Are they making Him look weak in an attempt to protect him for the future long run?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Yes obviously its about Roman Reigns!

Well I'll start with the same old crap that I hate Roman Reigns. But after the match at Fast lane with Daniel Bryan I thought he has been growing a lot into a real Main Eventer.... Just when I was thinking the road to Wrestlemania was pretty awful for him.

1) He never confronted Brock Lesnar face to face till the go home show of Wrestlemania!

2) Paul Heyman's attempt to make him look strong by comparing him with Stone Cold, The Rock and Hulk Hogan drew more heat on him!

3) It was either Seth Rollins/Randy Orton or Triple H/Sting opening and closing the show after Mania!

4) When Brock mocked about the Samoan family He was spotted no where and during the Main event he did nothing so special but let Randy Orton take the spot light!!

5) I don't wanna talk about his Face to Face Confrontation with Brock at the Go home show...

6) His fans can brag all they want about his grins, smiles and laughs after getting his ass kicked to hell by Brock! It was purely dramatic and Pathetic tbh! Brock lesnar made him look terribly weak and the Crowd booed the holy hell out of him whenever he tries to offense!!

7) At the fall out Raw after Wrestlemania, two of the three participants in the Main event steal the show but it should've been Roman who confronted Seth not Randy. And he didn't even cut a promo about being robbed off his opportunity!! Instead he was mere a member of Randy's team and pinned Kane not Rollins!!

Are they trying to protect him? or they're ready to give up on him? Or they're preparing him for something even bigger?

Your thoughts!?
Yes obviously its about Roman Reigns!

Well I'll start with the same old crap that I hate Roman Reigns. But after the match at Fast lane with Daniel Bryan I thought he has been growing a lot into a real Main Eventer.... Just when I was thinking the road to Wrestlemania was pretty awful for him.

1) He never confronted Brock Lesnar face to face till the go home show of Wrestlemania!

2) Paul Heyman's attempt to make him look strong by comparing him with Stone Cold, The Rock and Hulk Hogan drew more heat on him!

3) It was either Seth Rollins/Randy Orton or Triple H/Sting opening and closing the show after Mania!

4) When Brock mocked about the Samoan family He was spotted no where and during the Main event he did nothing so special but let Randy Orton take the spot light!!

5) I don't wanna talk about his Face to Face Confrontation with Brock at the Go home show...

6) His fans can brag all they want about his grins, smiles and laughs after getting his ass kicked to hell by Brock! It was purely dramatic and Pathetic tbh! Brock lesnar made him look terribly weak and the Crowd booed the holy hell out of him whenever he tries to offense!!

7) At the fall out Raw after Wrestlemania, two of the three participants in the Main event steal the show but it should've been Roman who confronted Seth not Randy. And he didn't even cut a promo about being robbed off his opportunity!! Instead he was mere a member of Randy's team and pinned Kane not Rollins!!

Are they trying to protect him? or they're ready to give up on him? Or they're preparing him for something even bigger?

Your thoughts!?

I assume that this crowd would make Seth the face and Reigns the heel and attempted to avoid that sort of response by keeping his appearance limited. Hopefully though they've elected to drop him down the card and rebuild.
actually those crowd are unstable. they don't know where to boo and cheer. they hate cena and roman bcoz they handpicked by wwe. but I don't know why they cheer Rollins. Rollins is the one who handpicked by hhh. he is the first ever nxt champion and mitb winner and cash at wm. those crowds are smark. even they cheer big show whom the crowd tell to retire.
I don't see how Reigns has looked weak at all. At WrestleMania, Reigns came off looking tough, someone who can take a stiff pounding during a match and showed a lot of determination. Lesnar was getting the best of him all in all, though the fact that he also busted Lenar's lip & cut his cheek open shows he can give as good as he gets.

