Are Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan the two biggest draws?

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
On January 4th, the WWE and TNA will battle for ratings, each backing one man against another. TNA choose Hulk Hogan, a man who was have seen a lot lately, past his prime. Bret Hart, also past his prime, is being backed by the WWE, a company that hasn't showed him in a match since 1997, a man who we haven't really saw a lot of in general.

But are these two men, each over 50, each with little to no abilities left in the ring, the two men that are the best men to lead each opposing side in the great war of 2010?

Looking through the Annals of time, are there any heroes left out there that could grab the flags of the companies and lead them to larger victories than Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart?

Bret Hart probably at most has one match left in him, and I think it will be wasted on Vince. But there are better talents out there than Bret Hart in the ring. Bret Hart however has little exposure since leaving the WCW. He has only been on WWE TV twice, never live on a wrestling show, and to say there are Bret Hart fans out there, is like saying I like beer a bit.

Hulk Hogan is also the marred as one of the biggest draws of all time, but is he still a draw? He is the weak part for me of this special evening. But are there any bigger draws, which is my question afterall.

We saw a man known as The Warrior come back to the wrestling world in Spain to have a couple matches. They are pretty shitty matches afterall, but I think Warrior can put on better and more matches than Hogan. But could he draw?

What about a talent like Goldberg? Could Goldberg outdraw Hogan? I don't think so, but we have seen less of him than Hogan. But he would draw me more than any free agent out there, and because I am sure that there are no WWE talent that are becoming free agents who would want to cross over by that time.

So can you think of someone who would be a better draw for Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart out there? The Warrior? Goldberg? Sid Vicious?
So can you think of someone who would be a better draw for Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart out there?

Only 2. Stone Cold and The Rock. They, along with Hogan and Hart are the biggest draws of all time because they are the most familiar wrestlers in modern history. Not sure who else would round out the top 5, but the top 4 draws are definitely those 4.

Hogan and Hart may be too old to do enough in-ring action for their respective federations on monday, but they are qualified to "lead" their federation against the other because they are such huge draws and two of the biggest legends ever.
Stone Cold and The Rock are bigger individual draws than Hulk and Bret. If WWE and TNA really wanted to massacre their rival, they would've clawed tirelessly to get either The Rock or Stone Cold. Bret has never been a significant draw, and outside of hardcore fans, he isn't known very well. Hulk has been getting a lot of negative publicity, and that could hinder his drawing ability, but if it doesn't, then the fact that he appeared on WWE TV frequently will likely hinder his drawing power.

The Rock and Stone Cold are proven draws, that could easily outdraw both Hulk and Bret.

With that said, Hulk and Bret are pretty good draws also. They are getting old and can't wrestle, or can't wrestle well, but all they need is a mic. And it still doesn't negate the fact that they can draw. So, they're fine choices in their own right, but Stone Cold and The Rock would easily draw more than both.
I think Bret Hart is among the greatest draws out there, because unlike Hogan, he hasn't been forcing himself down the fans' throats, or tried to make himself bigger than he needed to be. He walked away from the business, and stayed away. He wasn't heard from much after Owen died and he left WCW, and that was for the best.

The fans want to see him, because they don't know what he looks like, what he has, what he'll say, or how his arrival will effect the WWE. Everyone knows Hogan looks like shit, has nothing left in the tank, and will try and bury the company.
Bret Hart can draw. In Canada and in Europe (especially UK and Germany), even add Asia to that. Believe me he is a huge international star among Wrestling fans. He is the biggest draw they could of got tonight given WWE's storied history with Him. I never buy into Bret Hart not been a significant draw, he was huge but WWF was going through a tough time with steroid scandles, lack of talent and WCW in the 90s so for me the numbers never showed a true reflection of his drawing power. He saved WWF in my humble one through the early to mid 90s.

Hogan in TNA is also huge given he is mainly associated with WWE.

Exciting times ahead.
I'd say Austin is a pretty large draw too. IF he was going to TNA in place of Hogan and I couldn't DVR both, I would watch TNA (this week) over Raw...

I'm a huge Bret Hart fan, so that would be tough. I was a huge Bret Hart fan till he passed the torch at WM 13 in the match Austin passed out with Shamrock the referee. But I think Hogan, Hart, Austin, Goldberg... they all can still draw.

Think IF after Lesnar and Goldbergs terrible match at Mania if TNA picked up both Austin and Goldberg and they put on that dream match how much momentium that could have given them... Or Hogan and Austin, I think that will draw anytime, anyplace.
To answer your question:

Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan are both ABSOLUTELY HUUUUGE Draws. Bret may not be nearly as big a name as Hogan, but he still is huge, and combine that with his 12 years absence, a TON of fans can't wait to see this happen. Hogan is Hogan, so yes, he still has a huge drawing power.

Is Hogan as big a draw today as ever? No, probably not. But he is still huge. And so is Bret Hart.

However. Yes, there is someone who has a bigger Drawing power than both Hogan and Bret Hart combined, and that is The Rock.

Austin would probably be on a similar level as Hogan/Bret....Austin is awesome, but he hasn't been gone as long and tends to do appearances more often than the others....also, since he left wrestling, all his appearances tend to be are beer drinking and maybe a stunner or 2. Predictable.

Rock would be the biggest draw thoguh.

Tonight should be fun!
Obviously Bret is a big draw for the WWE after all of the contraversy plus he has large amounts of fans all around the world.
But to answer the question simply:
No, they are not the biggest draws. The Rock would have been the biggest draw they couldve got, as he doesnt make many appearances plus he is a MASSIVE fan favourite which, in my opion, would pull more views towards WWE as he is a much bigger favourite than Hogan anyday.
However. Yes, there is someone who has a bigger Drawing power than both Hogan and Bret Hart combined, and that is The Rock.

Austin would probably be on a similar level as Hogan/Bret....Austin is awesome, but he hasn't been gone as long and tends to do appearances more often than the others....also, since he left wrestling, all his appearances tend to be are beer drinking and maybe a stunner or 2. Predictable.

Rock would be the biggest draw though.

Really? I'd be interested to see Rock's last Raw he was at, (if it was advertised he was there) what he did for ratings. I must be way off in my assumptions. :)

You think him hosting RAW over Bret Hart would be a better Draw? I don't but I'm a big Bret Hart/ Austin fan and not Rock... Rock to me was very popular but I'd be surprised if having him guest host Raw if it would be better than the Hitman...
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