now, Beth is dominant. No argument there. Michelle is too though because she's had a long reign, good feuds, retained the title in decent matches, and keeps on improving, unlike Mickie.

I'm willing to continue debating this if you still disagree.
Michelle is a good wrestler, and has been a good HEEL champion. She is not dominant in the slitest in my opinion though. She always has her little lacky Layla with her, and interfering in ALL of the Mickie vs whomever matches, and honestly storyline or not, its getting old. I love Miss Mickie James, and she is one of the most dominant divas to date. Face it, when Trish and Lita left, Mickie James had to carry the womens division on her shoulders and keep it going and keeping people interested in it. She had to do that until a few powerhouses arrived, Beth, Natalya, Katie Lea, Melina and even Michelle, and Maryse to a degree. So saying Mickie is sloppy and such, I dont think so. On Raw, for Mickie it was a little strained towards the end, but when you are working with a bunch of women who can't wrestle all that well, or help sale your move, what can ya do? Beth is a powerhouse and even this past week on Smackdown she couldnt get Michelle all the way up when she slammed her, that you could tell, was a mess up, but still love Beth. Screw Ups happen, whether its Mickie, Michelle, Randy Orton, or even Jon Cena. I think Michelle has had the title Wayyyy to long now, so lets hand it over to another deserving Smackdown Diva, Mickie, Beth, Or even Natalya.
Ok, You have to see it from both, the wrestler perspective and the character's perspective.

From the character's perspective, yes, she has been a very dominat champion, based on results, eventhough she has lost a bunch of tag matches, most of the time when it comes to defend her title, she wins pretty much in a clean manner ( I mean not completely clean but that is the way heels are booked) and needs only a second to change the whole thing to her favor, like when she won the title from Melina, and then defeated Melina in every title defense, she actually only needed a little help on the last Lumberjill match, or at TLC, she need Mickie only to be distracted for a second and then bam! she killed her with a Big Boot (which seems very lethal performed by her). Also, she seems dominant because before Beth and Mickie came along, the only real wrestler was Natalya, Eve seemed with good potential but was just starting, Layla is not really getting any better and Maria was becoming average, but with her being away form the ring for quite some time, her ring rust seems very heavy and needs a lot of time to get back to average, can sell really well, though.

Now on the wrestler perspective, she is a deserving champion, she is the best that the Diva Search has to offer since it started (Eve if allowed, can change that bit need to wreslte more, a lot more, And I know Melia was there too but she was wrestler before that in the Indies). Candice was the other one that was good but got injured and became injury prone, so she was let go. Ashley was awefull in the ring and the only good thing she did was...wait, nothing, she did nothing good as a wrestler and could not have an average match with anyone, not even if her life depended on it. Christy, well she was getting better when she was let go and never really improved in TNA, had a nice finisher but nothing more and now after refusing neck surgery because of injury, has retired form in-ring competition. Rumor had it that after Wrestlemania 24, Maria was staled to defeat Phoenix to become champion too, too good she was not because she hasn't imprive a lot and Michelle was way better, less charisma but better.

You can say she is horrible in the ring, but I disagree, she is not Natalya but she is not bad, can sell well and has good heel arsenal, she also can pace a match and make it watchable, at least to last more than 5 minutes or more than 3 moves like the matches at Raw nowadays.

Her low point is her mic skills, but is improving and the total bitch attitude suits her really well, no that she is one because she seems like a nice girl outside the ring, but she know how to play the role.

And come on guys, enough with the "She is only champion because she is dating Taker" because that is freaking lame, she became Diva's Champion before that and has done more than enough to deserve this one.

Right now she is the best choice as Champion at Smackdown since Mickie has held that title plenty of times, Has defeated every diva in the Entire WWE, but Michelle and Natalya and Eve, so pretty much if she wins now, she will run out of contenders right away since she has feuding with Beth for a long time.

Right Now Beth VS Michelle is the best female feud the WWE can offer (with Melina injured Maryse is all by herself at Raw) because is fresh and has't being done before (They had a match when Michelle was a face but never like this), so unless a new (please someone let Katie Lea turn face and wrestle) Michelle is the best female Champion the WWE has to offer. Like I said, Melina is Injured and Maryse has little to not competition on Raw, I know Gail Kim si ther but unless they take her off Jobber mode, Raw Women's division really suck right now.
Okay Dagger you want to keep debating then we will. Okay so mabe you are right about Michelle having better mic skills then the other divas. You said that you have heard every diva talk well I haven't I'm onl 15 and I've only be watching the show since I was eight years old. So maybe Michelle is good there, but Michelle's voice that is how it naturally is and it is so irritating.

Please stop bringing Trish into this, I hate Trish Stratus I have never been one of her fans and I never will be, but I do respect her. With Mickie I am a major Mickie fan and from a girls point of view it is really mean to make fun of her because of her when she isn't even fat, and she is improving and so is Michelle I guess.

We are on the same page about Beth, but can you seriously see Beth as a face she is destined to be a heel, and I definatly don't see Michelle turning face for a LONG TIME!

