Apocalypse: WZCW World Heavyweight Championship: Everest v. Manzo:

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend

It started with a tournament to crown a new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. The smoke has cleared and arguably the two biggest names in WZCW history remain. With the two titans set to clash at Apocalypse...who will emerge the victor?

The scene fades into the sound of a car engine, humming softly as the image slowly forms to the tires of the vehicle, pulling to a stop against a Las Vegas pavement. Panning outwards we see it is a familiar looking silver Jaguar X-Type, and before we can speculate our suspicions are indeed confirmed as Swindle McKenzie steps out, taking a deep breath and smiling confidently.

Voice: “Mr… Mr. Swindle?”

Swindle turns to see the weasely looking man from Magnus Maximillian’s estate approach from the hotel that Swindle has parked up outside. He is dressed in a blue suit, similar to that worn my Swindle, but effortlessly inferior.

McKenzie: “And you are?”

Clement: “Alex C…C…Clement sir. Mr. Maximillian has asked me to escort you to the roof.”

McKenzie: “The what? Why the hell am I going to the roof?!”

Clement: “I’m sorry sir, it’s where they keep the Helicopter. We’re to proceed straight to Mr. Maximillian’s Vegas Home. It’s only a short …”

At this point Swindle has already walked past Clement, and tossed his keys to the valet watching the whole scene unfold.

Swindle: “Well let’s not keep me or Magnus waiting eh Clement? We’re busy men you know!”

As Swindle pushes open the hotel doors, he calls back to the valet

Swindle: “Kid, scratch that car and I’ll personally book you into a sparing session with Carmen, you understand?”

Clement fumbles left and right, not sure whether to tip the valet or to follow Swindle through the hotel doors into the lobby, and after a brief look exhaustion on his face, he quickly spins and follows Swindle, leaving the valet to laugh, shaking his head and get into the Jaguar before the scene fades to black.


It’s only moments later when the scene fades back in to an aerial view of Magnus’ Las Vegas estate – his home that we have seen inside so many times before. Only now do we get a full size appreciation for its magnificence.

The scene is peaceful for but a moment, when it is interrupted by the sound of helicopter blades, precluding the appearance of a black and gold helicopter whizzing into view, the signature “MM” stylishly emboldened on its hull. The scene cuts dramatically to inside a beautiful white and glass conservatory, overlooking the pool, tennis courts and, importantly, the Helipad. Already seated at a small white marble table is Magnus Maximillian, sipping from a wine glass, its contents one would assume being from the open bottle of 1982 Chateau Margaux. Magnus himself is dressed in a white and gold trim suit, finely cut hair as always and has beside him his signature briefcase. He takes another sip of the drink, nods his head approvingly at the taste, and turns to face us, the audience of this little display of power and wealth.

Magnus: “Today, we stand on the brink of a new age. A bright and profitable age that is as inevitable as the rising of the sun or the tides of the sea. A ‘golden’ age if you will as I, Magnus Maximillian, leads Hatchiyama Manzo into capturing his first World Heavyweight Championship. It truly will be an awe-inspiring moment here in WZCW as Manzo stand in that ring, his enemies broken and torn asunder before his power, holding a slice of history in his massive, massive hands. Everest and Manzo. Nathaniel and Hatchiyama. These are the two names that any man thinks of when thinking of WZCW. They are the past, present and future. When Everest was battling Rios, Manzo was toying with Sincade and now, now they are both nothing so much as memories, dust on the wind."

Magnus smiles’, taking another sip of his drink as in the background, the Helicopter prepares to make its descent.

Magnus: “You realise of course Nathaniel that you and Manzo are the longest running superstars in WZCW? That those who have come before either of you have fallen to the wayside and become footnotes in history? Both of you are truly extraordinary men, the main event if you will, of wherever you will be. I saw all the potential and talent Nathaniel, yes I did. And I chose Manzo as my Champion. My standard bearer if you will, he who will user in a new and glorious age. People don’t often ask me why, they assume they know."

Magnus puts down his drink and leans his head mockingly to the side.

Magnus: “Everest can’t be bought; Everest is the hero of our federation. Everest would never blah blah blah. The fact is, I know in my soul that anyone, ANYONE, can be bought. No-one is too expensive, especially not for me. You see, the unwashed masses assume that money is the root of evil, or the path to damnation, or a million other misconceptions that let them lead their lives in an ignorant state of bliss where the bottom line is that money cannot make them happy. I tell you know that it can. You all may say that Everest wouldn’t be bought, but what if his wife fell ill, and needed treatment that he couldn’t afford? What if he was injured and needed constant care and could no longer perform. A handicapped kid, a son going through college, a gambling addiction, trouble with family or friends, a wife with a gold card, an image to uphold, a broken promise, the list goes on and on. All these things and more are solved with money. I will admit that to some, money in itself cannot make them happy. BUT money can give you the means to make you happy. So to say that Nathaniel couldn’t be bought? A myth that your precious fans should hold onto long after your hero has fallen.”

