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Apocalypse: Xander LeBelle (c) versus Batti [Elite Openweight Championship]

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Xander LeBelle was recently announced as the third member of Vis Imperium – the group that now finds itself bankrolled by Mr Banks. Truth be told though, Xander has found it tough going after capturing the Elite Openweight Championship at Kingdom Come. His challenger at Apocalypse will come as a shock to many. But Batti has really lit up WZCW since Kingdom Come with 3 wins from a possible 4. She finds herself in the hunt for her first Championship and it will take a massive effort from Xander, given recent form, to stop her. That is, of course, unless Vis Imperium are involved...



She clutched the edge of the mattress. The bedspread was forgotten; it lied bunched up in the lower corner, touching the floor and flirting with gravity. She arched her back and kept herself from screaming. He was inside of her, dragging his nails across her back. Markings trickled down her spine, pale flesh made scarlet. He said her name with reverence. She paid him back with a sigh. Her head buckled and her eyes closed, she surrendered herself to his will. Her long blonde curls covered her blushing face. She had never felt Ramparte this dominating before.

He was about to pull away, to change positions. But she did it first. Batti rolled off, and faced her boyfriend meekly. She smiled as she bit her lip, stroking his chest with a brush of her hand. Then, unexpectedly, she shoved him onto his back. Ramparte obliged quietly, not knowing her to ever take the lead. It was not something she did. She crawled over him, her breasts brushing up against his torso. Batti straddled him, and with expert ease took him in. He closed his eyes - the sight of her dominating him was too much to take in all at once. She couldn't help herself but moan as she rode him. Here was something he didn't see. Here was something he didn't experience. Submission. He had never felt Batti this dominating before.

When it was over, Batti Otaku helped him dress and get back into his wheelchair. Together they visited the balcony. The Recluse gazed down from their hotel room. It was a fairly warm day with clouds shielding the landscape from the sun. Batti slid passed him in nothing but his robe. She began pinning her hair up.

"You know they say you shouldn't make love before a big fight. It's suppose to make you more aggressive. More likely to beat your opponent."

She leaned against the bannister, her exposed legs crossed.

"I think that's what is wrong with the world lately. Not enough love-making. We're all sexually frustrated. Maybe the reverse is true now. Maybe a good frickle frackle is the best way to prepare for anything. Even a match."

"That's oddly inciteful."

"Meh. Hangin' around you makes me smarter." ^_^

Ramparte laughed, and contemplated.

"Well, are you ready?"

The rookie glanced out into the New York horizon. The Renaissance Midtown Hotel was 0.1 miles away from her goal. Just right there, in plain sight. Xander LeBelle would be waiting inside, ready to defend his title. Batti knew he has had a scrap of bad luck lately, but that made him all the more dangerous. With the growing danger of Vis Imperium, her odds had dwindled since last week. But she still had the momentum.

She wanted nothing more than to put on a spectacle, even if it bothered her boyfriend's sensibilities. If Ramparte had his way, she'd be a straight arrow knocking down competitors left and right. She was too eccentric for him at times, at least in regards to coaching. Outside of the ring was a completely different matter.

She closed her eyes and breathed in the setting.

Madison Square Garden. The World's Most Famous Arena.

Batti didn't get cutesy. No snarky remarks or airheaded tidbits. She only gave him a nod.


"This isn't The Garden, Rammikun..."

The concierge phoned for a driver to get them to Batti's event in style. While the blonde was busy in the lobby taking pictures with a handful of fans that recognized her, Ramparte had made the arrangements. At least that was what she had thought. She stood in a high-profile gymnasium where many athletes sparred on mats. There was no ring. The Recluse grinned.

"This'll do nicely. Xander claims to be a technical wrestler, right? I've watched the tapes. Your striking game is fine, but your mat skill's been atrocious since your debut against Titus Avison. We're gonna remedy that today."

"But my fight is in a few hours, coach." >.<

"Like I give a fuck. Find a partner and begin."

She huffed and toted her gym bag. Mat after mat was in use by potential superstars and casual athletes alike. In the corner of the gymnasium, a trio of guys were finishing up and toweling themselves. One very familiar man leaned against a wall and observed Batti, but he stayed quiet. Her attention was on the one with the dirty blonde hair and foul mouth. He stopped what he was doing and took a hard, long look at her. She started to feel uncomfortable, as if he was undressing her with his eyes.

"Dayum. Legs like a fuckin' gazelle. Man can lose track of time between those things."

"Errrm hi. My name's Batti Otaku and I'd like to spar with one of you guys."


