Are Elimination Chamber Matches Memorable?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Some of the earlier ones stand out but ever since the Elimination Chamber match started taking place every February, especially when they have two in one night, they all blend together. I couldn’t tell you who has been in the any particular chamber match. I know Cena’s been in some, Jericho has been in some, Mysterio, etc. but I couldn’t tell you what combination was in the match together on any given year. The matches are fun to watch as they’re happening, which is all that really matters, but as soon as they’re over I’ve forgotten about them. Does anyone else feel this way about the chamber or do you guys actually remember specific matches?
Memorable? Naah. The first few times they had the match it sure was awesome, but it's just another gimmick attached to a PPV now -- the same way Hell in a Cell and TLC are. I can still remember Shawn winning the title, and I can remember the year Evolution screwed Goldberg... The rest of 'em just sort of all end up being the same muddled mess.

-Goldberg tearing through everyone in the 2003 Chamber, Flair sliding the sledgehammer to HHH, and HHH escaping with the win.

-It didn't happen in the Chamber, but Edge cashing-in on a bloody Cena to win the WWE Championship after the Chamber match, and deliver the most shocking cash-in ever.

-Shawn winning the title in 2002.

-Edge losing the WWE Championship and winning the World Heavyweight Championship in 2009.

-Shawn kicking Edge in 2005, Triple H refusing to save Batista, and winning the WHC. Eventually setting up the match at WM 21.

- In 2008, Undertaker flipping Batista over the top rope for a Tombstone and the win. And unfortunately 2008 featured two of the most predictable Chamber matches ever. Taker and HHH were locks to win both Chambers, and you could see it coming from a mile away.

Then again, I mostly remember all of this stuff, because I bought the Elimination Chamber Anthology set last year.

-Goldberg tearing through everyone in the 2003 Chamber, Flair sliding the sledgehammer to HHH, and HHH escaping with the win.

-It didn't happen in the Chamber, but Edge cashing-in on a bloody Cena to win the WWE Championship after the Chamber match, and deliver the most shocking cash-in ever.

-Shawn winning the title in 2002.

-Edge losing the WWE Championship and winning the World Heavyweight Championship in 2009.

-Shawn kicking Edge in 2005, Triple H refusing to save Batista, and winning the WHC. Eventually setting up the match at WM 21.

- In 2008, Undertaker flipping Batista over the top rope for a Tombstone and the win. And unfortunately 2008 featured two of the most predictable Chamber matches ever. Taker and HHH were locks to win both Chambers, and you could see it coming from a mile away.

Then again, I mostly remember all of this stuff, because I bought the Elimination Chamber Anthology set last year.

This somewhat proves my point. As I said before, the earlier ones stand out a bit more. Four of the six moments mentioned took place before the chamber match starting taking place every February. I think since then they have become less memorable.

One moment I do remember is John Cena getting eliminated early one year. I think it was 2009. If I remember correctly Jericho, Mysterio, and Edge all hit their finishers on him and Edge got the pin. The look on their faces when they realized they just eliminated the biggest threat so early in the match was awesome. Other than that there aren't really any stand out moments in the several matches we've seen over the past five years or so.
I remember spots and moments like the ones the Sheriff listed, but yeah, as far as details most Elimination Chamber matches are a blur. A good example is Edge stealing Kofi's spot. I can't recall the year offhand nor any specifics from either Chamber match that night.

I do remember The Undertaker catching fire, though. At first I thought he was just throwing the robe off and hurrying up for effect. Unfortunately for 'Taker that was not the case.
Taker chucking MVP off the top of one of the pods like no one's business is one I remember.
The closing set from Mysterio and Edge in 2011 was awesome, as was the performance of JoMo in the Raw Chamber the same year. I loved the Santino story of last year's Chamber too. He and Bryan carried the closing sequence off perfectly. Those were fairly recent.
I remember quite a bit, but that may be due to the Chamber being my favourite gimmick match. It's like all gimmick matches though, once you get a certain number of them, they get old and less memorable.

Everyone should remember the Smackdown 2011 chamber, just for how awesome the match was.
The closing set from Mysterio and Edge in 2011 was awesome
Shades of the 2009 Raw Chamber, no doubt.

To answer Brain's question, I remember them because I seem to have plenty of space in my head for useless wrestling knowledge. But I don't expect most people remember them. But like you said, them being fun to watch while they're happening is all that really matters. And they're very fun.
The only ones that really stand out for me, that I find memorable are the first 5. Ironically, none of the 5 I enjoyed / remembered took place at No Way Out / Elimination Chamber PPVs.

Survivor Series (2002)
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (c) vs. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam
This one sticks out to me the most, because it was the first one, and really felt a sense of nostalgia when Shawn Michaels walked out of the Chamber as “WCW” Champion.

SummerSlam (2003)
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (c) vs. Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Kevin Nash vs. Randy Orton
I remember this one because I thought for sure that Goldberg was going to recapture the Big Gold Belt. I was hoping for Jericho to pull off the surprise win here, but oh well.

