Are Big Show and Kane bullies?


Getting Noticed By Management
So at the ppv last week, Alberto Del Rio was cutting a promo, and for no reason at all, Big Show and Kane come out and start messing with him. Then on Raw, they are backstage leaning on Del Rio's car. Now where I come from, that's just asking for a fight. So Ricardo Rodriguez starts yelling at them (which is entirely justifiable) and what do they do? He gets shoved to the ground. Ricardo Rodriguez isn't even a wrestler (kayfabe) so why would Big Show do that to him?

I'd be fine if the heel/face roles were reversed and bad guys were picking on good guys, but Big Show and Kane are supposed to be good guys. The way they are treating some of these heel characters is downright disrespectful and unprovoked. And it's offensive that I'm supposed to be cheering for them.

I really find myself being sympathetic for Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez, because they haven't really been bothering anyone lately. Sure, they talk trash a lot, but it's basically just self-promotion and not at the expense of anyone else. So when Ricardo Rodriguez hit Big Show with the car, I was thinking to myself, "Serves him right." Richardo Rodriguez stood up to those bullies. He did what everyone who got picked on in high school secretly wishes they could have done. (I'm not saying we want people to get hit by cars, but I hope you see my point.)

I really wish that when Big Show had shoved Ricardo Rodriguez, that a super-face like John Cena would have confronted him about it and called him a bully and to pick on someone who will fight back. Perhaps this could lead to a heel turn for Big Show. Or maybe just help Big Show see the error of his ways. Either way.

Again, I just can't understand why I'm supposed to be cheering Big Show and Kane right now. WWE keeps saying how they are against bullying, so this comes across as straight hypocrisy. Thoughts?
I was thinking this.

Maybe it's a sign of Kane's inner heel dragging Big-Show to the dark side so they can unleash some serious devastation together?
^Very interesting idea there, Karilas. I wouldn't mind seeing that.

What I have to say to the OP is this...not everything on WWE has to cater to a bunch of seven year olds. The WWE might think of themselves as a politically correct company (with this anti-bullying campaign at the forefront), but they're still not. They have too many stereotypical gimmicks, the R-Truth smoking angle, homophobic/crude humor and of course this stuff that you're pointing out.

Are you honestly offended by this?
In that case did you find it impossible to cheer for Stone Cold when he would randomly beat people up? Or when the fan-favourite The Rock used to call Kevin Kelly a hermaphrodite and humiliate and bully The Coach every week? Were DX bullying the McMahon's when they would mock them every week?

Big Show and Kane are 2 faces who are turning the tables on Del Rio who has run his mouth for months, maybe not as much recently but I think most fans are just glad to see the heel get treated like this for a change, but seriously is it a big deal or anything to get worked up over? No it isnt.

Man the fuck up
where are you from? in bama if someone yells at you for leaning on on there car/truck you A. knock them out or B. get youre shotgun out of the front seat & shoot there heads off fixing a scratch cost 20$ but scratches don,t even matter hell i scratch my own car to make it look cool anyway i think youre just looking to much in to this
WWE isnt against bullying, its pro doing whatever it takes to get extra exposure, even if it means setting up a BS anti-bullying movement. Its like TNA trying to eliminate the hate, yet they have a steryotipical homosexual (Orlando Jordan) harassing others. Some of WWE's biggest faces are bullies. Remember when every week during the Cena/Nexus rivalry Cena would come out and call Justin Gabriel gay? Sure they were innuendos, but anybody over the age of 10 got the picture. So yeah, Big Show and Kane have no problem messing with someone who hasnt done anything to them, but its all about what sells. I bet you were so worked up about the bullying thing that you didnt notice they had a (scripted) car accident 3 days after Macho Man died in a car accident. You really cant hold WWE to its word, especially when its something thats supposed to come "from the heart" like an anti-bullying campaign or a gay rights partnership. Its just wrestling, try to enjoy it and just root for wheover you think deserves the support. I support Miz kayfabe and non kayfabe because in both cases hes getting shitted on for trying to make a name for himself and I dont care what WWE or the fans say about him.
In that case did you find it impossible to cheer for Stone Cold when he would randomly beat people up? Or when the fan-favourite The Rock used to call Kevin Kelly a hermaphrodite and humiliate and bully The Coach every week? Were DX bullying the McMahon's when they would mock them every week?

All of these examples you are referring to were during the attitude era, when WWE was TV-14 and clearly targeted towards a more mature audience. I'm not saying children weren't watching then, but it would be like if you took your kid to a rated R movie. Don't get upset when they start repeating cuss words.

And the main reason I didn't like it is because of their anti-bullying campaign they did recently. It's similar to when they said they were against homophobia and then Michael Cole called someone a slur a few weeks later.