She gave a polite curtsy, and then an awkward, traditional bow. The athlete she spoke to gave his buddies a look and laughed.

"You in America, hun. That Jap stuff don't fly 'round here no more. But you're a cutie so eh no harm done. You want to play around on the floor with me, huh?"

"...well I have to train for my upcoming match, so if any of you dansei would like to go tit for tat-"

"Sure, I'll go tits with ya. But I'm no chick so your little practice will be a bit harder than your fight."

Batti reddened.

"Excuse me sir, but my match is against a man and it's for a title." >:\

The two men exchanged glances and laughed. The third man unbeknownst to the rookie stood grinning.

"HA! Well that guy sure ain't me. Ol' Money. The Alpha Male himself."

"And who the blue hell are you?"

The chuckling died. He grimaced down at her, and cracked his neck left and right.

"I'm Barrett Fucking Stratton, bitch. Remember my name. You'll be crying it out later."

Ramparte wheeled himself over. He looked at the bunch curiously, and then over to the man against the wall. His eyes widened.

"Oh shit..."

"Oh shit is right, cripple. Wait...is this your man? Oh baby no...Jesus how the fuck can this paraplegic satisfy you???"

Stratton was clutching his stomach, reeling at his own joke. Ramparte paid him no mind, but addressed the man who stood there just grinning at all of them.



Furious, Batti gaped at Stratton, and then over at Titus Avison. She stood rigidly.

"TITUS, why are you hanging around creeps..?" :O

"Boredom, mostly. So are you two going to fight or act like extras in a High School drama? Somebody ask someone to prom already."

Stratton threw his towel aside and hunched down in a Greco-Roman pose. A fed up Batti stared daggers into the misogynist.



"I'm Batti Mutha Fuggin' Otaku, and I'm ready to kick the shit outta this bakka bitch!!!"

In her mind, Stratton was Xander, and the square mat was a wrestling ring.




"I can't believe someone as small as you is capable of something this disastrous."

Emergency Medical Technicians flooded the gym with a stretcher in tow. Barrett Stratton was rigid on the mat, his foot shoved completely into his mouth. Titus Avison said nothing. Everybody gawked at the eccentric blonde. Batti crossed her arms and examined her handiwork.

"Totally my aesthetic, though. I'm still not good at my mat game, am I coach?"

"It would be in our best interest to leave here as quickly and as quietly as possible."

Ramparte motioned for her to get her bag. Batti did so, but as she lifted it onto a shoulder, Titus stood in front of her. Batti Otaku and Titus Avison were inches apart.

"Watch yourself."

The rookie bit her lip and gazed up at the Hall of Famer. She nodded, and then uncharacteristically smirked.

"You too."

With those two words, she turned and left the building.

Outside Ramparte was having no luck getting a taxi. Flustered, he noticed his red-faced girlfriend, who was on the verge of tears. She tried holding it all in in front of Stratton and Avison, but now with The Recluse she didn't fight back.

"I'm fuggin' sick of it, Rammikun! Every wrestler likes to treat me like I'm a joke. They take one look at me and wave me off. Demean me. I'm just this girl to them who isn't capable of being a wrestler, let alone a champion. Titus...Xander LeBelle isn't Barrett Stratton either, but they share this outdated idea that women aren't their equals. They won't look passed my pigtails or my skirt and see that I'm not a nobody!"

She wiped her eyes.

"...I'm not a nobody..." :(

Ramparte reached out to calm her down.

"You're definitely somebody. WZCW seems to think so, otherwise why would they give the OK for your title shot tonight? And you have me, your coach or not. I will be rooting for you live. It's their mistake if they don't take you seriously. Xander LeBelle is in a spot for sure. I highly doubt management will allow Adonis to defend his title for him. And if he does, then so what? Just another man who refuses to see that they're in the ring with more than a woman. They're facing a lunatic with a love for beach balls."

He smiled up at her. She sniffled, and laughed.

"I do like my beach balls. And my unicorns, teddy bears, cartoons, and pissing off the patriarchy. Even with him now being in Vis Imperium...I can do this, can't I? Other women have done it before me. Though I don't recall them ever fighting a champion that was this vocal about fighting girls."

"That's wrestling. You have to evolve with the times. The world can be hateful, and people in WZCW reflect that. But you...you're pure."

"I think we proved that's a lie this morning at the hotel, Ram." ;)

He laughed good-naturedly.

"My point is when the fans cheer for you, they're not just applauding a girl fighting a guy. You're a symbol to them. A character who, despite overwhelming odds, will push herself off the ground and call out wrongdoing for what it really is. You're the closest thing some have to a hero, Batti. It's awful, but it's true."