New Year's Revolution (2005)
World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Chris Benoit vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H
(with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee)
I was hoping for an Evolution reunion, but that didn’t happen. The fact that there wasn’t an Elimination Chamber match in 2004, is what made me interested in its return.

New Year's Revolution (2006)
WWE Championship
John Cena (c) vs. Kurt Angle vs. Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Kane
This match was great, but what happened after is what makes this match very memorable. I’ll never forget Vince’s appearing on stage right after the Chamber started going up.

December to Dismember (2006)
ECW World Championship
Big Show (c) vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Hardcore Holly vs. CM Punk vs. Test vs. Rob Van Dam
To me, this should have been the greatest math in ECW history. The Elimination Chamber itself fits the ECW was of thinking. The Extreme Elimination Chamber should have fit ECW like a glove. Oh well!! $#!+ happens.

The last 10 Chamber matches do all run together in my mind and I’m sure this next Chamber match will do the same.
I remember them more for moments now than I do for the entire match. Like last year for instance. In the WWE Title match I remember Kofi performing his cross body off the top of one of the pods, and I remember Jericho being knocked out of the actual chamber and being legit hurt. In the WHC match I remember how I thought Santino was actually going to win, and Big Show breaking into a pod, thought I can't remember whose pod it was.

Like most gimmick matches I think the initial appeal wears off after a couple years. Like with MITB, they are still fun matches, but that have to add in special spots each year, such as JoMo climbing the chamber and diving onto Sheamus a couple years back, to make them memorable.
Easily my favorite Gimmick Match the WWE has to offer.

2008. May have been predictable, but both matches were pretty damn good. The Raw match had that pretty damn good ending with Triple H and Jeff Hardy.

2009 with Edge, Jericho, and Mysterio taking out Cena was just awesome sauce. The reaction from Edge is amazing. Hell, that whole show with Edge losing in the opening match and then coming and winning in the last match was just crazy. Both chamber matches were top notch.

2010. Admittedly, the Raw chamber match was pretty forgettable, but the Smackdown match was pretty good. Michaels coming in at the end and fucking over Taker was very well done.

2011. Again, Smackdown stole the show with their chamber match. The Edge vs. Mysterio finally makes the match a match of the year candidate.

2012. Probably the first year where both matches were mediocre.
No. I remember two. And I remember Eric Bischoff coming out to explain how the stupid chamber works on every ppv for years!
New Years revolution 2005 - Amazing match.

December to dismember 2006 - Horrible match.
I recently bought the Elimination Chamber DVD (Iron Will? Sounds like a iron man match compilation), but it's still in the plastic. An even more shocking fact - I quite liked Shawn Michaels' brown tights at the time, and I managed to convince myself that his hair looked good. Delusional.
Meh, some Chamber matches are good, there are some good moments that have happened in the Chamber but none of them were anything special. Personally my favorite one was at Elimination Chamber 2011 when Edge and Mysterio opened and closed the match and even that I wouldn't count it as a great match.

All in all the moments in the chamber are more memorable than the matches itself, to be honest I really only remember the good moments and the rest of it kind of all meshes together.
I remember specific moments from various Chamber matches, but the same goes for majority of gimmicks. The over-saturation of them in recent years may have been necessary to draw buzz, but it's killed my anticipation towards most of them. I just kind of now expect them to be there. The only ones I really care about now are Money in the Bank, TLC matches and the Rumble. And I suppose, the Chamber is still pretty cool. It just used to be much better when WWE did gimmicks for blood rivalries that merited them, and not every few weeks. Big Show and del Rio are a good example of a duo that SHOULD have them. In fact, I think we should see the first ever Chamber match that doesn't have pod releases; just the two of them destroying each other in the structure. Why not?

Off the top of my head, Survivor Series 2002 is usually the one I go to first. Triple H and Shawn Michaels tore that down. I remember Jericho being there. I can recall ECW having a PPV that was terrible, and like 90 minutes too short. Smackdown's Chamber match from 2012, with Santino was pretty damn good.

I guess, beyond 2012 I can't recall any of them. So no. I think they're highly anticipated, and are generally pretty darn good, but WrestleMania and the Rumble are very tasty pieces of break to that sandwich, that makes you forget about the tuna salad trapped inside. I like tuna salad, and when I see it on a menu I think, "I think i want to have that today". But could I ever recall a specific tuna salad that was so good I'd travel back to get it a second time? No.
To answer Brain's question, I remember them because I seem to have plenty of space in my head for useless wrestling knowledge. But I don't expect most people remember them. But like you said, them being fun to watch while they're happening is all that really matters. And they're very fun.

I've always had plenty of space in my head for useless wrestling knowledge too so I got a little worried when I couldn't remember these specific matches. I'm not filling any space in my head with useful knowledge so I guess I'm just reaching my capacity. Oh well.

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