Are WWE losing out on money???

Savior with faith 101

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This isnt another thread about pushing Zack Ryder, in fact its quite the opposite, i think Ryder is in a good position at the moment, pulling in a decent fanbase WITHOUT appearing on the 2 big shows.

But with all the views he is getting on youtube wouldnt it make sense to put his shows on everytime someone visits their site they get paid from the advertising. Start putting his shows on instead of youtube and make it a regular show, much like they did with Miz and Morrison.

His youtube views are close to 1,000,000 now with his 10 shows put together, so even if they only got 10p per view, that would be £100,000 from the shows, which they dont pay a penny for. Now clearly Ryder isnt on £100,000 a year so they would be making money on him without doing anything, would get their website more traffic and if they pushed the shows on Raw/Smackdown just by having a 10second advert or the announcers mention it then they could start raking in the money from this.

Absoultely.. No idea why this hasn't been done yet, Zack's even producing the video's for them... These webisodes are absoutely halarious, why they don't capiltilize on this is beyond me, they are literally giving away free money.

No idea what the WWE is doing. I have helped run a few websites in the past, and advertising is a decent revenue stream.. Might as well fully maxamize it, sure it might not be as much as you say , but its FREE money they are not capitiilizing on.
For all we know, they are getting money from YouTube in some sort of revenue sharing agreement. And if they feel that the benefit of this "viral" promotion is better than the money they lose out by not hosting it on, then it makes sense.

It's half the reason why WZ is only NOW on youtube, it took this long to figure out what benefit WZ would get (money) from posting stuff on youtube.


WWE is dumb, like it can be sometimes, but the above is the optimist POV.
I think the WWE/Ryder are doing a viral campaign, this won't work if it's hosted on the WWE website and people tend to be more open to clicking youtube links which are easier to share and haven't got the obstacles of advertisements.
To be honest, I think they would lose viewers if it were on Even if they advertised it on Raw, I doubt it would gain too many new viewers. Zack Ryder is pretty much an IWC thing. If you don't already know about his videos, it's because you don't follow internet wrestling. And if you don't follow internet wrestling, you probably couldn't care less about Zack Ryder.

And what I mean about them losing viewers is this: have you ever tried to navigate It's annoying. It's lots of searching and clicking and downloading plugins and sitting through advertisements. I hardly ever go to just because all that extra stuff is so annoying to me. Now with Zack Ryder's youtube videos, I have twitter. So whenever I see a tweet about his newest video, I click it and watch. It's no effort.

Also, a lot of the appeal of Zack Ryder's show is that it breaks kayfabe. He talks about how he doesn't get pushed, how WWE has dropped the ball with him, how he's never on tv, etc. If these were on, I think it might hurt the integrity of the videos. For example, he might have to run his script by WWE writers before he posted them. Or maybe they'd tell him to say certain things. If you add too much WWE interference, it might just feel like a vignette that you see on any other WWE show.

Ultimately, I hope that something comes of Zack Ryder making these videos and that he doesn't just get future endeavored in a few weeks. But I think that's what will happen. Although for what it's worth, it seems like he has a lot of friends on the roster, so that might play in his favor. After all, several of the big wrestlers like Miz, Cena, and CM Punk regularly advertise his videos.
You're right, they are missing out on money, but Ryder's videos are definitely more suited for YouTube than For one thing, Ryder doesn't have to worry about fitting into the WWE's PG Guidelines or breaking any of the WWE's fauxpa's, like mentioning names that the WWE is not in good graces with, such as Hogan, Warrior, etc.

You also never... EVER see guys even slightly question the direction the WWE is taking with them or other wrestlers, and that's what half of Zack Ryder's show is about. It would be pretty odd to see WWE put a show on their website that contains content about how they're not doing a good job pushing their wrestlers.

One BIG thing that you may not have considered is that having Zack Ryder's show on YouTube opens it up to new audiences, not just wrestling fans. While I'm sure the vast majority of viewers and subscribers are wrestling fans, I can all but guarantee you that there is a small group that accidentally came across his videos and got hooked. Nobody but wrestling fans are watching the videos on, but both fans and non-fans can watch it on YouTube.

And then there's all sorts of miscellaneous stuff that makes YouTube better for this show than For one thing, Zack can do it on his own time if he's self-publishing the videos. The homemade feel of Ryder's videos also doesn't fit into WWE's style of very well done shooting and editing. The subscription tool helps Ryder's die hard fans stay up to date with his uploads, a tool that WWE doesn't have, YouTube gets much more traffic than, there's a hundred reasons why Ryder's show belongs on YouTube and not

Besides, it's not like the WWE isn't making any money off of these shows. People have been buying up Zack Ryder merchandise like it's Triple H merchandise.

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