Magnus sits back and picks up his drink again, clicking his fingers and pointing to the table, and Eric Derf walks in, his face still a picture of sorrow as he places a second plate and glass on the table. Walking away, Magnus takes another drink as in the background, Swindle McKenzie steps onto the helipad.

Magnus: “The fact is I didn’t choose Manzo because he was cheaper, or because Everest could not be bought. I chose Manzo because he is simply better than Everest. He is infinitely more powerful, he has a stronger style, and he cannot be moved without his own admission. Everest cannot lift or slam Manzo. Everest cannot even hurt Manzo without putting his own body at serious risk and by taking those risks, he will fail. And he will lose.”

The door swings open and the sharply dressed Swindle McKenzie enters the room with a flourish. Immediately Magnus is standing, smiling as he shakes McKenzie’s hand. It is evident by the look in both men’s eyes that they are trying to appear friendly whilst not wanting to give an advantage to the other.

Magnus: “Mr. McKenzie, please take a seat. It is a very good sign that you accepted my invitation to lunch.”

Swindle: “It is a pleasure to be here Mr. Maximillian, you have a … well, words cannot express the glamour of your home. But remember, I’m here on business, not just for some expensive looking animal pâté. “

Magnus laughs, taking a seat himself opposite Swindle.

Magnus: “Straight to business? I like that in a man. And you may call me Magnus, Mr McKenzie, at least for the duration of this meal. Would you like a drink? I feel you’ll find it to your liking.”

Swindle: “Sure, what is a business lunch without one?”

Magnus: “Good man! I’ll get another bottle opened. Eric!”

Magnus clicks his fingers again and Eric Derf brings another bottle of 1982 Chateau Margaux, presenting it to Magnus before opening the bottle and retreating out of shot. Swindle raises an eyebrow.

Swindle: “I Hope you haven’t any plans to turn Carmen into another mindless puppet like this Eric Derf, because I’ll stop wasting your time right now if you…”

Magnus smiles and raises his hand to cut Swindle off mid sentence.

Magnus: “Mr. McKenzie, I have no intention of wasting talent like Carmen’s in any way, not least as a hand servant. No, Eric serves an entirely different purpose than you and Carmen will.”

Swindle takes a drink of the champagne, smiling in approval, and downing the rest in a swift action.

Swindle: “So Magnus, what’s this deal you bring then? What can you do for me that I couldn’t do alone?”

Magnus nods, and brings the briefcase up onto the table, flicking open the locks and reaching inside, passing Swindle two documents, assumingly one for him and one for Carmen Bratchney.

Magnus: “You’ll still be contractually employed by WZCW, there’s not much I can do about that at this time, but this new contract will give you both a sizeable supplementary income based upon your success within the company, with a set downside guarantee of course. Bonus’ are included for title wins and defences, and most importantly you will be given full access to all Avarice Incorporated facilities and equipment. On your end you agree to be fielded under the Avarice banner, albeit in a sub-corporation currently entitled Avarice International, representing both Carmen and Hatchiyama Manzo. It will fall to you to head up and manage the men’s training and ringside assistance, as well as working with a number of up and coming talents that I currently have under contract. There will be a team working under you in this respect that you have more or less complete control over, so the day to day management need not be your concern. Many of these students of course will be let go and never seen again, but a few might be worth a look and a require someone of your experience to keep an eye on these things."

Swindle is paying full attention whilst looking over the details of both his and Carmen’s contract. He is nodding along but his face is given no indication of whether he likes or dislikes what he is hearing.

Swindle: "I assume that you will own this new Avarice International, making myself and Carmen employees of yourself?"

Magnus: "But of course and on that regard the contract is non-negotiable. However, you will notice that your contract does dictate that you are required to be a confidant of myself and will be approach on any decision that affects Carmen Bratchney’s status in WZCW in any way shape of form."

Swindle has now reached the bottom of the contract, detailing the figures he and Carmen will be paid under this new deal.

Swindle: "Looking at these numbers quickly, I feel that Carmen and I are worth more to you than an extra $100,000 a year downside."

