Are We On The Verge Of Another Shake-Up At Elimination Chamber?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
At this year's No Way Out, the WWE championship and the world heavyweight championship changed hands in dramatic fashion. Edge was the first eliminated in the Samckdown elimination chamber, and Triple H went on to defeat Undertaker to become WWE champion, setting up the HUGE storyline between him and Randy Orton. Later on in the night, Edge took out Kofi Kingston, took his place, and won the WHC.

Both Undertaker and John Cena are having nice solid reigns right now, but we all know that can change. Who ever the WWE or World heavyweight champion might be heading into EC, will there be another shake-up like at this year's No Way Out? Will Undertaker and Cena be world champions by the time we reach Wrestlemania 26?

On the Raw side of things, there really is no BIG name left for Cena to feud with that he hasn't faced multiple times already. On the Smackdown side of things, Undertaker/Batista is really the only feud left for the WHC. These two have faced each other at Wrestlemania before also, and many other times. So It would make sense for Cena and Undertaker to hold on to their championships up until EC. Then there would be a major shake-up setting up some big time matches, like the speculated Undertaker/Cena match. What are your thoughts?
I think it's still too early to speculate on anything. We have NO idea what is going to happen at the Rumble...and the way in which WWE responds to TNA may change everything.

But it's safe to say that the PPV will still be a great success. The last two No Way Outs have been highly entertaining, even though I preferred them when they determined #1 Contenders. It seems like it takes away from the prestige of matches at Mania if the champ just got done winning an EC match.
I agree with Ricky. The wrestling landscape is always changing. We could see Undertaker get injured at TLC and have Cena vs. Taker being scrapped. Especially now with young stars on the rise. Will we see Kingston win in a chamber or will Sheamus grab his first title?

I expect a shake up at Elimination chamber. You need a swerve when you have two chambers on the same night. We might see AJ Styles being a mystery entrant (Swerve of the century). Were in a shaky era of wrestling and 2010 will be a great year.
I agree with Ricky. How the WWE is going to respond to TNA can change everything completely. As of right now, we haven't even been given hints as to who could possibly head to the Rumble and win it or anything along those lines.

I really liked this past year's No Way Out though, it was great, and the whole story with Edge was great.

Now, I really liked that the Elimination Chambers determined a potential number 1 contender depending on who was facing who at Wrestlemania. I think it works better in the long run if you can cut a promo and say " I just beat 5 other men to become the number 1 contender. I really busted my ass for this. "

But I look forward to some excellent WWE programming coming our way if TNA can really ignite the flame for some competition.
I think it's still too early to speculate on anything. We have NO idea what is going to happen at the Rumble...and the way in which WWE responds to TNA may change everything.

But it's safe to say that the PPV will still be a great success. The last two No Way Outs have been highly entertaining, even though I preferred them when they determined #1 Contenders. It seems like it takes away from the prestige of matches at Mania if the champ just got done winning an EC match.

They might do #1 contenders again this year though. The only reason it was for the titles last year was to get the belts onto the right people and set up the right feuds. This year they might not need to do a huge switch like that one. Although it would be cool to see something like that again because I doubt most of us would see it coming, similar to last year's Elimination Chamber.

ANYBODY (well, almost anyone) could win the Rumble. Add the fact that we don't know who will be in the Elimination Chambers yet either. Plus we also do not know how long Cena and Taker are going to hold onto their titles. Too many questions are left unanswered before we can start predicting this event's results. You are absolutely right though about it being far too early to start speculating on this because we need to wait a little longer before we will be able to try to figure out what route they are going with the world titles this year.
I don't expect either Taker or Cena to make it through EC with their world titles. I would in fact be surprised if they both make it to EC with a title.

For me, Taker's title reign has an expiry date that is fast approaching. Batista has been on a tremendous role since returning to injury, and I think his heel turn will put him over the hump and give him the title. This title reign could very well come at TLC (though it worries me that Batista has gotten the upper hand, usually means the champ will retain). I think by the Rumble Batista gets the title, and will be champ at least till Mania.

For Cena, its more difficult to examine. Cena has been champion for less time than Taker (though not by much) but Cena has pretty much gone through anyone/everyone. He has ended his feud with Orton, both HBK and HHH lost in the triple threat match, no one wants to see Cena vs Show, as Cena did nothing but dominate Show through the early part of this year. But I also don't see Sheamus taking the title from Cena. I see Cena winning the tables match at TLC, and possibly setting up another match at the Rumble, where Cena wins as well. Then come the EC, I think this will be where Cena drops the title, either to HHH or HBK. Although, it also won't surprise me to see Sheamus win the title either...
Not a chance. I believe Vince McMahon voiced his disdain for such a notion a while back, assuring everyone that the brands are set and are completely separate entities (right around the time that Miz and Morisson were bleeding onto all three shows ironically).