Again, my problem isn't that they have good guys doing bad things. My problem is that WWE is being hypocritical by claiming to be family friendly and anti-bullying while presenting a product that doesn't reflect those values. The attitude era isn't comparable because I don't think WWE claimed to have any values at the time, and they certainly didn't claim to be family-friendly.
Its just a storyline based on a Face sticking it to a big mouthed Heel it happens in real life too. Theres that guy that wont stfu and the nice big guy comes and shuts him up. DOnt look too much into storylines
Their not really bullies they have a badass type character which justified their actions. Plus Del Rios character screams jerk anyway
Lets transfer this into real life

Theres this guy that lives near you, is always running his mouth, has an annoying little puppy dog follower that runs around being just as annoying as him.

You've seen him injure others in the street for no reason, and speak about how much better he is than you and everyone else

would he not be so up your nose that one day, hes running his mouth, and you wouldnt want to tell him to shut the fuck up? (Hence Kane and Show coming out to stop ADR Talking at the PPV)

Then when you are leaning up against a car, maybe not knowing it was the guys car, his little annoying friend comes out and starts moaning at you in a language you dont understand? You wouldnt want to punch him in the mouth? He could of come up to you and said, "hey dude, your leaning on my friends car, can you kindly not do that please"

Nothing bullying about it

ADR and RR both got what they had coming to them.
Come on, it's wrestling, I don't care what label the WWE puts on it. We Have watched the product since we were kids.... Why are we worried about the bulling thing???? WWE should drop the PG rating.... Not saying I promote bulling, but it happens, it as always happened and will continue to happen.... just a few kids couldn't find a better outlet and a way to deal with it.. We get all up tight, I was bullied when I was in school... and you know what I'm fine, I didn't care because I had parenting that told me that I actually had a meaning and I am who I am, so who cares what others say...... So lets cut the crap and get back what we all love to watch!!!
The wwe has always done this. Look at orton, even though they have made him more of a face lately, when he was suppose to be the good guy, he would still try to rko other faces. Then, he almost punted christian in the scull this past ppv. Of course cena wouldnt do it, but faces are not always nice to everyone. plus, as the guy above pointed out, it was not completely unprovoked. del rio has been an ass to everyone, and kane and big show were standing up to him. they didnt know what ricardo was saying because they dont speak spanish. thats why they had del rio and ricardo talk in spanish to kane and big show. they werent kindly asking, they were mouthing off in a language that wouldnt get them anywhere.
I think you're taking the backstage segments a little too serious. Remember you have to separate the WWE from real-life, I know they like to try to blur the lines but you have to remember, most of them have drinks together at the end of the night. Kane and Big Show are two of the largest superstars, Alberto likes to run his mouth; they don't like him. They have bully mentalities on cam however, you shouldn't take it/them too serious.
WWE isnt against bullying, its pro doing whatever it takes to get extra exposure, even if it means setting up a BS anti-bullying movement. Its like TNA trying to eliminate the hate, yet they have a steryotipical homosexual (Orlando Jordan) harassing others. Some of WWE's biggest faces are bullies. Remember when every week during the Cena/Nexus rivalry Cena would come out and call Justin Gabriel gay? Sure they were innuendos, but anybody over the age of 10 got the picture. So yeah, Big Show and Kane have no problem messing with someone who hasnt done anything to them, but its all about what sells. I bet you were so worked up about the bullying thing that you didnt notice they had a (scripted) car accident 3 days after Macho Man died in a car accident. You really cant hold WWE to its word, especially when its something thats supposed to come "from the heart" like an anti-bullying campaign or a gay rights partnership. Its just wrestling, try to enjoy it and just root for wheover you think deserves the support. I support Miz kayfabe and non kayfabe because in both cases hes getting shitted on for trying to make a name for himself and I dont care what WWE or the fans say about him.

Oh give me a break. Where do you people come up with this crap? Seriously. It never ceases to amaze me what lengths people will go to to bash the WWE, no matter how ridiculous they make themselves sound in the process.

Let's see...Big Show is leaning on del Rio's car, and they walked away when del Rio got in their face. That's bullying? Then you have del Rio coming out and insulting the city he's in and the people who live there...and faces interrupt him and tell him to leave...that's bullying? How many thousands of times has that been done in the history of pro wrestling?? Were Kane and Big Show bullying del Rio when HE interrupted THEIR interview and slapped Big Show? Were Kane and Big Show bullying del Rio when he set up Big Show to hit him with his car? OMG, I can't believe they would book that after Macho Man!!! Surely they must've just written that after the accident! Especially since the two are so similiar...Macho Man having a heart attack and driving his car into a tree, Big Show getting hit with a car...yep, mmhmm, the exact same thing! How could they! I mean, obviously the only logical thing to do would be banish all mentions of cars from the show forever, showing how all of the wrestlers rode their bikes to the arena. Newsflash, del Rio has a car with him every week! It's a vital point of his gimmick! It was the reason his fued with Kane and Big Show started! What's the point of even bringing up the Nexus/Cena stuff? Nexus brutally attacked Cena week after week, month after month...and CENA is the bully??? WHAT??? My god.