Magnus smiles gently, his face taking on a warm look of control that he feels is now in his court.

Magnus: "Mr. McKenzie, I’m afraid that my lawyers are meticulous in their wording that is design to twist and turn the head of an educated Harvard man, so the mistake is easily made. That figure is a MONTHLY downside; essentially guaranteeing yourself and Carmen a minimum million dollar contract on top of whatever WZCW is currently paying you. If at this Sunday’s Apocalypse Carmen manages to capture the Elite X Title, it will rise by another $200,000 on a month by month basis for as long as he holds the title. You’ll see the number is considerable should he capture more titles for me."

Even Swindle McKenzie, a man who prides himself on his business cool, cannot help but smile at the facts and figures being thrown at him. Nodding, he takes a pen from his top pocket and signs both his and Carmen’s contract.

Swindle: “You most certainly have yourself a deal Magnus. One I hope will be as long and as fruitful for you as it will be for me and my man.”

Magnus: “Wonderful, we are in agreement. I must make one thing clear though McKenzie. Avarice International is not ‘Dynasty’ or any other group. Carmen will not have aid this Sunday in winning the Elite X Title, it will be up to him to prove to me that he has the talent and skill that warrants this contract.”

Swindle: “Am I taking this that you don’t want Carmen’s help in defeating Everest?”

Magnus: “That is correct. Too many times Nathaniel has had the excuse of others to protect him from his own defeats, but this Sunday, Manzo WILL beat him in the middle of the ring, with no help from anyone but himself. And then all Nathaniel’s fans can see him for what he is. Inferior.”

Swindle: “Sounds good to me Magnus. A toast, to our new venture?”

Magnus: “A toast, Mr. McKenzie, to the dawn of a new age. My age.”

The sound of glasses clinking together, followed by the laughter of both men haunts us as the scene finally fades to black.
The scene opens outside of a very large building, one that looks like a hospital. As the camera moves closer we finally do see the name of the building. It reads “Mott’s Children’s Hospital” As the camera gets closer to the front door a person can be made out standing calmly against the door waiting. After a few seconds, the person is recognizable…….it’s WZCW superstar EVEREST.

He’s wearing his signature Everest t-shirt, dark blue workout pants, and a pair of Nike sneakers. He is definitely dressed to relax not like his normal expensive, classic attire.

Everest waves the camera over, leans down and grabs an oversized duffle bag before heading inside the door. The camera follows Everest through the main lobby where Everest greets several people before boarding the elevator.

After a few moments the doors open and we again see Everest as he heads down the hall before ducking into a room.

EVEREST: (Everest flings his arms in the air as he bounds into the room) Miles! My boy! How you been kiddo? You feeling alright today?

MILES: Hi Everest. I’m ok. I didn’t think you were going to make it.

EVEREST: Miles, have I ever missed a one of our meetings? You know I can’t go into a huge Pay per view match without visiting my biggest fan.

Miles sets up a little in his bed and to his right you can see his mother, Elizabeth sitting in a chair reading.

EVEREST: Hey Beth, how are you?

BETH: Fine, thanks. It’s good to see you again Everest.

EVEREST: Thanks.

Everest turns his attention back to Miles who has a curious look on his face as he sneaks a peek at the big bag Everest put on the floor.

EVEREST: Don’t think I can’t see you eyeing up that bag there Miles. Have you been behaving?

MILES: Yeah!

EVEREST: Have you still been flirting with all the nurse’s?

MILES: (Shaking his head in denial) No!

As Miles gives his answer we see his Mom’s head poke up from her book and nod that yes Miles has in fact been showing the nurse’s the love!

EVEREST: (Smiling) Ah, I see.

He winks at Miles as he opens the bag. Everest pulls out a brand new ‘EVEREST’ t-shirt and cap and hands it to Miles.

EVEREST: Here you go pal, I told you I get you the first ones and here they are.

MILES: Awesome! These are so sweet; everyone is going to be so jealous!

EVEREST: Well guess what buddy, there’s another surprise too. I’m going to give my Apocalypse press conference right here at Mott’s

MILES: Awesome!

EVEREST: Well I’m glad you approve, now get you’re butt up and let’s go we can’t keep our fans waiting.

With that Everest and Elizabeth help Miles into a wheelchair and head out the door and down the hallway, a few seconds later Everest turns abruptly and runs back into the room, only to emerge once again this time with the duffle bag over his shoulder

EVEREST: Almost forgot the good stuff.

A few seconds later we see several hundred kids and their families sitting in a very large lecture hall style room. Elizabeth wheels Miles into a spot in the front row as Everest heads to the podium at the front of the room. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause.