They stood silently on the sidewalk. Batti thought about Xander Lebelle, and what it would be like if she could carry the Elite Openweight Championship with pride. Would she make a strong holder of the belt?

"I am silly at times, and a bit of a klutz. But I am confident. I truly hope Xander LeBelle will be at the Garden. I don't want to fight Adonis. I think every girl watching WZCW is sick of seeing Xander chicken out. It's time for a change. If I gotta be the catalyst, then I don't have a choice. It's something I have to do. I must win, or bloody myself up trying. Little girls need to know that they can do anything they set their minds to. I will show 'em!"

Ramparte perked up at his old nickname. He nodded, and smiled widely when Batti hailed a taxi for them.

Madison Square Garden. Apocalypse. The ultimate battleground for a plucky girl and a rich man to wage war.

Batti sat idly in her seat, completely focused on the big fight. More determined than she had ever been.

"So, what do you think was the highlight of the show?"



"What an amazing main event..."

"Man, that Xander LeBelle guy is really off his game."

"Well, Xander probably isn't even going to fight at Apocalypse, right? It's going to be that Adonis guy again. So who do you think has that Elite Openweight Championship?"

"Batti's got that title in the bag. Vis Imperium is going down."

"You know it."

"And I almost forgot, The Beard is back! What a night!"

Like a fly, Xander LeBelle stuck his back to the wall, listening in on the merchandise buyers after last episode's Ascension, his Elite Openweight Championship still held dignified on his shoulder, although it felt much heavier today. He had half a mind to barge into the lobby and yell at the dolts that were in the crowd, but he had to speak to his manager. Apocalypse was slowly approaching, and that name would have a whole different meaning if Adonis were to lose this next match for him. It would mean an end to the most elite of Elite Openweight Championship runs, and for his second title reign to wind up like his run as a Tag Team Champion...simply wasn't fair.

He looked side to side for any clue as to where that Hollywood handler had ran off to. His mind told him left, and he was never wrong, so he walked left through the hallways backstage. On the way to where Andrew was, he saw an unfortunate sight to his left, the presence of the very man he had come back to crush. Xander may have been the one to look different now, but it was Beard who had changed.

...and there he went, Xander walked right past him. He didn't deserve a hello. His past tried to come back to haunt him, but he would have his time. Right now, that man only served as a distraction from the leech who was draining Xander's energy and patience by the second.

As expected (or, more accurately, known), Xander found his manager right by the arena entrance finishing up a phone call and anxiously grabbing at his golden locks at the back of his head. Adonis hung up and slid his phone in his pocket, turning to his client with a weary expression.

"Gotta be level with you," he said, not bothering with any form of preamble. "This is bad, kid. Real bad."

Adonis didn't have to tell him twice. Hell, he didn't have to tell Xander once. After all, this was The World's Greatest Mind he was speaking to. But Xander let him continue on.

"First, they shove a title match right into Batti's fingertips because she got lucky. Not a word of this was told to me until I saw it happen, mind you, and it takes a lot of balls to try and pull this one on us when we just went through a court case that should have been open and shut. Batti. Otaku. Is. Not. Supposed. To. Hit. Xander. LeBelle. But it looks like everyone's gone blind, deaf and stupid all at the same time...not you, obviously." Adonis said.

He chuckled, not wanting to upset his number one client, after all.

"Oh, but it got worse. Bigfoot's brother, that guy who replaced you shows up right before your match to cause a disturbance. I mean, why else would he show up now other than to get under your feathers? And right before your match? If he and I didn't have matches we had to get ready for at Apocalypse already - thanks again, Becky - I'd hit him so hard, all that'd be left of him would be the kind of stuff they vacuum up on the barbershop floor."

Adonis took off his sunglasses to have a heart to heart with his client.

"I know things didn't go so hot last night, but you've seen me take her on before. She got the upper hand on me, but I can win. I WILL win. That title is yours, and if I have to personally defend your belt every week, I will. You got principles, I do, too. When someone says they don't want to do something, they shouldn't have to do it. I'm sick of this game we gotta play, as two of the hardest workers in WZCW. It's disgusting, kid. Absolutely disgusting."

"When exactly do you see this ending?" Xander asked him.

"...Soon. It's gotta be soon, guy. I mean they have to stop some time, right?" Even Adonis didn't sound too sure.

Xander took a deep breath. He didn't want to fight it, but that thing followed him like a stray. No matter what he said, no matter what he did, it just kept walking behind him. Xander gripped at his cane, perplexed. Would it have been too much to have his cake and eat it too? It never stopped him in the past.

