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Are 'Finishing' Moves Really Finishers Anymore?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
My examples mostly came out of last night Hell In A Cell.

False finishes to matches are real suspense moves when done well, during a match with a good build up. An example of this was when it was done twice during the Wade Barrett/John Cena match. Both men kicked out of each others finishers and kept the crowd guessing.

But it was also done in the Shaemus/Orton match too, and that didn't have me involved and thus, I saw the kick-out coming from a mile off.

Way back when, finishers literally finished the match. Nobody back in the day kicked out of a 'Stone Cold' Stunner, or a Pedigree, and when they did, it was a genuine shock for the viewing fan.

My question is, has using the false finish actually nullified finishing moves to merely just moves in a wrestlers arsenal? Or are the false finishes still keeping you on the edge of your seat?
For me, false finishes generally keep me interested. For instance, it's not very often that anyone kicks out of the Attitude Adjustment. Off the top of my head, the only three that spring to mind over the course of Cena's time in the WWE have been The Undertaker during his American Badass phase, Batista at WM 26 and Wade Barrett last night. There may have been others, but those are the only three that spring to mind.

Kicking out of finishers loses that intensity if it's done too often. HBK kicking out of the Tombstone at WM25 and 26 just added more to the match as did the kickouts last night. It gives a fan the sense that these guys must really really really wanna win this match in the worst way and that they're pushing themselves as hard as they can. After all, Cena's AA or Barrett's Wasteland are the "most devestating" moves in their arsenal.

In the case of Cena, I think it was a little more expected for him to kick out of Barrett's finisher just because he's John Cena. He's a 9 time World Champion, done just about everything there is to do in the WWE, etc. and Wade Barrett is, comparatively speaking, a nobody in terms of accomplishments.
I think in the past when someone hit their finisher, it was almost certainly match over, but that was in the days of regular squash matches.

Today, it does tend to be the big matches that have kick outs from finishing moves, which I think is fine as it DOES get the crowd going, and when the wrestler gets a two and then looks up in disbelief the fan can that he is thinking "What have a got to do to put this guy away?", therefore increasing the credibility of his opponent.

Also, in terms of the guy kicking out before the 3 count, it shows just how much this big match means to him as he is digging down with everything he has in his body to summon up the strength to kick out of a big name finishing move, a move that almost everybody succumbs to.

As long as kick outs are not used in every match, which would make the finisher look less effective, I dont think there is anything wrong with the occasional kick out in an important match. What you dont want to see is 50% of wrestlers kicking out of the RKO or the AA. It has to be done right, with only suitable opponents kicking out- e.g. already stars, or someone who WWE is attempting to make am star
I think false finishes are great in moderation. They are often one of the most memorable moments of the match and are guaranteed to get a huge reaction from the live crowd. HBK-Taker is an obvious example. HBK kicked out of the tombstone piledriver, and I was completely shocked. Not only was this an exciting moment to watch, but it didn't at all affect my view of the finisher. This was solely because it hardly ever fails to finish an opponent, and the kick out just emphasised what an important match this was. The same sentiment goes to Barret kicking out of the AA last night.

The one problem with false finishes is when it occurs too often or at unnecessary times. For example, Edge kicking out of Swagger's finisher at HIAC. In my opinion, it wasn't needed as the match was only filler and it didn't particularly add anything to the match. Another example is the Angle Slam. That move would be sold as a genuine finisher by the commentators during his matches, but you were surprised if it did actually finish an opponent. But, at the end of the day, there's nothing at all wrong with false finishes when used in the right situation.
I want to take everybody back to a match that is often in the conversation for "Greatest Match Ever." Summerslam - Bret Hart vs Davey Boy Smith.

At the time, Davey's finisher was a running powerslam. He put away EVERYBODY with it. He was a big, strong dude who could drive a guy into the mat like nothing. At one point in this match, Smith hit Bret Hart with the running powerslam. The UK crowd went ape shit. The commentators knew the match was over.

But Bret kicked out.

Bobby Heenan, the greatest manager of all time and among the greatest commentators, stated very clearly "he couldn't put him away with his own finishing maneuver, that's it, he can't beat Bret Hart."

Of course, he did, but people listening thought Bobby was right. Bret kicked out of the running power slam - thusly Bret must just have his number.

Folks, that feeling is GONE. Nowadays, finishing moves in big matches lack the finality they once had. Kicking out of a finisher was an anomole once upon a time - Warrior kicking out of SEVERAL Randy Savage elbows at Wrestlemania 7. Vader kicking out of Hogan's leg drop - at a one count, no less. Those were noteworthy.

