Are There Passionate Female Wrestling Fans?

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Pre-Show Stalwart

I don’t know about any of you gentlemen, but I have a really hard time trying to find a girlfriend that is a wrestling fan. It’s not as easy as finding a girl who loves baseball and is a Red Sox fan. As long as you’re in Boston or whatever you have a shot. But in wrestling, I’d settle for a girl who really loves wrestling, but is a massive fan of the cutest guy. That is the bare minimum I will ever be willing to accept, but I’m truly seeking a woman who loves wrestling, but is also smart to the business. In baseball terms, what I’m looking for is a lady who has a deeper understanding of the game to be able to actually challenge me as a fan mentally. She knows the stats, her players, the history and the psychology. She loves the game, not just the players. In wrestling terms, she is a wrestling fan who knows the holds, her players, the stories, the history and yes, even the psychology. I want her to not only know what is happening in the ring, but why it is happening. She’s passionate and compassionate for the industry. Her voice is just as loud as mine. She will always steal my wrestling shirts. She gives a shit about more than what is happening on the surface. She truly understands this wrestling passion that defines me. This is the woman I could love the rest of my life. This is the woman I would make my wife.

But I don’t even know if this kind of female wrestling fan exists. I started thinking about it, and in my experience, a monumental percentage of passionate wrestling fans have been male. I can name you great female wrestlers, managers, or valets, but I can’t name you five wrestling fans I know that are female and are intelligent fans. Don’t take the word intelligent out of context here. I simply mean that I could watch wrestling, cheer the faces and boo the heels and just enjoy the show, but I wouldn’t really understand the way the industry works, what makes a good match, or have a deep understanding of the connection between wrestling and wrestling fan. This is actually a major problem between mainstream and hardcore wrestling fans, not just male and female. This is the debate that drives fans like me crazy because it waters down the product. Not just WWE, any show. Do we take it too seriously? Of course we do, but that’s the point. I’ve met a ton of people who don’t get wrestling, or sports at all because they don’t understand how someone can put blind passion into something they have no control of, or can watch a team lose for decades without any payoff. This is a totally separate issue, but I can watch years of sub-par WWE programming just to get to a few months of solid stuff. Why? Because I am a goddamn wrestling fan.

I know some ladies are reading this, and if that is you then come find me because I’ve met zero women in my life who look at and bring that much passion to wrestling. I’ve seen women at shows, or talked to them over numerous social media, or forum sites, but nothing to that level. From what I’ve seen in my twenty-five years is female wrestling fans who route for the faces, cute guys, cute girls, the popular Divas, whoever I like, or they take everything so lightly. Sure, from a business perspective their money is just as good as mine. But where is the female passion for this sport that I can’t seem to find? It makes me ask how the majority of female wrestling fans watch wrestling? I know the types of fans I’ve seen, but where are the passionate ones? Are they embarrassed to say they like it?

It is funny. Here I am complaining about the one thing in my life that I am free from the female perspective on, and I want to give that up. I’m sorry about that, but I really think women can have a far more significant role in the wrestling industry. Not just in the crowd, or in front of the TV, but in the ring and behind the scenes. Someone like Stephanie McMahon was born into it. It is the true wrestling fans that carry the industry because they are the ones who grow up to become the superstars. Change comes from within in this industry and change always starts is in the crowd in this industry.

So ladies, if you’ve connected to wrestling in that very special way, then learn the craft. Study and understand the industry because wrestling is something that could use a much more defined feminine touch because frankly, you guys are smarter than us and better than us at most things. In truth, the industry could use more beautiful passionate wrestling fans. Maybe I’ll get lucky someday and meet the future Ms. McCormick who will be obnoxious at wrestling shows next to me, but until then my search continues. But even if I settle for something else, it’d be nice to have female wrestling fans as interested as us fine gentlemen. Again frankly, it’d make wrestling only that much more fun.
Damn that was a long post. I'm shocked that you're finding any women with how you ramble on and on. Anyway, if you desire that type of partner in life I'd suggest finding a friend with a CD fetish or try or I can't remember which name is correct.
Gotta tell you, man, love shouldn't be conditional. If you're looking for a girlfriend and she HAS to be a pro wrestling fan, don't hold your breath. There is no such thing as a perfect match. You may have qualities that she doesn't have and vice versa.

I just sounded like I just gave dating advice but yeah.
I wanna say Navi and Mustang Sally are both girls and are both insanely knowledgeable when it comes to wrestling. Not saying date them but girls like that are out there. I mean I've never met one. The closest I got was a girl when I was in ninth grade but she was a druggie...sorry for the tangent. Anyway they are out there
Alright. This shits getting creepy now. Females are smaller on the intricacies of wrestling because they don't care. And if they did, they'll just go train and learn. Its the way it is.

But if you're here courting, sorry. This isnt Craigslist, OKCupid or any of that. I'm not gonna let the girls that do come here get singled out for matchmaking.
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