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Are you afraid that WWE might suffer from retirements?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
In the last couple of years we have had two major retirements, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, the first one would be capable of fighting 2/3 years if he wanted to, but he choose not to, and that's understandable, the other one, Ric Flair as good as he is, is getting old and his matches were getting not as good as Flair can do.

This year there are rumors that Triple H is retiring soon, maybe after the match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, also, Edge, Batista and even Rey Mysterio are in the last 1/2 years on the WWE, Batista choose to change fields, and left the WWE, but I'm sure if he wanted to, WWE would sign him on the spot.

WWE has promoted a lot new wrestlers, some more successful than others, but we can't blame World Wrestling Entertainment for trying. I'm sure that new fans, and by that I don't mean younger fans but fans that watch the product for 1 to 2 years don't lose interest because of that, but the long time fans might lose interest if their well known superstars left one after the other.

I'm pretty sure that Wade Barrett, The Miz, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, and many more will be and in some cases are great talent for the WWE. But it doesn't really feel the same as Cena, Orton or even Batista when they debuted, those three looked like more legit superstars, and I don't know why, because WWE has pushing guys like The Miz to the moon, but they aren't there yet.

This thread isn't about: Miz is the new Rock, Cena is the new Hogan, etc. These guys should be looked as individuals, not as some replacement for the past generation.

So, my questions to you are: Do you think that WWE will end up losing fans because of the generation that is retiring? Do you think that the young superstars will be capable of replace those talents and start a whole new generation of real superstars?
Not as much as I was a few years ago. The talent is definitely there. If WWE would just stop restricting them so much with this whole PG thing and get some better bookers people like Miz, Morrison, Sheamus, CM Punk, etc. can really go places.

Undoubtedly when guys like Trips and Taker go some fans are gonna go with them, but the new talent can attract a new generation of fans growing up with them if they are used properly.
I think people fear the change of the guard more than they should.

Back in the 90s, critics wondered if WWF's Attitude stars could take on the reputable stars of WCW. In the end, the hungriest group of athletes are the ones that end up headlining the business.

That, and Undertaker and Triple H are not going to leave the business after they are done in the ring. Wrestling is a part of them. We can look forward to seeing them run the office in their capacities. Triple H, despite the controversy, is a pure wrestling fan and can lead creative in directions that his wife would overlook. And Taker would be one hell of an agent, being that he's seen and done it all.

No matter how much the product's stars change, the WWE is an institution. Fans don't leave because a star retires, they leave because they don't like the product. And the youth movement are hungry to deliver a hell of a wrestling product.
I will miss The Undertakers character a lot when he goes for good and knowing he will never return as a full time member of the WWE roster will be hard to take but apart from him and maybe Triple H I don't see me missing anybody else working for WWE right now. I see a bright future for the WWE if they develop some of the current superstars the right way. Especially Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, Drew Mcintyre and Cody Rhodes. I see all those becoming great Heels though, I think the WWE need to bring in sombody who could become a future face of the company. I don't see it in anybody right now.
First of all, I am glad that Ric Flair retired. He did not do the WWE any good, atleast to me anyway. Second of all, Shawn Michaels has left and the world has not stopped turning has it? Nope. Shawn Michaels was amazing but the WWE is still going strong without him. I will miss the Undertaker and Triple H when they leave the ring, but their absence will not make a difference. Neither one of them have done much in the last several months and the WWE is doing well. When Edge and Mysterio leaves I do not feel that they will cause the WWE to go off course either. In simple terms, I think that the WWE will be fine. John Cena and Randy Orton will still be around. Kane and The Big Show could probably still wrestle for another few years. New stars like CM Punk, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, and others will take charge. John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler will entertain us with their amazing in ring ability. Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger will be around. Heck, I think that the WWE will be alright. The only thing that the WWE needs to be worrying about is the pg rating. Also, the booking team needs to focus on creating better rivalries and developing characters. I could go on and on but I would rather not.