It couldn't let him go, though. Xander was a victim of harassment, and in spite of Adonis' best efforts, no one had done anything to stop the illegal antics of Batti Otaku. It was time that harassment ended.
"I'll do it."

Andrew wasn't sure if he heard that right.


Once again, Xander repeated himself.

"I'll do it." The Class Act said. "It is a misfortune that I should have to go back upon my principals, but I shall make it ever the more fortunate for...Batti."

Even saying its name was an embarrassment.

"She mistook my pity for fear. Or perhaps she just simply did not want any of my pity. But it's as clear as ever in my mind what it will take for it to realize its place. A real gentlemen is one who knows when it's time to throw off the gloves and leave the genteel acts for a better time." he said, remorsefully. "The trials I have endured would have driven a lesser person mad. Why, if that wretched thing had a taste of its own medicine, stalking my every movement and forcing someone to fight them, they would be 'the bad one', wouldn't they?"

That rhetorical question was one that probably never crossed anyone else's minds. But that's why it came from the best of the best.

"No matter how many times the general populace think that they sympathize with one another, perspective is the one thing that exists and is different in everyone. They relate more to Batti as a person, that's all." Xander explained. "...Come, Andrew. I think more people should hear more about their golden calf."

Leading the way, he walked Adonis out into the hall where people were still leaving after the night's Ascension. With luck, the group of misfits he had heard through the wall were still there. Xander recognized their voices. Adonis sat back and watched the show as The Class Act approached the three. Once they realized the situation, the three froze. No one in the group looked over the age of eighteen, which was a bonus for Xander, as it meant he would be educating a young mind so they wouldn't wind up like a Batti Otaku.

"I would like to thank your group for something I had overheard. You spoke for me, and said that I wasn't going to fight...Batti. You said it as though I was a coward."

"...You mean to tell me you aren't?" One of the fearless and honest teenagers piped in.

Xander appreciated the challenge of his authority.

"You have a sharp tongue. Just don't cut your mouth with it." Xander said with a grin. "I would like to inform you that I will fight Batti, no more running."

Xander held up his Championship in the air for the teenagers to see.

"When the decision comes to holding this title, or holding to my moral beliefs, I will certainly do everything, and unlike some others who mean that figuratively, I mean it very literally, EVERYTHING in my power to do both, but sometimes every man is forced to leave it be for his own safety." Xander put it back down onto his shoulder. ""And for the safety of this title. An Elite Champion, Batti is not, but I am, and to let it hold this would desecrate the very word 'elite'. With no disrespect to Adonis, and I am certain he would agree, his last match ended in an upset. But if it can happen once, it can happen again, and that scares me more than you can possibly imagine. I'd give everything I own away, my money, my looks, my position of power, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to hold onto this. It means so more than a life, my very first singles championship. I had already given up my mask and my entire lifestyle to return to WZCW once more to get an oppurtunity like this. I worked hard to obtain that once. To have everything I worked for taken away from me, you would have to do more than try and pry it away from my cold, dead hands."

Xander's grip tightened viciously around his cane, as though he was squeezing Batti's skull.

"...That is why I have chosen to take on Batti Otaku myself. To ensure my own personal future, and make sure it never challenges for the title again."

"Alright! Took you long enough!" another one of them blurted out.

Xander wagged his finger.

"Oh, don't be too happy. If me giving it Adonis to fight is me giving it pity, imagine what it will be like for it with absolutely no remorse. A broken bone, a bloodied face, I can't do any more damage to its own brain any more than it already has itself, but I won't be easy on it. That said, even as brainless as the Tin Woodsman, 'A Touch of Class' will bring Batti a pain that will make it yearn for its days at ringside." Xander said, straight faced, and holding up his cane for the kids to see. "You wished for it, our general manager wished for it, even Batti itself asked for it, and that's because it had no idea what it was getting itself into. Blindly crossing the street will only get you hit by a car."

Xander clapped, very slowly and very loudly to draw attention.

"So congratulations, and thank you to the three of you, and to Batti itself. You get what you wanted...and the three of you sealed its fate. Don't be surprised if this really is the last you ever see of Batti Otaku. If nothing else, it will learn to think twice when it comes to what it truly wants in life."

With a laugh, Xander left the three to feel uneasy about their 'innocent banter'. Andrew struck his arm over Xander's shoulder as the two walked away.

"Let's go, bud. You got a match to prepare for."

"With pleasure, Mr. Adonis. Lead the way."
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