I guess you are right about Michelle being better than Maria but she is not better than Beth if those to ever had a match she would destroy Michelle. Michelle may be better than Layla and Maria but she is definatly not better than Mickie and Beth.

I am sure there is someone that is worse than Layla. If I remeber correctly and I told you not to bring Trish into this but I am for one time only. I remeber that for the first two years of Trish's career she wasen't that great either. Give Layla time to get better and her and Mickie could have an AWESOME fued.

Sorry Michelle and Beth would not be the best fued Michelle isn't great enought to have the greatest fued and again her mic skills and in ring abilities aren't the best. A lot of fueds could be a lot better (Mickie and Katie Lea, Melina and Maryse, Beth and Mickie).

I guess you are right about Michelle having people to help her all heels and some faces do that so I will give you that. Okay so I am talking about the 2006 and 2009 Mickie. Mickie will go down as one of the best female wrestlers and one of the best if not the best divas champion and one of the best womans champions of all time. Mickie is not getting worse she is getting better, Michelle occasionally gets better, but back to Mickie who doesn't mess up sometimes I mean nobodys perfect you know. Oh and Michelle is not better than Mickie in every way Mickie is better than Michelle in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE.

Mickie has always been dominant and she always will be dominant. She has been dominant these last two years she has carried the divas division ever since the depature of Lita and Trish sorry had to add her again. Dagger I think ou are letting Vince get to you because after he made all those comments about Mickie people thought she was awful and she isn't.

Now Michelle is not dominant she only retanied her title because of Layla. Mickie made the matches interesting not her, but I will give you that Michelle makes the fueds interesting and that she is a good heel but she is far from the best heel. If you were talking about the best heel of all time it would have to go to Lita and the best heel of today would be Maryse.

So Michelle still has some time to improve and she needs to improve a lot more to be a dominant champion. She needs to improve her mic skills and her in ring skills. So no Michelle is still not a dominant champion sorry and the reasons why are all listed above.

Your turn Dagger
Okay Dagger you want to keep debating then we will. Okay so mabe you are right about Michelle having better mic skills then the other divas. You said that you have heard every diva talk well I haven't I'm onl 15 and I've only be watching the show since I was eight years old. So maybe Michelle is good there, but Michelle's voice that is how it naturally is and it is so irritating.

You have been watching 7 years then? You should have heard every diva on Smackdown on the mic at least once by now then, just as I have. As for her sounding irritating, that just helps her be a heel. Remember, you're "supposed" to not like her. I happen to anyhow because I'm a big fan of hers.

Please stop bringing Trish into this, I hate Trish Stratus I have never been one of her fans and I never will be, but I do respect her. With Mickie I am a major Mickie fan and from a girls point of view it is really mean to make fun of her because of her when she isn't even fat, and she is improving and so is Michelle I guess.

At least you respect Trish. You don't have to like her, she's a legend though. I do agree that making fun of Mickie for being "fat" is controversial, especially when she is average and good looking, but it is just a storyline. I wouldn't say she's improving. Her cheers are getting bigger again because of the Piggie James stuff, but she's been getting worse in the ring for a year and a half or so.

We are on the same page about Beth, but can you seriously see Beth as a face she is destined to be a heel, and I definatly don't see Michelle turning face for a LONG TIME!

Yeah I definitely see Beth turning face. Michelle isn't turning anytime soon, like you said.... and in order to face Michelle, Beth will either turn face or remain a tweener. She probably won't be a heel for a while.

I guess you are right about Michelle being better than Maria but she is not better than Beth if those to ever had a match she would destroy Michelle. Michelle may be better than Layla and Maria but she is definatly not better than Mickie and Beth.

Beth's on a level of her own. Mickie, however, has been getting worse and worse. Her best time was in 06-07. Michelle keeps improving and at the rate she is going, she will become better than Mickie very soon.

I am sure there is someone that is worse than Layla. If I remeber correctly and I told you not to bring Trish into this but I am for one time only. I remeber that for the first two years of Trish's career she wasen't that great either. Give Layla time to get better and her and Mickie could have an AWESOME fued.

Layla's been there since 2006 and has done absolutely nothing to improve. Now, your Trish example could be used for someone else who HAS improvoed tremendously, and that is Kelly! Kelly's the next Trish. Count on it.

Sorry Michelle and Beth would not be the best fued Michelle isn't great enought to have the greatest fued and again her mic skills and in ring abilities aren't the best. A lot of fueds could be a lot better (Mickie and Katie Lea, Melina and Maryse, Beth and Mickie).

Mickie and Katie Lea was alright.... Melina and Maryse would be bad because I can't stand Melina.... Beth and Mickie was great before it was done too often.... Michelle is the best heel diva since Lita, and Beth is the best diva they have now. That still adds up to an epic diva feud if you ask me.