And about Christian, I wonder how long he will last? And Chris Jericho, he may be coming back on and off.
I been a WWF/WWE Fan since 1978 and trust me when I tell you the WWE next mega star will appear before you know it. Just look at the company history, Bruno Sammartino , Pedro Morales, Billy Graham, Bob Backlund, Super Fly Snuka, Piper, Hogan, Warrior, Taker, Hart, HBk, HHH, Austin 3:16, The Rock, Edge, Mysterio, Y2J, Eddie, Benoit,Kane, Cena, Orton, Punk, Del RIO and SIN Cara. Every time people think the WWE is going to fall they come back harder and better and thays why I'm still a loyal fan.
Honestly, I've pretty much stuck with WWE since the Hulkamania days. I've seen the "new generation" era led by Bret Hart, I witnessed the Attitude era and saw The Rock and Austin come and go, and now up to present day. Unless WWE does something that truly offends me I won't be going anywhere. I did stop watching momentarily after the Montreal incident, but the Monday Night Wars got me hooked on their product again.

So far the machine known as WWE is doing a fairly good job in promoting and pushing the young stars. Obviously some will not turn out, but that's really more up to the individual who doesn't cease the opportunity given to them. Cena will be around for sometime unless injuries force him out, Orton seems to be in the best shape of his life so those two, among others, will be the leaders of the pack. As for a future face to take over after Cena, perhaps one or more of these rookies like Justin Gabriel, or maybe it's someone who has yet to debut. Either way WWE has a way of giving you entertaining television with what ever talent pool they seem to have.
Well it's inevitable that the WWE would lose fans once the last of the Attitude era wrestlers retire.It's already been proven when they lost fans after The Rock and Austin left.I know some fans are just watching to watch the old Attitude era wrestlers.Once Undertaker and Triple H hang up their boots,their fans will stop watching the show.

It's up to the WWE to try to hook some of those fans in with new blood.That's why they're pushing The Miz,that's why they are pushing...well,were pushing Sheamus.CM Punk's already a main event level guy.Then they have Morrison,Jack Thwagger,Drew McIntyre,Dolph Ziggler,Alberto Del Rio.Miz is already WWE champion,and 4 of the other guys I mentioned have held the world title at some point in their careers.I can bet Morrison would be a world champion before next year's Summerslam.It would be illogical for Del Rio to not have the world title in 2011.So they're pushing their new guys pretty well and they have the current crop of superstars to help them along,just like how Kurt Angle,Chris Jericho,Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker helped push Cena into the main event and just like how Batista got the rub from Triple H and Ric Flair.With guys like Cena and Orton leading the pack for at least the next 10 years,there's no reason why the WWE would lose even more fans with the likes of Morrison and Del Rio leading them into the future,and even if they do lose some fans,they'll gain new ones just like how WWE got new viewers after Hogan left.

The WWE are doing some pretty smart moves with their new wrestlers too.I didn't get it at first when Morrison and Ziggler were pushed into a 6 man tag team match with Snooki,but come to think of it,it makes perfect sense.2 guys that are almost there have the opportunity to show the mainstream audience how good they really are.It won't be as entertaining as MITB,but those 2 wrestlers would get one hell of an audience from being in the ring with Snooki.The WWE just gave them the ball and they can run with it into the main event scene.Only thing I'm worried about is the WWE throwing an interception,but I don't think there's a possibility that Ziggler and Morrison won't wrestle for the majority of the match.Just tell the divas to get the hell out of their way and Morrison and Ziggler can have a great match and let Trish and Snooki pick up the pin to make the fans happy.

So to answer your question: No,I'm not afraid of WWE suffering from retirements because there's not much to be afraid of.Even on Smackdown,Edge is putting Del Rio over,Mysterio is putting Cody Rhodes over.When they retire,I expect Christian to get Edge's main event spot,and I guess Sin Cara can take over Rey's spot.I'm not worried about a wrestler that wrestles once every 4-6 months retiring,nor am I worried about Triple H retiring because he'll be in the spotlight regardless.I'm watching Raw because of Morrison and of course,Cena and Orton.I'm watching Smackdown because of Edge and Del Rio.I'm not watching Raw for Triple H and I'm not watching Smackdown for The Undertaker.I've been entertained by them for the past 10 years and I'll miss them,but to be honest,it would be business as usual after they retire because they are not the current faces of their respective shows and the only hole Undertaker will leave in the WWE is the streak match every year at Wrestlemania.
I think that the wwe will do just fine. They continue to build new stars. Even when people were complaining that the wwe hasnt built any new stars, they didnt see that they pushed sheamus, cm punk, edge, orton again, etc. The wwe at least brings about 2 new main eventers each 1 to 2 years. now we have the miz, del rio, ziggler, and barrett just this year. i may not like those first 3, but it doesnt change the fact that we always get new stars. i always have not liked about half the main eventers, but the others have always kept my interest, and im sure this is the case for most fans.
There will probably be a short drop in viewers for a short period of time when guys like Taker, Rey, HHH, and even Edge retire. But it won't last too long in my mind.