The whole tna thing has me wondering what swerves wwe will throw soon.As for who's winning the royal rumble all lays on what will happen jan.4 2010 so i expect 2010 to be the greatist year out of the last five.This tna/wwe monday night war has me getting a head start on my homework so i could watch every week.

And....BOOM goes the dynamite. That's what TNA wants, is for people to start talking, for a buzz to start happening...and it looks to be coming to fruition. But that's fodder for another thread.

I think that Cena and Taker will hold the titles through Wrestlemania. Yes, i said through as in: no one beats them. Barring a suspension/firing/injury, i think both of these guys are who the WWE wants the titles on in case this "conflict" with TNA becomes something worth worrying about. At Backlash, all bets are off, but i think that Taker and Cena are going to have decent reigns.

Although I'd love to see Punk grab the WHC...I just don't see it happening. And once again, Botchtista ruins a good thing...wish he'd retire already...

So no- no swerves, no drastic title changes, and both baby faces leave mania with the belts. I wouldn't be shocked if the WWE decided to do the chambers to decide Number one contenders as opposed to champions this year.
I wouldn't be shocked if the WWE decided to do the chambers to decide Number one contenders as opposed to champions this year.
Eh im not sure about that. I loved watching Elimination Chambers and HIAC but now that there doing that none blood crap it's ganna look wierd. It's wierd watching Wrestling and not seeing Blood. I miss those days. But I can't see Both Taker and Cena losing the titles @ the EC. I can see 1 of them losing it if they both still have it by that time and I would pick Cena to lose it cause if they are ganna make a Cena/Taker WS then I think having Cena lose the title will turn him heel later on. I doubt they would make Taker the heel.

Well, we might see some type of shake up this year. Last year was insane and I enjoyed the feuds that came out of it. The only thing I see happening this year is a number one contender's match for the title not being chased by the royal rumble winner. But maybe the winner of the royal rumble would win the EC too. This could maybe be a way to combine the titles.
I personally think that Undertaker would lose the title to batista at TLC and Cena would retain the title. BUT after TLC I think batista and taker will continue the feud up to the RR obviously because Undertaker would be granted a rematch but after that I'm not too sure what will happen, and same with Cena and Sheamus. It's hard to predict what will happen after TLC because as most of you said, with the TNA stuff going on everything will change. I won't be surprised if we have same with WCW and WWE, A tag match to determine who's the best, Also I would love to see TNA superstars interfering during WWE shows and WWE superstars returning the favor.
Yea I'm agreeing with most people on this thread, I seriously doubt that Cena and Taker will keep their respective titles until EC. And especially with TNA trying to go to head with WWE, Vinnie Mac will pull out all the stops and shake things up a bit.

EC should be a good ppv, really considering to order it this year.
I personally think that Undertaker would lose the title to batista at TLC and Cena would retain the title. BUT after TLC I think batista and taker will continue the feud up to the RR obviously because Undertaker would be granted a rematch but after that I'm not too sure what will happen, and same with Cena and Sheamus. It's hard to predict what will happen after TLC because as most of you said, with the TNA stuff going on everything will change. I won't be surprised if we have same with WCW and WWE, A tag match to determine who's the best, Also I would love to see TNA superstars interfering during WWE shows and WWE superstars returning the favor.

ok 1 the whole WCW was done after vince bought the company so there wont be no TNA stars doin run-ins even tho i think it would be cool but its just not gonna happen i beleive that if there are title matches at EC the only person i still see havin there repective title would undertaker if they scrap the whole cena/taker match cause when was the last time you saw taker goin into WM with the title and with his streak on the line it would just make for a great WM main event the other thing they could do is cena/taker in a title vs title match which in my eyes i think we would see taker win as a face of course
First of all I'd like to add there is no way Creative will make Cena go heel, think about how many 8 year old kids would stop watching cause their hero has gone bad. TNA v WWE wouldn't happen like the invasion, unless Vinny brought TNA, (Who knows?) There could be some on air hints at a "slagging" war but thats about it. as for EC, It's to early to predict whats gonna happen, Id personally like to see just the one EC match and not re-brand it, So Creative can put all there effort into the one main event and make it good, they need to learn from HIC and quite possibly how much TLC will fail.
I do bet that the whole shake up thing will indeed happen at EC...especially if they are planning taker-cena for WM. If they are planning that then i doubt either will have their titles going into the ppv. But i sincerely hope a shakeup does happen, taker and cena have both had their titles for a while and a shake up like last years would be great.
With all these people talking about TNA grabbing headlines, and how WWE is going to need to do something drastic quickly to halt their momentum, it makes you think. Do any of you really think Vince and Co aren't sat at home scratching their heads as to what they can do to keep things fresh and exciting? We've already had the 'new talent initiative' with Sheamus and Kofi rising well. Nobody seems to have considered the possibility of one other blockbuster Wrestlemania match...Forget Cena/Undertaker....who is the only person who could feasibly eclipse Hogan? And who has been rumoured to be guest hosting RAW around the same time Hogan's debut on 1/4? That's right, 'The People's Champion' The Rock. Rock's already come out and said he's trying to plan something big and worthwhile with WWE for it's fans...and I can see WWE pulling out all the stops to bring the Rock back for one more match, and it should. Think about Cena/Rock at Mania for a minute. Would anybody still be talking about Hogan/TNA? Doubtful.