I think the plan is to keep Reigns as one of the top guys in the company, but I think the potential of Reigns to be THE top guy in WWE has been pretty much derailed, at least for the foreseeable future. When it comes to Reigns' personality and mic work, in my eyes, he still needs a lot of work, so putting the title on him and shoving him at fans who feel he's not ready won't be doing him any favors. If reports are correct, Reigns wasn't getting the sort of response management was hoping for, which would indicate that they've overestimated Reigns both in terms of capabilities and popularity, though his build during WrestleMania season certainly wasn't epic. If Reigns can improve in areas where he's lacking, it'll only happen with the passage of time and building up his credibility along the way. In the meantime, I think it's likely that Reigns is out of the title picture for now, but that doesn't mean he still can't be built up a top guy for another push at a later date.
actually those crowd are unstable. they don't know where to boo and cheer. they hate cena and roman bcoz they handpicked by wwe. but I don't know why they cheer Rollins. Rollins is the one who handpicked by hhh. he is the first ever nxt champion and mitb winner and cash at wm. those crowds are smark. even they cheer big show whom the crowd tell to retire.

You're right on why they hate Cena and Roman. They chant for Big Show to retire because they want him to retire. They cheer for Big Show when he punches Reigns to show they'd rather cheer a guy they want to retire than to cheer Reigns. And they cheer for Rollins because he's awesome. Hope that clears it up!
Are they trying to protect him? or they're ready to give up on him? Or they're preparing him for something even bigger?

I'm sorry but protect him from what? From what I can see the guy's been in the shit up to his waist since the Rumble. A good build would have helped, but the WWE in it's infinite wisdom didn't do that. Obviously the fact that he was in the main event match at RAW last night shows they aren't giving up on him. And what could be bigger than winning the Royal Rumble and getting the main event spot at Mania?

What's happened over the space of the last couple of months shows that the WWE fans aren't going to accept what's put in front of them. The Reigns character isn't connecting with them, and it's time for a change. I said this on another thread, turn him heel. Then let them boo their hearts out, they'll be doing him a favour.
7) At the fall out Raw after Wrestlemania, two of the three participants in the Main event steal the show but it should've been Roman who confronted Seth not Randy. And he didn't even cut a promo about being robbed off his opportunity!! Instead he was mere a member of Randy's team and pinned Kane not Rollins!!

If you go back and watch that last part of RAW, you will see that Reigns got them most vocal reactions from the crowd, and they weren't good. The WWE put him out there into that environment, and a match with of all people Kane and Big Show, like pouring gasoline on a fire. So no they aren't protecting him at all.

It was a hostile crowd and very hostile towards him. To tell you the truth he shouldn't even have been on the show at all, or he should have come out chased Rollins down the ramp and beat the shit out of him. As it is, it makes him look like he doesn't give a crap about losing at Mania. It's like here we go again when the Shield broke up. He was content to let Ambrose go after Rollins, while he wandered off in a new direction.
Once again it has to be said Reigns is FINE. He isn't like by everyone and that's okay but let's not continue to exaggerate this shit.
I feel terrible for the dude.
The fans have utterly shit on him which will likely result in a bury job like none other. All because of horrendous booking at the Rumble. Whoever thought that having the Royal Rumble end the same way the last 20 RAWs before Mania ended was a good idea should be fired instantly. If it was McMahon than he has TRULY lost it.
Once again it has to be said Reigns is FINE. He isn't like by everyone and that's okay but let's not continue to exaggerate this shit.

I didn't shoot out my whole heat on Roman Reigns. I really was interested to see him come out on top at the FastLane. But the way he booked after that was terrible. I'm not complaining about him or the fans who are booing him. I'm just complaining the way he got booked.

If the Creative team or the Almighty Vince McMahon wants him to be THE GUY, please book him the right way. He should prove he is strong. He shouldn't get carried on others shoulders all the time!
How did he look weak? By putting up more of a fight than John Cena ever did, by having the match in doubt near the end, and by getting the pinfall in the main event the night after WM? Or by kicking out of more F5s than the FUCKING UNDERTAKER did?

God damn, did you all serve fucking crazy flakes and crack rocks at your WM parties?
I'm going to go with no for one main reason:


Reigns is 29 years old and is probably going to be around another ten years minimum. It's clear that they're very high on him and he's got a lot of success ahead of him. Suggesting that a single loss buries him shows that many people don't understand what burying means in a wrestling sense. Reigns challenged for the title and lost. If that's a burial, every challenger to every title except one is buried. Reigns is going to be find and in the main event or at least upper midcard for a long time.
I don't see how Reigns has looked weak at all. At WrestleMania, Reigns came off looking tough, someone who can take a stiff pounding during a match and showed a lot of determination. Lesnar was getting the best of him all in all, though the fact that he also busted Lenar's lip & cut his cheek open shows he can give as good as he gets.

