Are Generation Me basically the Hardy Boys version 2.0?


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Now I am sure that some of you might think I am generalising this a bit too much but i can't help but think that Generation Me are just a re-hashed version of the Hardys when they first started out...

For starters they are brothers, they both have names that begin with M and J, they wear god ugly multi coloured pants, they have a similar style and just like the Hardys, they have finishers that have really long names (i.e. More bang For Your Buck/Whisper In The Wind)...

I am not saying this is a bad thing and for a young tag team the Hardys are a good place to start to emulate their style, but surely they could have changed it a bit...

Just a thought, interested to hear others opinions...
Absolutely, and just like both Hardy boys, they both lack personalities!

The distinctions between the two are few and far between, absolutely, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The Hardy Boys are quite possibly one of the most important tag teams in the annals of wrestling history, so to have your team be compared to them isn't a bad thing inherently. All they need to do is continue to entertain the fans and they'll get by just fine.
You must admit watching them do interview is kind of painful, and Max even had the bad Matt Hardy ponytail/sideburns combo....
Lol at Simmo however, I think it is a compliment and an insult.

The Hardy's are probably one of the greatest entertainers in the Tag Team division yet they are horrible on the mic. I guess its a case of ttaking the good with the bad. However, I think a fued with MCMG would be good for them as it would get them T.V. time to work on the mic skills or give them a good manager to help them learn.
I definitely agree they need an outfit change. As for the similarities between them and the Hardy Boyz they are definitely there but I wouldn't say there a copy.

They are definitely a "TNA" tag team. What I mean by this is that they are a tag team built around combination moves and two people with the same wrestling style. Max/Buck are both highflier's and Beer Money are both power guys.

As opposed to the Hardy Boyz which are a "WWE" tag team which is two guys that have two different styles of wrestling. Jeff was the high flier while Matt was the power guy. Just as Tyson Kid is the technical and Smith Jr is the powerhouse.
They are definitely a "TNA" tag team. What I mean by this is that they are a tag team built around combination moves and two people with the same wrestling style. Max/Buck are both highflier's and Beer Money are both power guys.

I have to disagree on this part your statement in there being a TNA style tag team as in the bast and current we have Ink Inc. (Neal power, Moore high flyer), A.J. & Tomko (Obvious), Christian & Tomko (Same as before), Eric Young & Nash (Young-technical, Nash-power) and there are plenty more that have come and gone through TNA.

Though one part I forgot to mention earlier was the wardrobe. The wardrobe definitely needs to be changed for the Young Bucks as they look like little kids mixed with John Morrison. I think they need to have a more distinguished outfit which would help out them getting over with the fans.
Pretty much, now that I think about. They present the same things that the Hardy's used to have back in the old days with the attire and look they sport. Both have been viewed as an exciting tag team that produces moves which the crowd goes wild for. But, they are a poor man Hardy Boyz considering (what IDR said) they haven't got much personality. They are just two guys who do the flippies for entertainment and that's about the extent of their persona's. I mean, the MCMG developed their own characters and it worked... I digress.

Just because they resemble an appearance of someone else doesn't mean they can't get beloved by the fans. Hell, it's not as obvious as Shark Boy or the Black Machismo gimmick Jay Lethal used so they shouldn't have a worry. Having them in the tag team division is good as they can be used as the jobber to the stars team (as they can sell well) or provide for some entertaining matches against other teams.
I have to disagree on this part your statement in there being a TNA style tag team as in the bast and current we have Ink Inc. (Neal power, Moore high flyer), A.J. & Tomko (Obvious), Christian & Tomko (Same as before), Eric Young & Nash (Young-technical, Nash-power) and there are plenty more that have come and gone through TNA.