WWE has done a pretty good job of building up some new faces and there is still plenty of time before all those guys retire. Plus Cena, Orton, Punk and the Miz seem like they're going to be there for a long time and are plenty capable of keeping viewers entertained enough to continue to watch after guys retire. I mean they're already doing that pretty much at the moment. Taker works less than half a year, HHH is pretty much the same, and even Rey isn't utilized as much as he used to be. Cena and the others are already carrying WWE as is and with the buildup of Sheamus, Barrett, Ziggler, Bryan, and McIntyre there are plenty of guys to step up when needed.

WWE will be fine in the end, they're smart enough to realize you have to build up for the future as much as you have to for the present. I'll miss the veterans when they're gone of course and will probably still say "It was better when Taker was around" or something but it's pretty safe to say it won't stop me from watching and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
There will be growing pains if the "youth movement" takes longer to develop than they've planned, but I don't think the upcoming retirements are a killer. Wrestlers have come & gone for as long as wrestling has existed. Big draws enter. Big draws leave. That's the nature of the beast. The ratings and event attendance could and possibly will dip for a while, but new fans will replace the old.

The Attitude era was wrestling at it's most popular, and there's no guarantee it'll ever be that popular again, but anything is possible. Hell, for all we know RAW could be the biggest show on television 5 years from now. I'd like to remain optimistic...


I would like to touch upon something here. Vince is going to have to introduce a new "dark" character sometime in the immediate future, because someone will have to fill that spot when Taker goes. Every promotion needs a credible dark character. I realize that it's impossible to replace The Undertaker, because a man of his size with such agility only comes along once or twice in a lifetime (Matt Morgan also carries himself well), but Vince must try to find someone to fill some of the void of losing Taker. I do realize that Kane is still around, but he's no spring chicken either. When he's gone, the need for a "dark" character will be of extreme importance. I just thought I'd mention it because it has crossed my mind a couple times.

Dark characters aren't the easiest to pull off either. Ther's a fine line between really cool and really lame when it comes to these types of characters. Many have tried it over the years and the majority have failed. Judas Mesias (excuse my spelling), Papa Shango, the guys from Dungeon Of Doom (I know Sullivan obtained success, but the DOD was lame as can be), Relick, Black Reign...the list goes on and on. The legitimate dark/spooky character isn't easily found or created.
Do you guys remember Wrestlemania XX?

I know there were more wrestlers missing after than what I'm about to recall, but WWE had to go into Wrestlemania knowing that Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, The Rock, and I know there were more because of injury and taking time off....they lost a good portion of their main eventers and a big part of their main storylines after Wrestlemania XX. They did pretty well after that.
I think that there might be some trouble, given as to how all of the top notch "younger" talent are natural heels. Guys like Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Brodus Clay and a few others just ooze "heel".

The company has a definite shortage of quality young "faces". They are either too small to likely be brought up to the main event level on a permanent basis (Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan), too crappy on the mic to carry the company (John Morrison) or too easily overlooked because some intangible is missing (Kofi Kingston).

The future looks bright heel wise (even if that utterly useless piece of shit Miz sticks around), but WWE is going to have a hard time giving the audience solid faces to cheer. Once guys like Taker, Mysterio, HHH and Edge are gone, who's left? Cena and and Orton? A lot of work is going to be needed to bring some other guys to that level.
I have been watching WWE/WWF for over 10 years. WWE knows what it is doing to create new stars. Granted since the Attitude Era, things have slowed down since you had guys like Batista, Cena, and Triple H; WWE felt a little too comfortable. In the Attitude Era, they instantly created another mega-star when they made Chris Jericho undisputed champ. Soon after that era, when they formed Legacy, they made two more mega-stars in Batista and Orton. Usually slower is better. Faces need time to develop, people make faces, not writers. Name the "faces" of the future. - Good luck!

The major problem now is that since Cena has taken so much of their time, he is unintentionally stunted the slow growth of other stars. WWE thinks that by giving someone the title 9 times they are mega stars. Look how many championships Cena, Orton, Triple H, Edge have compared to everyone else (ie. Kane and Mysterio), instead of letting the drama write itself, WWE is trying to push people on us. That is not how you make stars. Sorry but Cena is hated by males over 20 because of this reason.