Sure it's a long shot, but you just know WWE realises it has to do something, so come EC I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena lose the belt. Can't see Taker headlining a Mania with a WHC match for the 3rd time in 4 years really, it's stale as people already know he's won. If not, Cena/Taker with Cena as champion is a possibility.
I think that the biggest swerve the WWE could possibly pull is-
No swerve at all.

If the fans are expecting a swerve, you know somethings wrong. You won't put any fans off the product by not having a swerve, no one ever guaranteed a swerve, and too many swerves just make storylines way too complicated and hard to follow.
What I would love to see is Cena lose in the EC early in the night then in the Main Event have him cost the Undertaker his title in the EC. That will setup their Mania match.
This is too tough to call at this point. I think it's highly probable that Taker will lose his title before Cena, which could help set up the main event at WM. But I dont think Taker vs. Cena is in the best interest for WWE. Maybe I'll leave that thought for another post.

Of everyone who deserves a title shot, it's Jericho. He's been the most consistant and entertaining performer over the past year. He deserves to be put in the title picture on SD. I doubt highly that it will happen with the current storylines, but you cant say he doesnt deserve to be there. Although, Edge/Jericho will end up being a great match at WM.
The person who should win @EC if anybody of a person who never been WWE Champ if at least is til Mania is Carlito. Who said he was horrible person backstage the IWC. It kinda looks like Carlito is gonna get a good push this time and not the lame ones. Yes it was fun to see him team up w/ his bro but Carlito is better as a heel and Primo is better as a face but anyway I see A major swerve again @EC and a big shake up as WWE wants to go to the future not the past or present and shock us again. Or Christian might win it. We won't know till then as always the advertised card "is Subject To Change"
I think one of Taker/Cena will lose their title either at TLC or the RR but said superstar will win the Rumble. I don't think this year EC brings a shakeup of sorts like that, but WM could if they manage to bring both straps to SD.

I think they use the next 2 PPV's (RR & EC) as a way to set up the Cena vs Taker match for Mania instead of following last years WM lead in with the shakeup. We may see one strap change hands at EC but I highly doubt both do.

If it's Taker losing his strap, he'll be pinned by Batista to end that EC match, leaving casual fans wondering if the feud blows off in a gimmick match at Mania or if the RR winner Taker challenges Cena. To add if it is Taker that loses his strap by the RR there will be the possibility in the back of many fans minds that Taker regains it at EC and we have a champion vs champion (and possible unification match, though I hate the idea of a unified WWE and WHC title).

If it's Cena dropping the title, he'll be pinned by RKO at EC and although he and Orton are supposedly done, casual fans will assume he and Orton will square off at Mania seeing as he can face any champ he chooses however he chooses the Dead Man to take his title and streak. I could see Cena perhaps losing his strap at TLC and his RR rematch but regaining his strap at EC by not pinning Sheamus in the end thus giving Sheamus a short shint at the top but not having Cena go over him in any way (then post Mania they can resume Sheamus vs Cena and Taker vs Batista for the Backlash PPV or give us a triple threat match between Cena, Bats and Taker with both titles in play however only one would change Cena pins Bats then he takes his title or if Bats pins Cena [who I presume loses to Taker at Mania] he keeps his title but does not gain Takers etc). Having Cena drop the strap could lead to a showdown at some point in the actual RR match and one eliminates the other in an attempt to further the story between the 2 for WM.

Where they go with Batista however (for his WM match) I have no clue. Personally I favor a fatal fourway featuring Bats, Punk, Jericho and either a returning Edge/Christian if somehow he ends up on SD by then or JoMo being the 4th man.

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