When I said "TNA" tag teams i meant tag teams that are brought in as actual tag teams. Not guys brought together through story lines for short stints as contenders or champs. Im talking about career tag teams. Im sorry if i didnt fully explain before. (I used Beer money as an original example and i am aware they were previous singles stars)
Yeah both teams are similar in may ways. Personally The Hardy Boyz is my favorite tag team of all time. Both Matt and Jeff are my favorite wrestlers of all time. Generation Me is very fun to watch and very fast-paced. If TNA was smart they would try to make Generation Me not too similar to the Hardy Boyz and try to give The Buck's a different attire or something. But seeing as TNA would probably screw this up they will soon give Generation Me a hot girl with red hair as their manager, rename the team the Buck Boyz, and have one guy look like Matt and the other one look like Jeff with the attire and all.
yes they are both brothers but what high flying did you see from the hardys matt only had a diving leg drop and a moonsault jeff had a 450 splash moonsault and a senton bomb generation me innovated some stuff and added more then just having 4 high flying moves and look aj doesnt have a good personality but what he lacks there makes up in his ring ability with his great moves.
yes they are both brothers but what high flying did you see from the hardys matt only had a diving leg drop and a moonsault jeff had a 450 splash moonsault and a senton bomb generation me innovated some stuff and added more then just having 4 high flying moves and look aj doesnt have a good personality but what he lacks there makes up in his ring ability with his great moves.

Never said it was a bad thing and I was referring to the Hardys when they started not how they are now... guessing you are only 13 or something so don't remember anything prior to 2005...

Would love to see the Bucks do great things and clean up their moves a bit and hope they succeed, here's a manager idea - Chelsea.....
I know these guys personally from the California independents when they were the Young Bucks. They put on some great shows with Epic War wrestling. As great as they are, there will never be another Hardy's. But again if anyone can give the Hardy's a run for their money, it's Gen Me!:band:
I wouldn't call them "Hardy Boyz Version 2", but the two teams are very similar in how they looked early on in their careers, their ring styles and mic skills.

Generation Me need a mouthpiece, a manager, who can get them over more with the fans, so they can push on to the next level. They also need a change of attire and haristyles as what they have right now is god-awful and doesnt make them stand out from the crowd in the slightest.

They definately have the in-ring ability to be big stars in tag-team wrestling, a MCMG v Generation Me feud could be AWESOME....but they arent quite ready yet imo
Pretty obvious from day 1 they were going for the original hardy boyz, they even wear simlar looking outfits, the difference though is the Hardy's could wrestle, Generation Me aren't in the same league as the Hardy's were
GO; Er, I'm going to disagree. The Hardyz were kind of bad at first. They need to brush up on their playing to the crowd, they looked uncomfortable on TV outside of the match.
Yes, they are trying very hard to become the Hardy Boyz in many ways, I noticed it the first time I saw them. I like Generation Me, they're very entertaining and have the potential to get over huge with the fans.

However, despite many claims to the contrary Jeff Hardy was always a very charismatic individual. Is he good on the mic? No. His charisma and personality came through with his mannerisms, expressions, dance moves, etc, etc. However, the Bucks haven't seemed to develop the ability to do this yet, they're even more nervous looking than the Hardyz were pre-Team Xtreme. Of course the Hardyz are more or less 16-17 year veterans so they've had the time to develop the skills needed to fire up a crowd.

In the long run I think it'd be far more beneficial for the Bucks to develop their own style as opposed to trying to become the new Hardy Boyz. No wrestler should strive to be the next Jeff Hardy or the next Shawn Michaels, the Bucks should focus on becoming Generation Me. I've been a Hardyz fan since I was 8 or 9 and they were still in the daisy tights on the C-Show so while I think it's really cool to see two talented guys paying homage to this, they really need to become individuals (or an individual unit? Does that make sense? Alas, you know what I mean).
i would most certainly agree they are very much like young hardys with a bit of mexicools mixed in(without the lawn mowers). i dont believe the hardys were that fast paced with some of the insane moves that gen me has(note the mexicools comment) but also the owen hart/jim niedhart,koko beware high enery style clothes do have to go
No, Generation Me, which is a stupid name, I'll call them the Young Bucks, they are not a Hardy Boyz 2.0. They are better at high flying, their tag team moves are more innovative, they are more like a MCMG 2.0 if you had to compare, the Young Bucks are under used in TNA we've seen MCMG vs Young Bucks, it's all high flying, fast speed action.
i would agree with most posters here. the young bucks do seem to come off as "the hardys ver.2.0" except for one thing.

it's not. the hardys were "the rockers ver.2.0" this makes the bucks something of a "rockers ver,3.0 or higher"
But, they are a poor man Hardy Boyz considering (what IDR said) they haven't got much personality. They are just two guys who do the flippies for entertainment and that's about the extent of their persona's.

Yes, because the Hardy Boyz were oozing with personality when they came into WWE.