As a result, here comes "money in the bank", while fun and entertaining, it has made cheap champions ie. Jack Swagger and until recently Miz, and has made Heavyweight titles seem more like props in an already "fake wrestling" business (ie. 5 minute champ Dolph Ziggler - who deserves way better than that). The WWE will always be able to draw talent, because of the money they generate. It's not the talent. Its the booking, its letting wrestlers wrestle 10-15 minute matches, to make the adult fans go "John Morrison has all the tools" - yet he still needs character and promo work or "Jack Swagger look like a Hall of Fame wrestling talent" - but because of his speech impediment he is buried or for me "Drew Mac is a freakin beast, he is not a main event star because of what again?"

Let's be honest, wrestling is wrestling. We watch it because of spots, talking trash, Nexus like beat downs, prime wrestling talent like, Swagger, Ziggler, CM Punk, Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Lesnar, etc. When guys like Triple H, Undertaker, Mysterio, Edge, and Kane retire, I believe since the promo work wont be on the same level, we will get more wrestling, which i believe is what we really want to see, not 45 minutes of talking.

PS. WWE if I wanted to hear talking, I can youtube, the Rock and Chris Jericho make funny of Stephanie, or John Cena raps on Lesnar, etc.
I think that there might be some trouble, given as to how all of the top notch "younger" talent are natural heels. Guys like Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Brodus Clay and a few others just ooze "heel".

The company has a definite shortage of quality young "faces". They are either too small to likely be brought up to the main event level on a permanent basis (Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan), too crappy on the mic to carry the company (John Morrison) or too easily overlooked because some intangible is missing (Kofi Kingston).

The future looks bright heel wise (even if that utterly useless piece of shit Miz sticks around), but WWE is going to have a hard time giving the audience solid faces to cheer. Once guys like Taker, Mysterio, HHH and Edge are gone, who's left? Cena and and Orton? A lot of work is going to be needed to bring some other guys to that level.

I have to agree. There are so many top heels and I cannot even think of any faces (besides Morrison, Kingston, Evan Bourne, and Daniel Bryan). Heels are easy to create and I feel that the WWE are going to have trouble coming up with top faces. Smart wrestling fans like us on Wrestlezone likes heels just as much as we do faces and it seems as if heels are getting cheered almost as much as faces now.
I don't think the WWE has anything to worry about. There might be a minor drop off in some viewers but nothing that the WWE would have all that much trouble regaining after a while.

Shawn Michaels & Batista have been gone for nearly a year and the WWE is doing just fine without them. Triple H has been out for the better part of a year and so has The Undertaker really. Their absence didn't hurt and fans know that Taker hasn't got much longer to go. Triple H & Taker have both also pretty much done it all, fans know & accept that as well. When Kane & Big Show finally retire, it won't be a huge deal in terms of viewership drop off.

Three years ago, it would've been a different story. If anything, I just chalk the uncertainty up to nothing more than just good old fashioned fear of change. It's not uncommon for people to complain about what's usual for them. They find the same old same old boring and wish for something new or unexpected to happen. But, in actuality, most people aren't comfortable at all with a change in what they're used to. They say that they are but when and if something happens to throw their routine out of whack to any appreciable degree, there's more than a little anxiety going on. The changing of the guard in the WWE is no different.

A lot of us grew up watching Triple H, The Undertaker, HBK, Kane, Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Edge, etc. and the knowledge that all of these guys are either gone or probably will be gone within the next few years can be a little unsettling. We're used to them and we have great memories from watching them do their thing.