I guess you are right about Michelle having people to help her all heels and some faces do that so I will give you that. Okay so I am talking about the 2006 and 2009 Mickie. Mickie will go down as one of the best female wrestlers and one of the best if not the best divas champion and one of the best womans champions of all time. Mickie is not getting worse she is getting better, Michelle occasionally gets better, but back to Mickie who doesn't mess up sometimes I mean nobodys perfect you know. Oh and Michelle is not better than Mickie in every way Mickie is better than Michelle in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE.

Whoa what? Sorry but I gotta disagree there. Mickie might go down as one of the best female wrestlers, and one of the best womens champions (for her 2006 reign).... but one of the best divas champions? That reign was pointless. Maryse should have kept the belt. Also.... she continues to get worse in the ring with every match she's in. She was awesome in her feuds with Trish and Lita, and kept being good into most of 2007.... but after the Beth feud she began to get worse and worse. Michelle, on the other hand, has improved with every match ever since she split up with Palumbo 2 years ago.

Mickie has always been dominant and she always will be dominant. She has been dominant these last two years she has carried the divas division ever since the depature of Lita and Trish sorry had to add her again. Dagger I think ou are letting Vince get to you because after he made all those comments about Mickie people thought she was awful and she isn't.

Nope, wrong. Mickie was anything but dominant when she faced Beth. She is often an underdog. It has nothing to do with Vince, I couldn't care less what Vince says, I form my own opinions. I noticed a significant decrease in quality of Mickie's matches for a while now. Beth and Michelle stepped up to carry the division ALONGSIDE Mickie because she couldn't do it alone when Trish and Lita left.

Now Michelle is not dominant she only retanied her title because of Layla. Mickie made the matches interesting not her, but I will give you that Michelle makes the fueds interesting and that she is a good heel but she is far from the best heel. If you were talking about the best heel of all time it would have to go to Lita and the best heel of today would be Maryse.

Wrong again. Heels retaining through help of an underling is nothing new. Also, Mickie didn't make the matches interesting. Michelle has had entertaining matches without Mickie. Look back at her matches against Natalya, Maria, Maryse, and Melina. Other than Natalya, she is better than everyone in that list. I'll agree that Lita was the best heel but she left. Maryse is good and catching up, but Michelle is the best heel diva right now.

So Michelle still has some time to improve and she needs to improve a lot more to be a dominant champion. She needs to improve her mic skills and her in ring skills. So no Michelle is still not a dominant champion sorry and the reasons why are all listed above.

Michelle HAS been improving though. She has gotten so much better in recent years. Her in ring skills are above average, and by diva standards her mic skills are as well. I agree it wouldn't kill her to improve further, which she will. That doesn't mean she isn't a dominant champion though, that's just saying she could use a little improvement. You still haven't proven why Michelle is not a dominant champion. She IS because she's entertained us with great matches and feuds for a long time.

Your turn!
Nice discussion guys =)

I don't like her one bit. In my opinion she's just the Women's Champion cause she gets laid by the Deadman. Her promos are awful and I can't stand the sound of her voice. There are so much better Divas on SD or ECW who would deserve to hold the title (I'm not talking about fattie James ;) ).

She might be better than some others in the ring but in comparison to Beth Phoenix or other Divas she's just below average.

First she's stealing A.J. Styles finishing move and then "his entrance".

Regarding the Piggie James angle... I like it cause I think Mickie really gained a lot of weight (she wasn't on Raw for some time last year and when she came back my first thought was "oh, she's pregnant"). Normally I would say she has a healthy shape but in this business and with those outfits she's wearing she def needs to lose some weight. But I also think skinny McUncool is too skinny xD

I just hope that Beth is getting the title back (latest at the Rumble).
Well, now that we all know Melina will be on the shelf for 7 months to have surgery, and had to drop her divas title, I'm going to throw another twist into this thread. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that Mayrse will be the next Divas champion. She'll probably hold on to the title for a long time(I wouldn't be surprised if she lost it back to Melina upon her return). Over on Smackdown, Michelle McCool is the reigning women's champion, and I think it's highly unlikely she will drop the belt to Mickie James. I've already stated in this thread, on how I think McCool is overrated as far as being "great" goes, but I think she's good enough to be considered a credible champion.

Besides Mickie and Beth, there really isn't anyone left over on Smackdown, that can be considered a good wrestler. Now that Melina is gone for a while, Raw has lost it's dominate diva. So I'm going to ask the Question again, seeing as how Melina is gone for now, is McCool a dominant champion? Is she at the top of the mountain of female wrestlers in WWE now?

Please, consider two things:

1. Melina, the other women's champion in WWE is going to be out for a while now. This will lead to more spotlight being put on McCool.

2. As I said earlier, it's highly unlikely McCool drops the belt to Mickie. As far as Beth goes, I really don't know where WWE is going with her character wise. She kind of seems to be flirting with a face turn, but hasn't gone all the way there yet.

I think McCool is the lone dominant female and champion in the WWE. There really isn't anybody else you can mention who's close to her. I can't stand her on the mic, but her in-ring skills are passable enough to make her look like a dominant champion.
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