To WWE's credit, they're getting back to the finisher being "the end" a little bit, so Seamus's reaction to Orton kicking out of the brougue kick last night was something I was impressed by. Furthermore, Wade Barrett kicking out of the Attitude Adjustment was pretty special.

You won't see this on Raw. But I also don't hear Heenan's voice in my mind anymore.
Finishers arent really finishers anymore, just like moves on the outside of the ring arent finishers anymore. Back in the day, someone did anything to you on the floor and you were dead. If it wasnt enough to give your opponent a win via count out, you were at least injured. Not since Tommy Dreamer kicked out of the Superfly Splash have finishers been legit.
THey still kinda keep me on the edge of my seat but sum times i get pissed off. For example:

Eugene- We all know eugene does the "special" rock bottom stunner. etc. The thing is tho, when he used those moves, he could only put away mid carders like rene dupree.(2004-2005) But when it came to HHH (Summerslam 2004) Kurt Angle (Summerslam 2005) even using there own finishing move against them didnt work. I was stunned:wtf:. If the Rock or Austin would of done it it would of been over but Eugene did it and nothing.

Another example would have been the Rock vs Undertaker vs Angle(No Way Out 2002) They were throwing each other signature moves around like nothing. And no one was stayin down for the 3 count. But when the Rock hit the Rock Bottom on angle, he won......
Finishing moves are not the same anymore because wrestlers are not the same anymore. Compare the GTS to Hulk Hogans Boot and Leg drop. Today the only way you use a leg drop is if you are desperate. The moves are so "high impact" now in wrestling, its getting to the point Finishing moves are just signature moves because not all moves get over. It is how wrestling has evolved.
I guess they are, but people kick out of finishers way more now than they ever have. It does make them feel less important. I still wish the DDT was an actual finisher, instead of just a regular move you see all the time now.
No, I don't think it has devalued them. Usually when a superstar can't finish off another superstar now a days it's because they want to make the match longer and more exiting. Someone mentioned the Brogue kick, but really? That is not even his real finisher. His real finisher is the one that he rarely hits. I forget the name, but he only does it every once in a while. He did it to Danielson after he squashed him on RAW.

John Cena's AA is still very credible because of how many times he has finished off opponents with it. I don't think Wade kicking out of it made it look like it was just a normal move. I think it just cemented that fact that Wade is now a main event star and he is able to kick out of it whenever the situation calls for it. By the hasn't HHH also kicked out of it? Nothing wrong with kicking out of them. What I do miss is when they used to hit their opponents finishers every once in a while.
What I do miss is when they used to hit their opponents finishers every once in a while.

That was the reason why I purchased WM 17 to be straight.... The build up for the main event every week saw Rock and Austin doing their respective finishers until the very last week when The Rock gave Austin the stunner. To this day, I can't get to the end of the song "My way" without going "The Rock just Stunned the Rattlesnake right out of his boots!" in my best JR impression.

Kane did that to Taker at HIAC and I just froze. I thought to myself "PG era is gone!" But then realization kicked in.

As for the main topic, I don't think it's that bad. Wade Barrett has been put into a short list of people who were able to kick out of the AA... Not only that, but he survived not one but TWO STF holds in that match. The suspense in that match was there.

Randy Orton kicking out of the Brogue kick was also suspenseful. Sure it wasn't his finisher, but it was the same signature that put Orton on the mat on Raw countless of times. In Sheamus' mind, he thought he wouldn't have to resort to using the Hard Cross. And then, in that same match, Sheamus kicked out of an RKO. To me, that helped Sheamus get over as a main eventer. Sure, he hasn't gone over clean at any pay per view since TLC, but he's managed to stand in with the best of them.

Finishers are finishers. During the weeks and throughout several pay per views, the moves put people away still. Wade Barrett hits the Wasteland on someone in a normal match and it's curtains. Cena kicking out just proved that he didn't want to be in Nexus. I don't think false finishes are done too hard... Or at least not in WWE's case. TNA does them too often and so does ROH, but ROH's aren't from finishers but more so more impactful moves.
You're using bad examples. Cena on one hand uses to use the AA as a direct finisher, now he uses the stf to tap them out. Just like how Christian's finisher used to be an inverted DDT, now he uses it as a regular move, same with the Edgeucution. And Wade is a rookie, how can he finish Cena that early in the match even with his finisher? He's not stronger than Cena. Cena kicked out of a spear after fighting in the Elimination Chamber. So I saw no problem with the match because the AA is no longer Cena's primary finisher and the Wasteland is not powerful enough to take out Cena mid-match.
I think they serve their purpose I mean you dont see ppl kick out of finshers on RAW or SD, but in a PPV I thnk its fitting it you have a match that goes on a LONG time and sumone kick out of a finsher a la WM taker VS Michels

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