I'm not worried because the WWE has the talent and they know how to make stars. The WWE has continued to thrive where all their contemporaries have failed because of their ability to continuously keep fans interested in their wrestlers.
I agree with the fact that most of the young talent with the biggest potential are heels, but there's a somple solution, turn a couple of them face. I do think Vince needs to do two things though: 1) lighten up at least a little on the PG ratings, I know they're not going away from that, but they've eased up on it lately and maybe they should keep it that way, 2) they need a monster heel, and like several in the IWC have said before it should be John Cena, as a dominate super heel, any face he wrestles would be elevated. Now who could turn face? Believe it or not Miz could do it, I heard during the early days of Nexus that Miz would tag with other NXT season 1 pros in house shows and the pros were all faces, and he was over big. Now this only works if he keeps his basic cor(r)e personality stays the same, but he could pull it off. The second could be CM Punk, and here's the good news: he wouldn't have to go back to the boring face he was 2 years ago. We sall his tweener personality as a RAW commentator, like Miz, he can still keep his 2nd city saint persona and be funny equally bashing heels and faces (Austin, Rock, Jericho, Trips all did that). I also think Ted Dibiase badly needs a face turn, he's got a look, talent and the pedigree, he just needs to get out from under his dads huge shadow.
As many of us age, so do our favorite wrestlers. I'm almost 60, and many of my favorites have come and gone. WWE has pretty much lost me as a viewer because many of the new faces and story lines do not appeal to me. The Gang Warfare thing smacks of NWO to me, and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of Rey Mysterio...if he wrestled a turtle WWE would make an extravaganza out of it. He's a little guy and does not belong in the same ring as wrestlers like Kane or the Big Show. WWE pretty much did away with the theater Mysterio belongs in, but should re-implement. TNA has their X Division, and the WWE should have something similar.

The WWE should try to keep people in the middle age bracket entertained, because many of the young people they are aiming their shows at are more interested in video games than wrestling.
To those worried about WWE's lack of faces...

Triple H and Taker will do everything they can to stay with the company until the youth movement are "ready".

Also, there are some strong faces. Christian is main event bound until creative decides he is not. John Morrison is there, and he can cut a good promo if they let him be himself. R-Truth is a very charismatic performer and can cut a good match. Daniel Bryan is small, but it never stopped Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels from reaching the top. Evan Bourne is young, so there's time for him to make it up the card if he can make it.

Not to mention whom else can make the most of their craft. Zack Ryder gets a good reaction. Sin Cara is coming after Mania, and if you haven't seen him yet... you're gonna love what he can do. Who knows what's around the corner, and who's yet to be signed, or who will come from out of the mid-card and make the most of their career?

It's not a bad thing to have more heels than faces. In the 80s, back in Mid-South, the show was all Horsemen, Horsemen, Horsemen. What came from that? Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A., Ronnie Garvin, Nikita Koloff, Lex Luger, Sting... and all the money they made, with rabid fans waiting for the Horsemen to get theirs!

The more heels, the more fans will want their faces to win. And there WILL be new babyfaces.

Of course, if all else fails...

... there's still John Cena.
To those worried about WWE's lack of faces...

Triple H and Taker will do everything they can to stay with the company until the youth movement are "ready".

I'm, sure they will, but they still have to work with what's available. They can't be expected to perform miracles getting guys over.

Also, there are some strong faces. Christian is main event bound until creative decides he is not.

He's also 37 years old, so not exactly a spring chicken. He may not be around that much longer either.

John Morrison is there, and he can cut a good promo if they let him be himself.

He has yet to prove this. He is amongst the worst promo men in the company.

R-Truth is a very charismatic performer and can cut a good match.

He's 39 years old, sloppy in the ring, and unable to remember what city he is in.

Daniel Bryan is small, but it never stopped Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels from reaching the top.

Bryan is 5'10, 190lbs. Bret Hart was 6'1, 230lbs, and Shawn Michaels was 6'1, 225lbs. They aren't exactly in the same weight class.

Evan Bourne is young, so there's time for him to make it up the card if he can make it.

As an attraction, absolutely. As a consistent main eventer? No, he is too small. Even Rey Mysterio is not consistently at main event level, and he is the exception to the size rule.

Not to mention whom else can make the most of their craft. Zack Ryder gets a good reaction.

No... no he doesn't.

Sin Cara is coming after Mania, and if you haven't seen him yet... you're gonna love what he can do.

He is very, very impressive, no doubt. He is the next Rey Mysterio for the company, and that is part of the problem. He's undersized to be a consistent main event level player.

Who knows what's around the corner, and who's yet to be signed, or who will come from out of the mid-card and make the most of their career?

Banking the future of the company on the unknown just isn't a wise move. If HHH, Taker, Edge and Mysterio left the company tomorrow, they would be in trouble. With guys like Big Show, Kane and Christian also possibly contemplating retirement, it could even be all the worse.

It's not a bad thing to have more heels than faces. In the 80s, back in Mid-South, the show was all Horsemen, Horsemen, Horsemen. What came from that? Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A., Ronnie Garvin, Nikita Koloff, Lex Luger, Sting... and all the money they made, with rabid fans waiting for the Horsemen to get theirs!