Yes. I believe a lot of what has transpired centers around the genuine uncertainty that existed regarding Roman Reigns current standing in the organization. For a long time.....well before his injury time-out....he was the golden boy of WWE; he was going to be the world champion come WM31.

Two things changed: The powers-that-be came to realize they couldn't force Roman to be ready on time......and Brock Lesnar agreed to a new contract. Even before Brock signed on (which happened only the week before WM31) the braintrust knew they had the option of having Seth Rollins cash in on either Brock or Roman, making it easy to keep Reigns from the title until such time as he's ready......and only heaven knows what his career path would be if they decided he simply couldn't cut it. But having Brock re-up gave them a second option; they could keep him as champion if they wanted.....I agree with their decision to have a champion who was around more. As it is, I'm glad Brock was suspended; it probably means he'll be away less time than he usually is. :)

Just as a matter of interest, it would be good to know exactly when they changed their minds about Roman winning the big one. Still, after it was decided Roman Reigns wasn't ready to wear the title belt, they started planning how they're going to get him ready for his future date at the top. I don't think they're making him look weak; the beating he took from Brock is part of the plan to rebuild show that, yes, he's inexperienced and not yet in a league with Brock Lesnar. That's no disgrace, because who is? But Roman took his beating, came back for more.....and almost won the damn thing until Rollins showed up. See? Humbling, but hopeful.

He'll keep working overtime on his wrestling and his talking.....and he'll remain a big factor in the division while doing it. WWE management realizes they moved too fast with Reigns..... made corrections while establishing a foundation for him......and are keeping their eyes open from now on.

They're not booking Roman as weak.....they're simply doing things the way they should have been done in the first place.
actually those crowd are unstable. they don't know where to boo and cheer. they hate cena and roman bcoz they handpicked by wwe. but I don't know why they cheer Rollins. Rollins is the one who handpicked by hhh. he is the first ever nxt champion and mitb winner and cash at wm. those crowds are smark. even they cheer big show whom the crowd tell to retire.

The difference between Rollins and Reigns is one is entertaining the other is not. My opinion, I'm sure other people think the same.
Yes obviously its about Roman Reigns!

Well I'll start with the same old crap that I hate Roman Reigns. But after the match at Fast lane with Daniel Bryan I thought he has been growing a lot into a real Main Eventer.... Just when I was thinking the road to Wrestlemania was pretty awful for him.

1) He never confronted Brock Lesnar face to face till the go home show of Wrestlemania!

2) Paul Heyman's attempt to make him look strong by comparing him with Stone Cold, The Rock and Hulk Hogan drew more heat on him!

3) It was either Seth Rollins/Randy Orton or Triple H/Sting opening and closing the show after Mania!

4) When Brock mocked about the Samoan family He was spotted no where and during the Main event he did nothing so special but let Randy Orton take the spot light!!

5) I don't wanna talk about his Face to Face Confrontation with Brock at the Go home show...

6) His fans can brag all they want about his grins, smiles and laughs after getting his ass kicked to hell by Brock! It was purely dramatic and Pathetic tbh! Brock lesnar made him look terribly weak and the Crowd booed the holy hell out of him whenever he tries to offense!!

7) At the fall out Raw after Wrestlemania, two of the three participants in the Main event steal the show but it should've been Roman who confronted Seth not Randy. And he didn't even cut a promo about being robbed off his opportunity!! Instead he was mere a member of Randy's team and pinned Kane not Rollins!!

Are they trying to protect him? or they're ready to give up on him? Or they're preparing him for something even bigger?

Your thoughts!?

I wouldn't say they're making him look weak. I just believe they didn't want to overexpose him since Brock isn't on the show every week so he would have get mad air time to compensate for the lack of Brock and they already had two other storylines (Sting/HHH, Bray/Taker) which was feuds dealing with the same thing, lack of face to face, they just didn't want to be redundant.
For me personally. I still say that if they would have kept Daniel Bryan off TV until after the Royal Rumble then it wouldn't have been as bad as it is now. He still would have his critics and people saying he wasn't ready but when Bryan came back and entered the Rumble that pretty much sealed Reigns fate with everyone completely turning on him.

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