Are These Segments With Aksana and Teddy Long Going Anywhere?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Over the past 3-4 weeks, we've seen the return of Aksana in backstage segments with Teddy Long. She's tried to get him to watch the show with her ringside and even announced a match once.

What I don't understand is where this could be going. I mean does Aksana work for someone who's trying to get Teddy to stop being the GM of Smackdown or is it something really stupid?

I think it's going to be really stupid. Most likely another thing with trying to get power. Remember what happened with Goldust? Yeah, something like that
I remember Teddy Long and Tiffany had something like this back in WWECW. I hope Aksana doesn't end up the GM of Smackdown. That would be a very bad move considering half of the fans probably didn't even watch NXT 3 and don't really know anything about Aksana other than being "that hot chick that hangs with Teddy Long". They did it with Tiffany in ECW which wasn't bad considering Teddy needed to go back to Smackdown and ECW wasn't big anyways.
More than likely it’s going to be stupid. There is always one diva that has to be hitting on the gm. It is just annoying I mean Teddy has to be 6000 years old by now. Aksana, is attractive and when I see this I throw up in my mouth. It’s more than likely a power struggle which will fail as it usually does. Waste of time as it could be giving to the wrestlers to have a few more minutes in their matches.
Someone needs to take their Ritalin.

It's only been one month, hold your horses. I'm still having trouble making out what Aksana says, I don't need her to speed things up or else Teddy Long will suffer another heart attack! She might actually be a secret agent on a mission to take down Smackdown's GM, thus furthering the conspiracy angle... If there really is one.
I see it just being something stupid in the end. The segments have been pretty bad and easily my least favorite part of the show each time they have been on. It makes no sense for Aksana to be working for someone that wants Long to not be GM anymore because who would hire someone that annoying for a task that important? Maybe Ryder for Long not taking him seriously? I think it will lead to her eventually getting a shot at the Divas Championship from Long only to lose and then never be heard from again. So, nothing relevant will come out of these segments.
Going anywhere? What do you mean by this? It's not like it's going to be some major angle, like Stone Cold vs The Rock. I mean It's Teddy Long and a Diva...where is it going to go? A few segments during Smackdown, maybe some drama? Whatever the case, the fans won't be be affected, nor will care whatever happens with Teddy Long and Aksana.
On a side note, I hate how when WWE does backstage skits the person who shows up on camera's music starts play and/or the lighting changes to a color that suits them. I think it looks so dumb, especially when it's stupid porno jazz like Aksana's.
they are a lot better than the johnny curtis spots. i like how there is a female talking to a male on the show. i really want to see a few weeks of long asking for ryders help to avoid or get her. aksana is doing this for some reason. i would like to see this lead into a story line with ryder/long/aksana and a heel to face ryder or go for a title.
They're irritating. I don't see there being a big pay-off like Long being stripped of power (hopefully that never happens :)) or Aksana winning the Divas Championship, I see them as bad time fillers and a way to use the ever-so talentless Aksana.

Easily the worst part of SmackDown. Hopefully they're going to end soon.
Honestly, these segments really don't bother me. The big reason why is because, at most, they're a total of 30 seconds and are completely harmless. Are they filler? Absolutely, I don't think anyone can deny that and I think that they've never been intended to be anything other than filler.

I'm actually a little surprised that these segments haven't been praised by Attitude Era marks because they're exactly what we'd see back in 1998, except they'd be longer. Aksana is the first female in WWE in years to have an angle completely involve her sexual appeal and the various little double entendres that she uses when talking about Teddy are exactly the sort of juvenile sexual comments you'd see out of such a segment during the AE.

It won't bother me at all to see them go but, as I said, they're harmless. Personally, I'd rather watch & listen to a hot Russian chick wearing skin tight black leather for 20 or 30 seconds than a 4 foot "leprechaun" galavant around the ring grunting in gibberish and participating in corny comedy skits for 10 minutes or longer. How 'bout you?
On a side note, I hate how when WWE does backstage skits the person who shows up on camera's music starts play and/or the lighting changes to a color that suits them. I think it looks so dumb, especially when it's stupid porno jazz like Aksana's.

Yes, I can't stand that crap either. They did that on WWECW, i believe it was Zack Ryder falling in love with what's her tits and they had corny music playing while he smiled and hearts or something flickering around his head.. it was ******ed.

but anyway, i could care less where it goes as long as Aksana's hot ass is on my tv screen. Love her new "black" look she's got going :)
I like the idea of these skits, the Femme Fatale seducing the old man in power. It's a classic there. However, I don't think they're leading anywhere simply because there doesn't seem to be an ends to the means. What does she gain? Control of Smackdown? Is there a Superstar that needs a favor she's lobbying for? We don't know, and there doesn't seem to be much point. But hey, whatever gets another hot broad who can't/doesn't wrestle on screen.
Yeah I doubt these segments will lead to anything big. But it really doesn't bother me. They are pretty short skits and nothing taking up much time.

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