EVEREST: Thank you so much! First of all I’d like to take a second to thank Mott’s for letting me borrow their lecture room to hold this press conference. You see I could have held this thing anywhere. WZCW wanted me to do at Crisler Arena at halftime of the Michigan vs. Michigan State basketball game but I said no, I wouldn’t want to take away from our kids beating the crap out of some Spartans.

The kids erupt at the reference.

My agent wanted me to do it in some swank Detroit casino. I said no thanks, this one’s to big a moment for that. You see I’ve been listening to a certain millionaire, oh excuse me multi-millionaire, spout on and on about money and how he’s pretty sure everyone’s got a price. He talks about Manzo his man beast and he goes on and on about his acquiring of Eric Derf. We all seen the video of his meeting and apparent addition of Carmen Bratchny. We’ve seen the mansions, the cars, the servants all the stuff he says is bought and paid for, and we’ve heard him on multiple occasions say that he’s just sure that even Everest has a price.

Well that is why I’m here. You see Maximillian, this is the reason I can’t be bought. I’m not Eric Derf! I’m not a glorified hitman for hire like Carmen Bratchny. People who can be bought are people who don’t have ethics, don’t have a mind of their own. People who can be bought are people who don’t have something to fight for.

At Apocalypse, Everest is heading to the Main Event, and I’m not heading their alone. Just like any other time I head to the ring, I’m going out there with a legion of fans! Fans like Peter over there.

A kid waves up at Everest as he points down at him.

It’s kids like these, kids who are fighting everyday, it’s because of them that I go to the ring and fight off WZCW’s resident garbage like Vengeance, Dynasty, Joseph Rios, etc. You see I have legions of fans that back me where ever I go. All ages, all races, all people but none are more important to me then the ones that sit before me right now!

So Maxi, Apocalypse is coming. You’ve promised that Manzo is ready. You’ve talked and talked, pulling smoke up anyone’s butt you can find who will listen, and quite frankly it seems to have worked.

Don’t kid yourself Maxi. I’ve read the papers, the dirt sheets. I’ve heard the callers and read the messages boards on WZCW.com. Everyone seems to have the opinion that no matter how good I am, there is just nothing I can do to take down the Japanese behemoth. Even my biggest endorsers don’t seem to think I have a chance in hell.

Well I’ve got to say constantly reading and hearing all this negativity can really put a damper on one’s training.

That’s why I always come to see my pal Miles and his friends before every big match. You see no matter what life throws at these kids they just keep fighting! I’ve never seen anyone fight like these kids fight everyday. Maxi, it’s obvious to everyone that your motivation is money!

Mine though, mine is to make these kids, and the millions more around the world, proud of their hero. I want to give them a reason to keep fighting. It’s that simple!

By the way Manzo, don’t think I forgot about you. Yeah big man, at Apocalypse it’s going to be this simple. I’m not sure how great you’re English so I’ll keep it simple.
It may not be a Rockslide, it may not be a Mountain Climber but some how my buffet loving friend, it is going to take just three seconds. Three seconds is all I’m going to need to take what I’ve wanted since my debut.

I’ve beat around the bush long enough. After Apocalypse, I AM leaving that Arena WZCW WORLD CHAMPION!

The crowd goes crazy with that statement.

EVEREST: Then, finally, everyone will have realized the one thing I’ve been saying since my first interview:

The crowd knows what is coming and easily drowns out the World Title challenger.



With that the children erupt yet again into cheers of “EV-ER-EST”, “EV-ER-EST”!

As we see Everest walk down the steps he stops at Miles and gets down on one knee. He quietly speaks to Miles just loud enough for the camera to pick it up!

EVEREST: Well nephew? What do you think?

MILES: Uncle Nathaniel that was so cool!!!! Can you come back and do it again next week!

EVEREST: Tell you what buddy; the next time I come back, I’ll bring the WZCW World Title for a visit as well!

MILES: Really? Awesome!

EVEREST: Take care Miles! Make sure you take care of your mom alright!

MILES: You bet! Oh don’t worry I’ll be watching Apocalypse!

EVEREST: You better (Everest winks) Oh and make sure the kids get those goods in the bag, alright.

Everest turns to Elizabeth who is leaning on the wall beside Miles. He walks up to her and plants a kiss on her cheek

EVEREST: Take care sis, I’ll see you soon!

ELIZABETH: You be safe alright!

Everest nods his head as he waves to the crowd and heads for the door. With that the camera fades to black.

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