Are things looking up?


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After WWE released Kennedy, I said I wouldn't be giving them anymore money until they make serious changes and I've kept my word. Extreme Rules was the first WWE PPV I haven't ordered in years. And of course that's the one where things start to look up.

WWE did the unthinkable, they took the title off someone who brings down the ratings everytime he's put in the spotlight and put it on someone who the fans actually care about. I'm shocked.

CM Punk cashing in his MITB against Hardy instead of a heel is also quite out of the ordinary for current WWE and a CM Punk heel turn could really freshen up the stale Smackdown product.

And Dreamer actually winning the ECW belt is also a shocker. I dobut it will last long but any PPV outcome that you couldn't easily predict in advance is good for business.

So was this a one time thing or are things actually looking up for WWE?
When Hardy won the title I would have said things were heading towards an all-time low but then Punk comes along to steal his title. Batista being injured and surely losing his title is just a massive bonus. So yes, things are looking up.
It sucks that Batista's gonna lose the title so quick but at least he got to go over Orton in dominant fashion and that hopefully ends another unsuccessful "Age of Orton" and he goes onto a feud with MVP or somebody in mid-card. But knowing WWE, I won't get my hopes up. He'll probally win it back from Batista tonight and continue his never ending feud with Trips.
I can't disagree with you more....much like most on this board everything but you thinks batista is a turd....
Not that Orton is thart much better but Boretista is doesn't deserve the belt at all...
it was a 7-min match but you say dominant....

its not so much a shock more just something that makes no appears they knew it he was injured and they put the belt on him just to have him lose it or give it up great story....

and onto Tommy were really shocked by this?
he is retiring.....basically never had the belt....this is a way of honoring him, his reaction to winning was genuine and real....I am sure Tuesday on ECW or maybe even tonight on RAW he will come out and offically retire and it was a good way to end his long run....
i think that things are looking up but in my mind things still are uneasy. CM Punk has failed as a champion, now giving it to him again to fued with the 2 most stale players on smackdown is stupid. I hope they bring umanga into this title hunt because he deserves it more then hardy (hopefully i see him on the future endevors list soon). As for batista i think he got the title because orton was killing the ratings and will have to drop down the main event ladder for a little while to make room for cena whos sadly ratings gold. As for dreamer I loved this twist, I love dreamer hopefully he says hes retiring and holding a tournement on ecw for the title with everyone on the roster is elegiable. The winner of this championship will then be either evan bourne or one of the hart group therefore adding excitment to ecw again.
I'll say yes purely because the WWE actually outsmarted the IWC for once and on two separate occasions, that can only be a good sign. What it ensures is that nobody is really quite sure what is going to happen with Tommy Dreamer and the ECW title, nobody is sure what is going to happen now that CM Punk has the World Heavyweight title (is he a heel or not) and nobody is sure what is going to happen with the WWE title now that it looks like Batista is out of the picture (good news).

It generates genuine interest in the product and I wouldn't be surprised if the ratings on Raw tonight are the highest they've been in a while. If the WWE can capitalise, things will definitely be looking up.
Where is this proof that Edge and Orton are "killing the ratings"?? It cracks me up when people say that. It's everyone's favorite way of making their statements seem credible. The ratings were dropping while Triple H had the title, too. Statements like that are based on personal opinion and are just plain stupid. And someone thinks UMAGA deserves a title run more than Hardy?? Are you kidding me? Umaga doesn't even cut promos!!

So, are things looking up? We'd all like to think so. But I think it's too early to tell.

They had a great PPV. Their stars are really making names for themselves. The storylines are sparking interest again. But, it take a lot more than the recent activity of the WWE to determine the direction they are going in. But, if we look at things in the short term for now, then between the recent new storylines and improvements with ECW, I think they're really on the right track.
Batista winning the title off of Randy Abortion has convinced me to actually watch Raw tonight. If he gets it right back, USA as a network gets blocked on my tv. Which sucks, because I was startin to get into Burn Notice. The only way I can say the company is looking up is that I am geniuinely excited about the programs again.
I thought about Dreamer actually winning the belt, but didnt think the WWE would actually go through with it. Dreamers done a lot for this business, in ECW and in the WWE. Not only that, but he's been a loyal employee from day 1. Whether you like Dreamer or not, he's a class act, and I applaud the WWE for allowing him to retire as champion (if that is indeed whats going to happen), much like they did with Trish Stratus.

I simply cannot believe they let Batista win it *again*. They screwed up Ortons whole image by turning him "cowardly" (why do they have to do that with EVERY heel? Seriously, when was the last time we saw a legit badass heel that didnt need help?). Orton now looks like a joke. Legacy as a whole looks like a complete joke. I'll never understand why the WWE shoves that no talent Batista down our throats and make the actual REAL talent look incredibly weak. I just dont understand it. I know its mean to say cause i dont wish injury on anyone....but thank god Batistas going to be forced to give the belt up due to injury. I dont think I could stand another Title Run by him.

As for CM Punk, I believe he's now the 2nd only Champion to have held all 3 major title belts (Big Show being the other). Punk can play a GREAT heel if allowed to, and I dont believe he's been one since arriving in the WWE. What better way to turn him heel then to have him attack the WWE Audiences "love child" in Jeff Hardy? That right there is instant heat for Punk. Make Punk a leginimate heel. Not a heel that "needs help" or a "cowardly" heel....instead, one that can actually showcase his talents in and on the mic. This title win can be a big turn around for Smackdown if they play their cards right.