In the eighties, all that WWF needed was Hulk Hogan and heels to feed him. The business has changed considerably. With a company putting out 13+ PPVs a year, you need an assortment of faces and heels to sell a card.

The more heels, the more fans will want their faces to win. And there WILL be new babyfaces.

Of course there will be. The question is: Will they be able to draw?

Of course, if all else fails...

... there's still John Cena.

As much as the guy is made fun of, he grabbed the ball and ran with it. Nobody else did. He may not be the ideal face of a company, but there wasn't anyone else jumping to fill the role.
Those worried about the number of faces seem to be forgetting that wrestlers change from heel to face all the time. In fact most young guys start as heels. i.e. Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Austin and hell The Rock wasn't heel as Rocky Maivia, but he was a heel as he was morphing into The Most Electrifying Man in all of entertainment. The thing is, I'm willing to bet that before we get to the point of being minus HHH and Taker, The Miz will be a main event face. He already has all the makings of a good face character, he's just twisted it into a heel character by doing things that people don't like. Also it may be hard to envision Wade Barrett or Sheamus as a face, but I bet some said the same about HHH back in his "Hunter Hearst Helmsly" days. Then there's always the possiblity of guys from another company jumping ship. Either way, Vince isn't a billionare by accident and I believe he has a plan that we aren't aware of. Thus the need to stay tuned.
No. While the WWE will suffer from the retirements of Edge, Taker,HHH, Mysterio, and Christian soon. I believe the WWE will be fine. While they have tons of great heels Barrett, Sheamus, Del Rio, Mcyintire and The Miz. I believe Morrison, Cara, Bryan, Rhodes, and The Miz can be a good face. Remember Cena was a heel originally and as Syborgg stated so was The Rock, Austin, and Hart. WWE will be just fine as Cena, Orton, and Punk can help carry the WWE for another 5-6 years and give the burden to the younger superstars once they retire.
Have faith in some of these guys. Have faith in the company that keeps wrestling relevant.

Some of them may be aging, and some of them may be small or show little talent. But things change when the ball is given. No one thought Bradshaw would be a main eventer, and he sucked the first time--but the second time he made it work and became JBL.

We've seen a youth movement before. It was the early 90s WWF "New Generation". We got Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Scott Hall... some great workers that were otherwise overlooked during Hulkamania. Buyrates were down... but then here came Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson, Triple H....

The WWE knows how to survive.

They know how to survive.

They've got alot of superstar's who are very talented and have very bright future's. Guy's like Ziggler, Barret, Del Rio, Miz, Morrison, Bryan, Sheamus.

When most of the 80's generation guy's left, WWE began building up HBK, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker. Honestly, how many people thought the "Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst Helmsly would become a living legend in WWE? Or "Stunning" Steve Austin would becoem the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin?

Sometime's, people just find their craft, what's makes them different, make's them work. Maybe Miz would become a megastar like The Rock? Maybe Wade Barret will become the biggest heel in WWE for a few year's?

I believe WWE will not struggle. Guy's like Triple H and Undertaker will probably be around for another 2 or three year's. Triple H probably longer since he'll probably stay with the business longer as a booker.

You never know what can happen. Sure, I will hate to see Undertaker and Triple H leave, but it'll happen no matter what. We got guy's like Orton (who's only 30, and has good another 10 year's left in him). And John Cena (he's got another 9 year's left in him, is quickly reaching veteran status, and has many great fued's left in him with guy's Del Rio, Ziggler)

We got Sin Cara debuting soon. We've got Awesome Kong who has yet to debut, but will be a great addition to the Diva's division. We also got guy's like Xavier Woods, Seth Rollin's, Richie Steamboat, Brett Dibiase, who have yet to debut. Who know's who'll jump shift to WWE? Maybe AJ Styles will go to WWE?

WWE has got a great future ahead of them with alot of talent. No need to worry.
i think wwe def will... after taker and hhh go who do you really have? cena is the most over star they have and the guy still gets boos, they ruined whatever steem they had going with ortan who coulda been bigger than cena but thats just my opinion. Sheamus is a joke. Edge while is a star was never a huge name and i feel will never reach his full potential. The rest of the roster has no one to boost them to make them that big star . It is going to be a rough time for wwe. luckily they have no real competition or they'd be done for

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