Now that we dismissed the insane idea that these people are bullies, let's look at the bigger picture here. Since when do the WWE and their workers all endorse what they portray? I will never understand it. You're probably one of those people that blame the WWE when a 10 year old kills his friend driving to give him a piledriver, too. You do realize the WWE is fake, right? It's scripted. It's all carefuly planned and plotted for entertainment purposes. I've never seen or heard the WWE say "hey, go ahead and try all of these things at home with your friends. All of our characters are perfect human beings, so everything they do and say, you should too."

It's a FICTIONAL TELEVISION SHOW! If an actor plays a rapist in a movie or TV show, and then speaks out against sexual assault, are you going to call it a BS movement and how he's just trying to sell something?

What is wrong with you people? Do you actually believe this stuff you spew, or do you just get a kick out of making stuff up?
no not the bullies because their are face
but i think its setting up for a del rio face turn and Ricardo Rodriguez feud with del rio because he says stuff a ricardo hes a idoit
It's not bullying at all it's just a matter of a cocky heel finally getting what he deserves. I can't believe anyone would be offended by it. Most people can see it for what it is and that is entertainment. Everyone kids included love to see the bad guys get put in their place time to time. I see nothing wrong with them picking on him and I watch with my kids. I do have a bigger problem with them hitting Big Show with a car though.
All of these examples you are referring to were during the attitude era, when WWE was TV-14 and clearly targeted towards a more mature audience. I'm not saying children weren't watching then, but it would be like if you took your kid to a rated R movie. Don't get upset when they start repeating cuss words.

And the main reason I didn't like it is because of their anti-bullying campaign they did recently. It's similar to when they said they were against homophobia and then Michael Cole called someone a slur a few weeks later.

Again, my problem isn't that they have good guys doing bad things. My problem is that WWE is being hypocritical by claiming to be family friendly and anti-bullying while presenting a product that doesn't reflect those values. The attitude era isn't comparable because I don't think WWE claimed to have any values at the time, and they certainly didn't claim to be family-friendly.

I appreciate your point regarding my examples being from the Attitude Era, I know they are but plenty of kids watched the show during that time period.

I don't really see how anyone can complain about Big Show and Kane "bullying" 2 nasty pieces of work like Del Rio and Rodriguez, when what they did was so little compared to the stuff heels do on the show all the time. Who cares if they are fan favourites? Kids will still see what you call "bullying" on the show every week.

If I was a parent, I would be more concerned with my kids watching a show based on fighting and injuring your opponent, people talking about how they are going to beat people up and challenging each other to fights, rather than the example you brought up.

I would be very surprised if ANY children decided to copy Big Show and Kane by leaning on their neighbours bicycle or resting their foot on their skateboard, and then pushing them over when challenged, just because two wrestlers on a TV show did it.
Kinda makes sense when you think on it. I think it's natural to sort of "overlook" it when it comes to the likes of Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez due to their status as heels. Because of that, it sort of makes it "ok" I suppose.

After all, if some big guy that you weren't friends with was sitting on your car and shoved you down after telling him to move, he's a bully. While it's probably true that Show wasn't exactly asked nicely to move his big ass, it's common courtesy to not sit or lean up against someone's car that you're not friends with or someone that you don't know.
Are you saying that Big Show and Kane were bullying Alberto Del Rio when he was running his mouth before their match at Over the Limit? Really? Really? Really?

Just because you are a good guy, doesn't mean you should be a pushover or put up with anything just cause you represent the "good". I would have done the same if some asshole was running his mouth when the spotlight is supposed to be on me. I bet you think everybody is a bully in the WWE when they interrupt somebody else who's talking, don't you?

And I'm glad WWE's "good guys" are breaking past what they are expected to represent. Political correctness is a bunch of bullshit and any time I see it being used as an excuse, I wanna puke.
Kinda makes sense when you think on it. I think it's natural to sort of "overlook" it when it comes to the likes of Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez due to their status as heels. Because of that, it sort of makes it "ok" I suppose.

After all, if some big guy that you weren't friends with was sitting on your car and shoved you down after telling him to move, he's a bully. While it's probably true that Show wasn't exactly asked nicely to move his big ass, it's common courtesy to not sit or lean up against someone's car that you're not friends with or someone that you don't know.

Here you have a rational answer!!
Thank you Jack-Hammer

C'mon he is a face, ADR & RR are heels!! So in Vince perspective it makes sense xD

Big Show and Kane was a heel stable at the beginning and he should have stayed in that way!!
I miss them fighting against Batista and Rey Mysterio :D

But i totally agree with Jack-Hammer!!
If the pope sat on my car without my permission, i would punch him in his nose (just kidding)!

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