Definitely though. They are basically the 1998 Hardy Boyz, except with better ring work. I don't really see how you can call it "teh flippies" though. If anything I would say their offense is similar to MCMG, in that it's a combo of ground attacks, double team and high flying moves. These guys are young as shit though, and they haven't even been in TNA for a year.

They will definitely get better, and although they probably will never be the guys to come out and cut a really good promo, or have a legit gimmick, you can't deny their exceptional skills as a tag team at this point in their wrestling careers.
It is entirely possible that they grew up idolising the Hardy's hence the very similar look

Disregarding that,
there names, if they aren't there real names ofcourse
Generation ME - Max and Jeremy
Hardy Boyz - Matt and Jeff
gees be original both Ma and Je :p

and even there hairstlye, Max is the dark haired guy Jeremy the blonde. Anyone see an obvious pattern? Just like the Hardy's

There Team name is awfull though very fitting for the mentaility of the generation they grew up in. They are better in ring wrestlers than Hardy Boyz, i will give them that.

But the blatantly obvious similarities should've been nipped in the bud
I'm so glad that someone else noticed this. Even my friend said something to me, and I had to do a double take. I didn't realize it until he said "Look at the names M&J, matt and jeff, max and jeremy." Then I realized their ring apparel (GenMe) is quite strikingly similar to that of Hardys' when they first debuted with WWE way back in the old days. To me it seems almost too similar to pass up. An homage? Maybe. GenMe idolizing Hardy? Possibly. Granted, their hi-flying moves and their apparel certainly makes it hard not to notice the similarities the two teams have in common. I'm sure any tag team that does hi-flying will get comparisons to that team. However, without making any further speculation, I'm pretty sure that there has to be an understanding that they either are quite influenced by Hardys, otherwise they wouldn't have been allowed to continue with this persona, and keep in mind that the wrestlers tend to go through makeovers quite often in this business as well.
Absolutely, and just like both Hardy boys, they both lack personalities!

What is with you and saying people don't have personalities? Does ANYONE have a personality IDR? Or is it just anyone you don't like doesn't have a personality? Because to claim Jeff Hardy doesn't have a personality is pretty outlandish.

Also, how much of Generation Me's work have you actually seen? I'm going to make a guess and say you've seen nothing they've done outside of TNA, is that correct? If so, you have no place to say the Bucks/Generation Me have no personality, because if you watched their work in PWG over the last year you'd see they certainly DO have personalities and are working some of the best heel characters in the entire business today in PWG. The fans shit on TNA and the Bucks for being in it, and the Bucks play that up by always talking about how much they love Hogan, Bischoff, and Dixie and playing the role of the asshole heel tag team better than I've seen anyone do it in a long, long time.

Go look up pretty much any of the Bucks work in PWG this year, and you'll see what I mean. They most certainly DO have personalities, great ones.

Anyways, no, the Bucks are not the new "Hardy Boyz", why must every team be the new something, why can't they just be the first Generation Me? The Hardyz were awesome when they started out but they had nowhere near the amount of impressive looking double-team moves that the Buck have. Honestly as awesome as the Hardyz were, the Bucks put them to shame in the high-flying daredevil high-spot category, as those two have about 10 different combos of great double-team moves that can pop a crowd like a motherfucker when they first see them, as the TNA crowd was flipping out watching them do some of their trademark moves.

No, they're not the new Hardy Boyz, frankly I think they're more enjoyable to watch than the Hardyz were.
Generation Me looks and basically appears likes the Hardy's of old and as Falkon and IDR have stated previously in this thread, they mimick the Hardys old exciting gimmick but i doubt they will be used in any other way but enhancement talent.

In order for GenMe to stand out they need to prove that their workrate is far better than the bland gimmick that the tag team carrries and they are doing just that, their match with MCMG on impact this week was the most exciting match in Impacts two hours and made both teams stand out in TNA's under utilised tag team environment and good things will come for GenMe as long as they keep utilising exciting moves, and keep working as hard as they have done prior.

Eventually just like the hardy's of old they will need to establish their own identities in order to stand out from their previous gimmick and secure some gold.
Given that the Hardyz were a progression of the Rockers who in turn were a progression of the Rock'N'Roll Express, I'd say that Gen Me are just another progression. Of these I'd probably compare them most closely to Robert & Ricky as I can only see them as a career tag team.

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