Are you afraid of death?

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
I realize this is an extremely personal question, but I'm curious as to people's opinions on this. I'm very intrested to hear the opinions of Xemnas or It's Damn Real because of their absence of belief in religion. I'm also going to throw open the question of what do you think happens after you die.

I'm personally not due to the simple fact that I'm going to die no matter what. So why would I be afraid of the inevitable? I don't really have much of an idea of what goes on after one dies. I view death as something that I have no control over and worry more about living than thinking about dying. Although that could be the fact that I don't have any close family to worry about being seperated from, therefore not really having anything to lose anyways.

So, are you afraid of dying?
I guess I have to answer this in two different ways.

Am I afraid of death? Yes and no.

I'm not afraid to die, It's a natural part of life so I have always known it's going to happen. The thing I am afraid of is how I will die. If I die old, in my sleep then that's fine. but I am afraid to die in a way that I know will affect my friends and family more. (aka car accident, murder Suicide ect...)

I also do not want to die in a way where I suffer or am in ain for the last few minutes of my life, as long as it's a quick and painless death I embrase it.
Death is just another phase in our life that we will all go through. Everyone is going to face it eventually so there really is no point to be being afraid of it. Crying about not wanting to die; Whine-ing about how it isn't fair that you are going to die; complaining about the fact that you are going to die---all of these negative emotions built toward death will make no difference in the final outcome because in the end, you will die no matter what. Whether you like it or not, it doesn’t matter. It’s bound to happen eventually. Fearing death solves nothing; so really…why fear it at all?

Now as to what do we expect to happen once we die? Well, that’s a question that has a vast number of answers. Some say we will go to heaven if we are good. Others say we will go to hell if we are bad. There are even some that say when you die, you go to the place known as nothingness; meaning that there is no after life, no reincarnation---no nothing. You just cease to exist. It’s impossible to desipher which of these are indeed real as there is no [hard] evidence to prove any one of these theories correct or false. Therefore, you have a never ending debate as to what happens when you die.

I was never a true believer of the church. Whether it be fault of my parents for never exposing me to the ways of God or because I never paid attention [or cared], I became a non-believer. I have no idea what is waiting for me in the after-life. Be it good; be it bad; be it nothing…I don’t know. However, as of this moment, my mind has leaned towards the thought that when you die…you will die. In other words, once I die, I will cease to exist. There is no heaven; there is no hell; only nothingness. You are born to this world; you live it; you experience the best of it---the worst of it; then when everything is said and done, your time has come and ultimately...die...
Part of me believes there is a Heaven and Hell (I went to church for 12 years) and another part of me thinks nothingness awaits (the part of me that hated church and thinks most of it is stories made up to teach values). The thought of there being nothing does make me a little afraid. Well, not so afraid as much as it causes anxiety. The thought of nothingness, I dunno. Of course I'd like there to be a place where all my friends meet at the milkshake stand and sit around swapping stories for the rest of eternity, I mean who wouldn't want that? But another part of me thinks death may just be the end of my consciousness and that after that I'm just rotting. I think I'd rather not think about until it seems eminent. I mean, I know I'm gonna die, and I've accepted it the best I can but I'd rather wait until the time is upon me to give it further thought.
Every moment I live I try to have fun. If I'm with friends or just chilling. I wanna have some sort of fun. I've come to realise unless you take life by the reigns and have fun with it, your letting that little thing in the back of your head take you over. We all know that everything we do could cause us death. Even setting on here right now I could die.

In a sence we are all born dead, we learn that no doubt about it no matter what you do, how well you do it your dead. Is easy to list the things we could die from, everything. But while your living its best to do as much as you can. Because like its been said you will die. It's just a matter of time, and in human life that time is very small. 70-100 years is tops for most people. I'm sure that even on peoples deathbeds they regret not doing somthing. Be it making up with family you don't talk to or not getting to eating caviar.

Everyone wants to say they are not afraid of death. You are don't fool yourself. You just don't it controll your life. I personally don't care, I'm going to die doing somthing I like, You have to like everything in your life.