But chances are...they wont. Batista will get the belt back when he returns. Dreamer will drop it and retire, and they'll put the belt back on Swagger (which isnt a bad idea anyways), and Punk will go into a fued w/ Hardy and eventually drop it to him.
I LOVED that Dreamer won the ECW belt. I liekd him, and it was a huge emotional moment that a LOT of fans got into, I believe. And that should always be picked as the outcome if it's an option. You can't always have a moment like that. Good for ECW and good for Tommy Dreamer.
That being said, I don't think he'll have a long title reign, and that's not a bad thing. Hopefully he doesn't drop it IMMEDIATELY, but I bet he drops it to another heel like Koslov or one of the Hart foundation members for Christian (or Bourne!) to pick back up again.

Batista is a mystery. I dont know why they gave it to him when he was injured unless they had a really good idea about what to do with the title vacancy. In that regard, I'll trust them. At least we don't have a batista title reign. I think he can be good at points, but I'd rather someone else carried it.

As for Punk, only time will tell as to his alignment. It seems odd that he'd turn heel in such a face-heavy roster, but everyone says that he's an incredible heel, and I'm looking forward to that if it comes to pass. But I like him as a face too, so I don't really mind either way.

As for "things looking up for the WWE," I think Smackdown has looked REALLY good since the draft. They're not in much trouble with a quality product. ECW has improved too with their new main eventers, the debut of the Hart Foundation.....they're still doing a respectable job as the C Show.

RAW, however, is really stale. And to that sentiment, a title vacancy could be the opportunity to loosen up the main event. Maybe we'll see some new blood and some new feuds. Honestly, I like Orton, but he was out of things to do. Everyone is. They need some new blood up in the main event. Hopefully this is an out.
ok first i just wanna correct sevastra82... punk isnt the 2nd man...big show is still the only one to hole all 3 major titles...punk did win the ecw title but has won the World title twice now...beat edge in the first cash in and now last night with the 2nd cash in...he still has yet won the WWE for batista i like him but if he was going to be out why the hell give the belt to him, if they give it back to orton its just gonna give ortan another tally on his record and all we will hear from him is that he put batista on the self yet again...ortopn had a good thing going would of been great if wwe would freaking do something with priceless and stop making them look like ortons bitches and let them has some fueds with tagteams or singles...the wwe is starting to look like wcw when they were going down hill, not letting the young talent come up...look at the last 2 or 3 yrs who has ben worl and wwe champs...edge on like 9 diff occations...batista for like a total or week with 3 times having to drop the belt due to injury...ortan y2j HHH cena punk..thats it anyone else who has won either was champ for a week or a month so it was like didnt even happen...they need to get morrision in the title picture, get hbk back in there shit even MVP they need to do something new bc its just getting boring im glad they finally doing storylines for the IC and US title, bout damn time now get the tag belts in there and its looking like old times!
I think the WWE is looking up
Kennedy is Fired.....FIIIRREEDD!!!!
Batista is Hurt Again, YES!(Which forces the WWE to make a new star)
Edge loses the title
Hardy loses the title
Punk is Champion,Great

And Dreamer has actually won a match on PPV in the WWE. I mean besides being on the winning team at Wrestlemania 23, this has to be the first time ever Dreamer has pinned a guy on WWE PPV. I don't care if Dreamer holds the belt for a day, a week, a month, but the WWE did the right thing in giving dreamer the belt. I mean the guy gets big pops from the crowd and hadn't beat anyone credible in the WWE till now. He got over losing and making others look good. Its great seeing him win the title of a brand that he is only one that seems to care about.

So I'm happy. Hell anytime Batista is off TV, I'm happy. I mean the guy had killer promos and matches. Along the lines of Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horwitz, the only difference is those guys stayed healthy.
Where is this proof that Edge and Orton are "killing the ratings"?? It cracks me up when people say that. It's everyone's favorite way of making their statements seem credible. The ratings were dropping while Triple H had the title, too. Statements like that are based on personal opinion and are just plain stupid. And someone thinks UMAGA deserves a title run more than Hardy?? Are you kidding me? Umaga doesn't even cut promos!!

So, are things looking up? We'd all like to think so. But I think it's too early to tell.

They had a great PPV. Their stars are really making names for themselves. The storylines are sparking interest again. But, it take a lot more than the recent activity of the WWE to determine the direction they are going in. But, if we look at things in the short term for now, then between the recent new storylines and improvements with ECW, I think they're really on the right track.

FINALLY...someone who has a brain.out of all the posts i read.yours are always the ones that make the most sense.and i agree.what proof do you have that orton edge and others are the reason for low ratings?its not because of 1 or 2 superstars its becuase of lackluster storytelling and predictable angels.but that all seems to change when a ppv rolls around.i mean 4 title changes on 1 night?5 if you include punks after extreme rules and with batita bitch injured.things will start to go up hill for awhile actually going to tune into smackdown in 2 years to see where they actually go with this
I havent watched smackdown in forever. I usually just read the spoilers. But I, too am going to watch it this week. There is a lot of potential angles going on over there and I'm curious to see where the WWE takes them.
C.M. Punk is will be okay as Champion but i think hes natural as a heel.

Once again Hardy gets screwed he should be champ this summer but if punk turns heel it would something fresh again for smackdown.

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