Because knowing it or not your dying right now. We are born with cancer cells in our body, born with different ailments that wont show up for years. We put constant strain on different parts, but its all in the name of living life. If you have bad knees for "no" reason you've probibaly made them that way from enjoying somthing. I have bad knees and a back problem, it hurts all the time. I don't let it stop me from having fun, either should anyone. If your able to open your eyes or hear the birds chip your able to have fun.

I personally am afraid of death. I hate seeing people die around me, I've delt with it enough as I'm sure all of you have. But it just gets you ready for the inevitable. Your going to take that dirt nap, even if you fight it and live for 100 years. Its just all a matter of time. So use that time to your own ability to have a good time of it.

I personally don't know ware I'm going, I don't really have a religion. I'm not saying I don't believe in a god or a devil. I just don't know, don't care. I'm sure whatevers out their is waiting for me. I'm just not ready to go see it yet.
No, I'm not afraid of death. And to answer why will also answer your second question. I was raised to believe that when we die, nothing happens. There's no heaven or hell, no reincarnation, no purgatory. When we die, its like sleeping, except we have no thought process, absolutely nothing is going on. And I believe that.

I think for a lot of people who are afraid to die, it has to do with the unknown. Its not actual death itself, but rather what happens after. So if you were to ask that second question first, listen to the response and you can pretty much tell the answer to the first question. Doesn't work all the time, but in my experience, it has a lot.

At any rate, not knowing what will happen to you is a scary thought. While you (not anyone in particular, just a general you) may not be religious, hearing the words hell and so on has to make you think. Will you suffer for the rest of your life? Will you come back as something else because you were bad? The unknown of what happens after death is really what gets people afraid of dying.
I'm not afraid of dying. The reason I'm not is due to my personal religious beliefs, I know where I'm going afterwards. It doesn't scare me. What does bother me is if my time were to come before I am able to accomplish things that I would like to do in this life, but that is not up to us. We just have to take one day at a time and treat every moment like it could be our last. That mindset stresses out many, but it helps me enjoy every moment of every day a little more.
I would not go as far as to say that I am afraid of death, but, I dont want it to happen either. I accepted the fact that I was going to die a long time ago. I would never consider suicide because i believe that i am on this earth for a reason and once my mission here is complete it will be time for me to go no matter what the age is. Killing yourself prior to completion of your mission does not help you, your family, or anyone else for that matter.
No, I do not fear dying. Now, do I want to die? Hell no, but I do not live in fear of it. Death is a natural course that happens to all of us, some sooner then others. I love life, but when my time comes my times comes. As long as my death doesn't come from me sticking my dick in a toaster or trying to wrestle a grizzly bear I think I will be relatively indifferent to it. However, I do fear being alone, so dying alone may be something I don't want.
I don't fear the process of death. That's a natural occurence everywhere. Like a fire-sale everything must go. In fact I'm more in the belief that people aren't afraid of dying at all; but most do fear what happens after you die.

Where do you go? What's there to do now? It's the unknown that has plagued mankind's fears ever since we came about on this rock. We fear the shit out of the things we can't see. It's why as children our most primary fear was the dark. Death isn't that different really; has that same aura of mystery.

You can be a devout whatever in your religion but somewhere along the lines you're going to be afraid of what's going to happen to your ass when you're no longer part of The Big Test. Did you pass? Heaven, Hell, Valhalla, Nirvana, etc? Who's religion is right-is it possible what we believed since childhood is wrong?

It's the great unknown and uncertainty of where do we go after death that I think is the main thing. As for me, I am comfortable with my beliefs enough to expect come what may. But am I afraid of what lingers behind Door Number One? You bet. It keeps me in suspense.
I'm not afraid of dying, simply because I, like so many others, are spending it knowing that you're going to die one day. It's an extremely slow process, and by the time you know you're about to die, it comes a bit easier.

However, if someone shoves a gun in my face, and tells me that I have a few seconds to live, all those years of preparation I've yet to experience will be crammed into those few seconds, and I'd probably shit my pants.

I think this is the general feeling of death.

If I had a little time to prepare myself before my death, I don't think I'd be afraid of the death itself, but more so the potential pain I'd feel before my death, depending on how I would die.
Just wanted to give my two cents, we will NEVER know what will happen when we die, unless someone dies and comes back to life we will never know. There have even been cases where people have died and come back to life, but whatever they say whether it be "I saw a light" or anything along those lines is just what they say and may or may not be true. Wont get much into that as thats a very debatable topic.

But in my world, Im not afraid to die, but more so the thought of being dead gets to me at times. Like will people miss me? I couldn't bare the thought of being able to watch the world and see my loved ones, family, friends etc, mourn over my death and be upset. Its been said already in this thread death is just a natural part of life and theres nothing we can do about it and that is true. What we CAN do is live every second like we were going to die the next, because we will never know what happens. With every death another life is born, meaning when I die, somebody SOMEWHERE is being born to start their life. Its just a neverending cycle and always will be.

I believe in god and heaven, so the afterlife is really that in my mind, i dont knock people who believe otherwise in any way, that is their right, and yes the whole religion thing has been debated on for centuries, but I would rather die and find out I was wrong about God then live my life not believing and having an empty void inside of me then to die to realize oh crap i am going to hell. You know?

Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all (Kingdom Hearts quote FTW). Sorry had to end this post on a more positive note :) Just don't be afraid guys live for the now, not for the end.
Hell no I ain't afraid of dying. This is not just my internet balls talking too. Death is something that just has to happen and if I die tomorrow I know that I have lead a damn fine life. I just hope when I kick the bucket I go away in a memorable way, and I want to see it coming right at me. It's gonna happen so why be afraid of it?
No fear whatsoever. Like Dagger said, I know and believe where Im going when I die, due to my faith. It comforts me to know that death, for me, isn't the end at all, it's the beginning of something far better. My fear is that I won't have made as much of an impact on the lives of others who are still living, and fear how Ill be remembered.

Originally posted by The Original Sparky
I am afraid to die in a way that I know will affect my friends and family more. (aka car accident, murder Suicide ect...)

I also do not want to die in a way where I suffer or am in ain for the last few minutes of my life, as long as it's a quick and painless death I embrase it.

This is what I fear. The idea that my passing will greatly hurt others, or will be very painful scares me. But as for the idea of death, and what comes with it, I look forward to it one day. Not morbidly, but because of where I believe Ill end up when I do die.
I'm not afraid of death, however I'm fearful of how I die...if that makes sense. If you want to categorize how you die and death, then I guess I am, lol.

If I were to die in my bed I wouldn't care (granted I'm at an old age). If I'm dying underwater or being stabbed to death, then that's a different story. Like most people (or so I assume) I want a quiet death with 0 pain...if all that were to happen, I'd be fine with it.
Afraid of death? Not really.

It'd more accurate to say that I'm afraid of the world after I die. You know the whole "Jews don't have an afterlife" thing? Yeah, their reward for being good Jews is their fellow humans speaking well of them, and if they're jackasses they either don't get spoken of or are condemned after death.

I'd say that's where I stand. I don't want to die until I've left a good enough impact to leave one person saying "Razor did good by me. He really helped me out." Whether that be a ham sandwich on a bad day or a ride to the bus stop on a rainy day. I don't care. Just have someone say I made their day better.

But the actual dying part? Sure, I'm sure I'll be anxious. It's the whole Evolutionary drive not to die. My adrenaline would spike, my heart would race, and I'm sure I'd probably shit my pants. But in the end what's it matter? I'll be chillin' in Heaven while my organs are refused because they don't look the right color.

Oh. And no more taxes. Who the fuck would be afraid of death when you don't have to pay taxes anymore?
I kinda welcome it sometime...wish would happen so go to a better place were do not feel upset alot and whatnot...real life we live in sucks. Afterlife well that can be something great...if its great like a fantasy but it kinda will not be a fantasy.

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